Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Susan Smith Jones. In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show, guest Susan Smith Jones will talk about Inflammation and how to detect it. Inflammation can be hard to detect, and if left untreated it can do some damage.
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Susan Smith Jones. In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, guest Susan Smith Jones will talk about Inflammation and how to detect it. Inflammation can be hard to detect, and if left untreated it can do some damage.
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Susan Smith Jones. In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, guest Susan Smith Jones will talk about Inflammation and how to detect it. Inflammation can be hard to detect, and if left untreated it can do some damage.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly king, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, we're talking about an issue that is sometimes hard to detect, and if left untreated can really do some damage, its inflammation, so stay tuned to find out how you can recognize it, plus later, we'll find out what's happening around town and what's new at mother's market first up, today, we're talking about something we don't always recognize but have gone untreated, we can re-have it on our bodies, and that's inflammation. And our guest today is Dr. Susan Smith-Jones, she's an educator, extraordinaire, and one of the world's foremost experts on using natural remedies, living a balanced life, looking years younger, shedding extra week and creating high level success and happiness, and author of over 25 books and 2000 magazine articles on these topics. And her latest best-selling books include walking on air your 30 day inside and out, rejuvenation makeover, and a joy factor, 10 sacred practices for radiant health, and a full color recipe book. Recipes were helpless. And it is my pleasure to welcome back, her to the mother's market radio show. Susan, how are you? I'm well, Korea to be back with you again.
Absolutely. Well, why don't you fill our audience a little bit on your mission and your work before we get to the show's topic.
Well, a little bit about my background, I taught students, staff and faculty at UCLA for 30 years. As you mentioned, I write several books and my mission is to teach people how to be vibrant-ly healthy, how to heal their bodies, minds and spirits, and to live a more balanced life.
Well, you are beautiful, and I chose inside and out.
Today we are talking about inflammation, and did you know that virtually every health condition from asthma to irritable bowel syndrome is linked to inflammation, that just is astounding when information gets out of control, the result is pain and discomfort, and it's a phenomenon that's on the rise. If you're one of the millions of people who've been affected by allergies, diabetes, skin disorders, heart disease, arthritis, or any other condition ending in its... Then you know firsthand what havoc inflammation can be cause you can conquer these health conditions with the advice Dr. Susan, we'll be sharing today. And we'll also talk about two premier super foods that she takes daily to reduce inflammation and promote fibrin help. So, Susan, for those of us who don't know much about inflammation, would you please give us an overview of this topic and we also will have a better understanding... Absolutely, you know, I could talk about this topic for hours, and most of us can never give a second thought to inflammation unless we get a beast in or we experience a physical injury like stabbing or toe on a piece of furniture out-sharer to... You've probably done that, or maybe we injure our back, and as soon as one of these events takes place, we experience an immediate sensation of pain that tells us something is definitely wrong, and then maybe redness, heat and swelling usually follow almost immediately, and this immediate reaction is the result of inflammation.
Now, unfortunately, the most devastating disease is known to humankind like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and the list goes on, they're almost always preceded by months and years, a very subtle unnoticed inflammation, as reported in a very recent article in the Wall Street Journal and inflammation is good when the injury that is experienced has some swelling because that swelling and pain will limit the range of motion and allow the body to heal however, and Kim, this is a big... However, when the subtle inflammation continues for too long, it becomes destructive and may lead to a manifestation of various diseases, and the scientific studies now show that almost all diseases are preceded by an accompanied with inflammation.
So are you saying that even though we might not be able to see the process of information that many of us could be at risk and not even know that... That's absolutely right. See, inflammation is what I refer to as a double-edged sword, 'cause both it's a helper and it's a villain, and while inflammation is great when it serves as a warning signal, as in that stub toe illustration, it becomes a villain when initiated by diet and lifestyle, and then suddenly begins an uncontrolled destructive process in the body that goes unnoticed for decades until a disease of inflammation is manifested.
So we're facing an epidemic and inflammatory disease, and according to all the research, it's estimated that approximately half of all Americans suffer from some type of inflammatory disorder, and I know that even more of us are at risk.Non-infectious inflammatory diseases have gotten worse in each of the last three decades, and Kim, there's a physician friend of mine who last time my Psalm, he joked that calibre has replaced Prozac as the must-have drug of the decade.
Wow, Dr. Susan, can you please get more specific about what happens in the body to cause inflammation and how the body's own inherent healing system tries to heal this condition? Yeah, great. That's a good question. So here's an inflammation workshop 101 for you. Information results when cells are sick or traumatized or chemically irritated, infected and on and on, but these six zones always sign messages out to the immune system for its assistance, but it's important to realize that inflammation can occur in the low grade... Barely noticeable way. And especially in the brain, now, I'm not sure if you know this, but even stress and depression can cause low grade unnoticed inflammation, and then signals are sent to the immune system for help, and when these immune cells and other immune components rush into the sick or what we call the hot zones, then free radicals are formed in the heat of battle, and a free radical is not a group over here in South Central LA, and free radical is a negative component in the body, and these free radicals can be released and always have the potential of cell and DNA damage, which can lead to disease, but when this is left, then check him, then these free radicals can cause damage in the cell membrane or when created within the cell, caused damage to the DNA itself, but I'm a positive person, as you know, I always look at the glass is half full, so on a positive note, the body has a built-in system for dealing with and preventing free radical damage when all cells are functioning optimally. I like that, I love your style, being positive, and I think you can battle a lot with that just as much... Dr. Susan, can our diet and lifestyle make a difference in preventing cell and DNA damage as well as inflammation? Yeah, you bet the can, a diet rich in anti-oxidants such that you'd find in needing lots of colorful fresh fruits and veggies and also natural food supplements like Hawaiian parole and bio Astin as taste because these provide free radical scavengers that neutralize the free radicals before the damage occurs and ideally should also supply the raw materials from which each cell can produce its own wellness, and unfortunately, and I know Kim, you're already aware of this, today, our lifestyle and nutritionally deficient foods that we consume do not support the body's efforts and preventing free radical damage, our cells are malnourished and toxins are not eliminated efficiently from the body or in a timely matter manner, and the mis-results and the cells becoming sicker by the day. And so let me give you some practical examples of how you can create more free radicals in your body, prolonged inflammation of a tissue can be caused by tobacco smoke, alcohol abuse, chemical exposure, and even exposure to emrs, electromagnetic radiation, as well as improper diet. And this produces a continuous onslaught of free radical damage that If left unchecked for years, often leads to various types of cancers, and then one recent study, I peruse over the last month, it found that there was one central event that is most closely associated with cancer development and you can guess what it is. It was chronic inflammation. And in this study, researchers looked at a large number of cancer patients and found that almost 70% had pre-existing chronic inflammatory diseases for 10, 17 years before the cancer developed.
Wow. That's an amazing statistic.
So chronic, basically that is what can it last for 10 to 17 years before it can be determined as cancer... Yes, but put in a different way, if you have some type of chronic inflammatory disease for years and years, it causes cancer, not only does it cause cancer, but when you have cancer and that also causes inflammation, then it causes the cancer to also grow faster, so we wanna keep the inflammation and check.
Absolutely. Okay. And that goes right into my next question. How do you test for inflammation in your body?
So before I tell you how we test, let me just mention that the key players that influence this process of inflammation are toxins, infections, injury, heredity, and our diet has a major influence on all of these factors, and from my probably 12-15 years of research on inflammation, I have discovered that diet is a major, if not THE most important external factor behind the inflammation epidemic, and for you to test your level of inflammation in your body or the heat in your body, next time you go to the doctor and he does a blood profile he might be checking cholesterol and thyroid, have them do... And they usually do this anyway, but make sure a C-reactive protein, simple blood test, and this is an indicator and a marker of the level of inflammation in your body, it's called C-reactive protein. This information is so wonderful and very timely, interesting information, Dr. Susan... And more in a minute, but first, we're gonna have to take a quick break. More we do. Susan Smith Jones, don't go anywhere. We will be right back on... Welcome back to the mother's market radio show, and we wanna remind you, if you missed any portion of today's show, you can always find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for a radio and listen to past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now, back to our interview with Dr. Susan Smith Jones and we're talking about inflammation... Dr. Susan, cancer is the number two cause of death in America, and just behind heart disease, please tell us more about the connection between inflammation and cancer... This is so fascinating.
Yeah, definitely, you see a wide variety of exposures have for years, been thought to be carcinogenic, and those suffering with diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression, auto-immune disorders, and even diabetes, generally have a higher risk of developing cancer, and all of these conditions have one significant thing in common, they all cause inflammation and may in fact be caused by prolonged inflammation themselves, so you see the inflammatory process may be one of a vicious cycle that's totally out of control, and ongoing inflammation not only contributes to the development of many cancers, but as I said a moment ago, Kim, it also makes cancers grow faster and spread more readily, in fact, many processed foods are the sources of often unrecognized inflammatory agents found in food additives.
So, be practical again, right now, it's imperative that when you fill up your grocery cart, you wanna avoid any processed foods as much as possible, and when choosing to consume foods that are processed, you wanna read the labels carefully so you can avoid consuming a host of chemicals and additives that may promote inflammation and a diet emphasizing lots of colorful natural plant-based foods is the most ideal and is known as an anti-inflammatory diet, and you can read more about the right diet and how to reduce inflammation. On my website, Susan Smith-Jones dot com, right there on the home page, you can click nature's best anti-inflammatory, nature's best multi, and you can learn lots about health in general. Well, that goes right into my next question. Because you have a new book walking on air, you're 30-day inside and out, rejuvenation makeover, which I'm so excited to read. And also in your botanical reference guide for common ailments that you offer free on your website, and you mentioned some spaces that heal the body as well, you're such a great source of information season. Are there any spaces that are anti-inflammatory?
Oh, definitely, I would say top on the list would be three of them, one would be turmeric. It's a great anti-inflammatory. Another would be ginger, and then the third one would be garlic.
Now, here's what I do every morning. My grandmother taught me this when I was a teenager, as I always keep ginger root in my refrigerator, and I take a glass T kettle and I fill it with about two courts of purified water, and then I pull out from the refrigerator my ginger root with the skin on, and I cut off about four or five slices or coins of it, I put it in the water, I bring it to a boil, I simmer it for five minutes, and I've made ginger tea, which is a great anti-inflammatory. You could buy it at the natural food store mothers, but you save a lot of money if you buy the fresh ginger root keeping in your refrigerator, it will last for two to three weeks, and I drink a large 60 ounce glass of that ginger tea. First thing in the morning, and then I drink the rest of it throughout the day, or I might use it as a base in my smoothies, and then sometimes I'll put... And I'll talk about this in a moment, but sometimes I'll put some Hawaiian spirulina Pacifica, which is wonderful into the ginger water, and it's a great way to start the day.
And remember, the first 40 minutes of each day sets the tone for the day, so you wanna start the morning out on a healthy positive note, and that will help you to become and stay healthy for the rest of the day.
I have to say, and I'm gonna interject this, if you've never met Susan in person, she is... Absolutely, you are so beautiful.
Thank you. And you really are you.
Oh no, I just really... You are just really... You have an Alloa out you, but really, I love that. Your advice about the first 40 minutes too, because that does set the tone and I'm 98 years old to a pretty good... And then I want what you're having.
Beautiful. So I love that too, that you... You're carrying on your grandmother's tradition... Yes, definitely.
So your house must smell wonderful too with that dinner and... That's not common.
Kai will never leave either. You're sorry, you asked me. Well, what for should we avoid and consume to say good-bye to inflammation, and are there any effective nutritional supplements that help reduce inflammation... Yeah, without a doubt, an individual's diet and lifestyle are fundamental and supporting the body's efforts to reduce inflammation and maintain optimal health.
Now, you've heard the phrase, standard American diet had the SAD diet, and that diet is fraught with foods usually made from trans fats for my drained oils, lots of sugars, lots of animal foods that promote inflammation, those all promote inflammation. And that a sad of today is about 50 times higher in omega 6 fats as the diet of our ancestors a century ago, and is radically deficient in omega 3 fats, and remember that the omega 6 and excess promotes inflammation while omega 3s, that's the anti-inflammatory foods you wanna emphasize in your diet, so what do you eat, an antioxidant-rich diet with loads of plant-based foods and with the high percentage of the health restoring... Rathod should be your goal, and you wanna emphasize vegetables always and omega-3 rich foods like fluids, ceased, walnuts, Lefferts, and if you eat fish, salmon would be a good choice because these are all anti-inflammatory and support optimal health, apically level, and then never forget these two important supplements, nutritional supplements. Kim, I would never be without these, I just got back from three weeks over in England, and I made sure I took them with me and had them every day.
And one is a Hawaiian parole, a Pacifica made by the new Trakai company, they're on the Kona Coast of Hawaii. And when I was a teenager, my grandmother taught me about spar, Lina, but anyone who knows anything about the benefits of spare and it's the best multi in the world, know that the best source of it is from new Trixie. And I would not be without bio-Aston asked to xanten.
Remember in the top of the show, I talked about that there was an article in the Wall Street Journal about inflammation. And in that article, it says, said that besides a healthy diet, ample sleep and exercise, Hawaiian Stanton supports the body's normal inflammatory response, so these are two supplements I would never be without... The ones I take every day and highly recommend to everyone, and if you want more information about these two supplements, just visit Susan Smith-Jones dot com, right on the home page, click on nature's best multi or nature's best anti-inflammatory. And you can read more about them. And why I take them every day. Well, that's wonderful. Both of those supplements sound amazing.
Overall, Susan, can you please summarize all of the positive things that people can do starting right now today to reduce inflammation?
Absolutely. First on the list would be to take those two supplements now, the Hawaiian spirulina, you can get in powder form or in tablet form, you want to make sure you take a teaspoon a day of the powder, or if you don't like to take the pattern, you can take five tablets a day, but your goal is to take 3000 milligrams over today, you might wanna start out slowly, then build up to the teaspoon of the powder or five tablets over about a two-week period and not just start right out with five. And with the autism and it's called bio-Astin Asian that also from new trucks, Hawaii. There are some things you wanna make sure to not forget, you wanna always take it with a meal and with some fat in the meal, because it's a fat-soluble item vitamin, and that means you won't get the most from it unless you take it with your meal don't take it on an empty stomach. It won't hurt you, but you won't get the most from it. I take 12 milligrams over today, years ago, they thought that we only needed 400 IUs of D, and now they think you need 30 to 50000 IUs of it. I take 10000 IUs of Dad, but I take 12 to 16 milligrams of the bio astonishing. Because it protects my skin, I know it reduces wrinkles, I did a clinical study on both the Hawaiian spirulina and asked exam and found phenomenal results with the spirulina in a three-month period with nothing else different in the diet or lifestyle, and everyone across the board over 100 men and women lost 100... Excuse me, lost 1 to 3 pounds weekly. And that was over 100 people, and they asked, I am... And we saw fewer wrinkles, less joint pain, more energy, less inflammation as measured by the bio-markers in the body using that test I told you about.
So to summarize, you wanna take those two supplements, you wanna get ample sleep nightly, you wanna keep your stress levels down, you wanna exercise, keep your body detoxify, Ed, shed extra weight that causes more inflammation, and ginger and turmeric and garlic to your diet, take respite during the day-to breathe deeply and meditate, because when you increase SOC sojourn through breathing deeply, lower stress, that lowers inflammation and make a commitment to being healthy, and that's how you will help reduce inflammation in your body. My goodness, it sounds amazing, and you had me at Sperling and as today as steam and I can't even pronounce it, but it all sounds amazing and wonderful, and you have amazing advice, and we really... Talk about this inflammation. It is a wake-up call, Dr. Susan, thank you so much for your time, we look forward to having you on again. You are a wealth of information, you're beautiful, and you can get more information on Dr. Susan, on your website, your new book, Susan Smith Jones dot com, we can learn more about you and even pick up one of your books and your articles. We look forward to your next visit. Thank you. And mother's market carries my books.
Excellent, you've wrapped this up and put a nice bill on it, thank you so much for your time, thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show, and for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition,