Hosted by Kimberly King with guest Dr. Linda Marquez. In this edition of Mother’s Market Radio show, Dr. Linda Marquez will talk about weight, how you can lose it and how you can keep it off! This show is about permanent weight loss, which comes just in time for those New Year’s resolutions.
Healthy Weight Loss
Healthy Weight Loss
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest Dr. Linda Marquez. In this edition of Mother's Market Radio show, Dr. Linda Marquez will talk about weight, how you can lose it and how you can keep it off! This show is about permanent weight loss, which comes just in time for those New Year's resolutions.
Healthy Weight Loss
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, guest Dr. Michael Murray will talk about how to control your appetite.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition and the McAnally King. And welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, time for some fun in the sun, so learn how you can down the natural way. Today's show is all about healthy weight loss to keep you looking and feeling your best, plus later will tell you what's new and mother's market than what's going on around town.
But first up, we continue on our quest to keep you fit and healthy and... And part of this is being able to control your appetite, and today we're going to talk about ways to do just that. And here with us today is Dr. Michael Murray, Dr. marries one of the leading authorities on natural medicine, he's a graduate faculty member, answers on the Board of Trustees, a vestry University in Seattle.
He's authored almost 30 books, and over the past 20 years, he's compiled a massive database of original scientific studies, and we welcome him to the mother's market radio show, Dr. Mary, are you?
I'm fabulous. Thanks for having me.
I love that. Fabulous. Well, why don't you fill in our audience a little bit, what's your mission and your work before we get to the Cote?
Well, I wanna inspire people to take charge than health, utilize these gifts from nature to improve their health. I really believe that for most common health conditions, we can find better answers through diet, through lifestyle, through attitude adjustment in the proper use of dietary supplant we can... From any of the drugs that are involved, I love that. Well, today we are talking about finding a healthy weight loss, and I know that's the top of so many people's agenda.
So let's start by asking you, what is the biggest health concern for most Americans... Well, obviously, it's their way, we have a situation where eight out of 10 people over the age of 25 or over weight, the obesity rates are skyrocketing, is estimated that 40% of the adult population are now clinically obese by 2020, which isn't too far away now, it's estimated that about 80% of the US population will be approaching Clinical Obesity and about half of those patients will be diabetic, so we really gotta get handle on helping people control our appetite, lose weight and get on the path to good health. Those are such high numbers, it's a staggering and it's gonna cripple our society 'cause we can't ATO treat people because of all the complications of these conditions, obesity and Type 2 diabetes.
And you'd think that with all of the knowledge out there, with the media hounding... Well, there's two parts of it, there's a theater diametrically opposed to each other. Yes, and most people know what they need to do to lose weight. They need to eat fewer calories in you to burn more calories, and fortunately, there are safe and effective natural ways that can really help people achieve the somewhat seemingly easy goals that really allude most people.
So I have a ton of questions for you.
I have to be focused.
Let me see if I could stick to the focus...
Okay, what has created the epidemic of obesity and Type 2 diabetes... Well, it's really complex, but it really comes down to that we've become more sedentary and we're over-consuming calories, particularly refined carbohydrates, hybrids, White sugar, white flour, to many carbohydrates.
When we over-consume calories in general, especially carbohydrates, it sets the stage for obesity as we start gaining weight around our mid-section, especially collectively, that cell started acting like a tumor, what does the tumor wanna do... The tumor wants to grow, so how do these fat cells grow, they grow by secreting compounds that block the action of Insulin, insulin is a hormone that helps us regulate our blood sugar levels, so what these compounds do that are secreted by these enlarged fat cells is they block the action of insulin that leads to loss of appetite control, slowing down or our metabolism and sets the stage for developing Type 2 diabetes, so the real key is helping pull the body and helping that body recognize that there's plenty of fuel and there's plenty of food and help that insulin work better, so improving the action of insulin is a prime goal in helping people that she and maintain their ideal body weight, so what natural products can help address the underlying issue of insulin resistance? Well, one of the most effective and I think a real... A key tool in helping people achieve and maintain their ideal body weight is a dietary fiber matrix known as PG-X. I really think it's the holy grail for helping people lose weight. PDX is a revolutionary dietary fiber matrix that is able to bind a significant amount of water when you ingest it, so it has a mechanical effect at helping you feel full, and it also improves the action of insulin.
So what happens when we become insulin-resistant is that the insulin is not able to bind effectively to cells and that will prevent it from opening up channels that allows glucose, blood sugar dinner the cell, we have specialized brain cells that are regulating our appetite Center. And when we develop insulin resistance, that brain cell thinks it's starving, even if you're eating a lot of food, that brain self is getting a message, a biochemical message that the body is in a state of starvation, and so what happens when we improve that action of insulin the brain cell gets flooded with good nutrients and glucose, and so the brain cell realizes that, Hey, I'm well fed, I need to shut down appetite, so that's really how this PDX works, it works by improving the action of insulin, it's a very well-studied product, it's been the... Well, researchers over 20 clinical and scientific studies on PDX, we know that it's safe and we know that it can effectively help people control their appetite, reducer, calorie intake and lose weight.
I know you said it's been well studied. So what exactly is PX? Well, PDX is a fiber matrix where we take three natural fibers and we basically soluble them in water and agitate them and under the right temperature and pressure, these three fibers coalesce to form a new molecule, and this new molecule is the most viscous fiber source ever discovered and what that means, what that translates to is that it's really a super fiber, so five grams of PG, which is a typical dosage recommendation, is equal to about 100 grams of meta-mussel or a Selim husk. So all that benefit that people have heard of from dietary fiber is magnified tremendously by PG.
So as far as the research on it, the research first showed that it was safe, and then additional research showed us the effect in helping people reduce their calorie intake, reduce their portion size and effectively lose weight, and then that was followed by studies looking at trying to explain the observed effect, and the explanation is, is that PG helps insulin work better and it stimulates the release of compounds to tell our brain that we're full, while at the same time reducing levels of compounds to tell our brain to eat, so it's really a remarkable product and as I said earlier, I think it's the holy grail for helping people lose weight. And just today, I had five people come up to me, I'm at a trade show, and they all said, PC changed their life, and they thanked me for educating them on PDX. And this is a product that really does work. I know there are many products out there that are hyped for weight loss, most of them are based more on marketing hype, this is a clinically proven, very safe, natural tool that really gets it, the key to help people lose weight, it's not about stimulating your metabolism by taking a stimulant to lose weight or metabolic enhancer, what you have to do to help people lose weight is you have to reduce calorie intake, and PDX is able to do that as a side effect, it does have an ability to improve your metabolism indirectly by making insulin work better and seeing that's what I... I think that's an interesting part about it, is that a side effect, but a positive side of that is the insulin portion of it is... And so you're learning about that, but yeah, is that side effect of which again, for the diabetes part portion... Absolutely, and we started working with PG at the Canadian Center For Functional Medicine for a natural approach for helping people control their blood sugar levels, and so we started utilizing it first, it has an aide in blood sure control in patients with type 2 diabetes.
When we started using it, we found that not only were people seeing reversal in many cases of their type 2 diabetes, but they started telling us for the first time in their lives they felt satisfied, they weren't hungry all the time, and they started losing weight nearly effortlessly so after we got that feedback, we started looking at its use as a weight loss aid, and that's where the majority of our research is focused, and over the last eight years, we have this collection of scientific studies and that collection is only going to increase... We have some of the world's leading experts on weight loss, diabetes heart issues, and they're all looking at PDX because it has some really unique actions in improving blood sugar control and really getting at those underlying issues that lead to weight gain and difficulty in losing weight.
What about age limits?
No significant age limit. Obviously, a little baby, we have it in different forms, we have it in capsules, granules, and it's part of the meal replacement formula dosage would have to be reduced in a little tight, but... I've seen kids that have, whether it's an inherited issue or just a result of their diet, the significantly obese, even as a toddler, I wouldn't hesitate using it, I would use the... Obviously, they can't swallow these big capsules, but you can mix it in with their apple sauce or other food, PDX, the granules mix easily with water, with foods, you wanna add it to food after it's been cooked or you use those food examples. I just gave... Apple sauce is great for kids, for adults, many people it in water, other people might use it in yogurt, so there's ways, creative ways to use this to gain the benefit and there is a dose response, you gotta take enough of it to produce a mechanical effect as well, as a biological effect, this is very interesting, and again, we are talking about weight loss with Dr. Michael Murray, but the natural way, and we'll have more information coming up in just a moment. We'll be right back, stay with us.
And welcome back to the mother's market radio show, and we wanna remind you, if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money saves coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now, back to our interview with Dr. Michael Murray and we're talking about controlling our body weight, and this is just so interesting, everybody's... Now, a lot of people are interested in losing weight, but we were talking about clinical research and what's been done with PG-X, and I have a couple more questions about that, but really I wanna do to expand on your clinical research.
We've done a lot of really interesting studies. One of the first studies that we did, we took teenagers and we invited them to a pizza party, and they were all given a personal pizza and it was waved beforehand, and then they were given different fiber sources or a placebo, and one of the fiber sources was PGC, and what we found was that giving these teenagers PDX before eating their pizza is that they consume fewer calories from the pizza, we knew how many calories they consume based upon weighing the pizza before and at the end of the pizza party, and it was a great exercise for us to prove our concept and to prove what the patients that were coming through the Canadian Center For Functional Medicine, we're telling us, so we really knew that we had something it would actually help people consume fewer calories, they felt satisfied. And that's the key to safe and effective weight loss, it's not about deprivation.
We know diets generally don't work because deprivation doesn't work, what happens when you try to shut down your appetite by will power is that you're not really addressing the underlying biochemistry, so your brain is getting the message that you're starving, and it kicks in survival mechanisms that are almost impossible to overpower.
So that's one reason why many people go on a weight loss program, go on a diet and end up gaining more weight, so what PG does is it helps people experience a greater degree of satiety, they feel satisfied, and then they consume fewer calories. If you help people feel full and satisfied, if they don't feel hungry, they're gonna consume fewer calories, and it's that simple way... That's a really good point, I guess. So tell me a little bit how it works, or where do you get PD... How do we go about... Yeah, Well, PDX is available as a dietary supplement, it's available in health food stores all across the country, mothers is a great source of great health products, and PDX is one of their best selling products, it really is the most important natural product in North America today. And I say that just because how prevalent obesity is type 2 diabetes and weight gain, we gotta help people lose weight, and this is a very safe and effective tool with great clinical research, one of the stats that we did was really interesting. We have a motto that PX will change your life even if you don't, and this made was based upon our experience with our patients, what they would experience was a migration to a healthier way of eating.
When we first started doing clinical research and studying PDX, we found that people that are overweight who've gone on multiple diets over the years, they know the basic concept of what is a healthy diet, but they didn't have a tool that would allow them to follow those dietary recommendations, PDX became an effective tool and people would naturally migrate from a diet that wasn't so healthy into a diet that was very healthy and actually gain more appreciation for food.
I love food, most people love the good food, and what PDX does is help push people into eating in a way that's going to help them lose weight and be healthier.
So we did a study where we took people that were overweight and we divided them into two groups, and it was a blinded study, so they didn't know if they were getting a placebo or getting PG, there was no requirements for a conscious effort to lose weight, they were told that they were taking a dietary supplement, and we had a symptom questionnaire, but they did not get the instructions that they were taking something for a weight loss, we wanted to see what PDX would do in non-dieting individuals, and even in people who aren't consciously trying to lose weight, PDX help them lose weight.
Wow, so it's simply a matter of helping people feel more satisfied, a lot of people that are overweight have forgotten what that felt like, some people have what's called night time eating disorder, the classic form is that they're able to keep their appetite and check throughout the day, but when they sit down to have dinner, it seems like the more they eat, the hunger they get, we understand that we know what biochemistry is involved in that feeling, PDX arrest, that biochemistry that stimulates that night time eating disorder, we've had our best results in people with that disorder by best results, if there's a situation where some person is eating the majority of their calories at one meal or between dinner and going to bed, we found that they respond the quickest and sometimes we have to meet or their weight loss because we really think that if you lose the weight to when you're really overweight, if you're 150 pounds overweight and you lose that way too fast, we don't think that that's really a good way to do it, so sometimes we have to temper their way less to get excited 'cause they just start losing weight effortlessly. And that's the key effortlessly, they've never experienced that before, and PX can help them experience it because they feel satisfied, that's the key.
How much exercise should we be balancing with all of this, and exercise will speed up the weight loss... To lose a pound of fat a week, we have to consume 250 calories less in burn and burn 250 calories more, we have to have a net calorie deficit of 500 calories a day, and we can do that through a combination of exercise and diet.
It's hard to burn a lot of calories exercising unless you're really committed to it, so we've had more success utilizing PDX along with moderate exercise and really trying to get people gunto really spend an hour doing the workout that they need to burn 500 calories. But I think too, I think what you're saying, or what I think I hear you saying is that PDX is sort of the miracle, as you say, the Holy Grail of its people, it sparks the beginning of their lifestyle, once they start losing the weight, they start realizing Wow, I can do this and then start the transition of their healthy lives down Weasley and they want to start taking care of their teats a tool. It's like if you wanted, I dig a trench or a ditch, you can get out to her with a spoon and eventually you might achieve that goal, or you can get out there with a shovel or better yet, a backhoe and do it much more efficiently. And PG would be like... Like the bacon, I'm not saying you can't lose weight without it, but it's just like you can dig a ditch with a spoon or a shovel, but I think most people would rather be sitting in that back of oily people probably say, Where have you been on my life... Are there any drug interactions with this... No, as long as you take the medication, either an hour before or an hour after taking PDX, PDX is a dietary fiber, it's a super fiber, so if people are not used to eating a high fiber diet, they may need to start slow if they started a full therapeutic dose, which is generally two and a half to five grams with meals and you do it at every meal, it may cause some bloating feelings or increased flatlands and that's not acceptable, social acceptable, so they may need to cut the dose down and all this is explained at PG dot com, it's explained in an insert in every bottle of PDX that sold, whether it's a capsule, bottle of capsules of the bottle of the granules or we also have PDX and meal replacement formula.
So we want people to understand it, because if they understand it, they're gonna use it appropriately and get the results, the effect-ness of any product is based upon taking the effective dose, and we know what the effective dose is with PG based upon this clinical research and in general, it's somewhere between two and a half to five grams for people, the key determinant is how big a person is if you have a 5 foot 4-inch women and be 140 pounds and one to lose 20 pounds, she might have a dosage somewhere between one and a half to three grams a day, and that may be enough to help her feel satisfied, a gentleman that maybe is 6 foot 4, 340 pounds that wants to lose a 100 pounds, he's probably gonna be needing more like five grams with their email... So size is a big determinant of the dosage, again, there's lots of great research on the Internet at pdx dot com, mother's market has great resources as well, this is a very important product in the natural product industry, and as a result, there's lots of great information on it... And what about cost?
It's very inexpensive, especially the granules, the capsules are more expensive than the granules, I like the granules, especially if someone is gonna be on it for a while, they can say themselves a lot of money by using the granules. We also have it available in stick packs, so that these are portable, so you don't wanna be carrying around a jar of PDX granules, you can take these little stick packs that have a single serving and stick it in your pocket or your purse and mix it in with a bottle of water and have that before a meal and it will significantly reduce your calorie intake, and yet you're not gonna reduce your appreciation of food, just the opposite, when people are more or less addicted to food, they're out of control, and that's a terrible feeling.
When people... And these situations with a loss of appetite control are very similar to drug addictions, and when you help someone be able to change their life to control these impulses that they had that they beat themselves up over it, failing to lose weight is, I think one of the biggest errors of self-confidence, self-acceptance, self-love. That people are facing right now.
We developed a weight loss program with PG called Hunger-Free forever, and we dedicated this program to anyone who ever sincerely tried to lose weight and failed, 'cause we know based upon our clinical experience, just the psychological trauma, failed diets produce.
Wow, I love that. And boy, that speaks to so many people out there, so I love the emotional side of that for what you've done and just for helping out so many people, so... Congratulations to a... Thank you.
A kudos to you.
I thank you for joining us today, and I know you're busy and I'm sure you've had just testimonies from all over the world, so... Absolutely.
Thanks for your time today, Dr. Murry, some great advice, and we really appreciate your knowledge and we look forward to having you on again in the meantime, you can get more information on Dr. Murray and his website, it's Dr. Murry dot com. I'm sure you're getting inundated as we speak and learn more about his approach and subscribed to his free newsletter and maybe pick up a book or two, including his latest what the drug companies won't tell you and your doctor doesn't know, it sounds fascinating. And we look forward to our next visit.
Thank you.
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