Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Dr. Rob Streisfeld. We all need more energy and Dr. Rob will stop by to share his tips on feeling more energetic. Doc Rob strives to be your concierge for living healthy, as he provides different options for those who seek his help. By combining his knowledge in both food and medicine, he has a unique understanding on how living health can impact your entire life. Learn more about Dr. Streisfeld at

Stem Cell Therapy
Streisfeld Energy
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Dr. Rob Streisfeld. We all need more energy and Dr. Rob will stop by to share his tips on feeling more energetic. Doc Rob strives to be your concierge for living healthy, as he provides different options for those who seek his help. By combining his knowledge in both food and medicine, he has a unique understanding on how living health can impact your entire life. Learn more about Dr. Streisfeld at
Streisfeld Energy
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Dr. Rob Streisfeld. We all need more energy and Dr. Rob will stop by to share his tips on feeling more energetic. Doc Rob strives to be your concierge for living healthy, as he provides different options for those who seek his help. By combining his knowledge in both food and medicine, he has a unique understanding on how living health can impact your entire life. Learn more about Dr. Streisfeld at
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, we could use more energy and our guests will tell us how we can get it the natural way, plus later will tell what's going on around town.
The first up, Dr. Rob stressful is a passionate consumer advocate and educator with over 13 years of natural health and natural products industry expert, a doctor of naturopathic medicine and certified natural food chef. Rob, as widely known, provides an informed and innovative perspective to support branding, marketing, PR, and other business development needs with the focus on education and community. Over the past decade, Dr. Rob has helped to identify and expand key health category such as probiotics, enzymes way protein fermented foods and whole food supplements, and we welcome him to the mother's market radio show. drab, how are you?
I'm doing wonderful. Thanks for having me here today.
Great to have you. Why don't you fill our audience in a little bit on your mission and work before we get to the show's topic.
Well, most dealers get into this field because either they had a family member or a friend, or even themselves having a health issue or health crisis... That's kind of what happened with me when I was younger. I was sick, I had digestive issues, I had lack of energy, I had acne, I was depressed, I... I didn't realize... So I went on a journey just to learn how to make myself well, and during that process, I fortunately found a lot of answers and then I felt obligated to share that information to many others. And so I spent most of my career as an educator, as a trainer. As a mouth, someone's sharing information out there, and that's what we need to do, and that's why it's great doing a show like this too.
Well, I'm just curious, how old were you when you went on that journey?
Well, I was sick, I was kind of diagnosed with a start of a user in first grade, and so when I went to undergraduate, I went... I wanted to be in healthcare, but I started studying anthropology, traditional cultures, their diets or medicine and saying, Wait, they've been doing this for so many years, thousands of years. What, all of a sudden in the last 50 why we so messed up, and so that led down the course to just figuring out food is medicine. I went to naturopathic school in Arizona, and we learned about natural healing, and then of course, then I finished four years there and they're... What are you gonna do now?
What? He wants it in a practice, you're gonna open, and I said, I'm not sure you get... So I went to culinary school, and back then, vegan vegetarian Collin program was looked upon as were we going to naturopathic school? It was just not popular. And I don't follow those popular trends, I like to make them and create them and push them forward, and so I felt that no matter what I did as a doctor, no matter who I met, everybody eats, and if you can address someone at that common baseline conversation what did you have for breakfast today? And maybe how did that impact the rest of your day? Your energy, your attitude, that's a really great place to start. You don't have to worry about the disease when you work at prevention, and that's kind of what naturopathic all about, and that's what I've been focused on.
That's great. Well, I like that, and you can hear the passion in you comes from the heart. It's not a sales pitch. I tell people all the time, I tell I don't sell.
My job is just to tell you, and at the end of days, your decision, what to do with it... Well, perfect, well, we're talking about natural ways to get more energy, and of course, everybody wants more energy, and I guess I wanted to start to talk about how does the body make energy... Well, every cell in the body has its own like machinery to convert, and we call it The CREB cycle, which generates energy, but most of it's relied on the food that we eat, the fuel that we put in our body, the supplements that we take, we take things like pentatonic acid or part of the B-vitamin complex and vitamin C, These are major factors that convert these simple nutrients into energy through our body, all at... Some people know about these different phrases, but the bottom line is what our body puts in, we wanna convert it and use it effectively to produce the energy, but our body also has to run the different cells, if an organs need to be running clean and smooth and functionally out the way to peak their ability, and then we get this great burst of energy and of course, you need to sleep, and some people say, I don't sleep, but I definitely do and I enjoy it, but yes, people need to get that good hours of sleep as well, so... Why do we run out of energy?
The world is based on stress, and how our body reacts to stress, it's unavoidable stress is going to be there, so it's very important to understand how you are coping or managing your stress, and people sometimes push, push, push, that phrase, burn the candle of both eggs or it's imagine, if you drive a car and always hit the gas really hard and then slam the break and then hit the gas are and Hittites not efficient, you get bad gas mileage and usually your car breaks down and runs at... It falls apart faster, so we treat our bodies a lot that similar... We don't feel it with good food, the other thing is the food that we eat today doesn't have a nutritional value that it used to have, not even 50 years ago, they say back then, I probably changed now, but... A peace from the 1950s, you'd have to have 15 Peaches today to get the same nutritional value, and so we have to look at high quality food, I love the local move, man, I'm gonna encourage in my backyard, I want to get some of my own denies right from my house, but also how do we incorporate supplements, and even now, a big trend is the IV nutrient infusion, so going through doctors and getting infusion therapy and things like that, because some people's digestive tracks are not functioning well on... If you eat food, maybe your boy doesn't have all the things in place to digest it and absorb it and get all those nutrients to where they gotta go, and can you expand a little bit on those natural ways to produce energies in the body as so infusion therapy can do well, I wrote a book several years ago called The healthier ever after, and I made a nutrition pyramid, and the base of the pyramids, food, food as our medicine, food, our baseline. We do it multiple times a day. But then there's supplements, and they could be whole food supplements or Specific supplements, like something's for energy, they have a lot of Pantheism and vitamin C. These things help support the liver, they sport the adrenal glands, sport, all the different organs that help with metabolism, and then on top of that is the IV, so that's a little bit more invasive. Doctors are supervising it and so forth, but I tell people, Look, if you're not gonna eat well, then you really need to focus on your supplements, and I recommend the IV occasionally, if you're not gonna... If you eat well, but you don't really wanna kick pills or supplements, then eat well, and then maybe you still think of that IV, but a lot of people say, Well, I don't want an IV, I don't wanna have a needle stuck to my arm, I don't want that invasive is... Is there you go, Well, now you have food and your supplements are your focus, so it's not always about having do all things, but if you pick two and take two with whatever you're doing, and I love that idea to take to just about anything that one step at a time of is good enough? It doesn't apply anymore. Our society, our world is sped up so fast that one of my marches, not one, take two, but you kinda also have to understand the weight of your body, like a male versus a female, as far as the supplements, how much to take. And I know you're saying take two.
So a couple of questions for you. How much... And then as far as the IV, how long does that last? In your body too.
Well, okay, so as far as supplements, there's different types of formulas, different blends, some news, I love using different herbs also in conjunction with vitamins and minerals, so minerals are the basis of what supports the adrenal glands and those adrenals... Are you a little battery packs, so people say, Oh, I crave salty food, and I create this that just as your body saying, Hey, I know I can get minerals from soul, so let's tell the body to go crave salt, to get some of those minerals back into the body... So our body is... Are a smart and intuitive, we have to just listen better, but the body weight and so forth, if it's complementary, meaning, if you're doing a lot of different things and small amounts to improve your well-being, it's a lot better than trying to do one thing to the extreme.
So I look at many different tips and lifestyle approaches to improve your health and managing stress is one, getting good value from your food, a good nutrition, den, super foods, things that have a lot of minerals, inviting those already, then finding good supplements that are well formulated. Well-rounded with vitamins, minerals, herbs collectively, and then of course, it's things like yoga, meditation, exercise, lots of water, all these things are healthy lifestyle choices, and we need to put all them into play to have optimal energy, and of course, again, going back to sleep because even on a forgets about getting good. good night's rest.
Yeah, well, this is really interesting information, and we're gonna take a quick break, but more from Dr. Rob, in just a moment on Conaway will be more on Facebook. And welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to the past shows. Plus, download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now, back to our interview with Dr. Ram, Dr. Rob tries pills and we're talking about natural ways to get more energy, and of course everybody wants more energy, you have a take to approach, and we were just talking off air a little bit about the five things to do, but actually the big picture of 50 things to do to be healthy, and your approach is to take two out of those 50 things, it's... People get overwhelmed and they think that they don't know what to do about their health now, if I sat down at someone said, Here are five things you have to do, they'll still go, whoa, that's too many... That's overwhelm, maybe still. So if I say, let's break this down. In summer, I told you there's 205000 or more things you could do, various impact, different levels of engagement, but they're all things that work towards better living, but let's just start by picking two, and it could be an easy one, a hard one, a new one, an old one that revisiting it could be one for mind-body, and one can be for the way you just changing out your table, suffer, high mineral Celtics, any of these things could be of those two... No one's here to judge you, the idea is to take those two and on those two and run with those two and make those to become part of your life, not something you have to input energy towards, and they become part of your life. Then you can say, Oh, now let's take two more, and this is the process of ongoing... I always say Perfect Health may be unattainable, but great health is achievable, and the process of learning to live and Lowell is a lifelong process. You can't say even someone like myself, I think we have spent many years studying and learning, I'm always learning new things. The second I stop, I feel like I've just lost a whole big picture of why if you have to keep eyes wide open and learning, and that's true, and that's what keeps us moving and moving forward, so where can we learn about all of these 50 things, where do you suggest we start... Well, I think people just have to understand that there are those options out there, that's the first thing, the mindset that says, you're doing already a lot of things, the fact that you lost into a radio show like this, the fact that you go into a health food store, and these are all things that you're already taking action steps towards better living, and I only talk about health or disease, often I talk about better living, and that means my philosophy is, I would like to have you live better today than yesterday, and work to have a better tomorrow than today.
Super simple. And that's meetings, I don't really know where you are as an individual. That's up to you to figure that out, and that's what we wanna do. We wanna engage individuals and people to do things for themselves, and when they do that, they start feeling less trust about it, and that also affects your overall energy when you stop worrying and you're thinking more positively and you actually see yourself having accomplishments, yet... This is a very proactive into your own mindset and you actually are more energized... I am... You can see if you were wasting from then you can see I'm just bubbling with energy, I get excited when I do public lectures, when I talk about health and it's coming from my heart, and it didn't start that way, but it's... Steam rolled it, snowball effect, once you start feeling a little better and you feel it a bit more energy and you start getting a little bit more alive and you have a few pounds drop off, you just wanna do what's next, what... As Can I do, and that's what I really like to see people... I love health, inspire people, I love it, and I think that's where all... We're like that when we can help others too, and you can see the change that you've gone through and you say, How can I help others?
So yeah, that's great. You mentioned your background also as a shift, and so I think that's wonderful that you actually have that training, so you mentioned something also off the air, a talk about the food that we eat and also the times of the day and how that can help us maintain that energy, there's a lot of different philosophies out there about eating, some say eat big in the morning, and then... So we like that like King, that a prince and a proper... There's that old saying, I have a little different approach and I found it works for me, and so that's what I always tell me, we'll find out what works for you, 'cause it doesn't always work the same for everyone, but when the body is designed, we're not that evolved, so my background, anthropology was about hunter gatherers and warriors and so forth, and life was not about going to the corner store and buying whatever you want or going to the fast food restaurant, and food was a lot more scarce, and we had to go either get it or hunted or gather it.
So the body is designed that whenever you put food in the body, it shifts all of its focus to digestion because you don't know when you get food again or if a big atom was gonna come attack you, or if you go back into battle.
So the body is very efficient to shift all of its energy and resources to digesting that food, to break it down and assimilate those nutrients to give you energy to keep doing the other things, so that's what you don't eat right before you go swimming, 'cause the body now will have all of its energy going to digest that food, and you don't have the energy go into other parts to stay afloat, so the same thing applies in everyday life, if you're gonna stop... So these warriors are these gatherers, we get up in the morning, they have breakfast, get a good meal, and they go out and do what they're doing, they're fight a war or go travel or hunt, but they would have maybe nuts or fruit or something, it... Snacking, keeping their blood sugar normalized, but foraging throughout the day, not stopping at noon and the feasting in the middle of the day with a huge meal, we do that today, we stop and have that lunch break or those lunch meetings. We eat a meal, our bodies actually, that's when I re-buy, supposed to be doing exercise or work, or physical amniotic stuff, once you eat that lunch to the boss, Okay, I can't do all that. Now I have to go deal with the food, so that means everyone two hours later is feeling sluggish and wiped out, and then they have to go and reach for that caffeine and other stimulants, which actually in the long run caused more harm, they stress the body out even further.
So if we start looking at the way abreast to food, the way our digestive system works, I also recommend digestive enzymes, which are really important, so you can take digestive enzymes when you eat, that will help to break down the food and have the body use less energy, in the process of digestion. So you're saving some fuel for other things, there's a lot of quote one tricks like that, but I find the best thing is when I eat breakfast, I forge slightly throughout the day, I have a nice dinner, and the only rule that I see after that is try not to eat for two hours after you spit because of histones time to digest that before you go to sleep, so many people eat before bed and the next thing they know, they wake up tired because the whole night their body was spending energy on digesting that me not doing all the other things that need to do like he'll repair, scavenge for Newton cells and all those things, so you don't make for fresh because if your body didn't get a chance to actually refresh the system, and so going back to those digestive enzymes, would you also take those, you mentioned taking those during maybe the day time, do you also take those at night time to house, so enzymes are really cool enzymes. When you take them with food, they digest the food, and so you have proteases and lit paces and amateur for carbs, fats and proteins, when you're taking with food, they have that function when you take them away from food on an empty stomach, they do something totally different Halsey seen, so proteolytic enzymes, for example, which are the ones that break down proteins, if you take that with a meal of chicken or meat, or help break down that Adam, a protein.
If you take it on an empty stomach, it's been shown to help with inflammation, immune support. So we have products out there that are designed to use enzymes to recover from injury from trans information, they use this in Europe and the Olympics for years and years and so athletes, but anyone that has an injury or information and also I've seen it very effectively work with immune boosting.
So if someone has a virus or an infection, I think that the enzymes play a key role, the way we usually explain it is when people get sick or having an infection, everyone knows white blood cells go to the area they write pupils go up... Well, let's imagine those white blood cells are ambulances, they go to see the issue, but he ends into the personnel, they get out of the ambulance to go to work, so you can have as many white blood cells or ambulances go to a scene of an injury, but if you don't have enough of those enzymes to that energy, and that's something that I think is real important for energies, that ends... I'm understanding... There's a great book by Dr. how... It's food enzyme, nutrition.
So Dr. Edward how I think, wrote a book, a food enzyme nutrition, and it talks about how the body has his gas tank, and this energy stores and it comes in the form of enzymes and the more processed foods and the more overeating and the more times we eat the wrong time, that just depletes our fuel tank, so when people say, take the gist of enzymes, eat a little bit smaller meals, try to add a little bit more raw foods on a sadder green drinks, those type of things are just ways to save the bodies utilization of its own enzymes. And the more we do that, the more you have to do the things in the energy, repairing the healing, and just enjoying our light, and it's probably easier at that point for people that have a hard time wanting to launch into exercising and everything because of... Again, your energy is up, and we all hear those excuses when New Year's comes around and then like, Oh, they're luggage or whatever, but again, when you have that energy... All of a sudden you're like, Oh, I can do this. It's amazing, and then I tell people, don't jump to these conventional energy drinks or too much coffee, owning coffees bad. I think most of the stuff we put in coffee is what's bad, or if it's non-organic, it's got a lot of pesticides and those things stress the body out further, I'm not against caffeine, and I like things like a barman, which is a T that it's a natural energy, it's got caffeine like coffee, but it's like a T, so there's other ways to energy, and there's a lot of great ways of energy from plants and herbs, so things like Mara and ginseng, these have been used for thousands of years and different cultures as a way to stimulate energy, and that is as part of a good system, as part of a healthy regime, as part of a supplement program and healthy eating, you don't need to rely on all these outside synthetic or stimulants that really aren't more natural and the body doesn't really know what to do with it, so... Wow, well, let's talk a little bit about energy supplements, we talked about other supplements, but... What about energy supplements?
Well, if people... Naturopathic medicine is all about finding underlying cause of imbalance, so if you're always tired, the first thing to do is try to figure out, maybe there's some things in your diet, maybe there's something you know boys are... That you need to fix first, don't just rely on the click pill is a magic remedy, we have this mindset and American culture, that magic to gonna solve or ills and take care of it very quickly, but supplements and products really do play a good role and they are very beneficial when you use the right way or with the right formula, so I tell people, there are a lot of great energy supplements with a lot of B vitamins, pantai asset again, we look for one that has good panthera and vitamin C. These are major co-factors that convert into energy, a lot of these great herbs, I call them, there's a class of herbs called The adaptions, and it's a really great class of herbs, they include Mara ginseng, astragalus, OSHA, Ganda, Holy Basil, rodeo. All these great things, they help the body adapt to stress and maintain good energy and good balance and overall health, so those are great class, so there aren't dangers that when people are coming to make energy supplements just so that you feel the stimulation, they're not really well-in the supplements, they're more just stimulation pills, then they have... You see a lot of his in the gas stations and c-stores, and they have all the artificial food dyes, and they have all these artificial flavoring agents and they're... I don't know why they need artificial sweeteners in the capsule, but you don't taste or artificial guys that go in the body, but these are the ones I worry about, so that's why I recommend going into a good health of store and looking at clean products, you wanna maybe look for the gluten-free ones, if that's something that's an issue that you're having issues include, but look at ones that are well formulated that have been around for a while. I love, I've seen some that come in really cool little pocket size or party size, so you can take it throughout the day, 'cause they also don't think that on to in the morning is really Jack yourself and Sam yourself with so much in one pill in the morning is not the best strategy to ask throughout the whole day, you may wanna spread it out with meals or throughout the day to keep and sustain that energy. And so those are a couple of the things I recommend to people, is looking at those kind of formulas and those that are balanced very well with the vitamins and the minerals and the herbs together really kind of bring all the nutrients to the body that we need yeah, it's balanced as you're saying, what are the best nutrients to nurse the an energy producing systems that aside from those herbs, definitely minerals. I think that people... The trace minerals, that's why I think... One of the tricks that I tell people when I don't have a bottle of supplements or anything else, I usually have a little puck in my pocket or a little thing of season, people are surprised that if you can take a pinch of sea salt, really high quality stuff, but under your tongue, you will actually get a burst of energy... No, because those are people who think about... Look at energy drinks, look at your sports drinks, they eroded with electrolytes. What are electrodes? They're basically minerals.
So we have also names, but electorates are known because they have a positive... A negative charge. So to your adrenal glands, the... It's like a battery pack.
So like calcium and magnesium and sodium, even call, they all have positive negative charges, like you would think of a positive, a negative charge in a battery, and when they're together, they stimulate energy, so that's why those... We crave salt sometimes because the really good mineral salt have these little trace minerals in there and they go into the bloodstream very quickly under the tongue, and it goes in there and people feel...
I feel energy a few minutes, just so soft, and so it always doesn't be super complicated, but that's when you look at supplements too, so like I said, the B-vitamins are very good, especially B5 B6, people know about the 12 shots and I, and sometimes sub wing will be 12 is really good.
So those are really... Class vitamin C is really essential also, 'cause vitamin C Really nurses the injury glands, it's one of those major nutrients required to produce energy, and a lot of people you see kind of vitamin C deficient. We're not eating enough fruit.
Oh yeah.
But there's a lot of different ones. Again, I go back again to those herds as well, those adapters are really great nutrients for the body, and you know what? So I have a couple of teenagers and I know teenager to sleep forever, it seems like... So what about the protein drinks that teenagers drink, and then their sleep patterns just to kind of as at work, the sleep is when your body heals, repairs, grows rest, and when people are sick, what you Essington do go to sleep or ask... Take all the energy from all those other things, plus when you're sleeping, you're not eating a number that energy shift, so if you're gonna eat... And that's why when people say you're sick, you lightly, you drink soup, you don't stress the body out using energy to digest food, you just give it some nutrients and some hydration to keep functioning, so for teenagers are definitely growing, but we also have a lot more stresses these days, and from phones to just the way the world is paced, so we have to look at a lot of different factors, but it always comes down real to these guys, their diet, and eating more clean foods and less processed foods, because again, the more the body has to work to break it down and figure it out, or use it or put it somewhere, that's just energy being used and it effectively... Or just not optimally, but I think that's a really big key is just getting people... And actually the big movement, and those teenagers now, I love it, these young adults, these teenagers, millennials, they are getting into health, they're tricking us at the hard, they're getting in more into yoga, they're doing more green drinks as the precious... They're seeing their parents struggling. And they don't wanna do that, you don't wanna be there.
So this is something I really, really love, and that's why I always reach out to people and especially young people, contact me and look at me as a resource because I'm not telling them Do this or else... It's always like, How can I help you?
What do you need to do? Let's figure out what we'll benefit you in your life, and that's something they love instead of educating and power engaged, don't dictate.
And so I'm not a teenager anymore. I still respond that same... We do authority, I don't like being told what to do.
I wanna be educated and giving options and then make the choice for myself... Right, so that's a really big part of it too. It's like you just know that it's your world and I want us to tell you what to do, but engage yourself and feeling better because it's gonna make your life much more worthwhile and just an amazing journey ahead.
Well, great, well, thank you for the information. It's been wonderful.
And here's how you can get in touch. For Darby can go to this website. It's Michael's naturopathic dot com. And there is more information on Dr. Rob on rob dot com.
Yeah, Michael narcotic programs has been around for 32 years. They have a lot of the same principles that I do as a natural path, so I love to send people that way and check out what they're doing, and my side obviously is a resource just to how to connect with me on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and I've got podcasts and I have a TV show or about the crowd fund, so on indigo go. So it's like, yeah, it's a lot of great stuff because that's what I am a passionate consumer advocate, and I just wanna help people feel as good as I do now, 'cause I didn't feel that way when I was a teenager, I really felt bad and I didn't... Depression and even skin acne stuff and those common things, I can definitely relate.
So I'm here to help those people who smile every day and enjoy their life to the fullest... Well, thank you, you're doing a great job. Thank so much for having me to the other's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition,