Hosted by Kimberly King with guest Kerne Ericson. In this episode of MOther’s Market Radio Show, Kimberly King will chat with Kerne Ericson about the future of food and more specifically GMO’s, including the effect that they are having on our food supply.
Non-GMO Foods: Our Right to Know!
Non-GMO Foods: Our Right to Know!
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest Kerne Ericson. In this episode of MOther's Market Radio Show, Kimberly King will chat with Kerne Ericson about the future of food and more specifically GMO's, including the effect that they are having on our food supply.
Non-GMO Foods: Our Right to Know!
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest Kerne Ericson. In this episode of MOther's Market Radio Show, Kimberly King will chat with Kerne Ericson about the future of food and more specifically GMO's, including the effect that they are having on our food supply.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show. I show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, we're gonna talk about the future of food and more specifically gmos and the effect they're having on our food supply, plus we'll tell you what's happening around town and give you a chance to win a 100 gift card, but first stuff... We're happy to welcome a new guest on the show, artist Carney Erickson has had his work exhibited throughout the United States and the world as a matter of fact, and His passion also extends to the organic whole foods. He's recently hosted a film at mother's market called the future of food, a film that examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat. This is an extremely important topic, and we welcome him to the mother's market radio show.
Carney, how are you? I'm good, I'm glad I made it here. I got stuck in traffic, but... Well, welcome to orange cat.
Sorry about that.
Well, for those of you in our audience that may not be familiar with your mission and your work, why don't you tell everybody what that mission is... Before we get started on today's topic, well, I'm completely unqualified to be doing this, what I'm doing with the food thing, other than the fact that I eat food, and I'm concerned about the status of food in this country, in the world, and I began just hearing these interviews, these obscure interviews maybe 15 years ago with an author named Jeffrey Smith was the first one who wrote the seas of deception, and I would hear those interviews and the research that he was doing, and it was frightening back then, but I'm thinking, Okay, so this will get taken care of. And then as the years go by, this relentless march towards the GMO foods has continued, and I just got to the point where I was just thinking more and more about the state of things, and the several months ago, I finally just came to the point of saying, I cannot bear to do nothing to stand by and watch this happen, so I just had to start getting involved in, that's how I started to just set up these events to show the film and try to inform people about the status of the food that they're eating.
Well, that's a passion. will do that for you. So that is... Your mission has taken you to a whole new area, you're also an artist, but today we are talking about gmos and genetically-modified foods, to be exact, and they're everywhere in our food supply, there's a little... Well, there is a battle going on to control the world's food supply, so much to cover here, so corny. Let's start with telling me, telling us all about what exactly are gmos, that stands for genetically modified organisms, sometimes it's referred to as genetically engineered food, but the common phrases gmos, and it's the process whereby they take the genes from some creature, some bacteria, some virus, some animals some plant and insert that artificially into another alien, into an alien set of genes and another organism, and the goal, their goal is to find something that ultimately makes them more money, and that they claim that it will be safe and... And effect even productive. But it's completely unnatural. And they don't know the consequences when they insert these changes, they have to do hundreds and thousands of applications of this process before they come up with something that even lives, and then they test those and find some that will eventually do what they are trying to do. Which would be resisted disease, or change the color or increase the yield or something, but in doing, they come up with the specific result that they're wanting, but the ramifications of that are unpredictable, so there's other destructive things that happened because they don't understand the whole genome may just know enough to get... They know enough to create a problem and they don't know how to solve the situation when I get some actually out in the field and you're talking about the destruction, but could you expand on the destruction and the dangers... Well, first of all, the testing that's been done before these were introduced into the food chain was all funded by the very people who manufacture these, and there's billions of dollars of profit at stake, and so they're highly motivated to come to come up with tests who say that these are... These are safe, but the tests that were done were flown, but the people are now doing tests to like tar Smith and his people are doing tests on these, and they found that... Okay, so one type of GMO seed would have the goal of putting a pesticide in every cell of a corner of corn, so every grain and that ear of corn has a pesticide in it to kill a particular past. The problem is we're eating that pesticide with evergreen, so then they've taken normal corn and then they've taken genetically engineered corn, and then they've taken normal corn where they've injected the same pesticide into the corn, and they fed it to test animals and the... Of course, there is no bad effects with the normal corn, and there are bad effects with the JMA corn, but strangely enough, there's no bad effect with the corn that's just had the pesticide injected into it, so it's not so much the pesticide that's causing the problem is just the disruption of the genes themselves, the very cool that makes corn corn has been disrupted and it malfunctions and unpredictable ways.
What is the threat in the big picture? The picture is plants are pollinated by pollen that blows in the wind, and these genetically engineered plants do not stop up at fence lines, they blow in the wind and they spread to other plans, other weeds, we're creating crops of super weeds that can't be killed with pesticide, we're creating other foods that have pesticides and then we're creating things that we don't know what we're creating, it's completely unpredictable, but the big picture is that this has been in the environment for 15, 20 years in increasing amounts, and it may be too late, but if it's not too late, if we move quickly to stop these, we can retract the damage and spent time, but they've gone into the depths of the villages in Mexico looking for the airline corns they have been growing there for thousands of years, and that corn that's planted by hand by Mexican farmers out in the mountains, in Mexico is tainted with games that have come from America, in our agribusiness companies who we promoting these things and they've blown in the wind and gotten down to Mexico and it's... So we don't know the consequences, but it's changing the food that we eat. Well, I was gonna ask you how many years this has been in our crops and that... That you answered that question. This is incredible. Why is the availability of healthy food so important... Well, I used to live on coffee and hamburgers and typical attend things, right. And I never... I actually would chuckle IT... People who are into health food, I didn't think it was really important, but I guess when my mother died of Alzheimer's, and I started to read, when I was watching that process, read how much exercise and nutrition can affect the body's health, and specifically with Alzheimer's, and then other diseases, and I started to see that. And I always had heard this, but I laughed at that, but we are what our body is made of, what we put into our mouth and we can be nothing more than what we've eaten, and if I'm just eating junk food and at one point my body is... Going to start collapsing because it's being made of those very things that I put into it.
So I was... For the past 10 years, I've made it a real gradual but steady move towards eating more and more healthy healthy food, and so interested in this go thing, being against the gmos, is that just began very selfishly personally, because I wanted good food for myself, but at the facts to everybody who eats, absolutely making a big difference there.
And especially, the research has proven that it's very interesting information and you found what it's done to change your life as well, you're gonna take a quick break, but when we return, we're gonna have some more information on gmos and the importance of eating healthy, we'll be right back, thank you, the radio show.
And we wanna remind you he missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now, back to our interview with artist and healthy food advocate, kernel Ericson, we're talking about the availability of healthy food, so please discuss the future of food that film... That sounds really interesting.
It is, and we're talking about do some serious things about how bad the food has gotten, but the film actually is... It's not in the entertain you think it's not a drama or something. But it's enjoyable to watch and it really gives a person hope, it ends up being a hopeful message because there's things that you can do, there's choices you can make, and there's things that we can do as a group of people who are concerned about having healthy food in terms of looking for the labeling that is available and then seeking to get specific labeling on the GM foods, and so it covers the broad spectrum of the whole Sunday, it shows how the genes are blasted into the cells at a shows the ramifications of that in the fields, and it shows the heavy-handed tactics that the agribusiness corporations use to try to force people into... Force the farmers into using their materials, but it does end up being a pleasant film to watch in a film, but you won't walk away from this without being changed because it's something you don't know that you're in depending on how a person shops.
You could easily say that everybody that's shopping at a normal market is 70, say 70% of the foods they're buying, our General Foods, it could be 90%, but if it comes in a box and they're in a packing, she's probably got some good in it and so this film is kind of shows the whole process and helps you have ways to avoid those things that are so distracting, that's what I was gonna ask you is, did you see this film and then start to turn your eating habits around, or had you already started to go through that process.
Well, you know, there's a number of these films that have come out in past several years, and it's really encouraging and an exciting, but I began first with the Jeffrey Smith book, seeds of deception. And if anybody likes to read books, that's an excellent book, this film covers many of the same things that the book covers, there's another good film out footing and The World According to Monsanto and the future. Food is what we're showing. They're all good, and maybe we could end up with a series of films here at mothers or something, but they're all kind of themed on this one theme and it's... So this film, the future of the food... Who put this film together?
Slowly films, and I... Deacons Garcia, I believe is her name. And you can Google the future of food, she has a website and there's some interviews with her, she got into this really early and has really done the tremendous things, he's done some other films, and her website has lots of veg information beyond the film itself and what do you hope that people get from the film... Well, hope, like I said, number one, and knowledge and knowledge about what they have been eating and knowledge about what they should eat in the future, if they wanna be healthy, and knowledge about how to make a difference in the world, if people band together, this could change the history of food in the world, and there's... I think 90% of the seed companies have been bought up by one company, Monsanto, and they're the producer of The Jamal foods, and they are on track to control the world food supply, and I laugh because it's so terrifying that I just have that strange reaction to it, but... Do you feel it's an uphill battle, you feel like you go on this, Alan, or is it more and more people are getting on your bed began before I started... For the years that I was just kind of getting upset about this, I would just kinda be muttering and getting a angering to my friends under my breath kind of thing, but this horrible thing was going on, I just felt like... Yeah, I felt isolated and like it was hopeless, but I don't know, when I started to take a stand and just come out and say This is important, I started to find out that there's... Most everybody I've talked to about this has either known all about it, but they've just not known what to do, they found hopeless like I did, or they knew nothing about it, but they're happy to find out How can people get involved in a guys... Consumers get active in helping save healthy food supply, there's a grassroots initiative, isn't there?
There is... And the Jeffery Smith I keep referring to is such a... He's done such a tremendous work, but for example, he says it with the bovine growth hormone in the milk that took 20 years of resistance of people standing up and saying, We don't want that, but we finally kind of pretty much eliminate that from the marketplace, and he feels that the same condition is now with the GMO foods, and we're really at a tipping point in this country, and if we just get 5% of the public knowledgeable about this, the corporations will hear because they want to make a profit, and if they see 5% of the country are refusing the GM foods, then pretty soon we won't have to deal with this in the marketplace because they'll see the handwriting on the wall and we're trying to educate people, but then the immediate goal after that is to get this on the California ballot as initiative to require that gmos would be labeled in California, and the people that are doing this, I've talked to others, there are other states that if California passes it, they're right behind us, and it would be the tipping point that 15 years ago when... In the minutes, the British government hired this research firm, they were world experts in GMO engineering, they hired them to prove that, just to document that gmos were saying, and they proceeded with the testing, and fortunately, the leader of this research team was on a scientist and he believed himself that James were safe, that had been his career, and he was been working in that direction, but as he actually did the testing, his results were coming back that there were grave dangers here, there's serious problems, and so... He made one appearance on the BBC, they went throughout Europe that said, I have grave concerns about gmos. And I can't recommend that they're used... And he was two days lady who was fired and he was banned from working in the field for over 10 years, had lots of legal battles and everything, but that... From that one broadcast.
Enough people in Europe found out about gmos and they stood up and said, We don't want this.
And gmos are banned in Europe, their band and Canada. They're banned in Japan, they're banned in Australia, over 30 nations in the world who consider these GMO foods bio-hazards if they find them growing and feels... They burn the fields.
The people in Haiti and their recent disaster, America tried to force them to receive shipments of GMO foods as a... Just to help them to have foods to survive on, they burnt the shines shipments because they know that if the gmos get in onto their island in their crops, they will taint their food and I'll destroy their livelihood.
Can you... This probably the last question that we ask. But just can you give an example of really how you changed your eating habits, what was the one... Really, the trigger that happened, you said you had hamburgers and coffee, and all of a sudden was it kind of cold turkey and then look at you now, but what happened?
What was your path?
It's funny because for a while I think the mother's people kind of thought I was some kind of homeless person or some person I was trying to shop lifts and food or something, 'cause I'd go to mothers and just spend hours there. Actually, I knew nothing about it, but just so I go. Just reading labels per hour from Mill and reading some of the books they had there and slowly picking up a few things and taking a home and easier reading some more, and then I got to know some of the people there and they asking the questions, and they would laugh and say, Oh, what's it matter? You can't shot by yourself, and I say, Well, I just... I enjoy talking, but anyway, it developed into this thing where I switched my priorities instead of having food be a convenience or a taste experience, I just... I flipped it upside down. I said, I want to have everything I eat in my putting in body to be healthy, that's the priority, if it happens to taste good, that's better, but I want it to be healthy first and that's my goal, and so I just started just step by step by just buying more and more foods, the funny little segment was that I... For a number of years, I'd go in and I'd go by the director there, and I'd always see like the organic pastors were all milking, and I was always kind of terrified by them 'cause I had always heard it has to be pasteurized and you get sick of it does not pasteurized. I kept seeing it there, and I had heard some people who were kind of advocating eating for all Melanie day, I say, Well, I'm gonna try it out, but I was terrified because I'd always been told it, you have to pass orientale with a cooler with full of IS... And I picked up the Roman, I stuck in my cooler really quick in the store, 'cause I'm thinking if it gets hot, it's gonna become dangerous, and so I bought it and ran out to my car and drove home as fast as I could and got it in the refrigerator really quickly, and then I took a little set the next day and nothing happened, it tastes pretty good, and so finally after a few days said, Well, this really tastes good, and then I started to read about it and it was... It's really, that's the only way you should be drinking milk, and when you come... When you Pastor ie milk, it kills everything that's healthy in it, and actually it turns it into a toxic thing that that's why so many people have dairy allergies and so then take any one step further, I found out that you can actually... Instead of being worried that you can... You have to keep the milk cold, you can actually just put it in a jar outside on your counter and add some key for grains to it, and it just sits on the counter and gets even more healthy, and the healthy bacteria that's in the milk will... They've actually done experiments with it, that they can inject some bacteria into the malakand, the healthy bacteria in the milk will eat the Ki ancient, so imagine what that's doing inside of your stomach too, so it establishes this profoundly healthy environment inside your digestive system, and that cannot happen when you drink pasteurized milk because it's all dead, so I look at the 250-gallon price militum of the stores, as I just call it, the dead white stuff, and the Organic Pastures ramillies system.
It's health food.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Well, yeah, people have like there's vegans and there's rathod, and there's... All the kinds of different philosophies about health food, I kinda go down in the middle, I guess, and don't get into any extreme, if you're eating animals that were raised in a pasture that eat grass and have exercise themselves, you're pretty safe, and if you eat some crops that are organic. You're safe. In regard to the GMO sub, they were talking about at this point, the foods that are genetically modified in this country are cotton, canola, soy beans, and a few papaya from Hawaii, and a few cone squash.
Now they're talking about salmon, I just read that there's some wine that's coming out, that's GMO now, and there's some grass that's GMO, so there's tremendous pressure to expand this into virtually everything that we need.
That's very nice. And you are gonna be speaking at mothers, and it's been very nice, a delightful talk with you, Carney Erickson at mother's market, and you're a very good, nice advocate for Mother's market. And thank you for sharing the film once again, it is called The Future of food, the future of food, and you're also an advocate for the Jeffrey Smith book, seeds of deception as well.
Thank you for your time. We look forward to having you on again in the meantime, but you can learn more about the food supply once again, the future of food dot com, and also label gmos dot org and catch them of Carey's artwork on his website, K. Ericson Art dot com. We look forward to our next visit, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition,