In this edition of Mother’s Market Radio show we’ll talk with Jay Lokande about proper brain functioning, frame of mind and how you can improve both.
You Are What You Think You Are
You Are What You Think You Are
In this edition of Mother's Market Radio show we'll talk with Jay Lokande about proper brain functioning, frame of mind and how you can improve both.
You Are What You Think You Are
In this edition of Mother's Market Radio show we'll talk with Jay Lokande about proper brain functioning, frame of mind and how you can improve both.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, they say the secret to life is what you think you are, you are... We can control our lives by using the enormous power within us, and it's in our brain function. Today, we take a fascinating look at how it all works, but first up, Dr. J. Lo candy has a doctorate degree in botanical drug products and an MBA in biotechnology, and he's also written a guide for the pharmaceutical industry on how to develop and market botanical drug products, and we welcome him to the mother's market radio show, Dr. Jay, how are you?
A good thank you. Thanks for it, thank you for being here. Why don't you fill our audience in in a little bit on your mission and your work before we get to the show's topic?
Yes, especially I have worked in the area called Botanical cros products.
So here is a new segment which has come up from 207 year 2007, previously US FDA didn't have proper regulatory guidelines that how to pass... How to analyze the potential track product, but in 20 days, they form a body, something called as a cider, which caters to the botanical drug products for the prescription drugs coming out from the botanical origin, and so far there are two drugs have come out to... In the market, one is very Canadian is fully Act, which are having a designation called botanical drug product, so these are coming from the botanical region, have the proper clinical trial done on the basis of the neuritis overy program, what the US FDA recommends. And these are not the optoelectronics. Yeah, so this is the new segment all together has come up in the botanical drugs area and US Dallas a botanical drug product, BDP.
Yeah, and my post-evaluation studies in my medicine school is in the botanical drugs, there are evidence medicine-based approach that how to evaluate potential drugs, how to develop that, how to design a clinical trial model, how to conduct the pharmacokinetics and C-genomic studies and all... And in my biotechnology School, I have learned that how to originate... How to mass propagate the botanical router, because sometimes it happened that the amount of drug you need to prepare or the amount we extracted to prepare that much Botanic Aramis not available in the nature... So what you end up eroding the biodiversity be forest, the thing, so it's not eco-friendly.
So in bio-technology, with the tissue culture, with the micro propagation, all that Technics we imply, so that we can generate enough biomass so that we can invest really manufacture the potential drug, an extract.
Wow, that sounds fastball. It's an honor to have you here and it's really interesting information today, we are gonna be talking about digestion and the nervous system, so what is anatomical and physiological brain for Common Man recon, if you see the brain, that the brain is located in the topmost part of the body braincase in the head. Yeah, it's not anywhere here, so that the super empower... So the nature have created the brain to be located in the highest most segment of the body, so that means that the brain is a very special arcane or the protected in proper proper atmosphere. Brain have got a tree covering, Pomerania membrane, which can absorb the heat, can absorb the large mechanical shock, so that the brain is Brandis protected, and if you see the living brain tissue, the living brain tissue, exactly. The consistent is like a butter, it's not hard, it's a better... So it's... After saying it's not a hard because most of the time we end up in saying The Dead brand, but if you say the Libran is like a butter, it did that smooth and it is highly functional. There are more than 44 different functional areas in the brain, so brain contained the greater white matter than there are three part four brand, mid-brain hybrids. And these are all functional.
So brain is such a complicated functional arcane, but that all the function happened in such a coordinated way that it looks very simple, but when we go or when we dig down the physiological function of the brain and all, it is so complicated that sometimes we wanted that or how it's happening in a fraction of a second, like I'm talking, I'm hearing at a time, I'm saying and all this function happening in such as swiftly way, but... And then once you... Once you really study and that how... What are the 1000 different kind of steps or the processes to be taken to see one object, then you see, oh wow, oh, this is what happened, and it happens so fast that we don't even come to... Not how it's happening.
So having said so, it's our prime responsibility and the duty to protect the brain functionally, and the protection of the brain start from the protection of the lever, so the liver function predominantly affect the brain function. For example, Alzheimer's, Alzheimer's, Amelia aggregation, we start the Alzheimer's deceased process, that TAs... Not in the brain that TrustFile er.
Really, I've never heard that before. elegies. The lever got affected.
So there is a saying that If you want to protect the brain, protect your tummy first, that does... The culture was saying, That's the forres, and that's why if you see all the herbs preacher working on the brain or which are prescribed to be your suggest to work at the brain, they equally work under lever, for example, turmeric. Now, there are a lot of study going on the tree for that, can... It can reduce the price, it can slow down the process of the Alzheimer's and all that, but if you really see the term effect that happens on the liver, and that's how it protects the LMS, not a... There Barons, for example, that any better company take that, that works on the liver, and then it goes in the brain, so the fat deposition in the brain to happen that for a fact? deposition in the liver.
So I, in any blood work, if you see or there's a fat deposition happening in the liver, which is on the long-standing way, there's a severe alarming signal that there could be a process of starting the fat deposition in the brain.
Wow, I think that's fascinating too, 'cause you've gotta really... Your trigger is that it would be in the liver, right, and as the liver is a major organ in the metabolism, liver is called the biochemical factory of the body.
So that makes sense, because once the metabolic pathways, the metabolic processes go haywire, it start directly affecting the brain, and that's how happens in the simple example, I'll call consumption several consumption why it affects are consciousness or the awareness, because it affects the liver first, when the liver touched to the treasure layer where it cannot metabolize the alcohol is start affecting the brain, that's called the trail level threshold.
Yeah, so the anatomy and the physiology of the brain doesn't really localize or it doesn't remain up to the only the brain, it literally gone to the liver.
So there are so many things in our day-to-day diet, which we can take in the early days to keep protect or liver function well, so that in the... Later on in the later age, in the senior age, one would not have the Alzheimer's and Al dementia memory loss and also... And you had mentioned the turmeric, dramatic is one example, but COPA is one example. Ashland is one example. Holly Bass is one example, or live a live clean. I deliver very fast, so that works on the brain as well, let's talk about the embryology of brain and I veered.
Okay, so talk to me about what that is. I... Arterial GIC ally, if you see the brain is called the ectoderm organ, so there are three layers in the embryonic tissue when it's collected, when it's called mesoderm, and the third one is into them now, for example, the brain and the gut and the scheme are formed from the ectoderm, the heart, blood vessels are from the measure... Got the spleen adrenal gland, these are formed from the inter-Daman, is the significance of this that to decide or to measure the disease of the one organ, how can it affect to the another organ? This whole embryology works, for example, skin, brain and the gut are from their... Having the invite, so you will find in the clinical picture when he is having a brain disease, they will have to try... Scented will have the fungal infection of the skin or the new, they will also have the severe digestion problem in the card, one who is driving the problem in the Guard will ultimately lead to as the Deus of the brain, and this is as of the scheme, when were having... For example, there's the skin disc called psoriasis, which is the inflammation of the skin, and all you see that in the patient of the services, they are highly, highly depressed, they're highly and their anxiety level or more, they cannot get a bit of sleep.
So that's why we call the psychosomatic disorder, and that's a iiis, a skin disorder, but how does it affect the consciousness... How does this affect the awareness why they are depress, why they are full of anxiety, why they have the unnecessary palpitations, understanding the embryology can help us to determine that as a holistic view, what are the organs are involved in disease pathway at any given point of time.
And this, this becomes fundamental premise to formulate any titer supplement at Paradise her... So Paradis Hub does that whenever we are formulating, we give a holistic view, so the is a condition specific or the whatever the hell we choose, we choose the herb on the basis of that, what could be the other Arian involving... So that becomes more sustainable treatment or the more Susana prevention than the... Any given condition.
Wow, let me ask you about brain function or brain control, and how can we control the sprain functions? It's really interesting how you put the psychosomatic tone in the harshest, so primarily, brain has got to function... One is called involuntary functions, and when it's called the voluntary function, now suppose I now supportive to lift my hand, I can command that I can live for I cannot live or I don't want to live, but the gut movement, the saliva secretion, blinking of the eyes can you control this. No, because these are involuntary movement, these are not in your hair, these are not in your command, sneezing coughing if anything goes and see, do you... That negotiating happens automatically, so that's in voluntary and that all get controlled by the peripheral Ross-TEM, and we have the central nervous system, which is the main controlling body, then we have a peripheral nerve system, which are the satellite offices of the central nervous system, which control this voluntary moment.
So the point comes that to understand is really brain controlling us or we can control the brain function because this gives the origin of the prevention action to get certain brain decides, for example, Senate, main share, Alzheimers.
These are not only the medical disease, now the studies are coming that they are behavioral disorders also, you bring certain change in the lifestyle, the tendency to get the Alzheimer's in the latter one becomes highly reduced, so to maintain the healthy habit, what happens when one start maintaining the hell death at subconscious label, they start controlling the involuntary moves that become important, why it is difficult to inculcate a good habit and to give away the bad habit, why it is difficult because the Serling, the involuntary functions that makes... Because the citation of all our habits are in the involuntary is something... I know that this is not good for me, but I take it because I cannot control it.
I just take it as a natural phenomena because that is my date in my involuntary function.
So our living habits or diabetes are all lifestyle can control the involuntary action, and so you get a better grip on your life, you can design the life the way you want it, we retrain your brain, so you can... Here is the thing that we are not here talking only the longevity of the life, but we are talking about the longevity and the quality of life.
At the last moment, I want to enjoy the quality of life, not to get burdened with so many drugs, so if we incur at that habit to our in voluntary pathways, and that opens up the entire New School of the healthy lifestyle.
Excellent. We have to take a quick break. This is very interesting, and Dr. Jay will be right back. More with Dr. Jane, just a moment. We'll be right back.
And welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you've missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to the past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now back to our interview with Dr. Jay low candy, paradise herbs and we're talking about digestion and the nervous system, and is so very interesting, we're talking a little bit off air and all he wanted to follow up on an interesting point that you brought up in which month of pregnancy with the development and pregnancy, how mother's behavior these months create a significant difference in the child's brain health... Right, it's a good question, and it can open the lots of options and the opportunities to tackle so many deadly dies just by the changing the lifestyle in that pregnancy rate.
Now, typically, we say that the pregnancy nine months, nine days, if it is a normal kind of a pregnancy, and in every month of the pregnancy, there is a systemic development of the body organs of feeders of kid in the room now. The brain starts developing a from the third month, four to man, six months, seven months, eight, nine months, up to... The brain can develop up to the three years of it, of newborn men, after the baby's born, it goes the development of up to the three years after that. The Brain's gray matter do not develop, only the white matter develops, so that if one takes a Healy tried, one consume these certain herbs in every month of the pregnancy, that there's the highest probability that one cannot have the certain desires in their later age period, and there's a systemic program given in the Indian system of medicine, callihan enrichment of the pregnancy breaches to be taken. What are the benefits of that here, and then now in one way, you can design the life of your baby, so not having alcohol from third month or a fourth man, not having this working, not having the beverage food, not in a can food. That makes the impact on the brain, on the kids, or the fetus brain development and all other organs too, so all the pregnancy ones are crucial, even watching too much TV in the pregnancy, watching too much going on the screen, taking the lots of a open air and all that, that ethics, the fetus brain development.
That's fascinating, and I guess we just really have to realize that again, what... Whatever we do and on the outside of our bodies and what we're putting in our pods, certain hubs, if one mother takes in her pregnancy with the deep breathing, epithet definitely develops the fetus brand held pro-family. God, when you have the highest IQ, not only intelligent question, but the emotional question to handle the emotion, to handle the situation, ended to day stress that the capacity in the kid will be really great... What is Intellectual Quotient and Emotional Quotient.
Right, so everybody is now really concerned about the IQ, IQ, ILO high IQ and Intelligent question wherein you analyze your logical reasoning power, your creativity, power and... But nobody addresses the emotional question, that human being existence is due to the mind, and mind is full of emotion, so people say that or having emotion is a TrueCar, having good emotion is a very plus because all the situational analysis, all the life events are not catered to the ice, they're cattle, how I'm behaving with my parents, how I'm being my friend, how I'm giving my profession, these are all the emotional questions... The new IQs required.
So IQs, the best approach, and one can definitely improve both things at a time, provide it, you take certain dietary caution, you take certain hob supplement, and then there is a great possibility to increase the EQ also, and now it is in lots of top medical schools like Harvard, and they are now analyzing the high EQ brain, how they are catering to the various emotions in the different situation, so dealing with the stress is not an IQ, is an EQ, so they are testing them in the end, they are testing... And now they are thinking, they are identifying that certain hurt, how they can control the emotion, so now, now, if we are not talking here on the organic illness, here we are talking with the functional illness and the Ansel in the emotional caution, not in the AQ.
I think that's really interesting. And does that go on a line of... Or crossing any sort of lines, what if you are learning disability or something, is that that cross a line of... Or maybe you're autistic or something, do you know off-hand or is that... Crossing a line. Yeah, no, that's not the crossing the line, provided we do all that work in the ethical guidelines, then we are not crossing the line, like any technology, artificial intelligence, for example, have got his own married, but provided we apply that at the proper and we employ that technology at the proper and users, right. And the earlier you get on to the right supplements, what are typical peculiarities the brain and organ which other organs embody and do not possess... Right? Ex Abra, any other organ in the body is not covered, the brain has got three strong covering, like drama, hiatus of Harrogate matter and also this a functional barrier called blood brain barrier. BBP were in the pit. Molecular junction Merlot tine tight, molecular junction Merch tiny Vera does not allow certain toxic chemicals to reach to the brain, so certain drugs, certain dietary ingredient even cannot reach to the brain unless and until they don't pass the blood brain, Bradford example, brain utilizes only carbohydrates to get his energy nourishment, it cannot utilize proteins, it cannot utilize fat. So whenever one field crayon is low, you immediately create for something sweet because that's carbohydrate and you get high because brain tissues can utilize only carbon a carburetor, the low molecule away, that's why they can pass through the blood binaries, the speciality of the brain that how the nature has protected the more superior and the most important organ, how it is protected functionally and the anatomically... Wow. That it's fascinating what are different brain health-related issues and why do they occur different brain health-related issues are not due to the, as we previously say, to organic illness, but it is more data, the functional is, for example, for example, a hundred times in a day, I give a command to my mind that, Oh, I'm sick, I'm sick, the next day I have to fall sick because that is the time I'm commanding myself, but even if I'm sick and I say 1010, Oh, I have to go, gotta, I'm good, I'm good. The next day will start filling beer, your blood parameters started getting impact or... So brain Hall is basically more depends on your behavior and what you take rather than anything else, so we don't have to... Course, Brain forgery, I'm sure having so much anxiety or who I've someplace because brand is not a culprit, you are the culprit.
That's so, so fascinating. And see how smart. Well, it is mind over matter, and it's really... You've have told us so much today, doctor, and thank you so much for your time and some great advice, we really appreciate your knowledge, and we look forward to having you on again in the meantime, get more information on Dr. Jay on his website, paradise herbs dot com, and we look forward to our next visit.
Thank you, thank you.
Thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show and for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.