Join host Kimberly King as she talks with Red Remedies Chairman and CEO Dan Chapman about ways you can relieve stress.

Stress Relief
Join host Kimberly King as she talks with Red Remedies Chairman and CEO Dan Chapman about ways you can relieve stress.
Stress Relief
Join host Kimberly King as she talks with Red Remedies Chairman and CEO Dan Chapman about ways you can relieve stress.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On Today Show, we all experience pain from time to time and deal with it in different ways, we'll uncover what you can do to manage your pain and whether it's external or internal, like inflammation, plus later. We'll tell you what's going on around town. And what's new at mother's market? But first up, Dan Chapman is the Chairman and CEO of Red remedies, a leaning Natural Health Supplement provider that has won awards of 19 of its 30-plus products, and as an advocate for Holistic Approach to Wellness, Dan has a passion for a healthy living and a fascination with the healing power of herbs and belief in the importance of successful local business for our community, with him, and we welcome him to the mother's market radio show.
How are you?
I'm doing great. So good to be here with you today.
Great to have you. Why don't you fill our audience in a little bit of your mission and work before we get to the show's topic... Certainly, well, our mission is tied to your name, the company name is Red remedies, red is spelled R-E-D-D. It's a word from the early 1800s that means to put an order, and really that's our mission at Red remedies, and I believe that the greater mission of our industry is to put the body in order as it relates to health and demands. We believe it takes a community to accomplish that, and so we're really proud, I read, to be a part of that community, to really help people put their lives in order and live healthy. full lives. Nice.
It's to put in order to like that history. Thank you. Today we're talking about the latest advancements and Natural Pain Management, and so down what is pain and the unpleasant sensory and emotional experience that is associated with pain, certainly.
And if you think about pain, most people just think about, Oh, my goodness, it hurts, something hurts. I'm in pain, but the definition of pain is really fascinating to pay attention to, and it literally is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with the actual or potential for damage for tissue damage, and really what Highlights there is the fact that it's emotions.
So if you think about pain, there's always emotions tied with pain, and the level of emotion will actually decide how much that actually hurts, and so one of the things that we do at Red remedies is when we're dealing with a problem that you might have, is we're paying attention to everything going on in the body to make sure that we address it well, the typical way that we address pain is with inflammation and working to reduce inflammation, but that's just a small piece of how we might help somebody in pain. So we're going to address it fully, and there's a number of targets that we have there, excellent... Are there different types of pain... Most certainly, there is acute pain and there is chronic pain, acute pain are gonna be the things that are really a little bit more short-term, might be associated with an injury or a disease that you might have, and that certainly is inflammatory-based pain, but that chronic pain is pain that's long-term, it's damaging, there's a lot of stress involved in that type of pain, can all the different types of pain be addressed and health... Absolutely, they can, and that's where we really need this full experience in order to make sure that we're gonna help somebody with whatever type of pain it is that they're experiencing, what are the targets to address to help someone with pain?
Well, the targets are certainly inflammation, that's the first one everybody is aware of, but I almost don't like to start there, I like to start with stress, stress is an important target that we address, also circulation as another target, and then a fourth target is the brain and emotions to calm that down and make sure that we're gonna help somebody work through... So yeah, let's talk a little bit about... When you talk the flexibility and inflammation, you have a couple of other targets that we're talking about, movement, circulation, stress, brain... Can you expand on that a little bit?
Most certainly so, if we talk about maybe stress first as one of those targets that maybe it's one of the things we don't normally think about as it relates to pain, but when you were in pain, that stress response produces cortisol and obviously we're aware of that, we've heard about that in other topics, but one of the things that cortisol does at elevated levels as it relates to the pain sensations that actually requires the brain event, so if we have a long-term pain and Excessive cortisol, the brain is actually rewired the hippocampus as part of our brain actually shrinks a bit in size, and what's important about that is that's the part that connects its memory formation, it connects the emotions to those memories, and so when you have a smaller hippocampus tied with high cortisol levels, what that results is an amplified level of pain in the body. And so if we're addressing that stress response, which we can do with some adapted to nerves like shahada, you're gonna find that that emotion tied with stress actually reduces pain levels quite nicely, and what about movement and circulation? Why is that important? Or related to pain? Well, if we look at traditional Chinese medicine, which has been addressing pain well before we actually had great definitions for what pain is and even understood how it worked in the body, they looked at pain as a circulatory issue, a movement, a stagnation.
So if we could move energy or move bladder, move the... They found that pain levels would diminish dramatically, and if we look at what we're trying to accomplish there by moving circulation or the in the body, you're actually oxygenation the tissues in the body, you can acid and bring nourishment to the joints, into the muscles, into the nerves and really all the organs throughout the body, so if we move circulation, that alone is going to diminish pain levels dramatically and is really important for different types of pain that people are experiencing that are not inflammatory-based. And what do you mean when you say that the brain is one of the targets? A good question, sometimes people think when I say the brain is a Tagore thinking just about a headache, and that's not really what we're talking about here, what we're talking about is the way that we experience pain, and so if you think about pain as the emotional component, think about your anticipation for pain, so if we're going into something that we know is going to be painful, we are so anxious and kinda ramped up about that, the pain is actually pretty dramatic, but once we've experienced that maybe once before and we're going in the second time and maybe it's a shot or the dentist or something like that, but we've been there before and we realize, Oh, that really didn't hurt as bad as my expectation, so if we can actually just calm the brain down, pain levels will also diminish dramatically, and so Traditional Chinese Medicine also has some wonderful answers for that, specifically an herb that I love is called Caritas credits just quiet the mind, quiet the brain and allows that pain experience not to be nearly as dramatic as what it was, not a sedative in any way, but quiet the brain and allows us to get through, Oh, I've never even heard of that. So that's nice, you're talking about connecting high cortisol levels to hippocampus and... Can you expand on that?
Sure, an example of somebody that is experiencing stress like that associated with pain, it makes a number of examples, but let's just say that somebody has a bad knee or a bad hip, and it's not the type of thing where it was a weekend injury, but there's real damage there, if you think about the stress that that creates in the body, it's that type of stress alone that can raise cortisol levels, and it's that type of pain that isn't gonna go away tomorrow or next week maybe, and so it's a long-term pain that they're experiencing, and so the longer they experience that, the higher cortisol levels get and the more amplified that pain gets over time, and so while yes, it is certainly and can be physical in the body, that's where that emotion actually ties in and makes that pain experience worse than what it actually is.
And so if we can modulate or deal with that stress response and reduce cortisol levels, you're gonna find that the pain experience can diminish even though the physical issue is still there and needs to be addressed, and so how do they manage that?
And they manage that with a class of verbs known as adaptions, specifically here we're using Ashman Shahada is amazing at balancing that stress response in the body, and so it's gonna work in the... We call it the HPA, access the healthiest pituitary adrenals, and so this is all emotions and communication within the body, so we're going to, again, kind of modulate and manage that stress response, reduced cortisol and allow the pain experience to be less than what it would be otherwise.
Okay, thank you for expanding on that. So when you're talking about stagnation and the pain associated with that, is that why they ask us to move... Well, certainly moving is important, and so many of us have jobs where we set all day and we know just from that experience, how much better our day can be if we just get up every hour to move around a little bit, but it's the same type of a thing that happens in the body as it relates to pain, and so if we can use some herbs just to warm the body a bit, so they're the right herbs that we're using here, there is not as hung in CONUS... A combination of traditional Chinese medicine, known as two marvels powder, and it warms the body a little bit, it's not hot and spicy, but it warms up a little bit, and that actually moves circulation, it moves. Energy moves the... And when we do that, we find, again, that we can accident the muscles and the joints and the nerves, activate the tissues and bring nourishment there, and so when that happens again, pain levels are gonna diminish because our body is functioning well, it's almost like using herbs that allow, it's the same experiences when we get up and move around, but the Serbs are alarming it to happen internally in our body and really bring nourishment where we need it, so we can have repair of those tissues as well.
And in that combination with that moving, would that help us minimize the pain, I think that's sort of like, no question about it. And again, that's what traditional Chinese medicine, what they found for so many years, is that moving to moving, getting rid of that stagnation, that that alone would take pain and reduce it dramatically, and so it's a very different conversation again, than what we're used to related to everything as the anti-inflammatory, where we're talking about circulation here, so working on that stress response, moving to an energy and circulation in the body are gonna reduce pain dramatically, and we haven't even had a conversation about inflammation yet.
Okay, great, well, this is really interesting information, and right now we have to take a quick break, but more in a minute... Don't go away, we'll be right back.
And welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that you've missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to the past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now, back to our interview with red remedies, Chairman and CEO, Dan Chapman, and we're talking about the latest advancements and Natural Pain Management is really interesting, and Dan, we haven't talked about inflammation yet, and that seems to be where everyone talks about related to pain and how does that fit as a target... Absolutely, and we certainly don't wanna ignore that piece, it is absolutely important because when there is pain, there is inflammation associated, and so we know that one of the best herbs to use for this is curcumin, and we are using a patented form of curcumin. It's a curcumin C3 complex. What's really remark about this, when it is the most studied single patented curcumin extract there is in the world, when National Institutes of Health was doing their research on kuru, in this is the extract that they chose. The same is true with MD Anderson.
So there are 80 plus peer-reviewed clinical studies on curcumin-C3 complex, which is a component of what we're using to and make sure that we address pain well, and so a really powerful extract as it relates to helping your body manage that inflammatory response.
That's great. Can you talk a little bit about what is curcumin for people that don't know? And what is it?
Certainly, a curcumin is actually... The proper name is turmeric. So Turner is a wonderful Armenian or it's a wonderful spice herb, and the active components of tarmac or curcumin are their curcumin IDs, and so we're standardizing for curcumin IDs and those are the active components that are really gonna do the power work in the body, and you were telling us or telling me when you first walked in that your particular product isn't in that cinnamon... Is that This is... Yes, we have a new product that we're on canara XO west called curcumin C3 and a table, and so it's the only stand-alone curcumin extract and a two Voith, the cinnamon flavor, and it's really a wonderful product, and we have the same tool in our pain T4 formula, right. Excellent. What if your pain is specific to joints... Well, if your pain is specific to joints are really anything throughout the body, the inflammatory component is very important, and one of the things that's unique about curcumin C3 is the fact that it is not just highly bioavailable in the body, and that's one piece we need to make sure that Kirkman can be absorbed into the bloodstream. But the second piece of this that doesn't talk about enough is the fact that once it's absorbed into the body, we need to make sure that what we're getting in that activity level are only the active conjugates and curcumin C3 complex is the only patented extract in the world that guarantees that all we're delivering are the active curcumin IDs and not what is known as the inactive conjugates, it's a really important piece because if we have absorption, but if what we're absorbing is not active, then it's really irrelevant. And so if we're looking at effectiveness, it's absorption as well as the activity levels, can you expand on that? Because I think that as you're saying it, that is the main piece.
So how do you know with your product at C3 complex, how do you know with research it that it's fully tested? And what is your research?
So if we look at curcumin C3 complex, the research shows that were 20 times more by available than a typical term worker curcumin extract, so the bioavailability is absolutely there and at a very high level, but it's that next piece that I was talking about there, I think is really the most important, and that is the fact that we're delivering the forms of these curcumin AIs that are bioavailable, that are active in the body, and so it is the only extract out there that guarantees that what we're providing are the free form or active curcumin IDs rather than a combination of inactive conjugates as well as the activity levels, so it's the only one out there again, that's giving you just these free-form active curcumin IDs. What does that Kirk even do? And it gets into the body, what is the biology? That's a good question. So we standardize for curcumin ads, and that's again, what you're gonna see from every manufacturer out there, because it is those curcumin IDs that are important, once those curcumin ATs are in the body, they do follow a path, and so the end result is tetrahedra curcumin, its... Okay, and that's the component that gets transported into that the body is going to use, and that's really what's unique about the curcumin C3 formula that we're using, it is in that active form of tetrahedra curcumin is... And again, it's the only patented extract out there that is guaranteeing that level of delivery, and so that's the important piece, is we're not only highly by available, but it is the active care communities that are being delivered, so we know that once it's in the body is absolutely going to work. And going to be effective.
Okay, so is Tim... And I guess that is in... Yes, that's the natural axial membrane that you've talked about. Okay, so is the natural eggshell membrane like glucose minor. Country on.
So if we look specifically at joint function, Nem or natural Gellibrand is a pretty remarkable ingredient to allow healing to happen to the entire joint structure, it's the only whole food that I know of in the world that naturally contains glucosamine and contracting, which we're all familiar with for joint function, but it also has hydraulic asset in college and your solar-based amino acids, which are so essential for the healing to take place for not just cartilage, but tendons, ligaments, and synovial fluid, as well as, again, managing that inflammatory response in the joint.
What if the joint pain is gout related, well, out of course is high Arcata levels in the body, and so this is a very different approach that's needed in order to make sure that we can help somebody that has high uric acid levels. Really, what we're doing there is we're helping the body slow down the conversion rate of periods, which is a protein in our foods, so periods turn into uric acid and we can interrupt that conversion rate by using ingredients like cherry fruit extract and bio-Flavia, known as queer to ten, and then we're also nourishing and supporting the kidneys, the kidneys are essential for people at high, higher caste levels, because if we nourish and support the kidneys, they'll naturally process that uric acid out of the body, and so we can diminish levels of uric acid very quickly and very effectively in the body by using those two approaches, does that automatically... Does it balance it automatically, or what about men, women, how does that balance that that... It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman, we're gonna be able to address it the same way, and again, when we're dealing with people that have good or high uric Castle levels, we are really wanting to make sure that we're nourishing and supporting kidney function at its core, elevated uric acid is a kidney function issue, now, certainly there's some diet-related in that we don't ignore diet, but internally we're nourishing and supporting the kidneys, and what if the pain... Nerve is nerve-related neuropathy, I suppose.
So if the pain that somebody's experiencing is related to nerve function, what we want to do there is we wanna go back to that circulatory component that we talked about earlier, so we go back to Earth like Quin Bay and Kano in order to accident the tissue, accident the nerves bring nourishment to the nerve tissue, and then we're providing some other nutrients like how Philatelic acid and Acela carnitine, which do have a remarkable job of rebuilding that nerve structure and some other healthy fats in order to rebuild that myelin she... So how often and when do we need to take these supplements, is it preventative or do we need to be in pain in order to take these?
Certainly, and so there's a variety of different products here that around the table, in order for us to address all of the issues today, I mean, there is a specific product that we use in order to help somebody with pain, and there's products be used specifically for joint function in URI, CASA levels, and then muscle function and nerve function, and they can be used preventative ly, for example, if you are in an active jogger, if you're out all the time, our Joint Health product is amazing to be used preventative ly or when somebody has some joint pain associated, we can use that to repair, so a number of these products can be used preventative ly, most certainly, but if we're talking about something like pain T4, that's a product that we use when we need it, it's not something that, Oh, I'm gonna have pain tomorrow, so I'll use it today. We use it when we need it. Okay, thank you. Now, what about nerves? Can I heal?
Absolutely, I believe that nerve can heal, there are some amazing research out there specific to offal, Pat Apple POC acid in it, to low carnitine, that shows that you actually can regenerate nerve fiber with these natural ingredients. If you were in Europe or Germany, for example, the doctors would prescribe to apply poi acid for nerve damage here in the US, we don't tend to use those natural ingredients, well, but the study, it's our solid, the studies are very, very strong and show that we can in fact, regenerate and rebuild nerves rupture, and what if the pain is muscle-related... If pain is mussel Ted, what we want to do there is we wanna nourish and support those muscles, and so if we think about muscle function, mineral balance is essential for muscles to function well, so when our muscles are tied and contracted, there a sodium in those muscle cells, when our muscles relax, the sodium comes out of the cell and potassium mentors, so muscle function is on a simple format, really nothing more than sodium and potassium switching places going in and out, if we think about... Our diets are very high in sodium and low in potassium, it makes sense that those muscles contract really nicely and don't relax when they're supposed to, and so we add potassium to balance out that level of sodium potassium, and now that muscle will contract and relax the way that it's supposed to... And then we introduce magnesium as well, because magnesium is gonna turn that... It's almost like a light switch that turns that pump on and off, so magnesium is gonna allow that muscle to contract and relax, masovia potassium are really the minerals that are going in and out of that muscle as it's contracting and relaxing.
That's interesting, I didn't realize that. What is the best way for us to manage our pain overall... Well, the best way, of course, is a proactive approach, and it's to not just sit around, but to be active, of course, but to make sure that we are nourishing and supporting.
And so at Red remedy is the thing that's most important to us is designing products that are gonna nourish the body, support the body systems and create balance in the body, because when we are well nourished supported and the body is within balance, we're gonna find that disease doesn't happen and damage the tissue doesn't happen, and so we've got many products to help people stay in that place of nourishment, supporting and balancing, and we also have plenty of products to help somebody when maybe it's a little bit later than that. And we need to do some repairing today, so we're gonna be able to help either way for you.
Excellent, well, this is very interesting information, thank you so much for your time and some great advice, and we really appreciate your knowledge and we look forward to having you on again in the meantime, you can get more information on Dan and the website, it is red remedies dot com, it's Redd, remedies dot com, and we look forward to your next visit. Thanks, thanks having me today.
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