Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Dan Lifton from Quality of Life Labs. In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show, Dan Lifton, sits down with Kimberly King to talk about taking care of your immune system so it can take care of you.
Supplements For Kids
Taking Care of Your Immune System
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Dan Lifton from Quality of Life Labs. In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, Dan Lifton, sits down with Kimberly King to talk about taking care of your immune system so it can take care of you.
Taking Care of Your Immune System
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Dan Lifton from Quality of Life Labs. In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, Dan Lifton, sits down with Kimberly King to talk about taking care of your immune system so it can take care of you.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition. Entirely King and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, your immune system helps keep you healthy, and there are ways to boost it to make sure you don't get run down, plus later will tell you what's going on around town, but first step, Dan lifting or otherwise known as immunity lived in... Sometimes you right?
That's exactly it. He's the CEO of Quality of Life Labs and a director of educational outreach for the HCC Research Association. Over the past five years, he has coordinated clinical research studies and let a variety of educational initiatives to introduce a HCC to clinicians worldwide.
Dan is an authority on evidence-based dietary supplements and has been a leading advocate and a leading advocate for the adoption of clinically supported natural compounds on the mainstream medical community, and we welcome him to the mother's market radio show. Dawn, how are you?
I'm doing fine. Thank you for having me on the show.
Absolutely. Why don't you fill our audience in a little bit on the mission and the work and your work before we get to the show's topic... Absolutely, so quality of life contains the word quality in our name, which is why everything we do is really dedicated to that, and what makes our brand stand out as I re-committed to clinical research.
A lot of people don't realize, but the word clinical means human, in other words, human studies, so we believe that the only way for us to guarantee the quality and the efficacy of our supplements is to make a very unique... Our industry, which is that we commit to the fact that every single ingredient and every single one of our products is backed by published human clinical studies, and that the dosage of that active ingredient is the same as that that was used in the studies, and there's no other brand in the industry that I know of that follows that commitment religiously, we recognize that a consumer cannot be expected to pick up a bottle, look up at an ingredient and research and find out, Well, does this have human data behind it, is this the right dose it should be 300 milligrams. Here, milligrams. So we do that work for the consumer by making that guarantee when a person lifts and purchases a bottle of our product, they can be reassured... That's the case. We also run a web cycle, human clinicals dot org, where we actually post the research summaries of all of the clinical studies that support our products, so not only do we guarantee that, but we welcome all of our consumers to go check it out and learn it, and the products work, so we've been very successful and a variety of retail stores and mothers obviously being one of our biggest supporters.
I like that you can check that with the human clinicals dot org, that's great. And this sounds... Is like, it's gonna be very interesting. Today we're talking about how we can improve our immunity. So let's start by asking, can you just tell our listeners a little bit about quality of life labs? A little expand on what you were just talking about... Sure, Well, our flagship product is called a HCC, and many of the listeners have heard of that, but those who have not those four letters HCC, sometimes hard to remember, but once you do, you can really impact your life in significant ways, and ahs, an immune compound that was discovered in Japan, and when we found out about all of the human studies that were done on the wide use of HCC, we felt that this product should really be the cornerstone of our line, so we feel that our commitment to clinical research that I just talked about is very much in line with our focus and immune health, and obviously we have products across the conditional segment line, but in particular, HCC is really a stand-out for us and Arabia selling product, and it's the one I enjoy talking about the most, which is why you're probably hearing about it today, well, we talk about the immune system a lot in the context of the cold and flu season especially, but also some diseases associated with malfunctioning immune system, a few people actually understand how that works. Can you give our listeners a very quick primer on how the immune system functions?
Absolutely, it's a very challenging question because the immune system is one of the most complex functional structures within the body, but I do have one analogy that I left to use 'cause I feel that it really breaks things down in a simple way.
You can really think of your immune system as an army, so just as in an arm, you have different types of troops, different divisions, if you will, the immune system functions in much the same way, and the first line of defense are what we call dendritic also DC cells, they live in our nasal passages and our respiratory passages, and they function like the border guards, they basically guarded the body and prevent infiltrators, and what I mean by that is toxins, viruses, bacteria for him entering the body, so they capture those toxins and they basically help rid the body of that.
So those are the border guards, if the toxin or the virus infiltrated the body, the second type of soldier that you have is the natural killer cells or NK cells, and you can think of them as the Navy Seals who had become famous in the press lately.
Those Anise have the ability to identify those toxins and viruses and bacteria, which is not trivial, so they have this innate talent to be able to detect them, and then they're able to attack them and they actually... What they do is, it's quite interesting, they attach themselves to these viral cells or tumors or abnormal cells, and they plant almost like a little Grenada current kernel in them and they blow them up, so those Navy Seals, those angels are really critical in the third line of defense or something called cytokines, and you can think of them their chemical messengers, and you can think of them as radio operators or communicators, so what they do is when you have a virus again, or tumor and their overwhelming Vance cells, they basically call out to the rest of the immune system, they say, Guys, we need reinforcements, we need further troops, and obviously, it's a gross over-simplification, but I always feel that that analogy helps understand the different layers within the immune system that really make it work.
So what happens if the immune system malfunctions, so as long as all of these cells are properly functioning, which would generally be healthy, what happens is that fortunately, there are a variety of factors that can depress our immune systems and can depress a variety of those cells, and obviously, if any of those cells are disrupted, our immunity is functioning at beyond peak levels, one of the things I always ask is, What are these things that affect our community and make it malfunction and it's... Variety of things, it is like a sleep. And God knows how many... You have us are sleep-deprived, right, sugar consumption, shura actually depress his immunity by up to 80%, and God knows we're having too much sugar stress, and one probably of the most important factors is just a natural process of aging. It's something called immunities. As we age, our use, immune systems start deteriorating, and one example of that is actually cancer, people often don't realize, but the ultimate cause of cancer is the malfunction of the immune system, our bodies are actually producing abnormal cells, tumor cells all the time. But it's not a problem because we have these other cells in the immune system, like calls that just kill them off, so there's no problem, it's when the malfunction that these problems, these tumors occur, and because cancer... And a topic that I feel very strongly about affect so many young people, and it's so noticeable, we don't think about it as an age-related disease, but it actually is precisely because we get older, I immune system start malfunctioning and that's when these chronic conditions like cancer materialized, which is why I talk about so much about maintaining the community and its importance to overall health and prevention of variety of conditions, not related to even any of our supplements, but it's just a message that I'm very passionate about. And they try to get out there, and it really does mean you really pointed out a clear picture of everything does go right back to our immune system, doesn't it... And it sounds so simple, but yet, this day and age, how busy we are with the lack of sleep and the stress, and we run ourselves ragged, we never really have a chance to recover. I... Absolutely, and again, when people think of immunity, they think cold and flu, and maybe they think of autoimmune diseases, etcetera, but this is really a central function of your body, and now there's more, more research indicating that it has an impact in some other areas, for example, there's a connection between the immune system and the neurological system, so what we find is that if you upregulated natural Kells, people can sleep better, people stress reduced, we donate HC to see PTSD veterans who are coming back from the war, who have trauma and Lao sleep, etcetera. And then they're taking the product and all of a sudden they're finding that they're a lot more relaxed and they're getting better sleep, and at first we couldn't understand it, but then we found all this data showing the connection between the natural killer cells and stress levels in the body, so it's really a central body system that's often ignored, and again, I appreciate the opportunity to be here to educate your listeners...
Oh, I think this is great. What kinds of... Can cause the immune system to malfunction and become weakened.
Well, so obviously I just talked about all of those risk factors, but what people don't realize is that it's not a function of just one cause, it's often multiple causes, and obviously the problem is that those things are often related because people who are stressed also tend to be sleep-deprived, people that are overweight are often overweight because they're stressed and then they go on these carbines, so not only do you have these individual stress factors working, depressed immunity, often it's more than one factor, and when you look at sort of baseline immunity, the more factors, you combine obviously, the more immuno-suppressing your experience, which is why we talk about why is there a much higher incentive of cancer Nobis individual as well, because you're probably gonna have more than one risk factor.
So we want people to get out there and to get... We want them to exercise and eat healthy and to get healthier, and at the same time, we want them to use other means to most immunity, so it's an important message to drive home.
What can our listeners do to ensure that their immune systems are functioning properly... Sure, so it's the stuff that everybody knows and nobody follows right, or I should say some people don't follow any of us thankful, we do, it's all about eating healthy, avoiding sugars, exercising, ensuring that you can have sleep, managing your stress. Managing your work-life balance as much as you can.
And then of course, is a part of eating healthy, we talk about a proper regimen of nutritional supplements, which is why it's important to maintain that regimen to comply and to take a supplements regularly to go to quality retail like mothers where you can get educated on the product, and certainly we talked about C a little bit, but we believe that it's an essential part of a regimen, and we sort of call it the multi-vitamin or your immune system precise for that reason.
So before... Get to a break. I wanted to ask you about that ACA, HCC a little bit. How does that work?
Of course. So the reason why I love the analogy of the Army that I talked about earlier, because it helps me explain how swords and what's interesting about HCC is that it works in the gut, which is actually not all together surprising because 80% of our immune asinine cells are actually in the gut, so what ACC does is that as it passes through our gut, yet activates certain receptors, and those receptors create a cascade of activity that trigger three types of cells, the dendritic cells, which we talked about, which are the border guards that are preventing these stocks from entering the body, it also increases the number and activity of these natural kilos, these Navy Seals, so they can go after more toxins and also plant more kernels and those cytotoxic great-type kernels in those toxins, and finally, they also activate cytokine, so as to wake up the rest of the immune system, so even though it's one single unique mode of action, it triggers the activity of all three cells, and this is not hypothetical, we have more than 20 human clinical studies, not only talking about the end points and the benefits of HCC, but actually explaining how that works, again, a human model. So we have proof that ACC does all three things.
Wow, it sounds like a super... Just an amazing preventative. If we take it now, then we're gonna be able to help out a lot of people with all kinds of conditions, so... Absolutely, absolutely. And one thing to do, I didn't get into enough, but just a 30-second explanation, what ACC is, I'm sure your listeners are familiar with beta Lucas, but there is a related compound called Alpha loan, which you basically really don't find in any mushrooms, and it's really very rarely occurring.
So what's unique about HCC, it's made from several sub-species of Japanese medicinal mushrooms, and it's very rich in this alpha-lucan compound, in addition to that, a lot of these mushroom nutrients are poorly absorbed, so the manufacturer of this product amino, a chemical company and support of Japan, what they do is they cement this product in a medium with rice brand, what they're able to do is reduce the molecular weight of these glycerin and therefore make them extremely by available.
So basically what you have is a health, a gluing compound, which is much more potent Beta-Go cons that are super absorbed, so that's what we see this incredible bio-efficacy in terms of triggering these immune cells and obviously providing all of the benefits that ACC does both in healthy individuals and as well as individuals that are immune compromised.
Very interesting information right now, we have to take a quick break. But more with Dan in just a moment. Don't go anywhere. And welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now, back to our interview with quality of life labs, CEO Dan lifting, and Dan were talking about immunity, and we were just talking about HCC, is that intended for healthy people seeking prevention or people with certain conditions.
Great question, and the answer is both, and the reason why people sometimes get confused is because HCC so widely used by cancer patients, for example, an oncologist space or hepatic, etcetera, people associate while this is a product for people with chronic conditions, but that's really not the case because as I discussed, the majority of us have immune systems that are functioning at below P Cleves and the keto health, the Kieren ion is making sure that you are maintaining your PE community, so we have multiple trials and the HCC showing that it restores the community and likewise, what's really important is that it does over-stimulate it, because one of the important things about the immune system is that if you have a compromised immune system, we get to say we get called and flow in a variety of other conditions. If you have a hyperactive immune system, you got allergies, if you have an immune system where yourself attacking your by, do you have autoimmune disease on immune-related conditions.
So HTC truly has that balancing effect, so if you have... If your natural Kells are functioning perfectly, C won't change them. But if you're below plovers, that'll restore you, and again, we're always... The majority of us are below P loves and certainly often seasonally, we below peak levels, and then we also get in environments of Heiden exposure, airplane, subway, hospital, you're using somebody, you're taking a child to the doctors, guess what, that's where all those viruses and toxins love and it's really fascinating, because in Japan, there over 1000 clinics, they use HCC, but there are also numerous hospitals, and some of them use HCC as standard regimen, so if you're going into the hospital for whatever operation, whatever procedure, they tell you get on the HCC three weeks before you check in because as you may know, the incidence of secondary infections and hospitals tremendous, there are people that die from secondary and there are more people that die from secondary infections and hospitals then from the condition that... They came to the hospital in the first place. I mean, there's the data from a variety of clinical centers that are like that, and many of them are otherwise healthy individuals, just going for regular procedures, so we're always coming into contact with high-risk environments, and again, that's why his very important, and we've done clinical studies both in humans, in cumin healthy patients as well as an immune-compromised patient, so the data is certainly there, and the product is very safe, we've tested it up to 9 grams a day, all of the most healthy people take between 500 milligrams and a gram and people with chronic conditions, generally take three.
Wow, I think that's a right. Again, it's like a super food here, a supplement, and it comes in... We talked a little bit about this in the break, how does it come in a powder form or... What is the HCC?
It comes in a powder, so that means you can get a CAPS also quality of life uses vegetarian capsules in all of our products, and we also basically just contains losing some... Majority of our products actually even don't have magnesium there, so it's an Lucene.
It was also available as a soft gel, so we have a higher potency of material, so it's a 300 milligram instead of 500 milligram, but it's higher potency, so it's a equivalent... Some people prefer so gels for Wallaby reasons, and we also... And that product to AHC Rx. So our main one is the capsule is the Canoga gold, then we have the CCR, which is a soft gel, and our newest product is called kaneko to go, by the way, Cinco means much from in Japanese, that's why we use that term as a brand name, and it's basically a small box and it's a little stick back and you basically rip them up, put them in water and mix it up and drink it. The taste is fantastic. They're actually made in Japan, and it's easy, you're going in to business trip, you're running out, you just stick it in your pocket and off you go, so it's a very dynamic dyadic product available in all those delivery forms.
Can you tell us more about the safety profile of a HCC... You've talked about how it can help prevent. But what about the safety profile? What other supplements can you recommend for keeping the immune system strong?
Absolutely, so because the HCC is used by so many patients with chronic conditions, we really have to be focused on safety and director drug interaction, etcetera, so we've done an extensive number of studies, both toxicity studies as well as phase one human studies, so there... The one that was done at Harvard, like I indicated, at 9 grams a day. So we basically expose people to very high levels of this, but fundamentally, it's a mushroom-based compound, so I've certainly never heard of habeas overdose and mushrooms... Nonetheless, at his AlphaGo and is concentrated. So we felt it was important. We also have studies on, for example, autoimmune diseases and animal models, and the reason why it was important for us to do that is we wanted to demonstrate and make sure that he doesn't over-stimulate the immune system, and we actually found, again, as he had a balancing in fact, there was a stadium colitis, which is not immune condition as well as diabetes, and then finally, the 30 area we looked at, which very few nutraceuticals ingredient companies do look at is drug-to-drug interaction, specifically how is the metabolized the body and what pathway uses and the reason why it's so important is that if you have, let's say, cancer patients that are taking certain chemotherapy drugs, you better make sure that you're not giving them something that's gonna interfere with that drug, either enhancing its potency where they could become toxic or blocking its potency where it basically becomes an active... So we identify what pathways metabolized at and the way we're able to recommend it for specific chemotherapy treatments and so... Yeah, a wealth of data, and it's something that we really encourage people to look at, so far, we've talked about boosting immunity to treat a weekend, you mean how about treating an overactive immune system and in the case of an allergy?
Sure. So, as I mentioned, quality of life really focused a lot on immune function because there's so much connection with the rest of chronic condition, so even we talk about inflammation that's related to an overactive immune system as well, so allergies, topics, we were going to the spring and the allergy season. So we have an allergy prodigal elephant, and by the way of the way we formulate is, I call it my mom and dad rule, so if my and dad were... Come to me and said, Dan, I have allergies, so I have a prostate issue. I have bone health issues, what ingredients would you recommend when we go into the formulation process, I'm out there to answer that question, so I work with our PhD formulation consultant who does basically a literature review and answer the question, What are the most clinically researched ingredients out there for a certain condition, and he'll come up with a list of the top five and we'll go through them, see if they're synergistic, how they work with each other, and we put together a formula. So that's exactly what we've done. The case of Alphen, we use a number of ingredients that have clinical data behind them, so for example, actually monophonic, same company that makes C, they make a product from Peralta, and it's actually in rich wires, mera acid, so it has very strong antihistamine properties. So that's the lead ingredient in our Alban formula, but we use some other products, and often what's interesting is we find data that's really the combination of two ingredients that work together, so if that's the case, well, you utilize those two ingredients, and an alpine is interesting because it's a multi-functional formula, so people get Hi, so we get one ingredient that's been shown again in human studies to reduce his... Other people have nasal information, so we have another ingredient for nasal inflammation.
So again, without getting into too much detail, we take this multi-functional approach, and again, your listeners are welcome to come to our website, Quality of Life dot net, where we break it down and explain that. And again, on the human clinicals dot org, they can review the research, the other thing I'll just quickly mention is there's a lot of data on probiotics and the intent inflammatory properties, a lot of companies make good formulas with multi-multiple strains, but our view is to take a single strain approach, so we use an ingredient from Japan, which is the number one selling probiotic called Marina BB-536, and we use a clinically back dosage, which is a 5 billion CU and there are lot of people doing the billion trillion gazillion. But we have clinical data and 5 billion, and we have more than 50 human studies on that, both in the area of allergy, which again, obviously is a hyper-immune system as well as a variety of digestive conditions, so probate is the name of the finished product, so elephant and provide your fantastic in case of allergy, and again, for some digestive auto-immune conditions such as colitis, for example, providers really stand out, and we have a fantastic response from customers and testimonials, and it's just a product that works, so you can't go wrong with provided I think this is great, I love that all of your research is matching all of this and you have testimonies to back that up, how often do people take these... That's a great question. So when we talk about HCC, for example, we say this is a multi-vitamin for immune system, the reason why you need to take a multi every day is you're probably deficient in something and you need to restore those normal levels, so even if you're not gonna do the therapeutic vitamin C therapeutic Glenda, and at least make sure you're not deficient, and we know how many of us are vitamin D deficient. The rates are incredible, something like 60% of Americans, and then you have all of these conditions that have been associated with vitamin D, so certainly, I'm a big proponent of the multi, but just like you could have a variety of conditions associated with a certain nutrient deficiency as we talked about, you can have a number of health problems associated with a deficiency or your immune system, so we believe that he should be taken daily, the dose is generally between 500 milligrams in a gram for health individuals. I mentioned we have obviously cancer patients, we have hepatitis C patients where HCC has been clinically shown to reduce their viral loads, helping it to stay off, some indications... We even have a lot of women with HPV, 'cause the latest research at MD Anderson showed that C helped eradicate the HPS, which is really just an incredible finding and... Yeah, it's really exciting because right now, there's really nothing out there for HPV, basically women who are obviously very high incidents, and all women can do is go for the annual pups Mir and hope that they don't get served over cancer. So three grams is the indicated dose for those heightened conditions, and one other thing I would mention is we have another website... We have a lot of websites. One of them is called a HCC research dot org, so that's a CC research dot-org. So if you wanna really dive in and look at all of the data and all of the articles we've had, and we've been in the DR as website, New York Times, you can find it all there, so I certainly encourage you listens to check that out as well.
They can also request a free book on that website, so we can get your free book and then hopefully you can spread the word to everybody now, 'cause we really feel that everybody should be on this product, and one of our missions is to particularly get cancer patients cancer survivors and people with chronic conditions, and just let them know this thing exists, and a lot of people say, Wow, I just don't tell your doctor... And we say the opposite, we say, Please introduce RMD to us, are your oncologists and we'll get them the data and let us argue, just push them to have a conversation with us, and we feel that we've got the data to them.
So we say, one of the things I'd like to say to the doctors when I get on, I say there's no such thing as alternative medicine, and they stand back and see me, I say There's only proven medicine and unproven medicine, so let's forget all these titles. Well, I just look at the clinical proof, and unfortunately, many of them are still close-minded, but we keep at it and gradually making inroads has been very exciting, but I think one of the first things you did say when you sat down in this interview is that you do have the research and then see human clinical research, so I think as you do have these conversations with the doctor, I wish you the best of luck.
Thank you, I'm continuing forward with your research, so thank you very much for your time down a great advice, and we really appreciate your knowledge and look forward to having you on again. In the meantime, you can also get more information on Dan and his website, Quality of Life dot net. Look forward to your next visit.
Thank you so much.
So, thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show and for shopping at mother's market.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition,