Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Dr. Susan Smith Jones. In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show, Dr. Susan Smith Jones sits down with Kimberly King to talk about some easy ways to feel more refreshed and rejuvenated this summer.
Rejuvenating Food
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Dr. Susan Smith Jones. In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, Dr. Susan Smith Jones sits down with Kimberly King to talk about some easy ways to feel more refreshed and rejuvenated this summer.
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Dr. Susan Smith Jones. In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, Dr. Susan Smith Jones sits down with Kimberly King to talk about some easy ways to feel more refreshed and rejuvenated this summer.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition, Pelletier a king. And welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, we all need to pick me up from time to time, and we'll learn how to rejuvenate ourselves with just a few easy steps, I wanna improve your health and quality of life, then stay tuned and less and close us later. We'll tell you what's going on around town.
First step, when things slowed down, we may need some extra help to rejuvenate ourselves, and our guest today is Dr. Susan Smith-Jones. Susan has made extraordinary contributions in the fields of holistic health, anti-aging, nutrition and balanced living, she taught students... Staff and faculty at UCLA, how to be healthy and fit. For 30 years, Susan is the founder and president of health Unlimited, a Los Angeles-based consulting firm dedicated to optimal wellness, Health Education and Human Potential. She travels internationally as a frequent radio and TV talk show guest and motivational speaker, she's also the author of over 25 books, including recipes for helpless the joy factor, and her latest walking on air, you're 30-day inside it out rejuvenation makeover, which covers in detail all of the topics we'll discuss with her today on this show, and it is my pleasure to welcome her back to the mother's market radio show.
Susan, how are you?
Hi, Kim. It's wonderful to be back with you again. Why don't you fill in our audience a little on your mission and work before we get to the show's topic.
Yeah, well, as you mentioned, I taught students, staff and faculty at UCLA how to be healthy and fit for 30 years, and I see my mission right now is to reach as many people as possible around the world and teach them how to be healthy. If you eat the right foods and live a healthy lifestyle, you can keep your body and vibrant health, it's not that difficult to do, so I think that's my mission to reach as many people as possible.
We love that. And today we're talking about rejuvenating ourselves inside and out, and you developed a 10-step program, an acronym actually on how to do this. So let's start by asking you about step one, revitalize and refresh. Yes, and that's all about RISE and Shaun, you've gotta remember that the first 40 minutes of each day set the tone for the day, so you wanna make the first 40 minutes what? Healthy, peaceful, relaxed, not rushed, feeling comfortable. So maybe the night before, perhaps you set the breakfast table and get the lunch is ready for the kids, maybe you lay out your workout clothes or what you're going to wear for work, because those first 40 minutes of the day will make a profound difference on your whole attitude throughout the day. My grandmother always used to say to me when I was a teenager that your attitude is... Your mind's paint brush. It can color anything.
So if you wake up with a positive attitude and not rushed in the morning, it will make a huge difference in how your day goes, and I always recommend that everyone start the day with... I have a recipe for its Hawaiian vitality smooth on how to revitalize and detoxify your body, and one of the main ingredients in it is Hawaiian spare. I'll talk to you about that a little bit later, but the morning is also a time to have some quiet reflection to plan your day out, to create a to-do list and just to start calm and peaceful and relaxed, if we could all follow that, and I think we'd be better every day.
Let's talk about the letter E. step two. Exercise for vitality.
Yeah, exercise is so important for you to have energy for you to look good, in fact, there's no makeup or cosmetic surgeon that could do for your skin what a good workout does 'cause it gives you that wonderful glow. And I always tell people to walk your dog every day, whether you have a dog or not, because walking is one of the most underrated of all activities, and it's something we can do very inexpensively, you just need the right shoes, in the right clothes.
So I encourage everyone to get some type of exercise in daily, 'cause our bodies are designed for good circulation and activity, and the way most people live these days sitting behind a computer or at a desk or driving in the car... Our lives are too sedentary, and you could eat the best foods all day, you could have a positive attitude, but if you don't get in some type of physical movement, you're not gonna be able to be buoyant-ly healthy and have robust health.
