Hosted by Kimberly King with guest Chuck Rudolph, Registered Dietitian. In this show, we’ll be talking about sports nutrition with Chuck Rudolph, a registered dietitian and expert on healthy eating, food and sports nutrition.
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Sports Nutrition
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest Chuck Rudolph, Registered Dietitian. In this show, we'll be talking about sports nutrition with Chuck Rudolph, a registered dietitian and expert on healthy eating, food and sports nutrition.
Sports Nutrition
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest Chuck Rudolph, Registered Dietitian. In this show, we'll be talking about sports nutrition with Chuck Rudolph, a registered dietitian and expert on healthy eating, food and sports nutrition.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm to early king and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, when you're in shape and competing, you wanna maximize your nutrition and who's your limits to reach your potential, today, we're gonna help you understand how you enhance your diet for the ultimate fitness outcome, plus we'll tell you what's going on around town and give you a chance to win a 100 gift card.
The first stuff, we're happy to welcome a new guest on the show, registered dietician, check Rudolf has been helping people get fit and eat healthy for almost 20 years, training Olympic athletes, as well as several Collegiate and professional athletes, checks expertise is directed at weight reduction, body fat loss and enhancing sports performance through simple yet superior nutrition planning and education, and we welcome him to the mother's market radio show. Jack, how are you?
I'm doing fantastic. Thank you very much. Very appreciative of the opportunity.
Very exciting, absolutely. For those in the audience that may not be familiar with your mission and your work, why don't you fill 'em in before we get to today's topic, a little bit about me, a former college athlete, so a lot of sports nutrition was not given to me, so I had to learn a lot of it and understand what was going on and how to recover, how to build muscle tissue, how to get faster, etcetera.
So I have my registered dietitian, and I came out here to Cal State Long Beach to get that. My undergrad was a degree in Natural Science at Xavier University, and I have a master's in nutrition education about chemistry. So I put all that together with my sports background and decided maybe will come out to California... Forget how to teach people how to eat.
Excellent, and that is such a wolf you... Well, today we are talking about sports nutrition, and for those of you living a healthy lifestyle and wanna know how to take it to the next level, this shows for you, so check if you had one nutrition supplement to take for sports nutrition, What ingredient would you recommend creating MoneyGram without a doubt, it's the most researched and has the most defecation backing behind it with clinical data used in athletes to increase muscle strength, increase muscle performance, recovery, everything that you're looking at for that athlete to push themselves to the next level, yet be able to come back the next day and repeat again without being extra sore, to physically tired, so creates a mono-hydrate. No doubt about it.
And I guess what would be your top five supplements for building muscle and burning that... Well, first would be a pre-workout and when they enhance his focus concentration has... That creates a Montoya in it. Another product would be a branch Chinaman oases product that you take during the work-out so that you can recover your muscle tissue, a multi-vitamin, make sure we have all the vitamins and minerals that were needed, 'cause when we train hard, we sweat a lot, and a lot of people don't realize that most vitamins and minerals are water-soluble, so as we're sweating, we're losing them, so you need a good multivitamin, then you can take in or to replenish all those co-factors that help with muscle protein synthesis, energy production.
Fish oil or essential fatty acids, omega 3s, no doubt about it. And then a good protein powder.
Okay, and how are we taking... These were taken as as supplements for taking these into the powder, it would be a complete finished product. Correct, correct, and that's what I do in Mr. SWE design supplements for athletes, and our performance Line is very popular, we do really well, and we actually just put a twist on it, it's all natural now, so there's an artificial sugars on our facial sweeteners and artificial flavors and no water fish of coloring. And so you met... When people come in to you, how does it work, do people come into you and you take a look at them and you say, Okay, this is when you meet with your athletes one-on-one and you just diagnose. How does it work?
Basically, the first thing I do is we gotta figure out what their goal is, right, are they a person that's a real skinny kid, that he's gain weight it... What kind of way do we need to put on... Is that a person like my fans of liman, they still need to be heavy and big, but they gotta get rid the belly, so it depends on the person's goal first off, and Edna know what they're doing. And then typically what I do is I do measurements, I'll do a body fat to find out where their body fat is, after we get the body fat that we can establish where our goal needs to go, Okay, then I get what their trainer and find out how they're training them and put all that stuff together and then devise a program in order for them to learn how to eat with the nutritional supplements, etcetera. So that's good, I like that. It's pretty detail.
Yeah, and very nice. And I guess at what point... A point... Do we start this?
I've got a 11-year-old tennis star right now that I'm working with, so I still start 'em early supplements that don't start them to... Or try to teach them how to eat first, and then we can gradually start increasing the ability to take a supplement to our younger person, but first off, everyone not learn how to eat before they can start... Just take a supplement.
Well, I like obviously, that you've gone to school for... This is as you have your master's. And so you've done this the right way, and again, being the healthy part of it is learning how to eat healthy... Big time. Yeah, have the nutrition first, 'cause if you don't have the building blocks... No summons gonna do anything for you.
What are baas? Their branch chain amino acids, there are three essential amino acids that the body doesn't make, so we have to get it through our food... Basically, the sports world, there's a lot of clinical data backing it on increasing performance while a person's training, reducing fatigue, while a person's working out so they can train longer, train harder, and so it's in that recovery category, so it's something that we can do that they take during their workout, and it helps with energy production, not as a stimulant, but it does give that extra burst of energy, and then also helps with the recovery, so that the next day they're not a store.
And how do you take them? And why?
Basically, it's a powder form. Because you need such a high dose, it's hard to take 30 and 40 pills, but those are on the market, which there... That's fine.
Biggest, the way I tell people to take it as you put in your drink that you're sipping on with your water, so during your workout, 'cause it helps with muscle protein synthesis as well, so you're able to build muscle tissue after you're worked out, you're able to have these Minos in there that stimulate your body's gene response in order to build muscle tissue, so basically, the reason you're taking brand chains is to recover, the fast you can recover, the more you can keep building on top of it, so... Okay, in such a difference between men and women, and obviously our body build up and Messi tissue, what you say and how do you work... The difference between men and women, you know the biggest thing I have with working with women as their fear of the could bulking up.
Definitely, and you have to get it past their mind that it's not about bulking up, it's about putting on muscle tissue, okay. It's not about the scale, it's about what size you're in, so once you're able to teach them and saying, building lean body mass is very healthy, it helps build stronger bones, let alone it burns more body fat and make sure your metabolism more faster.
So once you're able to break that mind barrier of the scales this and not worry about what happens in the first two or three weeks of building muscle bulking up, you basically are able to say, Hey, you know what, take these branch teams during the workout, you build the muscle and then a couple of days, a couple of weeks down the road.
Wow, they've lost address size while they feel more energized, they're not creation in the afternoon.
So it's a lot of education, it's just teaching a person a different mindset from what society tells us, and that's so true, 'cause every woman... And you're talking to one right now, of course, we're always worried about the gaining part of the weight gain, but the book and the muscle tissue, but you also said something that was interesting to me about women and older women, especially as what we need to know about our bone tissue absolutely being able to train with resistance weights, meaning weight lifting, a lot of people are afraid of it, but it does a stimulates bone growth, it stimulates the bone to actually keep laying down new tissue basically, so that it can get stronger, so by having the right of nutrition in order to have those building blocks for that, gaining some lean body mass, and it can't happen. I say, I have 67-year-old ladies that by pension body fat, and look at what their scale is, it's a ratio of looking at percent body fat based on a number... You can see a growth in Linn body mass.
A lot of people are like, No, women can gain weight or gain muscle tissue after 50 or 60, and I see it all the time, but they have to look the way, it's gonna have to get the proper protein, they have to do the work... Correct.
What's a typical diet and athlete might be on... That varies. Each person that I deal with is extremely genuine. It's based on their individual needs. When do they wake up? When do they go to bed? When do they train?
I am for performance, I'm a high protein, I like a lot of facts and a moderate carbohydrate. So I feel that if you can balance your insulin response to each meal, your performance will be enhanced and you'll be able to build more muscle efficiently, so we can have a person gain on the scale, but not getting in the belly. That's the key.
As it dies, they change, they vary, so... Okay, so how many times a day would somebody on your... A minimum for a maximum six, because the rule of thumb is you don't wanna eat sooner than two and a half hours after you've eaten, and we don't wanna go longer than four and a half, so if you kinda put the numbers together is reading four and half hours a day at six times were already, there's no sleep, and on the flip side, if we're only three meals a day and we gotta get a lot of calories in, we risk eating too many calories at one time, which it could be the best nutrients in the world, but if it's still too many callers at one time, we still risk that high insulin response where you... And are you talking about meal... So you talk about those snacks that the way I teach as a meals and meal snacks in meat doesn't matter, you're eating 'cause it's gonna be down, you're not gonna have an 800-calorie breakfast and then a bag of man's... Two hours later, it's 100 calories. That doesn't make sense to me. Okay, so now it could be snack foods, which are more simple to get in, but I wanna see balance, I want... Finally, breakfast, the 300 calorie snack, 500 calorie lunch balance.
And is important, what time of day you're reading, as soon as you get up in the morning, it's very critical, you get something in your system, protein fat within the first 45 minutes. Okay, it basically helps with the hormones that are being produced while you sleep, you gotta get those off... Turn those guys off. That's why it's called break fasting.
So we get that, and then once we have breakfast, it's every, I say three, three and half hours, and then we definitely have to eat within an hour or four bed, and that's another really... It's another fallacy that to people talk about, you man, go three hours without eating, and it's funny because the trainers of old and would say you get up in the morning and work out our empty stomach and don't eat three hours for you go to bed. And what they would do, they would get results, they would see scale go down, and that's not what everyone wanted, however, when they would do... And I've seen people to a body fat, pine percent, 160 pounds now they're 140, but they're still 20%.
So what did we do? We lost all that muscle tissue, and the reason being is 'cause you went so long without eating, you know, and then those hormones that are high and low, and while we're sleeping, they're eating muscle tissue if there's no food in the system, so it doesn't just eat body fat where you sleep.
Well, and then, so that's a fallacy of about the eating room or you go to bed, but about how often or how long before you work out before you go to bed, isn't that something else that again, I can keep you up a pain because of all the stimulant, the your body gets the energy that it produces, and sleep is critical, so if you're working out at 9 o'clock and you gotta get up at 40 in the morning, you're not getting much sleep, so then it's another issue. We don't get enough sleep, so if we're only gonna sleep, we can't recover, even though we have a good nutrition, so everything goes hand in hand, it's pretty viable to have the proper nutrition, the proper recovery, know when to eat the insulin balance. It's a ton of education is what it is, what should the last meal typically be, what type of food...
I'm a protein fat person, so maybe three ounces a turkey with an ounce of Ocado, not a lot of calories, because the other issue that you comes into play is if you start spiking insulin at night time before bed, growth hormone suppressed, so now we really can't get the sleeps... Now we have another issue to deal with, but if we get a little bit of protein and fat, we're good to go, no fruit, definitely no fruit, and we'll make that statement, so that's a wake-up type of a food... The fruit.
Yeah, the first... Early on in the day. Correct, correct.
Okay, but yeah, for bet is definitely protein in Amato.
This is so interesting. Well, we're talking about sports nutrition, and for those of you living the healthy lives down, I wanna know how to take it to the next level of this show is for you, so stay with us, we have so much more information to get to, so stick around, we'll be right back.
Welcome back to the mother's market radio show, and we wanna take the time to remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market dot com, or you can download the podcast from our website.
Mother's market dot com, click on the link for radio and listen to our past shows. Plus, you can always download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com, and now back to our interview with registered dietician, chef rud off, and we're talking about sports nutrition, so interesting. And what's most important nutrition-wise for vegetarian athletes today, protein, hands down, because what they're avoiding is the amino acids from mostly meet sources, and there's quite a bit... We're looking at a vegetarian versus a vegan, so if I have someone that actually lead eggs, do a little bit of Greek yogurt, have some non-fact got his cheese that we can get away with everything. It's the vegan, the one that won't touch anything and they're gonna get all their nutrition, unfortunately, has to come from beans and rice, most of the time in order to get that combination perfect for the amino acids, so they have to end up relying on a lot of protein powders, whether it's a pea protein powder or a hemp protein powder, a brown rice protein powder, those are the popular ones that are out there in order, get their proper amount of Mina acids to recover, that's what they need, and that has got to be... Yeah, it's really creative then how you have to do that, it has to be a big time because on the flip side, in order to get enough protein, now your carbohydrates go high, so you restore too much body fat, so it's difficult and it can be difficult for a true vegan, a vegetarian, they gotta focus on making sure they get the protein, but they do have different sources that they can get them from, and then are you constantly measuring with them just because of the fact that their beginner vegetarian, what happens if the case is you kind of just give a little bit of an example, right, but are you constantly measuring with it every two weeks. When I work with all my athletes, I measure them every two weeks, so we do a scale way, and I do a four-spot body fat caliper test, and you can get an idea of what's going on. I also do a hip measurement and then a stomach measurement, arms, legs, Caves to find out what's moving, what's changed and how things are going. So that's critical. So if I have a person comes in and they're down on the scale, we get their body fat the same, we've got some issues, we gotta make sure that we change that nutrition plan... Okay, and then anemic as well, is that kind of this up fall in the line of someone that's in mactan... They're not getting enough protein.
And that can be as well. Yes, and that goes a whole another thing, those that are an EMA, they can have thyroid issues, so... Yeah, the protein is very, very key, let alone for brain function, let alone for a building muscle tissue for hormone response, proteins, their enzymes, how do you digest foods, so... Proteins are very, very critical. Okay, so talking about good vegan protein powders, you talked a little bit about that earlier, but what other kinds of ways can vegans and avatar ans get their protein?
Well, the powder itself, and fortunately, being back in Mr, I was able to make a vegan protein, so we did a really good one has got a PE protein in and it's got the hemp protein, it's high in essential fatty acids, so it's got Chi seeds in and it's got flat seeds in it, so it's a very good balance. It's completely GMO. It's vegan. It's gluten-free. It is a very impressive. Very impressive product. It was fun to be able to make that. And we did a really good job on it. So things have changed a lot right now because you just mentioned pretty much everything, but there's a gluten-free, there's the vegan, there's... You mentioned the flax, it's really changed a lot. Probably from when you first got involved.
Yeah, when I first started, it was all carbohydrate, everything was unique carbs as function, and then in the 90s, everything went to fat-free, and I don't know the proper ratios, but I think it was... Like in 91, I think I saw something that the US was 18% obese, and then we went that free, and now we're 38%, I'm not kind of figuring out the guys, we're forgot about all the good stuff that our body needs... I tell people, you've heard of essential fatty acids, it means you gotta eat 'em, you've heard of essential amino acids, which means you gotta eat 'em, you have heard of an essential care you should make five or in the central car because we need it, but the body can make glucose when it needs it, unless it's in a performance state, that's why the nutrition for performing athlete is far different than the person, the average person that needs to just learn to bounce or insulin, keep the belly fat down and be healthy.
So the athletes, very critical.
We haven't done the whole... The United States hasn't said no to sugar yet, have we haven't done that to... They try, but they've not done it yet, they say stay away from refined sugars and that's my biggest thing, my biggest pet Tevis sugar, the only time sugars need is for that performing athlete to keep his blood sugar levels normal during his performance, that's it... 'cause once they crashed there in trouble... Okay, speaking about the athletes training, how many meals are... How do that you change your meals up for the triathletes... For baseball players, basketball players, what kind of different... Males are not... Each person is different. It depends on when they're training during season is different than when they're training in the off-season to get bigger and faster and stronger, most of the time, the pre-workout meal is critical, during the workout is critical, and then immediately recovering. So if we got guys that are in training intense, they're burn in 2000-3000 calories, we definitely gotta make sure that their pre-workout meal is plenty of good complex carbohydrates in it during the workout, we're making sure they got a minorities, some branch chains. They're gonna have a little bit of simple sugar to keep their blood surtees elevated, and then immediately after we gotta come back with some good protein, some quick absorbing protein like a waypoint isolate and maybe even sometimes those guys need a little bit of an insulin boost to help that recovery to get glycogen sit... This is again, so it depends on the actual athlete, I try to stay away from spiking insulin, but my hockey players and I know are burning 4000-plus calories and they gotta come back in four or five hours and do it again. We're gonna have to show some sugar down and just to get them recovered so they can come back in, so my triathletes, I change it on them, I do very high fat for my triathletes 'cause they're not at a 90% of the 02, they're kind of down in that 65-70 range, then there spent some new data looking at changing that and letting that body convert itself from using carbohydrates to use in the fat sources, and most of them, after about six, seven weeks, the change is amazing. They're like, I've got more energy. recover more, it's amazing. So I sat for the endurance athlete with carbs, I'm not saying No carbs, but definitely a higher fat and just straight carbs all the time.
Okay, oh my gosh, I'm just listening to the amount of calories that they're taking their in taking. Oh, it's crazy.
Yeah, it's amazing. Some of these athletes to the amount that they... Varies insane, right? Well, exactly, and that is in taking and then what their partner... And I guess the supplements too, pretty much across the board, are they taking in this... You mentioned fish oil, what kind of supplements are... You mentioned this earlier, but I think it's interesting, for your baseball players, your hockey players, your athletes across the board, are they taking sort of the same event pretty much, and pretty much they got the pre-workout product with the creative in it, price and antioxidant Cetera in there is Welland bad Allan in Math, epic acids, some pine bark, things like that, that have clinically shown to protect the muscle while you're working out, and then the branch change during the workout to make sure they're recovering and they're getting enough protein synthesis while they're working out, and then the recovery, so that protein said This is continues after that workout, so that they get that recovery saying, Come back the next day.
So the branch chain, the fish has to keep the inflammation down, there's a whole little gamut that goes on in order to keep their recovery key, and that's the biggest thing is recovery, and I guess too, as somebody that's not... As a mom, and I've got kids that are out there. We all have lots of... We're out there on the field that we all want our kids to be the next art baseball player, football players, whatever, what can we do to equip our kids to start eating healthy and get there and not necessarily bulk them up yet, but I mean, make sure that we're giving them the right to supplements or whatever, I want the sugar testing... My goodness gracious, I see it all the time. I got two little boys, and I swear I will night and I don't... I don't have reuse in the house, there's no orange juice, there's not much fruit, and unfortunately, I'm not a big fruit fan, I'd rather get the antioxidants from supplements just because of the fructose... I don't like it. But the fruits, a big one, you know fruit, fruit juices, it's like, Oh, it's price. It's good. It's a natural sugar. I'm so tired to hear in natural sugar, sugar, sugar, the molecule is the same whether it's natural or not, so it's really giving them the proper food, unfortunately, or fortunately, my kids grew up in me, so they're eating a lot of cheese and whole milk and a lot of fatty protein type foods, either broccoli, it's amazing. You know, I mean, I never thought my kid, whatever Brocade means or peace, but they do... And you have to start them early, you don't... You give them a sugar. It's hard to get them off. And when my kids have sugar, it's a problem, because within a day or two there a mess, just because they don't get it that much, so the biggest thing as a sugar... That's good.
And any advice on getting, I guess, how old as far as the supplements or vitamins ticket, you know what, for teenagers and kids and athletes, it depends on their nutrition first, they have to have a sound nutrition program before any athlete or any high school athlete needs any supplements is A... Is not gonna be a problem. And a multi-vie and then would never hurt someone, but creating and branch chains and all that, if they don't have the proper nutrition, it's not really gonna give them the benefit that it could if they got their nutrition down... Prop down pan.
Perfect. Well, it's been so interesting talking you and... Yeah, thank you very much for your time and we look forward to having you on again. But in the mean time, you can catch more of check about Chuck on his website, balanced nutrition dot net and learn everything he's involved with, plus check out some of the great products at Mr. usa dot com, and we look forward to our next visit, or if you've ever enjoyed the delicious food inside our kitchen, you may have tried this tasty dish, now you can make it yourself.
This recipe is for non-dairy rice pudding, it's a mother's market and kitchen recipe, great for people who are not having dairy but still wanna enjoy that luscious rice putting one half-pound organic brown rice cooked, one half cup organic currents, one half pound organic firm tofu, two cups, organic soy milk. One tablespoon or in zest. One tablespoon lemon zest, one half teaspoon nutmeg, one half teaspoon cinnamon, one quarter cup organic honey, two tablespoons. Egg replace two tablespoons Island granulated tapioca.
First, you want a pre-heat your oven to 275 degrees, and grace the bottom of an 8 X 8 baking pan, you place your cooked rice and current in the bottom of the pan, and you wanna firmly pat it down to make an even layer.
Next place your remaining ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth, pour the liquid mixture over the rice and current layer and lightly smooth to make it even bake for one hour and 20 minutes after cooking, place it in the refrigerator for one hour before cutting into squares enjoy non-dairy rice putting my mother's Marketing kitchen.
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