Join host Kimberly King as she discussses the powers of Medicinal Mushrooms with Dr. Mark Kaylor, who has been involved in the natural products industry for over 40 years. Did you know that different types of mushrooms can help with anxiety, stress, and give you more energy? Learn how a simple mushroom supplement can enhance your health. Tune in!

Medicinal Mushrooms
Medicinal Mushrooms
Join host Kimberly King as she discussses the powers of Medicinal Mushrooms with Dr. Mark Kaylor, who has been involved in the natural products industry for over 40 years. Did you know that different types of mushrooms can help with anxiety, stress, and give you more energy? Learn how a simple mushroom supplement can enhance your health. Tune in!
Medicinal Mushrooms
Join host Kimberly King as she discussses the powers of Medicinal Mushrooms with Dr. Mark Kaylor, who has been involved in the natural products industry for over 40 years. Did you know that different types of mushrooms can help with anxiety, stress, and give you more energy? Learn how a simple mushroom supplement can enhance your health. Tune in!
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market podcast, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, we dealt back into the wonderful world of mushrooms.
Did you know that different types of mushrooms can help with anxiety, stress and give you more energy, stay tuned and learn how a simple mushroom supplement can enhance your health. Plus later will tell you what's going on around town and what's new at mother's market, but for STEM, Dr. Mark Taylor has been involved in the natural products industry for over 40 years, including retail manufacturing, formulating and private practice, he studied a variety of traditional healing approaches, including eastern and western herbalism, naturopathy, nutrition and shamanism. Mark rings a eclectic perspective to the conversation with an emphasis on the education and a truly holistic orientation, and we welcome him back to the mother's market podcast. Mark, how are you?
I'm doing really well. Thanks for having me back.
It's great to see you, and why don't you fill our audience a little bit on your mission and your work before we get to today's show topic, actually that mission topic would be a very long conversation here, but I've been involved in natural products industry for over 40 years as you mentioned, and I actually kind of backed into it, and I was getting my PhD in Sociology, the plan was to go on and teach at a university level and do all that, and somehow I took a job part-time in a health food store to help cover some of the bills and put food on the table when I was going to grad school, and it just woke me up to this wonderful world of natural health and holistic healing and things, and from there, it's just been kind of one step after another. Obviously, I didn't go in to my Phnom PhD program and go into teaching, but I've had a chance to stall with a lot of traditional healers, gathering information from as many cultures and approaches as possible to really try to approach our health or healing in a very holistic manner, honoring these really ancient traditions that I think are filled with wisdom that don't necessarily have double-blind placebo controlled studies being, but I think are extraordinarily useful, and I'm now starting a non-profit organization called radiant health project, and the idea is to move us away from I think the disease orientation that we have in our society today, to one about focusing on health rather than always focus on a healing, so why wait for the cold? Why wait for the flu, having forbid, why wait for cancer before we wake up, let's do what we can do to really maximize our health and vitality and really be the best you you can possibly be, 'cause I really believe that we pretty much all of us operate at sub-optimal levels, whether it's because of stress or died or... Not enough sleep or whatever it may be. So that's what radio health is all about.
I love it. It's good for you and good luck with your new non-profit. I wanted to also talk to you about today, we're talking about medicinal mushrooms, which is something I know we've spoken to you about in the past, and briefly too, I just wanna say you really are using... I know you wanted to go to school to teach, but look at you teach, you have been teaching the world about it.
Absolutely, and there's a hunger in and eat out there, and I get people who just will hear a podcast like this and they'll track me down and call me and say, You know, I got a mother or brother sister or whatever who's dying from something that... Medicine doesn't have treatments for what can we do, so they're certainly a need and in a hunger out there for this information... Well, and your passion comes through many of your listeners, I imagine, probably don't associate mushrooms with medicine, but you have helped us in the past, but could you do this again, and that is dispelled the myth associated with medicinal mushrooms.
Yeah, I think mushrooms is an interesting category 'cause when you say mushrooms to somebody, what runs through your mind is a little stem with a little cap on it, and that's a mushroom, but it in your salad, there are teeny tiny mushrooms that are almost microscopic... There is the largest organism on the planet is a mushroom growing in Oregon, so visually, it's very different from what we think, and a lot of them don't even have that STEM and cap, some of them have layer, some of them look like coral, some of them look like they came from outer space. So just the visual element of it is very different, and I think really the biggest myth is that they're not medicine, again, it's a topping on a pizza, something we throw on top of our salads that may surprise people to know that human kinds have been using medicine or mushrooms as medicine for 5-6000 years. So there's some human kinds oldest medicines, and in the last 75 years or so, they're also some of the best research natural remedies that are out there.
So I think that's kind of some of the biggest miss and then you run into the mushrooms, well, their poisonous... Well, only a few of them are concerned that way, and if someone's growing, then we know that they're not the voice in his mushrooms, so that's not a really big concern in that regard, and then people even who are familiar with mushrooms... I always think of him as M, you name ammonium. You go into any Elwood store and you ask, I'm looking for a medicinal mushroom and it's either in the immune section or it's right beside the immunization, and I think people may be surprised that they do so many things beyond that for the brain, for the lungs or the liver for kidneys, I think for longevity. You name it, there's a mushroom that's probably beneficial for it, so that's what I was just gonna ask you, so you just kind of tapped a little bit into that, so there literally is a mushroom for everything... Yeah, absolutely, the Ray mushroom has probably... I think I've listed like 100 benefits for that mushroom, so there's certainly a lot out there that we're not aware of, we're discovering things more and more, so it's an interesting, exciting time to see what complying that long tradition and the ancient knowledge that we have combining with all the new sciences coming out, just kind of exciting.
So can you give some examples of perhaps... I don't know if there are people that specifically you worked with, or you say raisers, that seems to be like... Maybe people may have heard about a race mushroom and that kind of kind of covers everything. Maybe, I don't know, that's what I've heard specifically, but specific mushroom was for each ailment.
Well, there's so many hostel use. Race mushroom is a good example. Again, I've been tracking the research on it, and I'm now at about 100 benefits for it.
I've actually coined the phrase tonic for the 21st century for RAI, 'cause I think it is the number one perfect remedy for those of us living in this day and age, the number one killer in America is heart disease, rachis wonderful for heart disease.Lowers blood pressure lately rides can help with cholesterol levels, the number two killer in America is what cancer race has a number benefits preventative, therapeutically, recovery as an adjunct treatment in cancer treatment, and what's probably one of the biggest causes of disease in our society, stress... Who's not experiencing more stress and we prefer to... She's a wanfl stress on ice, so it has benefits for that, but then you got a mushroom like lions Main, which was used traditionally primarily for... Has a chiton IC for overall health and energy and for the digestive track, the research has suggested lately, that is really good for the brain. There are studies with Alzheimer's and dementia for it, there are about a half a dozen case studies with it for schizophrenia that have literally turned people's lives around.
Wow, so we don't... Again, it gets back to that myth that here's this little fucking is growing on a log some place, and it's taken somebody schizophrenia, which is virtually unreadable and turning around and giving their life back, so... I don't wanna use the word miraculous, but it is truly amazing, and I think we're really just tapping the tip of the iceberg as far as their healing potential, how are they taking the race mushrooms, what is the... Is it in form of a supplement... Can you go through that process?
Sure, and that's actually really important. How you take it.
Mushrooms are varied. Oftentimes, very, very difficult to digest. Particularly the Ray mushroom.
So if you would tap on the race, museum's gonna sign like you're tapping on this table, it's like a piece of Basswood, so you don't think of taking that, throwing that in a fry pan or in a stand, cooking that baby up 'cause being a piece of wood, so you need to make that bio-available and accessible to the body, and the way you do that is you extract it and you extract it properly, ratio needs to be extracted in hot water and an alcohol to pull out all the constituents to it, so each much room really needs to be grown in a specific manner that's tailored to it, and then it needs to be processed in a man that's gonna make it accessible to the human body, where is rationales all over the place. It does grow in China, grows in Europe, you'll find ratio growing on the Gulf Coast in the US, there's other types of similar species, anadromous species that you'll find in in Northwest and further north and things like that, but it's a fairly well-distributed, although it's not one of those mushrooms that you'll find a whole patch of, you don't find the fairy rings of Rai or something like that, and that's any... Say the Ferraris, 'cause you think of them living underneath those mushrooms... Right, right.
So do you have a favorite... I know this because this is your passion, and this is what you've done a lot of research with, but are there so many different kinds of it... Yeah, I gave it away or...
I kind of get that feeling. Tell me about another must actually get schooled in sometimes, 'cause somehow I always bring race into the conversation, so I do a number of radio interviews for different companies and I still somehow... Whatever, I'm talking about. resets fit in.
So I think market's that you described, that Rashi is hard as a table that we're discussing this on, so we said... I think that's interesting. And all kinds of mushrooms. Not the typical kind, but they're all different. What is the complete opposite of another one that is also seeing things out here, well, Lion's Mane mushroom would be a good example of that in a very unusual looking thing, it's got these long white tentacles to it, it looks nothing like your typical mushroom does, and it can actually be fairly large. It can be several pounds and a couple of feet across, it's white, again, a stark... Really beautiful white. So again, it looks very, very different, and its benefits are now for these brain and neurological-related conditions, and these aren't things that we normally have associated the benefits of mushrooms with...
I'm interested, and you may or may not know all of this, but who are farming all of these within different areas? They're all over it. So there are specific mushroom farmers in China in the Gulf, actually... Well, China's the number one grow or mushrooms, word-wide, I think they probably do 90% of the mushrooms, most of the mushrooms in the US, unfortunately, just the Button mushroom, which has some health benefits, but not nearly as much as like rain lines, meaning some of these other ones, so we're a little slower to pick up on it, but some of these mushroom growers, there's a really large mushroom grow outside of Philadelphia, and you can drive by the hot houses where they grow their mushrooms, you can drive for two or three miles and it's nothing but mushroom, so they grow literally tens of thousands of pounds of much ion a monthly basis. There are growers that grow millions of pounds on a monthly basis, so it's not like just something you set up in your back room, which is another thing, I mean, it's easy to grow yourself and you can buy logs and impregnated with Satake spores, so you can harvest your own Satake, so it's really the the simplest as possible, and you know, just spray it a little squirt bottle to really these elaborate massive systems that grown millions of tons of these things, and so maybe depending on what your... If you're battling... Well, say Lion's Mane, and if you have Alzheimer's or something, you can really potentially have mind main growing behind... Absolutely, some mushroom is a lot easier to grow, I mentioned Hitachi logs just 'cause they're probably one of the easiest ones to grow, and what you need to do is keep a moist and in the right environment. There's a real art to growing things like lions main RAI, the matale mushrooms, so those take a lot of effort in particular skill and sometimes even conditions where you have to change the humidity and temperature and things of that sort.
So we talked a little bit about the benefits of race, but who would benefit from taking race again, you can probably guess my answer is, and it's basically everybody, everything... One of the names for it is the mushroom of immortality, well, who's not looking to live longer or...
I rarely meet someone who doesn't wanna live longer, if they don't wanna look longer, then there are some other things that need to be dealt with, so it's something that I think is useful for everybody, it's a tonic for the brain, the lungs, liver, the kidney is the adrenals helps with sleep, helps with memory, has one of elements for stress levels, it's considered a Shenton IC and Shin is the emotional spiritual center of the body. Again, there's a lot of districts to that before the show, we were just talking about how there's a lot of anxiety issues with kids today, races, wonderful to help with that kind of disturbance and imbalance, so it does so many things that are all about balancing to the body, and that's someone here that I think sums up racy best is it's balancing, and again, who can't use a little more balance in their love... Of course. So what about when you try to balance a ratio with another mushroom, what you... Do you have a favorite there or... Plenty, my second favorite or one I think works really well with RAI, and if someone is asking me... I don't wanna take a lot of supplements. What should I take? I say Take cortices first thing in the morning and take raat night before you go to bed. cortices is in nature, it's actually a fungus that grows out of the head of a caterpillar...
Okay, well, will I say that again? What is it?
It's a fungus that grows out of the head of a caterpillar, who ever have thought about... So they have a good story for that I'm in, you as a human have, and it grows at like 8000 feet up into Himalayan mountains, and the claim to fame or how supposedly came about was the herders and the Hamlin mountains would be at lower climbs during the cold months because there's too much now and things up north, but when the snows would melt, they'd all bring the AC in the cattle for the further up higher in the mountains, and what they noticed is that the Act would root through the grass is looking for something. They would eat it and then they would get really risky and Randy is the part of the story, I don't get us, for some reason they told the monks, I don't know why you tell that to Munger them and the months... Eventually you got back to the Imperial Palace and they started looking at it and exploring it and incorporating in traditional Chinese medicine, but that's how I actually got started, and I call it academia. And interesting enough, there are actually three clinical studies showing for hypo sexuality, meaning low sex drive, low functioning for older individuals, that cortices actually is a really wonderful remedy, it's not like the little blue pill, there are... People are gonna run out. It's not for the 20-year-old, he wants to be a Superman in the bedroom, but is a legitimate remedy for older individuals who may have functional issues or bite issues and things of that sort, and I don't wanna limit just that to the cortices... I talk about that Yang fire, cortices is always about fire, drive motivation, movement, and when we reach for a cup of coffee in the morning, what are we really reaching for edition, but this doesn't... In a healthier man, that's not gonna deplete your dream, otitis actually gonna strengthen your adrenals, so I like starting today with that cortices, it also strengthens the heart function, improves oxygen uptake by the lungs, in fact, it's used by mountain climbers and high altitude, so they can utilize oxygen better. It's the best kid Nutanix I know of out there, and I think it's a legitimate longevity Ater... I don't like the word anti-A gem, but to help us live a longer, better life, I think it's legitimate in that regard, so start your day with that fire and drive, and then in it with Ray coming, soothing, relaxing and helping the body detoxify balancing. And after all the disturbances of the day, so it's really like a perfect, balanced mix that covers every aspect of your body from the micro level all the way up to systemically, again, sort of thing. So start with the cortices and with the rash.Interesting information, and I love the stories. Right now, we need to take a quick break. But more in just a moment with Dr. Mark Taylor, don't go anywhere. We will be right back. Welcome back to the mother's market podcast. And we wanna remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for podcast and listen to past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now back to our interview with Dr. Mark Taylor and we're talking about medicinal mushrooms, and this is great information, and the immune support, as you mentioned, is the most popular use for medicinal mushrooms. Is there one that stands out in this regard?
Yeah, well, I think all mushrooms are pretty much all mushrooms, certainly the ones that we use and know of in the US, a immune-benefiting elements to them, someway three or four, 100 mushrooms that have been tested in labs showing they benefit the immune system, and there's like six or 700 mushroom that have been shown to have anti-tumor actions to them, but I think in this area, there's one mushroom that stands out in that regard, and that's the matale mushroom, more specific... It's called The my hockey de fraction, and what that is, it's a concentration of a specific beta glue can found in that mushroom, which has all these wonderful immune benefits to it, and there are a couple of comparative studies, one compared 28 different mushrooms, they found out that my talk, you had to strong as antitumor action to it. I wanna be really clear, I'm not saying secure for cancer, I always tell people, someone says they have a care of a cancer turn around and run away. Is it a useful and promising an element to bring into... I think our protocols. Yeah, absolutely, I think the research supports that.
So to increase numbers of immune cells, to increase activity of those immune cells, it may improve overall functioning of the immune system, so basically you have more troops that are more capable and more able to do what they're doing, which is go around and cobble up invading calls whether it be a virus or cancer, so whatever be... Or prevent them from... Happen in the first place. And I think it just does that better than anything else, and what's interesting is they've actually done studies where they've compared injected quality versus oral quality, and they're almost identical, and that's very unusual that you find any sort of drug or any substance that when you take it orally is just as effective when we're jacking it, so in this country, we're gonna be taking it orally, it's nice to know that it works just as well as some of the other forms might be, I think it's interesting that they tested it that way, but they're doing that when they inject it because it's faster in your system, and so you're talking about would they inject that... My take is that what you're saying.
So, but it's just as effective orally as I mentioned, it's a beta glue cans, and we've known about beta-Glu cans were like 75 years that they have these wonderful benefits, but the issue with beta-lucan is it's basically a series of sugars, what happens to sugar when it gets into our digestive tract, it breaks it down, the smaller compounds, the problem is those smaller compounds may not have those same benefits that the large, larger compound has, so they've known and they've had problems with it because really a lot of data lucan just are not particularly effective, so that's why they did the work to find out whether it actually works orally as well as injected... Well, that's good to know.
My tacky de-fraction can be used with conventional treatments. Yeah, and that's one of the other nice things about I say I play as well with conventional treatments, particularly with cancer treatments, it has to protect development to both chemo and radiation, alcamo radiation. Do some things you want them to do. They also do some things you don't want him to do, they're not necessarily as selective as we would like them to be, and that's why those therapies come with so many side effects is because they also attack healthy cells, whether they be bone cells, sales line, your digestive track a number of different types of fast turnover cells, so with the mito, what they found is actually a decrease is the negative side effects, hair loss, pain, nausea, vomiting, decreases of red and white blood cells, all those things improved quite significantly when you take the matara in conjunction with chemo.
The other thing that was interesting about it, about three or four different chemotherapy agents have been tested with the my hockey de-fraction and they actually found that it potentate the chemotherapy, meaning the chemotherapy killed more cancer cells when you took it with the My tacked fraction. Then when you took the chemo there, and when you took the chemo by itself, so it can decrease the negative side effects, it can boost your body's own immune responses, and then it protects against the deficiency and immune system, which those treatments can come along with. So what's protective, it works well with it, and then it gets your body to do what it's supposed to be doing.
Wow, that is very promising. And this has been tested throughout all kinds of cancer treatments... Yeah, there have been a number, obviously, there's too many types of cancers to test with the most common cancers, breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung can that's been tested with melanoma, which is a difficult cancer to treat, it has a pretty good record in that regard, I think like a 33% improvement rate with that, which is pretty pronouncing that pancreatic cancer, it was actually compared to chemotherapy and one study, and while it only helped one out of the five people, that's better than what western medicine did, which was her on five. And again, I think if you use it properly, not as a stand-alone with the right die with the right lifestyle changes with the other supplements that you need to do with it, it's just really... You can't say enough how important it is to get our immune system functioning the way it should be in the world that we live in today.
That's so true. I may... Does it offer other benefits besides immune dusty... Yeah, absolutely, there was... Ironically, we talk about lines made for the brain of things, there was a recent study showing my take actually had some neuroprotective benefits to it, which is kind of out of the out of left field type thing, but there's another compound in there which is called the SX for action, in which they discovered... And that was kind of interesting, Walt was happening is cancer patients were taking the matale to help with their cancer treatments, and they were calling the company back up saying, Hey, I'm a diabetic, I don't need as much insulin, I'm not using many drugs and things... My blood sugar is better, is there anything going on here? And so, ancoats just coincidental. Don't stop doing what you're doing. And that actually like, Well, eventually we gotta do some research on it, and they did some research initially at Georgetown University by Dr. Prue, and he found out this compound in my talk musical SX fraction, effectively lowered both blood sugar and insulin, and the key word there is both blood sugar and insulin, there are lots of natural remedies that lower blood sugar, but the way they lower blood sugar is by increasing insulin levels. That's not a good thing to do in the long run. We get already focused on blood sugar, but it's the bintulu levels, that creates the problems long term down the line, it's pro growth, pro-cancer aging, it causes all sorts of problems in the body, so the fact that it actually improves the cells response to insulin. So Innocent is taken up by the cells, burn this fuel and used as it's supposed to be other sugar is... And that's called insulin sensitivity, so that seems to be the primary mechanism with which the SX fraction works in this regard.
So once you start taking these mushrooms, then the hope is that you would continue, this is as you see a lifestyle change, and the benefits have been, these are the rewards and that you're seeing, especially if you have an ailment or if you have... I know it's not a cure for cancer, as you said, but the hope is that you would continue on taking these different, the ratio mushrooms, the matale mushrooms, or all the commissions that we've been discussing to help with the immune system. And anything else that's going on all... And this is what radiant health is all about. Us getting back to this idea that we don't have to be sick to be taking these things to maximize our hand vitality, and that's happened with so many people, we see people start eating properly, taking supplements and doing the right things because they're dealing with a health crisis of some sort, when that crisis is over, ideally, you wanna keep going with this stuff, so these issues don't come back again, we know cancer, many types of cancer come back within just a few years, even sometimes in a few months and things. So the best thing to do is to learn these things, learn how to be healthy, do the things just supposed to be doing, take the supplements you need to take, and then just keep taking it, and then how long until you feel a benefit... When she started taking these... Yeah, really. It's gonna be an individual thing. I've had people with the cortices mushroom would take it one time and it's like, well, I'm looking forward to my day and I'm ready to go, other people can take a little longer, it just depends on what's going on with the body, if you've depleted your body, if your adrenals are run down, if your idea of breakfast is a cup of coffee with tea spoon full of sugar, with a Dunkin Donut dunked into the coffee, it's gonna take a lot longer for the body to... In that regard, so it really depends on the individual, what's going on with them, depends on the mushroom that you're looking at, depends on what action you're looking for, you're looking for an immune response, well, with my take-defer action, you will see differences if you do blood tests within hours, and I think a couple of days. Like what the lines mean? Much you, I was talking about of the things I really like about that as a brain remedy, it's the fastest acting brain remedy that I know of out there. I see a difference within a day, I know other people feel it within two or three days, most brain forms take four weeks, at least before you really start noticing significant differences with it, with the melon product, which is the strongest lions... Main product out there, you'll notice the difference within the first couple of days, just a little sharper, a little quicker, things are just coming back a little faster and easier, and you had said something about a blood test or something, so in order to start taking the mushroom supplements, should we have someone come alongside us to do this, and how much should we be taking or will it say or... Yeah, I don't think you need a lot of tests just to get going on, you remember about some of these things have been foods, and we've been using them for literally thousands of years, my take is a delicious food you ever get a chance to cook with it I highly recommend any chance of eating my talk that you get, and some of these are medicinal foods, I don't think you necessarily need a whole lot of blood tests or any other work before you start taking them.
Okay, and then kids, should kids be taking my rooms or at what point should... What age?
Yeah, again, I think it depends on the individual. intends depends on the mushroom. I don't tend to like to give general recycled off-point is kind of at age two and up, you can start gently incorporating a lot of these type of remedies, mushroom since they tend to have panic actions and things like that. They're pretty safe and secure in that regard, you just adjust the dose obviously accordingly, that doesn't mean younger kids may not benefit from taking like the My take de-fraction when they get a cold or flu, it's just that you need probably some supervision and guidance in those situations, so two or three-year-old, years and up, I think most of these tonic remedies are generally pretty safe, and then there are a lot of different mushroom products and companies out there... Right now, are they all pretty much the same? Or the significant differences? Yeah, and that's the thing in the mushroom tend people think mushrooms, all mushrooms are the same, they look the same, they all pretty much do the same thing, immune system, which we now know they do a lot more than that, but there are huge differences between the different mushroom companies, how they're grown, which makes a big difference, and I use the analogy of tomatoes, a hot house tomato versus a nice air loom tomato grown in nice rich soil, you tell me what you like, which is a better flavor, which is a better consistency, which is more nutritious, which is energetically better, so what you grow them on makes all the difference in the world with mushrooms, most of these mushrooms grow on would some sort of wood substrate logs things I start much and wisdom grows like their race on logs, Another mushroom. They do is actually a much meth grows on the roots of Pinetree, so what they do, they actually take pine logs and pregnant him with the Pori and then bury him in the ground and let them grow. There's a trend among a lot of the mahim companies to to do quick and easy and fast and cheap, and that is take rice, throw the spores and with rice grow them in a hot house, and in two to three weeks you harvest that Mycelium versus growing them on their natural food source, an environment that is natural to them, under conditions that are natural to them, you know, not controlled conditions, eating the food that they would normally be eating, being stressed like they would be in the wild, so that's I think a big difference there and then whether they're extracted and not, mushrooms are not well digested, there's a fiber light compound in there called citing, you need an enzyme called ketones to digest that the human body produces irrelevant amount of that.
So when we eat much rooms, we don't get a lot of the nutrition out of them, just 'cause we don't break them down particularly well, so they have to be extracted properly, and then as a practitioner, I like companies that go out and support their products with research, and I really commend much from wisdom for going out and spending literally millions of dollars on studies with cancer at junk treatment for cancer. There are half a dozen case studies with the AM Alon product for schizophrenia, so they're going out and putting their money behind and trying to support it with that research really quickly. I know now because I've been speaking to you and with all this behind the research with mushroom wisdom, but to the average person that's looking into taking much into supplements, how will they know that how it's grown or how they know how it's... Yeah, you're not gonna know just by looking at the bottle, you just... For the brand as your wisdom would be one way to do that, but... Yeah, that's unfortunate. The case... And there was a study that was actually published, a third party peer review, published in a scientific journal in the last year or so, they actually analyzed 25 mushroom products that are sold in stores around the country, 20 of them tested with no rain Himal really... And unfortunately, one of those companies that tested no rate at all is the best selling race in the marketplace, so thankfully much and Ismay was one of the five that actually passed it. So these are things you don't necessarily know. That's why they encourage people to get to know the company, what's behind them, how they do some of these things, and then you get a better sense, I think, of what they're about and what they're gonna produce.
Sure, ask questions always.
Well, thank you so very much for your time, Dr. Mark, some great advice and we really appreciate your knowledge and we look forward to having you on in the meantime, you can get more information on Mark, and the website is Radiant Health Project dot com, and learn more about his approach and his unique perspective on healthy lifestyles. We look forward to your next visit.
Thanks, it's a pleasure.
Thank you.
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