Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Peter McMullin, from Sibu. Peter will share about Sibu and it’s mission to bring the blessing of Sea Buckthorn to the world. Sea Buckthorn is known as the “beauty berry” across Europe and Asia, and contains over 190 bioactive compounds that restore, revitalize, and protect youthful beauty.
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Sea Buckthorn
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Peter McMullin, from Sibu. Peter will share about Sibu and it's mission to bring the blessing of Sea Buckthorn to the world. Sea Buckthorn is known as the “beauty berry” across Europe and Asia, and contains over 190 bioactive compounds that restore, revitalize, and protect youthful beauty.
Sea Buckthorn
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Peter McMullin, from Sibu. Peter will share about Sibu and it's mission to bring the blessing of Sea Buckthorn to the world. Sea Buckthorn is known as the “beauty berry” across Europe and Asia, and contains over 190 bioactive compounds that restore, revitalize, and protect youthful beauty.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, we've heard about the benefits of omega 3, 6 and 9, but did you know about omega 7? You'll learn about that and so much more from today's guest talking about a product good for your hair, skin and nails, plus later will tell you about what's going on around town and what's new at mother's market, but first step, Peter McMullin is a health educator with the background in nutrition and exercise, he has a BS in exercise physiology from the University of Utah. He's helped catapult the Sabo into a successful natural skin care and supplement company through managing the sales and marketing efforts in the US and Canada, as well as being an integral part of the SBS product development. And we welcome him to the mother's market radio show.
Peter, how are you?
I'm awesome. Glad to be here. Thanks for having me, thank you for being here. Why don't you fill in our audience a little on your mission and your work before we get to the show's topic.
Okay, well, just a little bit of background. Our company specializes in capacitor, and that's why we exist. Our mission is to bring blessing of sea buckthorn to the world, that sounds, I guess, on a macro scale, so the way we do that is a family business that we have ties to the Himalayas, specifically the Tibetan Cultural region of India, close to the border of Tibet, where the mountain valleys are at like 13000 feet above sea level, very remote, some of the most remote areas on earth, Seaborn, the berry that is the basis of all of our products grows wild, there goes all over the place. And we helped organize a cooperative of harvesters that go out and hand harvest all of these wiring berries, and then we make products out of the berries and the derivatives of the berries, the oils and the pulp and the juice and things like that, and have some product lines, so we do a lot of education because nobody in the United States really even knew about sea buckthorn, and we started about eight years ago, so it's been a long road and a process, but we've really succeeded in getting it on the radar and off the ground and going Well now, so... And that was my first question to you and I sat down... What is bacon?
Well, that's great. So you've explained that it's a berry that grows... Are up in the Tibetan area in the region? Have you been there half a really... Yeah, is that part of the requirement?
As part of my job, yeah, I kinda wear many hats in the officially the president of the company, but I'm over all marketing and sales and stuff like that, but being a family business and... We're a very tight-knit family. My brother and my father and I kind of manage the business.
So we go over there and oversee the harvest, which is kind of in the fall, it's only one time a year for about three months, and make sure everything... Not part of the world, you gotta make sure you get the quality correct and the safety guidelines followed, so... Oh wow.
Oh, that's fascinating. So let's go back to what the sea buckthorn really is. You said it's a very... How did you discover this? You said it's a family business. So tell me a little bit about your family.
Okay, my parents adopted my sister Mina from India about... Oh, I don't know, a long time ago. She's close to 30 now, and about 15 years ago, they took her back to see where she was born, where she's from, which is in Calcutta.
To make a long story short, they met a guy named Nico Nico can, and he is kind of somewhere between an MD and an ancient medicine man, but he had lived for many, many years with his family in the Himalayan Mountains and learned all about IR Rada and using herbs and berries and all kinds of other natural things to help people's health and nutrition and to live a better life, because of his experience there, he had a connection to this bunch of people who would go out and harvest these berries, and they did it on a much smaller basis then, but we started to research that and we're kind of an entrepreneurial family, I guess you could say, but very much in the natural world as far as our habits of our consumer habits and our lifestyle. So it was a good fit. Juice is a special super fruit juices and super fruits and super foods were really starting to take off about 10 years ago, when we came across Seaborn and decided to develop this resource and figure out a way to get it over here to the United States and make products out of it, and it started out with just a simple juice, and it grew from there into more of a skin care company, and now we've got lots of skin care products and supplements.
That's interesting.
So what makes buckthorn special and different from other super foods?
That's a great question because there are so many these days, you've heard of a million different super fruits and the claim to have to the holy grail of nutrients.
Well, it's definitely nothing that you haven't heard of, or any kind of crazy black magic that come from the berry, it's very much power-packed with things that most people know about, it's like one of the most... The richest sources of vitamin C in the world, it's got a ton of vitamin A and vitamin E, your fat-soluble vitamins, which are A-D, E and K, because it's so rich in oils, which is really unusual for a berry, but the thing that really makes it unique is it's the world's arts greatest source of omega 7, and also has a mega 3 and 6 and 9, which everybody's heard of, but seven is something that's kind of rare in the natural world, there's some in some meats and in some fish, and in some other... Sources like some nuts and things like that, but nothing is even close to the content of omega 7 in sea back thorn also called Palmdale acid, and that is the really cool property with it is... With omega 7 is how good it is from the inside out for your skin hair and nails, it has some other great properties as well, but that's what makes it so great for us as a skin care company, it's kind of overlooked people overlook... Taking care of your skin from the inside out, because it's what you see on the outside, but it's also your biggest organ in your body, so it stands to reason that you would need to fortify that with proper nutrition is how's it used or taken and what kind of products, and I know you're saying it's a skin care company, but how do you apply it or how you take it... Another good question. So this Berry, and we have everything from just a pure Berry and its pure form with nothing else, all the way down to some derivatives that come from it, like the two oils that the berries rich in seed oil, which obviously comes from the seed and fruit oil or pop oil, which comes from the fruit and kind of everything else, but the seed, the seed oil is what I should be in topical products, it's naturally anti-microbial antibiotic and anti-bacterial, and it tends to be really good for skin topically, in fact, some of... Well-known media doctors have recommended it as the best natural cure for ACI, I guess, if you will, and it's great for edema, a lot of the research out there is on atopic dermatitis, things like rosacea, and of course, acting, like I said, it's been used for over a thousand years as a treatment for minor burns and wounds in Asia, which is really cool too, in fact, it still used today in hospitals in China. The other part of it is that's really rich in Omega-7 is the fruit oil, and that's what you wanna take internally, and you can find it in capsules, you can find it in the Pure Juice or pulp of the berry, and it's usually marketed as an omega 7 supplement or something to that effect.
Sometimes it's combined with some other ingredients, you know, our company, we just do just a pure Buckhorn, and so those are the two ways that you would wanna use that... Those main derivatives that make Seabourn unique is that the oil components, so every time we say Berry, I keep thinking It's probably a bright red, is that the color of it?
It's actually a bright orange...
Oh, really?
Okay, and it's tiny. It's about half the size of a blueberry.
So I were to put it on my skin, I wouldn't turn into like a poetically out... You would, if you got those two oils mixed up, so the pope oil is a dark red color and that's what gives the various color, and if you use that topically, you Walter norge and that... There's some products out there I've seen where the fruit oil has been marketed to be used topically and people notice really quick, and that's maybe not a good idea at the right things. You got really a CEO.
What are the common benefits to using Bucknell... Take it internally first.
Okay, so the unique benefits are gonna be derived from omega 7 or Pamela acid.
I mentioned already the skin, hair and nails, and there's a fair amount of research on that as well, so it's backed by clinical studies, so you're gonna see improved skin tone and texture, you're gonna see your skin's ability to resist conditions that that people don't want like acting Rosati exam, things like that.
Psoriasis, keratosis, Polaris, you name it, it's been shown, at least anecdotally, if not scientifically, to help the bodies pend off those conditions. It's great for the skin. So I mentioned the skin, the hair and nails. In fact, the thing that we hear most from people is how fast it makes their hair grow and their nails grow, so that's usually the first thing people notice, externally, it is also, of course, used on the skin for the same types of conditions, but it's also great for treating Minor burns and wounds, it's really good for just as an anti-aging treatment, in fact, we do sell the other companies as well, we'll sell this seed oil and it's essence just pure, and a lot of women are starting to use that as an anti-aging treatment before they go to bed, usually so they'll cleanse their skin with whatever they like to use, and then kind of gently massage the oil into their face and neck, and then you wanna give that a good 30 minutes before you put your face on a pillow 'cause even though you can't really see it, understand the pigment. If you put your face right onto a white linen pillow, you're gonna... After a couple of nights, it's gonna start to show up to have that... It is an orphan of your face, right, right.
Let's see what should consumers look for in the Cebu thorn products and to get the best quality and efficiency.
The source is a big one, it is cultivated around the world, it's not much in the United States, it is a bit in Canada, it comes from some parts of Europe and Russia and Asia, you really wanna get something that is rich, especially for the internal products, you would wanna find something that comes from high elevation, it's gonna be more kind of packed with those nutrients, a little bit more rich in the omega, that's how the Barry actually fortified itself against the intense radiation that it gets in the summer at high altitude.
Another thing to look for, of course, is gonna be some of your... The factors that just show the integrity of the company, fairtrade wild growing, of course, it's gonna be better than cultivated. Our products are hand-harvested, and I think most Buckhorn at this point is still hand harvested, and then with the internal... Are the external products you would wanna see something with a high percentage of the seed oil in it... Okay, so pure, obviously, the straight cell is the best, and in the lotions and potions and creams and stuff like that, you would wanna find a company that has... Or a brand that has a high amount of the feedback down in it, and this is really interesting information, and all I'm thinking about is how I need to get this in an on my skin and in my system here.
We can take care of it.
We have to take a quick and freak, but we will be right back more with them, learning about this seducer and Peter were gonna stay with us. We'll be right back.
Welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click on the link for radio and listen to past shows. Plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com.
And now back to our interview with Peter McMullen, and we're talking about the benefits of CAD Buckthorn.
So Peter, what makes omega 7 different from any other Omega like Omega 3?
Great question. Most people have heard of three and some people have 60 and 9 typically, just to give you a little background, no, MEGA 6, we get too much of... So you really don't wanna supplement with that, there's not very much in Sabato, omega-
3 is something that everybody needs, that's an essential fatty acid, and so you have to get it from your diet, and most people get that from fish and things like that, but there's also... Quite a bit of Omega 3 in some grains and some other fruits and vegetables, and there's a fair amount in C backdoor, I'll make a nine, there's a lot of... And some people have heard of that, but see again, is what really makes Zebulon unique because it's rare in the natural world, it's not an essential fatty acid, so it is something that your body will synthesize, but supplementing with it tends to really help most people mostly because of our western diets, we don't get the right components for our bodies to put it together in abundance, right.
So supplementing what it tends to really help, what it does in the body, I think I may have mentioned this a little bit before, but it's really good for the cardiovascular system as well as, of course, the skin, hair and nails, and your inside skin, which is the linings of your digestive tracts and urogenital tracts, those lining is very similar to your outside skin, right, so instead of sweat, they secrete mucus and that protects those linings.
I'm a true believer in it because I personally used to have terrible acid reflux and I would have to take a tone or roads or something like that, at least three, four, five times a week, if not every single day.
Now, it's a rarity as long as I keep taking enough omega 7 and it really helps to fortify those linings, and then of course, we talked a lot about already about the skin, hair and nails aspect, but the other thing that's really cool right now is... And there's a lot of research showing the benefits that it provides us, our cardiovascular system specifically put it in layman's terms, it helps to cut down on the stuff that blocks our arteries, and it helps to make our artery walls smoother. does two things, One is to decrease your LDL levels and raise HDL levels, so it lowers the bad cholesterol, raises the good cholesterol, it also lowers something called C reactive protein or CRP, and that's what kind of makes it sticky, that's what makes the arterial... The plaque stick to your arterial walls, so by cutting those two components down, it really cuts down the likelihood of heart attack or cardiovascular disease, which is really neat, and there's awesome studies coming out that support that.
What would be a recommendation for your age, how old... Can we start taking back that? It doesn't matter. It's all natural. It is food, it's what we call a whole food supplement, so it's instead of being a derivative of a product or something that's really boiled down to what we call isolated compounds or what you would get into multi-vitamin, it's whole, so your body sees it as food and assimilate it as food, so it really gets absorbed as food, that way it's great. Even for kids.
Okay, and of course on the box, we have to put warning that if you're pregnant or nursing and consult with your physician and everything like that, but it really is perfectly safe for anybody.
Okay, is there any new research being done on Seaborn omega-7, and in this answer, can you talk a little bit about what's being done and being said in the media... Yes, that's really interesting because there is another source of omega 7 that is marketed and it's new, and it's made from the... How do I put this in? Investment, best light, it's kind of... What's left over after the omega 3 fish process, right?
So labs that make omega 3 supplements of by purifying fish oil or further processing what's left over to get out the omega 7, now, what they're doing... And this is something that's really important because it is a little bit confusing as they are calling it purified omega-7, which is a process that sounds purified, it sounds much like pure... It must be good, right?
Well, the actual process in reality involves bleach, and processes in the natural world wanna stay away from and compounds that we wanna stay away from, it's a pretty dirty process, what they do is take out the politic acid that is in fish and sea Bator-helmet acid is a saturated fat. And it's also the STEM fat cell for all human life, so it's actually essentially... You need poetic acid, it's in your body, it's... And everybody's body and it's in almost all foods, human breast milk is 40% pumice of some of the marketing that's coming out is just kind of made that into a book, and so while we definitely need to be careful about our intake of pumice acid, the World Health Organization has recommended a certain percentage of our daily caloric intake that is allowed to be pumice acid or recommended, and a dose of most CBC-thorn omega 7 products including ours, is about 1% of that total daily recommended amount of pummeled. So it's negligible.
Yeah, and then you end up getting a pure source and a whole food supplement rather, that's been something that's kind of been really messed with, I guess, if you will, right, and with that... Watching what you were talking.
Exactly, yeah.
And thank you for explaining that, because the consumers would like to... Yeah, it's hard to cut through that as a consumer, you've got a... Why would a consumer wanna use the cab oil instead of a purified fish oil as a source of omega 7?
The main reason is gonna be because it's a whole food source and it's pure, and so our mantra is pure, not purified. I definitely don't wanna step on other brands and the products, anything like that, it's up to the consumer, but we believe that we have a very much a superior product, not only our brand, but of course just in purifier Seaborn, because it is so much what mother nature intended.
Yeah, and it's just really mean unmasked with... Right, right.
Well, I think when you just said, bleed, you know, I do everything.
I think blackthorn is, for all the years we've been doing the show, we haven't really touched on Cebu, and so I think this is great, and I think it's great that you're here, some great advice, and we really appreciate your knowledge and we look forward to having you on again. And in the meantime, you can get more information on Peter and his website, it's beauty dot com, and you spell it S IBU beauty dot com. We look forward to your next visit.
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I... Aaaaa.