Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Dr. Michael Murray. Dr. Murray is one of the world’s leading authorities on natural medicine. He has published over 30 books featuring natural approaches to health. He is a graduate, former faculty member, and serves on the Board of Regents of Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Murray is also the Chief Science Officer of Enzymedica. Today Dr. Murray joins Kimberly King to talk about the importance of digestive health and how you can improve yours.

Your Digestive Health Matters
Your Digestive Health Matters
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Dr. Michael Murray. Dr. Murray is one of the world’s leading authorities on natural medicine. He has published over 30 books featuring natural approaches to health. He is a graduate, former faculty member, and serves on the Board of Regents of Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Murray is also the Chief Science Officer of Enzymedica. Today Dr. Murray joins Kimberly King to talk about the importance of digestive health and how you can improve yours.
Your Digestive Health Matters
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Dr. Michael Murray. Dr. Murray is one of the world’s leading authorities on natural medicine. He has published over 30 books featuring natural approaches to health. He is a graduate, former faculty member, and serves on the Board of Regents of Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Murray is also the Chief Science Officer of Enzymedica. Today Dr. Murray joins Kimberly King to talk about the importance of digestive health and how you can improve yours.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, it's been said that most disease starts in the gut, therefore, what you eat and how that gets digested becomes an important part of staying healthy, so listen close and find out if a digestive enzyme can help you stay healthy, plus later will tell you what's going on at mother's market and what's going on around town. But first up, Dr. Michael Murray is one of the leading authorities on natural medicine, he's a graduate faculty member and serves on the board of trustees at best or university in Seattle, and he's authored almost 30 books, and over the past 35 years is compiled of massive database of original scientific studies and we will... Coming back to the mother's market radio show, Dr. Mary, how are you?
I'm doing fantastic. It's a pleasure to be with you again.
Thank you. It's nice to see you.
Why don't you fill our audience a on a little bit of your mission and your work before we get to the show's topic... Oh, thank you. I'm a naturopathic physician, a doctor of natural medicine, and I really believe in the healing power of nature, and over the past 35 years, I've been instrumental in bringing any safe and effective products to North America, things like glucosamine sulfate, Cinco, St. John's Ward and terraced Pacman oil. We come sulfate, these are just some of the products that I help introduce to North America. I've written over 30 books. People can learn more about me and my mission at Dr. Mary dot com, and that's either Dr. Murray or Doctor, M-U-R-R-A-Y, Dr. Marie dot com.
Perfect. Well, thank you. Today we are talking about the digestion and the food intolerance, and so really... Let's talk a little bit about that. Let's dive a little bit deeper into digestion.
Yeah, digestive issues are a big problem for many Americans, and unfortunately, many people, I think are going down the wrong path, they end up taking a drug that ends up causing more harm than good. Many times these drugs simply are acting like biochemical Band-Aids to suppress the symptoms, and many times they're actually blocking the digestive process, and they make absolutely no sense at all. Particularly the acid-blocking drugs, and the stronger ones are really bad, the proton pump inhibitors like cilia and axum, these drugs are now linked to so many different health conditions, increased risk for dementia, increased risk for heart attacks and strokes, increased risk for infections. Fractures, nutrient deficiencies, the list goes on and on and on, and people need to know that there are safe and effective natural approaches out there that most often make a lot more sense because they're designed to assist the digestive process, not simply block a symptom... Well, I'm glad you said that as far as what those side effects are, and with... Right now, I think we talked about this before, when you hear a commercial for instance, about what those side effects are, and they list those long line, which is just, you think Why in the world would you ever take those... Exactly, sometimes it's just crazy. I have kind of a motto that never take a pill that has more side effects and you have symptoms, and it's just crazy, and I've watched people check out at the drug store or supermarket and they're just loading up on these drugs and they think they're safe because they're over the counter, but they're really not their fool's gold and they're serious consequences because... They're not addressing the underlying cause. People don't get indigestion because they're lacking piles or axiom, they may get indigestion because they're lacking digestive support and digestive enzymes, so it makes a lot more sense to give them what they're missing than it does to give them something that's just gonna block a symptom. So what are some of the reasons why people have digestive disturbances?
Well, most often, it's lack of various digestive factors, and that can be due to stress, it could be to nutrient deficiency, it could be the fact that as we age, we secrete less digestive enzymes, but most often there's a reason that is functional, meaning there's nothing structurally wrong with the digestive tract, but it's just not functioning up to par, so we just need to give it a little support, let's talk a little bit about the lack of digestive enzymes that contribute to the food intolerance. Okay, yeah, I think the best known one is probably a deficiency of lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose, which is the milk sugar, so people that are lactase deficient, they can't tolerate milk and studies of Shane giving those people of the enzyme lactase can help them with their milk intolerance.
So that's the classic example. And people know, they know that that works, they know that if they get a lot of bloating and gas or meeting beans, that they can take a Galactica enzyme and be able to tolerate the beans, and so people are somewhat familiar with the concept that if they're lacking a certain enzyme that digest a specific type of food and they take that enzyme, they might get significant relief.
Gluten is a big concern for a lot of people, and if someone is seriously gluten-sensitive than I think it makes a lot of sense to take an enzyme that helps with digestion of the gluten in doing so, people can can tolerate small amounts of the gluten, whereas otherwise that those small amounts me, may produce some significant symptoms, so the idea is that if you have an intolerance to a particular type of food that we support the body's digestive process by giving the enzyme group that can help with that digestion of that food.
Tell me a little bit more about the gluten right now that it seemed to be a movement that is now a thing, and so how can we expand a little bit about gluten and then even late, but I'm sahitya gluten is given a black eye... Gluten is a protein that's found in wheat and many other grains, and it can produce some significant symptoms, mainly gastrointestinal and people that are significantly sensitive to the gluten, but also a range of other symptoms anywhere from fifth fatigue or low immune function or weight gain, Grain Brain in Green Valley or related to gluten intolerance, and people don't know why gluten is bad and gluten isn't necessarily black bad, but people are putting it under that label and they're trying to stay away from it. We get crazy questions all the time, is there gluten in there?
No, there's no gluten and fish oil or... We get questions 'cause people have heard that gluten is bad, but gluten isn't necessarily bad, it's only bad if you're intolerant and at the worst case, maybe five out of 100 people really have a problem with gluten, and those people may vary in their range of symptoms to being mildly affected by gluten to being very severely affected by gluten, so basically what I'm saying is it 95% of the people that are probably avoiding gluten probably don't really need to be avoiding clue, they may need some digestive support, but their symptoms are probably related to other factors other than the gluten, but that said, if you have gluten sensitivity in, it's really noticeable, and so it's not a bad idea to go on an elimination diet to see if gluten is an issue, and that simply eliminating all of the known sources of gluten and looking at food labels carefully and then just to be safe, people can take glutes or some other gluten digesting enzyme and see what the effect is, and usually a 10-day program is sufficient to see whether it is a factor, and I think that's probably the best way to judge if gluten is a factor in a person's life, talk to me a little bit about just what is the perfect diet for you? What should we be eating?
Yeah, I'm chuckling because I just finished a book that will be out in August called The Magic of food, and in that book, I answer that question, what is the ideal diet? And the thing is that if we look at diets around the globe, we get a lot of good information, and what I think is important is to eat a diet rich in plant food and eat a varied diet, not eat the same foods over and over and over again, there's a lot of benefits to eating a varied diet, particularly with our microbiome that refers to the microbiota, the micro-organisms that live within our intestinal tract, and studies have shown that eating a varied diet can really help produce the most beneficial range of gut bacteria and that goes a long way in improving our health, in my book, I try to get across a concept called synergistic, and what that means is the synergy of these plant compounds or food compounds produced benefits well beyond their individual effect, it's not a case of on-one equally to, it's a case of one plus one may be equalling 10 or one plus one plus one equaling 20, we see a significant enhancement of one compound by another compound in nature. And so if we look at a diet like the Mediterranean diet, which has gotten a lot of press as being one of the most healthy diets, we see that there's great interplay between all these various components... Yes, olive oil is important. Yes, tomatoes can help with reducing risk of prostate cancer, yes. The oils that are in the diet, particularly omega-3 fatty acids can reduce heart disease and strokes, we see all these benefits from the individual components, but what we also see is we see an additive effect when people adhere to all the components of... For example, I just study where they looked at the Mediterranean diet versus the standard American Heart Association diet versus the Mediterranean diet with the inclusion of eating nuts, and what they found was, is that, yes, the Mediterranean diet significantly reduced the risk of having a heart... To tack or stroke, but if people also included eating nuts three to five times a week, that their risk of developing a heart attack or stroke was reduced by another 35%, so we see an additive effect, and it's not just with preventing heart disease, it applies to Alzheimer's disease, it applies to all the chronic Degeneres diseases, macular degeneration, arthritis, diabetes.
So the best diet is a diet. It's rich in plant foods, it's adequate in protein, it's clean of as organic as possible, it's high in fiber, high in these phytochemicals that are so important in fighting all the age-related diseases due to their anti-inflammatory and anti-ox and effects.
So all the things that people really know, if you ask people to describe what is a healthy diet, people have a good idea, the disconnect is that they're not following that information, that it's true, and unfortunately, it's because usually we're stressed for time or we're busy, or we do know the information that's... Yeah, I think it's self-evident. People understand what they should be eating. And so just get out there and do it and just do it. We have a lot more information coming our way, but we have to take a quick break speaking of time, so we will be right back to stay with us.
And welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you've missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to the past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now back to our interview with Dr. Michael Murray, and we're talking about the digestive system and inflammation, and a question for you, what are the main digestive issues people are dealing with and what can we do to help prevent these issues?
There's a long list of digestive issues, gastroesophageal reflux disorder is probably one of the big issues that people are experiencing, and that's basically heartburn and indigestion, excessive gas and bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, cruises ulcerative colitis. peptic ulcers, a long list of digestive issues that people are dealing with, and as I said in the first segment, most of these digestive issues are functional in nature, and what that means is that there's nothing structurally wrong with the digestive system, everything is intact, it's just not functioning properly, so we have to give it a little push. And there's a lot of different ways to do that.
One of the key things that happens typically as people age and when they're also under a lot of stress, is that there's a decrease in the secretion of various digestive enzymes, we know that there's a lot of good data on the impact of stress on digestive function and so many times people are, they're able to not have any problem with digestion, and all of a sudden they're under a little stress and then they noticed that, Oh my gosh, my food just doesn't seem like it's digesting properly. I eat, I feel a little uncomfortable, maybe pain, maybe bloating, maybe excessive gas, and often this is a result of lack of digestive secretions and digestive enzymes, and what we can do in those situations is we can utilize a digestive enzyme supplements, the best selling digestive enzyme supplement North America is digest cold from enzymatic, and there are several reasons why it's the best selling a digestive enzyme product, digestive enzymes include enzymes to break down protein and times to break down fat in times of break down carbohydrates and times of break down other food components and digest-gold is a comprehensive blend of all these different types of digestive enzymes, and Zeman also has this very unique process where they blend the enzymes not only based upon their activity and digesting a particular type of food component, but also they're selected based upon their activity and various pH ranges, the pH of our intestinal track varies from being very acidic in our stomach, and then is the food bolus enters in the small intestine, it enters into a more alkaline environment, so what enzymatic has done is they've developed a technology called there blend, where they lend these enzymes based upon not only what they're working on, but what activity they have at various pH levels, and so the end result is you get digestion of all these various food components throughout the entire digestive tract from the stomach to the end. And this is very important because no other product out there has this Taran-a mixture, and studies have shown that it's able to digest the food components up to six times better than other leading a digestive enzyme brand. So the digest gold has been on the market for 18 years and is unquestionably the leading digestive enzyme product in North America.
Wow, that's incredible. You, what's your background, as far as I know, where you went to school in. It's incredible that you've written these 30 books, you've altered these 30 books. Did you have a personal story that was... That you become passionate about this in particular... Yeah, Well, my personal story is that I saw a naturopathic physician when I was 19 years old, and he was just fantastic and really made a difference in my life. And so after that experience, I wanted to make a difference in other people's lives. And so the more I learned about a nutrition, where I learned about natural medicine, the more it resonated with something deep inside of me, and the more I knew that I had to make that my life's mission and my path.
So I've just been really blessed. And it's so interesting to see how many times people struggle and struggle and struggle with their health, with their digestion or some other body process, and then they go see a nature path or they stumble across a product or a strategy or protocol that really helps them with their digestion and they have a life. It's completely different than what they had before. digestive issues are really important to address hypocrites, a father of Western medicine said that All disease begins in the gut, and there's long ban in naturopathic medicine, the philosophy that good health starts by taking care of your digestion, so it's very important that people not ignore digestive symptoms but try to address them, I think, through these natural approaches rather than, again, taking a drug that simply blocks the effect, and we talked about the PPI example second, the first section, but the other digestive drugs also have issues, whether you're talking about ammonium or you're talking about... Drugs for the table bowl syndrome, there's just a better approach, and I think that better approach is assisting the body by giving the body effective tools to help digest the food better.
When should we take the... The digestive inhuman. Is there a better time in the morning, in the evening, or... What's the best time?
Well, you wanna take it with food, if you're wanting to get the benefits of digesting the food, digestive enzymes can also be used as in-between meal applications and in these situations, we're trying to take advantage of some of the effects they exert on reducing inflammation and influencing the immune system in a positive way, but if we're taking digestive enzymes to assist in digestion, we should be taking them with meals, and I like to recommend before meals, let it get in there, get in the stomach, have some food, and then let those enzymes do their job, so that you can tolerate that food better, how will I know when it's working, you're gonna know it's working if your symptoms improve and generally the symptoms that people are dealing with, it's pretty clear, if they're belting it, there's a lot of gas, if they're not bloating, if they're uncomfortable than what we would expect, if they're on the right track, they're using the right product, taking the right dosage, they should see improvements in all those areas.
So we've talked about the digestive part about it, let's talk a little bit about the inflammation part as well, that how can we help with the inflammation and what... Talk a little bit about that. Yeah, well, impaired digestion is a big contributor to inflammation, so improving digestion goes a long way in reducing systemic inflammation, I mentioned earlier that digestive enzymes can be used in between meals, kind of like a natural way to help balance the inflammatory process, so enzymatic has another product repair gold and is designed as a systemic enzyme formula to be taken in between meals on an empty stomach to address the systemic inflammation.
Okay, okay, I appreciate that too. Are there any other food and intolerance that you can tell us about... Yeah, a lot of people are intolerant to vegetables, believe it or not, I...
Yeah, and it's what the kids have always... Yeah, yeah, I have alerted it to my Visa... Yeah, well, they eat them and it just is digestive issues, it could be symptoms similar to the Airtable Bowl Syndrome, and they've actually developed a therapeutic diet called the FODMAP Diet, and it basically eliminates small sugars from the diet, and beans and other foods that can be gas promoting, and it can be very effective, but you don't really have to eliminate those foods, what you have to do if you're sensitive to those foods, is to take the enzymes that are contained in the veggie Gest, and this product, I think is perfect for people who have sensitivities to those types of food, and they'll notice that they're sensitive when they eat food, that's rich in these FODMAP, that it does lead to a lot of indigestion and gas, so if those symptoms are seemingly coming up more often after eating, what we would consider a good food, then it's a sign that a person is lacking in those particular digestive enzymes...
I used to work for the airlines, and so five, it stands for a foreign object, so I don't know if you... If that also stands for the same thing, but anyway, that's as I differ, how long will it take for that to work is for...
Well, if you're taking the right digestive support, it works... You'll notice the first time you take it.
Okay, yeah, it's not like it has to build up in effect, the way that enzymes work, they're basically two types of enzymes, enzymes that build other molecules and enzymes to break them down, and we were talking about digestive enzymes or talking about enzymes that break down food compounds. We break the food compounds down into smaller particles, and sometimes those larger food particles can be very problematic, they can lead to allergies and intolerance, so we see that in babies, right.
If we can feed a baby that maybe is allergic to the milk protein, if we feed them a formula that has milk protein in it, they're gonna have a reaction, it could be very, very serious, but if we feed them a infant formula that has the milk protein that's been broken down by enzymes, then they're able to tolerate that milk protein, same thing happens with using enzymes with eating foods, if we take enzymes to help the digestion of foods that were intolerant to, we can then become more tolerant and possibly even completely tolerant of those foods and safe at any age, then you mentioned babies, but it... We can take these... Yeah, yeah. Enzymes are totally fine. There are certain health conditions, cystic fibrosis, for example, an inherited condition where enzyme therapy is used pretty much from day one, 'cause the enzymes can help with cystic fibrosis, they get a lot of problems with mucus, and that mucus can be a breeding ground for bacteria and other microorganisms, so enzyme therapy has been shown to be very helpful in keeping the airways clean as well as the digestion going in the right way.Enzyme therapy is interesting. I had mentioned that I lost my father to pancreatic cancer and he was battling pancreatitis for a while, and that was very painful.
Oh yeah, and so I bring a personal matter to this too, but that was digesting and so I don't know if you can talk to that a little bit or speak to that. Yeah, I think that the key is that we really need to focus on getting at the root cause of a person's indigestion, and I wanna encourage people to get to enzymatic dot com, E-N-Z-Y M-E-D-I-C-A. and there's a digestion questionnaire quiz, and that will help them identify which digestive enzyme product might be the best for them, and then the great thing about these digestive enzyme products is, as I said, if you're taking the right products, you're gonna notice it right away, and so sometimes it may be a little bit of trial and error until you find the one that's gonna work the best for you, right.
Digest gold is the best-selling digestive enzyme in North America, for good reason, it's kind of the magic bullet, the kitchen sink approach, it has such a wide array of different digestive enzymes, it generally is gonna produce the greatest effect, but if people wanna dial in and get a specific enzyme for their individual needs, they can start off by taking that digestive enzyme quiz. Perfect. Well, thank you so very much for your time, Dr. Murray and some great advice, and we really appreciate your knowledge, we also look forward to having you on again, but in the meantime, you can get more information on Dr. Murray on his website, it's Dr. Murray dot com or en domenica dot com. We look forward to our next visit.
Thank you.
Thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show, and for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition,