In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show, guest Susan Smith Jones will talk about how to lose the weight and keep it off — permanently. More specifically we will talk about how to keep it functioning at a high level.
Lose the Weight and Keep it Off
Lose the Weight and Keep it Off
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, guest Susan Smith Jones will talk about how to lose the weight and keep it off -- permanently. More specifically we will talk about how to keep it functioning at a high level.
Lose the Weight and Keep it Off
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, guest Susan Smith Jones will talk about how to lose the weight and keep it off -- permanently. More specifically we will talk about how to keep it functioning at a high level.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, it's the New Year and time to get to the business of keeping that Healthy Weight Loss resolution.
We're going to discuss ways you can lose that weight and keep it off permanently, you don't wanna miss these great tips on today's show, Plus later, we'll find out what's happening around town and what's new at mother's market. First step, it's time to listen up so you can slim down. And we're pleased to welcome back Dr. Susan Smith Jones. Dr. Susan is an educator, extraordinaire, and Dr. Susan is one of the world's foremost experts on using natural remedies, living a balanced life, looking years younger, shedding extra weight and creating a high level success and happiness, and we welcome her back to the mother's market radio show.
Susan, how are you him? I'm doing great, so happy to talk about this important topic today, Well, we're happy to have you, and why don't you fill in our audience a little bit on your mission and your work before we get to the show's topic... Well, my mission and goal is to educate as many people as possible on How To Live a healthy, balanced life and to live closer to nature, to look to nature's foods and herbs and spices, and also healthy lifestyle choices, so that one can be living a vibrant ly healthy life. And body, mind and spirit.
Wonderful. Well, we're all ears. Today we're discussing permanent weight loss, and it's certainly possible, everyone knows someone who's accomplished a long-term goal and maintain significant weight loss for five, 10, 15 years or more, and you can be a success story to simply by using some of these simple techniques detailed in Susan's two new books, the joy factor and walking on air, both available at mother's market, and we wanna discuss her top 10 power strategies for the lifestyle change to achieve permanent weight loss.
Now, I guess the first question is, changing your color palette. Yeah, that's the first strategy, you wanna ditch the white stuff, Kim, all those foods made with white sugar, white flour, like pasta, sugars, cakes, pies, muffins and donuts, 'cause they're bound to add Pam pens to your waistline and to add little or nothing to your nutrition, and that's because these white foods have a high glycemic index, meaning they raise your blood sugar rapidly, all need to have a crash and burn causing you to crave more sweets and fattening white stuff hours later. You really do want to avoid that. White sugar, this means you gotta read labels on everything you buy because it's ubiquitous, it's everywhere, and the average American consumes two to three pounds of sugar a week, Oh my god, now I know you and I don't even consume the white sugar, so you think other people are consuming even more than that, but you gotta look for it in hidden places and unexpected places like bread, mayonnaise ketchup, spaghetti sus, and virtually all frozen meals. So try to avoid it at all costs.
And then, keep in mind that most commercial baked goods have three strikes against them, they're made from white flowers with added sugars and often lethal trans-fats, and when you eat these processed foods creates a rollercoaster effect or the blood sugar level goes up and it goes down, creates more cortisol in your body, the stress hormone causes you to gain weight, you wanna keep your blood sugar level in your waste trim and to do that, you wanna aim to eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day, see load up on common colorful foods like tomatoes, oranges, blueberries, spinach, being squash. I'm getting hungry, Kim.
I am too. It sounds great.
Apples, berries, and even maybe the more unusual ones, maybe for you, maybe that's kale and Keg Plans, pomegranates, Rubens, apricots, and even healthy foods that have fat in them, like avocados, but there is an exception to the avoid the white foods rule, and that is, You wanna eat plenty of cauliflower, onions and garlic, these are all loaded with antioxidants and promote health and prevent disease, you may be so hungry... I almost lost my train of thought there.
The other... Drink lots of water, we talked about that in our former show, but let's go over the rules of water... Yeah, for sure. You wanna drink about eight eight ounce glasses of water a day because you wanna keep your body hydrated most of the time when people think they're hungry, they're really thirsty, so when you think you're hungry for a meal or snack, have a big glass of water and wait 10 to 15 minutes, and then see afterwards if you're still hungry, most Americans during hundreds of calories each day and nutritionally empty calorie beverages, especially soda and fruit juice, and the problem with drinking your calories is that they go down so quickly, you don't even know that they count, and before you know it, you've added hundreds of calories to your daily total without satisfying any of your hunger, so your drink of choice should really be water, grab a bottle of water and make that your beverage that you have throughout the day. Keep in mind too, that you lose about a pint of water through perspiration, even though it's not hot at night, every night when you sleep, and you also lose water every day through the breathing process, through sweat, through our own... Through bowel movements, and most of the experts agree that you need about eight, eight ounce glasses of water a day, and make sure that you have the water in between your meals rather than with a meal so you don't dilute your digestive enzymes and drinking enough water will flush out the toxins, it helps you to feel full, especially if you have a big glass of water about 15 to 20 minutes before a meal, you'll find that you probably won't eat as much, and keep in mind too, that the water helps your liver to stay focused on one of its main missions, which is to metabolize fat, another function of the liver is to pick up the slack for the kidneys, which means that your kidneys will then function properly, so if your kidneys are under-performing because of dehydration, the liver is forced to do their work and put fat metabolism function in the background.
Now, if you say to me, Well, what happens if I drink lots of coffee and caffeinated tea? Those don't count towards the water tally because that causes your body to become dehydrated, fruits and vegetables, and soups and decapitated count towards that water tally.
Very good. And again, great information there, let's talk a little bit about working out and lifting weights and burning it off with cardio exercise, and now this is one of my favorites, you know that I taught fitness to students, staff and faculty at UCLA for over 30 years, and wait not only tone you up and help make it easier for you to slip into your favorite genes, but wait, also help you build muscle, which then... And after you build the muscle burns more calories at rest, then that does... So in other words, after 12 hours after a weight lifting or a strength training session, you'll be burning more calories as you sit, walk and go about your day, making your beautiful body engine more efficient and easier for you to maintain your weight.
This is so important, anybody that wants to lose weight, never forget this, that if you can add 10 extra pounds of muscle on your body through a weight training program, you will then burn 500, approximately 500 more calories every day. In other words, you wanna burn 500 calories, extra a day, you had 10 extra pounds of muscle to your body and watch the fat melt away, and the way you add the extra lean muscle tissue to your body is by doing some weight training or strength training sessions. A few times throughout the week, if you work out two times a week in a gym or with weights at home, it will take about six months to add on 10 extra pans a muscle.
If you lift weights three to four times a week, it might take you four mines, but how wonderful is that? And less than a half a year, you can add 10 extra pounds of muscle on to your body, and that will burn almost 500 extra calories a day, which means it's easier to lose weight or you could eat 500 more calories and food, that's... Again, great advice there.
And that goes up along with the lifting weight, burning it off with the cardio as well, building that muscle and working out, now lifting weights is what adds the lean muscle tissue to your body, but when you do the cardiovascular workouts like brisk walking and cycling, swimming, hiking, cross-country skiing, that helps to burn the fat out of the cells in your body and the extra fat you've deposited on your body, and the good news is that you can do what you like, obviously, if you don't know how to swim or don't like to be in the water, you wouldn't choose that as your cardio workout, but the most underrated of all activities is probably walking.
I heard someone say once that you wanna walk your dog every day, whether you have a dog or not, and you can always walk, you can always take the escalator, you can always take stairs rather than the elevator, so fine ways to walk more, but the key point to remember is this, you wanna raise your heart rate for 30 minutes, three to five times a week in order to truly benefit from the cardio exercise program, so it's important to do both the weight training and the cardio workout. And if someone says to me, Well, Susan, I don't have blocks of 30 minutes or 45 or an hour, what can I do? And I say We'll do 10 minutes in the morning, tenant lunch, and 10 minutes when you get home.
Now, ideally, if you have extra weight to lose, you wanna do it at once, because when you get to about 30 minutes, that's when your body starts using the fat in your body as the fuel source rather than using your previous two or three meals. So you wanna work up to at least 30 minutes up to an hour of possible three to five times a week, but when you're starting off, of course, you also wanna go slowly, maybe say, I'll do 10 minutes and then the next day, 11 the next day, 12 and then build up to at least 30 minutes... Three to five times a week. Excellent. Switching gears a little bit, let's talk a little bit about eating at home and watching your portions of your food intake... Yeah, see, most of the research, Kim, shows that the more often a person dies out, the more body fat he or she has, and most people have what I call portion distortion. That way too much food. And here are some examples of what you can do when you go out. So you don't eat so much. You can share a meal, you could order a half portion, you could order an appetizer as the main meal, you could ask for a portion of your meal to be boxed up the moment it served, so you're not tempted to eat more as it's sitting in front of you... And you also wanna stop eating before you feel full, now that's easier said than done, but because most people have a poor perception of an appropriate portion, I'm gonna give you some examples of a correct portion size, one would be meat, a portion of meat should be no larger than a deck of cards, a serving of Che should be no larger than six dies, a serving of fish should be about the size of a check book, not a big legal check book, A Small chatbot serving of vegetables or fruit should be about the size of a baseball, a tortilla or a pancake should be no larger than a compact disc, a teaspoon of peanut butter should be about the size of the tip of your finger.
A baked potato should be no larger than a computer mouse and a serving of dried freer nuts, now remember, these are much higher in calories, should be the size of about a golf ball.
Not much bigger than that.
You know what, that's great advice right there for all of us because people were in Glutton is it seems so for us to keep our weight under control...
I think people can really relate to that.
We're gonna stick with this and you should too, but hopefully you just heard what Doctor Susan just said with these portion distortion. I love that. Very interesting. Great information. Stay with us. We're gonna have to take a quick break. But we will be right back.
Welcome back to the mother's market radio show, and we wanna remind you, if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com. Click the link for radio and listen to past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now back to our interview with Dr. Susan Smith-Jones, and we're talking about achieving permanent weight loss, so Susan, another grand advice from you is slow it down people way too fast. I watch people over... I travel around the world and people basically inhale their food, and there's an old joke, you buy a whole pie and tending to have one slice, then you sit down with that pie usually in front of the TV, and before you know it, where the whole fight... Somebody stolen or you just... What you've done probably is down thousands of calories without even knowing it, and because it takes 20 minutes for your body to get that satiety Sid... No, If you eat fast, if you basically inhale your food, you're consuming more calories and then your body needs before you've even had a chance for that, that's enough signal to say to you, slow down.
So I love these three words, can savor your food, savor your food, show your food carefully, and because we tend to eat too fast, we usually end up eating much more than we need, and remember again, it takes 20 minutes for the I'm full signal to reach your brain... And you can eat a lot in those 20 minutes to slow down... I have a novel idea, set your food down in between bites, save it for next time, or even better yet, share your food with a friend, but stop inhaling your food and slow down, 'cause the bottom line is most people eat much more food in those 20 minutes and their body even needs, if you slow down and you eat and chew your food, well, you're not gonna eat as much, is that typically... I know you travel a lot, but I have a question, is that kind of an American thing that we inhale our food?
It is a Thai is... Yeah, people rushing around all the time when I go to England or Italy or France, people take time to do sarthe conversation.
That's right. Okay, so more advice. Stoke metabolism with grazing. Yeah, now, instead of eating one or two larger meals during the day, you wanna eat five to six, maybe five relatively small meals about three hours apart, 'cause that stokes your metabolism, it's like putting Kindling on a fire and it helps balance the blood sugar and prevents overheating due to excessive hunger, this is called grazing. And I just wrote a study not long ago, a British study done at the University of Nottingham, and they found that obese women who ate regular meals at roughly the same time every day, consumed fewer total calories, metabolized calories better, lowered blood cholesterol levels and showed improvement in the insulin production compared to when they ate a regular meals, so grazing is a very effective tool, eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day to help you lose weight, however, and this is a big However, Kim, it's essential that you're very careful not to overeat if you're eating many small meals during day, and the operative term is small, and to give you an idea, for example, you know, don't you that one pound equals 3500 calories.
Okay, so let's say that you eat 1500 calories a day, you should divide your five meals into 300 calorie increments, and I'm gonna get... And yet, yes, you could have a couple of those small mini meals be 150 to 200 calories, so you could eat a little bit larger dinner, but let me give you some suggestions for what 300 calorie mini-meals would be approached with a slice of whole grain toast, and small orange or a banana with a tablespoon of peanut butter or almond butter, that's 300 calories right there, another one would be spinach cell and loaded with veggies and like dressing. Another example would be three ounces of a turkey breast, a slice of whole grain bread, so in other words, an open face sandwich, a cup of tomato soup, you could do four ounces of grilled chicken, one half cup, Brown cooked brown rice, one and half cups, substantial or if you like pasta, two ounces of whole wheat pasta dry, but that's how you do it before you cook it, one half cup to Mao sauce, one half cup, frozen spinach, one half cup cooked beans. So you see from that is when you say these many meals of 300 calories, you wanna make sure you don't have five to six large meals throughout the day, they need to be smaller meals to keep your metabolism stoked. Boy, again, you're making me hungry with those meal suggestions, but again, you think about that 300 calories. Great.
Don't eat under stress. That's always a good piece of advice. Don't under stress.
Alright, definitely. And actually, who's not under stress these days, but you don't want the big stress to be during the meal 'cause it prevents you from digesting your foods as well, stress eating is a major factor in the obesity epidemic, and not only do we eat in some misguided desire to fill up our emptiness or calm the jitters, we mistake for hunger pains, but we also eat in response to our natural fluctuations of the stress hormone called cortisol, and then our level of blood sugar, and I don't know how many times you've probably found yourself craving sugar at 40 PM, or you want a bedtime snack of ice cream or potato chips in ice cream, but chronic stress elevates the blood levels of cortisol and this increases cravings for fat in sweet and salty, so you wanna make sure that you keep your stress levels under your control, and again, on my website, Susan Smith, Johns dot com, there's lots of guidance on how to keep stress levels down and what stress does to your body... Okay, good. sleep it off, this might be somewhere where I'm gonna really tune into this one... Well, sleep absolutely plays a major role in glucose metabolism and neuro-endocrine function, and all the studies show that getting a good night's sleep is critical in terms of losing weight, and a study I read about three months ago, it involved 70000 women.
So this is a good sized study, and the researchers found that women who slept five hours per were 32% more likely to experience a major weight gain, usually of about 33 pounds or more, and 15% were more likely to become obese.
So it's important to get as much sleep as possible.
And this, by the way, I was a 16-year study, and that compared the five hours per night for the women, compared them to getting seven hours of sleep at night, so you wanna shoot for a solid seven to eight hours of sleep at night and over nine hours actually can cause you to gain weight, so you want between seven and eight to eight and a half hours of sleep.
So sleeping does affect a person's basal metabolic rate, that's the number of calories you burn when you're at rest, so make sure you make sleep non-negotiable habit, good sleep. If you wanna lose weight, I love it.
Alright, and one of the last questions that we're interested in talking to you about, of course, that support weight loss is what nutritional supplements would you recommend... Well, top on the list, I would say Hawaiian Sperling Pacifica. And I did a clinical study looking at over 100 men and women, and they added each day, and this was over three months, 90 days, they added either one teaspoon of the powdered spare Lena or the equivalency in tablets, which is five tablets. The bottom line is, you wanna get 3000 milligrams a day. And they did nothing else in their schedule, their lifestyle, except I have them just walk when they could during the day, even if they didn't go to a track or the gym to walk, maybe they walk, they parked the far end of the parking lot when they did their errands, and everybody across the board can lost 13 pounds weekly by just adding a teaspoon of the spar in or the equivalency five tablets.
So you can learn more about the Hawaiian Sperling a-Pacific on my website, Susan Smith Jones dot com and why I'd never go a day without it. But you also wanna take the... It's called Hawaiian bio Aston, asked to amphetamine is the world's most powerful antioxidant, But studies also show how it helps to give you energy, it helps you to recover more quickly after you do work out, it helps your heart, it protects your skin from the sun, it absolutely helps to prevent and reduce wrinkles on your face, it's excellent to reduce joint pain, it's excellent for your brain and your eyes, and I recommend taking 12 milligrams a day. Both of these products, the Hawaiian spare Lena and the Hawaiian sesame, or made by the new trachea company, they're on the Kona Coast of Hawaii. And those are two supplements that I would never be without... Well, it sounds like the miracle supplement and it sounds wonderful for everything you just described, and this has been so interesting, all of your advice has been wonderful.
Susan, thank you so much for your time and we look forward to having you on again. I can't wait to read your new book and get on to your website to learn so much more, your website, Susan Smith Jones dot com, and you should stop by and then read that too, we look forward to having you long for our next visit. Thank you, I look forward to that too. Thank you.
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