Now, there are two other little comments I wanna make about exercise, and one is, it can actually increase your income, and I bet everyone is sitting up listening to this part right now, 'cause there were some studies done recently, and I found that Americans who exercise regularly make more money than people who don't exercise, in fact, in one study, it said that people who exercise three or more times a week make roughly 10% more, or on an average, about 80 more a week than those people who don't exercise, and then the study went on to also discover, the people who work out just one to three times a month make about 5% more than people who stay seated most of the time, so that if you need a reason to work out... That's a good one. And then one other thing, it has to do with your brain power, and I know one of the biggest appeals of exercise as you build up your bicep and you bring the chest area maybe back up north, you work the PACS, and of course, you work out the heart that goes without saying. But now, studies show that those people who exercise on a regular basis have less depression are less moody and have more positive attitudes, so I think it's important for many reasons, all the things I just mentioned, and also to help keep your weight down, 'cause it's difficult to... Have a good healthy weight unless you're exercising on a regular basis, all excellent points for sure.
So let's move forward and find out what the letter J means. Join the Breakfast Club.
Yes, you see, breakfast means... So what Kim, do you know what it means? It means breaking your fast, so when you wake up in the morning, what many people do is they skip breakfast and even sometimes skip lunch, 'cause they know that maybe there's a big dinner in the evening and they wanna save up the calories for the big meal, but you need to have something to eat within about an hour after waking up in the morning, because that stokes your metabolism, it's like putting kindling wood on fire to keep the fire going, and it helps you burn more calories throughout the day.
Studies also show that those people who have a healthy breakfast, and I'm not talking about a big breakfast of bacon and eggs and pancakes and things that aren't very good for you, but those people that have a healthy breakfast have more will power and control over their eating throughout the day.
So it's important to have a good breakfast, and I always recommend this, whether you do it or not, it will be up to you, but you wanna earn your breakfast, and by that, I mean if you can do something physically to burn some calories in the morning before you have breakfast, then what that will do in your body is it will burn the last couple of meals you've had the blood glucose, so that later on in the day, you will burn more calories throughout the day, so I always say, earn your breakfast. If you can do some working out before you have breakfast, then you'll burn more calories throughout the day and you'll use up a lot of that glucose, you'll keep your glucose level more stable throughout the day. Now, let's move to the letter you utilizing nature's best super food and super nutrient.
Yes, now, Kim, you might remember the last time we were together, I'm a big proponent of two whole food supplements, act, one is a whole food supplement, whole food actually is super food called Hawaiian spare, and the other one is the King of all the antioxidants. It's called Hawaiian astana. Now, I like the last four letters and Asian and it's thin, but I'll tell you just briefly why I love these and I wouldn't be without them. First of all, I've taken the Hawaiian Sperling for almost 30 years, and then all of this time I have not had a cold or a flu. And I don't think that's a coincidence. And I've taken the Hawaiian astana for almost 10 years. In a moment, I'll tell you how many milligrams I take. But people often say to me, Well, do we really need to take supplements, and if we lived in a perfect environment, if we grew all of our own foods in the backyard, if we had no stress in our lives, if we let a very healthy lifestyle... We wouldn't need to take anything, but I think to fill in the nutritional gaps of the modern day fast-paced over-stimulated under nourished lifestyle, these are two supplements I recommend, and both of these have replaced about 30 bottles on my kitchen counter.
Now, together, I call them gems of nature, but together they provide the perfect high energy, low healing ALCO-Ising detoxifying and overall head-to-toe rejuvenating whole food supplements.
So alright, What is Sperling? I bet many of you listening have heard of it, but you're not quite sure what it is, it's a blue green algae that has a particular benefit for the whole circulatory system and the immune system, it's also a well-absorbed source of iron that can help resolve anemia, it helps guard against a regular blood clots, it helps to reduce successive triglycerides in the blood, but in addition to all of this, it's got great benefit for the cardiovascular system, and it also helps to reduce inflammation, something that a lot of people have... You're just walking around in a body that has lots of inflammation, it's also great to detoxify the whole body, it's good for the colon, the skin, the kidneys and the liver, and of course, these are all the four channels of elimination, and it also protects your brain and I usually take about 3000 milligrams a day, and I take it in both powder and tablet form.
The tablet form is a little easier to take when you travel, but I also once every seven to 10 days, I created a few rejuvenating masks for the skin that include the Hawaiian spar Lina, and you can find those recipes on my website, and they also... Of course, these products are from new Trex Hawaii, and they're grown on the Kona Coast, the pristine Kona Coast of Hawaii, so that they're pure, they're safe, they're potent, they've won awards, and I wouldn't be without the spare line, but I also wouldn't be without astana... Not only is it known as the King of all anti-oxidant, which is something we need in our body, and an anti-oxidant is something... I call it a super moms up all the extra free radicals in your body, but the steamer has also been found through hundreds of scientific studies to boost the immune system to help with overall health, but one thing I like a lot that our studies show that it really helps with your skin, 'cause it works as an internal sun screen and it also helps give you more moisture on your skin, more even skin tone, it helps reduce freckles and age spots and some damage and makes it so you can stay in the sun a little bit longer, and I take usually 12 milligrams a day. The studies on the skin had them only take 4 milligrams, but it absolutely was shown scientifically to help reduce wrinkles, but the benefits of the Asian and are more than skin deep because it does help with cardiovascular health and brain health, IT guards against... Cataracts and macular degeneration. And in terms of vitamin C, 'cause you know that as an antioxidant... Listen to this comparison. Asked to Zaman is 6000 times stronger than vitamin C. 500 times stronger than vitamin E. 2000 times stronger than resveratrol in Cheriton. These are all anti-oxidants and again, it's also grown on the Kona Coast of Hawaii through new tricks Hawaii, and it was just reported a few months ago that both Heidi Klum and Gene Paltrow take hellion as as Aman every day, that's their beauty secret to have beautiful youthful skin, the thing with the Assam, then as you wanna take it with a meal or a food that has a little fat in it, 'cause it helps it absorb better, just like a vitamin D, but these two supplements can make a profound difference in how you look how you feel your energy, your overall health, and I wouldn't be without them. They're both my daily companions. That's great. I think right now, we're gonna have to take a quick break more from Dr. Susan Smith Jones, talking about how to revitalize yourself. We'll be right back, your and welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can always find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to past shows. Plus, download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now, back to our interview with Dr. Susan Smith-Jones, and we're talking about rejuvenating ourselves, and we're also talking about as a Anton and spirulina.
So are there any side effects? And also, where can we get those products?
Well, another wonderful thing about both asti saman and spare the Hawaiian brand is there are no side effects at all with either of them, and there have been hundreds of studies done on both of these, and you can't say that about many supplements on the market right now, I also recommend... You go to mother's markets and you buy these.
Again, I recommend both the powder and the tablets for the spar, Lina, and then of course the tablets for the steam then, and I encourage everyone to get at least a three-month supply because while you'll feel changes in your body right away and more energy with a spare line, it takes a little bit of time to have the esteem and fully saturate your body, just like a vitamin D, so I always recommend and I always get at least three months supply because I don't wanna run out either. Great, and thank you for clarifying that.
Now, where are we going to jump back into our acronym, so we are spelling out rejuvenate and up to the letter V, visualize your day ahead. So important.
Yes, and you see many of these. You can do together. I talked about rising shine, make the first 40 minutes count. So maybe you visualize at that time because what's eating you is sometimes more important than what you're even eating each day, and we know our physical health is important, but our mental health often gets overlooked, and studies show that even a minute or two of visualizing something you want in life and end result, maybe you want better health, maybe you wanna lose weight, maybe you want to attract more prosperity into your life, studies show that when you visualize and are more positive about a goal, you'll achieve it at a faster rate. It was Henry David Throw, who once said, If you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams and you endeavor to live the life you have imagined... You will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. And it's really true. Keep in mind that visualizing the positive along with positive thinking and focusing on those things for which you are grateful will help improve your mood and your outlook.
Oh, I love that, that's awesome. Let's move on to number six. The letter E, Eat more fruits and veggies. Yeah. No, this is a no-brainer.
I know all of our grandmothers and parents taught us this, or at least we hope they did, but produce is the most important healthcare that your money can buy, and most of us can make the wrong choices every day by choosing foods that were never intended for our miraculous bodies.
So vibrant health really does start in the kitchen by choosing the most delicious foods that also help heal your body, foods that you eat can beautify your skin, they can boost metabolism, they affect your mood and so much more, so you wanna eat foods that have lots of beautiful natural color that are as close to the way nature made them as possible, and there are lots of super foods out there like blueberries and Ossie berries, go Ubers, Legos, Levien, broccoli, garlic, but my favorite super food of all on planet Earth, because it's the most nutrient rich food is spare Lena.
So another reason I have that every day, you can use it in recipes, you can put it in smoothies, you can just... You can mix it with water or tea, there are many ways that you can use the spar lina or you can take it in tablet form.
Oh, I know I need to eat more fruits and veggies. Thank you for that information in that reminder.
Okay, let's move on to number seven, the letter and nourish your body and lose weight with Apple sleep, sleep, sleep. Yes, no, no, this is a big one, 'cause lots of people wanna lose a little weight, and there's nothing more restorative for your body than getting a good night sleep, night after night after night, when you don't get good sleep, it causes your body to crave foods that are not good for you, and also causes your body to hold on to all of the calories you eat, even of the good foods.
So in other words, you'll have no will power if you don't get good sleep at night, it increases your cortisol level, which causes you to burn fewer calories during the day, so you've good health and losing weight and keeping stress down and looking young or having more energy, they all begin with getting good sleep every single night, another little trick I recommend trick or one of my secrets is people say to me, I'm just Amish by the time I sit down to eat. Well, first of all, you wanna graze throughout the day, you don't wanna eat one or two huge meals, you wanna eat every three or four hours at the most, smaller meals, but if you have some spare in a powder, about 30 to 40 minutes before you sit down to eat, it will help prevent refine carb cravings anyone over-eat, 'cause your body has lots of nutrients it needs and it's not starving for you to eat more and more than your body actually needs. So that's something you might wanna try 30 to 40 minutes before you sit down to a meal or SNAP.
Hey, that's great advice.
Let's move on to the letter A, adjust your attitude and say good bye to procrastination. Who procrastinate here?
Yeah, your attitude, like I said, right at the top of the show, my grandmother said that your attitude is your mind's paint brush, I can color or anything, and there are three things in life over which we have control... What we eat, how we move. Of course, the exercise we get and the thoughts we think, so no one puts the thoughts in your mind, you decide what it is you want to think, studies show that those people who are more positive, and this was a major study published in the Scientific Journal circulation looking at 97000 people over seven years, they found that those people who are more positive, have less weight issues, have fewer heart attacks, less risk for diabetes, less heart disease, less stroke.
But it all goes back to your attitude. You've gotta focus on things in life that bring you joy and happiness, and studies have also shown a positive, people rarely procrastinate, and I suggest that you make your day top heavy... Here's what I mean by that Make day top heavy. You wanna do the least desirable task on your to-do list, first thing in the morning when you're generally more well-rested and your energy level is up, and look at it this way, your day will progressively get easier, not the other way around. If you do the most difficult task early in the morning, so make your day to peppy.
Oh, that's excellent. Let's move on to the letter T. take time to meditate. And breathe deeply. Yeah, I love that one. Now, those people that meditate regularly look 12 to 15 years younger than those people don't ever meditate of the same age, so that's one profound reason to meditate, all of us wanna look younger, meditating on a regular basis, meaning it could be a few... Just a few minutes every day. boost your immune system, calms you, relaxes you, helps you to be more focused and positive and happy, and then writing tandem with meditation, of course, is deep breathing.
Now, you don't need to be a Buddhist monk to learn how to meditate it or sit down and do deep breathing, and you can do it just about anywhere, even driving a car, you can do your deep breathing and study show that one of the quickest and best ways to reduce stress, burn more calories, increase your creativity, release fear, bolster your confidence, and of course, supercharge your energy is simply through long, slow, deep breaths. Most of us breathe too shallowly... Is that a word? shallow, we're shallow breathers and we need to take a long, slow, deep breath, hold it for a couple of seconds, slowly let it out, it will make a huge difference on your overall health throughout the day, if you just breathe deeply, doesn't cost depending to do it either.
Oxygen is classified as a drug, so... Thank you. Let's move on to the last letter of rejuvenate the letter E, enjoy Dale after and to call your funny bone. Yes, and you see a lot of these we can do together, you can wake up in the morning, what I like to do is before I do anything, I go in the bathroom and I look in the mirror and it cracks me up without disheveled, they look overnight but according to researchers, laughter releases in your body these endorphins that even come out when you do aerobic exercise too, and they act as natural stress busters and left her throughout the day or just a good belly laugh. Give your heart muscles a good work-out, improved circulation, fills your lungs with oxygen-rich air and helps counteract fear, anger and depression, all of which you're linked to illness and stress, so fine ways throughout the data, tickle your funny bone. All of this is great advice, season for people who are just starting out, what would you recommend to do first or top on the list is go to mother's markets, any of them, and get Hawaiian, Spain and Hawaiian as taxation, because they will make up for a lot of the ways you might not be living a healthy lifestyle, they're easy to take, and then I'd also say, get good sleep at night, 'cause that will make a profound difference in your whole day, your attitude and everything.
But of course, many of these, their ten steps, your secrets. You can combine them together.
Thanks, Susan, so very much for your time, and we look forward to having you on again. In the meantime, you can get more information on Susan's website, Susan Smith Jones dot com and learn more about her and even pick up one of her books, we look forward to having you on for our next visit.
Thank you.
Thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show. And for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition,