In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show, our guest will talk about the power of the mind; “you are what you think”.
Healthy Mind
Healthy Mind
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, our guest will talk about the power of the mind; "you are what you think".
Healthy Mind
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, our guest will talk about the power of the mind; "you are what you think".
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, you are what you think, and we're going to discuss the power of a healthy mind, plus later, we'll find out what's new at mother's market and what's happening around town, but first up, we're all about keeping a sharp mind and a healthy body on the show and today, we welcome the President of Michael's naturopathic programs. Michael shorts has worked in the natural food industry since 1975 as the sales rep, a retailer, teacher and naturopathic counselor and as a producer of nutritional supplements and other products, and we welcome him to the mother's market radio show. Mike, how are you?
I'm wonderful and thank you for having me as a guest this morning, I'm honored to be here. Well, we are happy that you're here, why don't you fill our audience a little bit on your mission and work before you get to the show's topic.
Alright, well, our mission is really very simple, our goal is to get people well from the neck down, so that they can, so to speak, wake up and have energy and resources to get involved in fixing what needs to be fixed, not only at a community level, but at a state level. In the government level, so the only way you can do that is by being healthy and of a clear mind, and the way to get there is by not getting so distracted by disease conditions of the body, that's a big job you have to do there when you were saying community, state and government level, so we all have a big job to do, so my attitude is, let's get on with it, let's get well and get out there and do the fix and that needs to be done.
I love it. Well, so today we're talking about a lot of things, but you mentioned something natural keys for healing, mind and body.
Yes, so let's start with that.
Well, you know, disease, I come from a couple of different places in my mind about healing, I believe that all diseases begin and end in the mind.
I also believe that the body is divine and the body has its own innate intelligence that seeks balance and harmony, which is why my formulas are really very basic and fundamental, because if you give the body what it needs, the body will self-correct when it comes to the mind, it's really a matter of understanding where is disease born? Where are the seeds? And the reality is, it's in our subconscious mind by the particular concepts that we embrace and believe that we should manifest the within ourselves, we believe that we're supposed to be certain kinds of people in certain kinds of situations, and there are teachings that teach us in the Old Testament, the sins and inequities of the father unto the Son for four generations, and in the New Testament, the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, so by living the same lifestyle your parents live, by eating the same diet your parents live and eat there, you're guaranteed to get the same diseases your parents got, and the other side of the coin, and that's fulfilling the expectation of who you think you should be, the reality is, from another point of view, you may wanna be somebody entirely different, and so you may be diametrically opposed to everything your parents are about diet-wise, it is concept-wise, and even there, there's an opportunity to have disease manifest out of conflict, because you're in conflict with who you think you should be, and yet there's this part of you that wants to be something else.
And if you don't understand the concepts that you operate with, then you're at the mercy of your subconscious mind, which has its own agenda more so than your conscious mind, that's deep, but it does... It really does get into that subconscious mind, so really, when you delve into that, it does go so far into really, so simple as your diet and really... It goes farther. So let's talk about fixing the problem, and because we talked a little bit about Sins of the Father, and you talked a little bit about... Of course. That subconscious mind.
Yes, well, we all have personal history, and there's the expression that history repeats itself. Well, from another point of view, those are really patterns of behavior that you're living out, and those patterns of behavior are designed to validate your subconscious belief about who you think you should be, which is why you always end up repeating your history.
A prime example in my daughter worked for battered women at one point in a battered women's shelter, and it's funny, she would say, You know, these women, they run away from these men, they come, they live here, they get on their feet, they get strong, they go back out into the world. And what do they do? They find another abuser, and that's because in their subconscious mind, they believe that they should be abused, this is same as that sounds... That's part of their belief system. That's why that particular form of history continually repeats itself. That's one harsh example. But the reality is, is that if an individual can identify their patterns of behavior, that will begin to give them some insights as to what particular concept in their subconscious mind they're seeking to validate what belief about yourself are you seeking to prove... How do you recognize those patterns of behavior so we can change those... It's really an excellent question, come in, and the answer to that is by becoming more mindful, by becoming more aware, and the teaching in the Bible says to have eyes that see and ears that hear, there's another teaching that says something to the effect... If you know what you're looking at and all the mysteries are revealed, and what's being said there is that you're co-creating your reality because the kingdom is within.
So what you're doing is you're drawing on that creative energy and you're co-creating your reality in order to validate your concepts, so your patterns of behavior are always in motion, always. And in fact, in Ecclesiastics, there is a teaching that says, That which is now hath been, that which will be is now, so there's your patterns of behavior and they flow in cycles, so the way that you begin to see them in action is one, being mindful and to creating or drawing on the language that your mind uses to talk to you, and it's symbology, and here's an example, Man's Best Friend, dogs are considered from a universal perspective, Man's Best Friend, but if you've ever been attacked by a dog, that aims... And as a kid, I was attacked by a black cocker spaniel.
So now whenever I see a black Cocker Spaniel, it doesn't trigger fear, but it triggers an awareness of fear at work in my life.
Okay, so now I immediately stop and say, Okay, where am I going, What am I involved in, what am I doing, what am I thinking about? What particular pattern of behavior is operating where fear is the dominant... The dominant thing, and how if you're going to manifest now, so by having seen the black Cochrane triggered my mind, now I'm in a state of awareness and questioning that gives me the opportunity to alter the outcome of that particular personal pattern of behavior.
Wow. But it is probably taken, it took you a while to get to that point of awareness and it took a life-changing moment for you... Yes, and for a lot of people where they are stuck in these patterns... And most of us are, right?
We really are. And the unfortunate thing is that people have not been taught about how the mind really works and how to have eyes to see and ears to hear, because somebody could say something to you, oh boy, that shirt you're wearing, I saw that on sale, or I go, I got the same thing. A good will. How does that make you feel?
Normally, you may respond with a joke, Oh yeah, yeah, I got mine, a good will too, but in reality, you paid full price to Macy's or Nordstrom or somewhere. And so how did that make you feel? Well, that may have triggered a feeling of inadequacy or less personal value, what is going to be the result of that feeling, are you going to go home and beat up the kids or you're gonna go home and beat up the door... And this era in this day and age with the bullying that's going on and with the guns and schools and this conversation can become so much more than this where we're talking about... So what you're talking about right now with the eyes that see in the years that we hear is so prominent and prevalent, so I love this conversation, so... Needs to happen, it's essential. People need to wake up. I think that people are... There's another thing in the Bible, the blind being led by the blind, and this is what's going on, and people aren't questioning enough, they're not seeking within, everyone is looking without... For fulfillment. And the without does not provide... Wow, that is... The Bible does tell, a, that's a great one. Just don't understand it.
No one ever wants to hear about it, but it's a fabulous piece of work, it is, and from my point of view, I think it's the kind of work that takes you from an Adam level of consciousness, named the beasts of the field. So you have dominion over them to the Christ level of consciousness, where you can walk on water and water by the way of symbolic of material life, we're so distracted by material life that we can't evolve spiritually. No matter what we say, the truth of the matter is we're not evolving, how do we break the cycle... So for instance, you broke your own cycle or with maybe being bit by the dog and you had that life-changing moment for somebody else that maybe was abused or... Everybody has a story.
Yes, we do, but we're all so busy, we all are revving up and with social media with everybody, everybody's were busy, but we all are stuck somewhere, how do we get through and make the stuckists a wonderful question. And I think that the one method and technique would be to get on a blank sheet of paper on the left-hand side of the column, what you believe your role is as in your case, since you're a woman, I would say if you're a mom, what your role as a mother, as a daughter. Maybe you have siblings. So what's your role as a sister? Maybe you are in aunt and niece, so what are these different roles that you think you should be portraying in each one of these environments on the right-hand side of the paper, why you think that you're supposed to be this way, and then question it from another point of view, and that is what if you had no gender, what would your role be, how would you react in each of those and consider that your gender actually affects your belief system, and your belief system is what's built out of the concepts you maintain about who you think you're supposed to be... The teaching in the Bible is, take this speck out of your own eye before you see the Moot and your brothers, okay, so stop judging everybody else and look in the mirror and see what you're going through, try to understand who you are and why you respond to what you do by learning to identify the stimulants that begins to help you understand who you are and what things will trigger you, another technique would be write down the things that bend you out of shape, what is it that really ticks you off...
Okay, what stresses you out?
Why... What is the belief behind that... What is the judgment behind that... Where does that come from? Is if something passed on genetically hereditary, hereditary disease, no, these are habits that are passed on by what mom and dad demonstrated, so if you can begin to look objectively as to what's going on, that will help you understand your own personal attitudes, once you understand an attitude it gives you an opportunity to begin to change it, and it's all about looking within...
Wow, this is fascinating. I have so many more questions for you.
Oh my gosh. Well, right now, we do need to take a quick break, but so much more in a moment. So don't go away, we'll be right back.
To welcome back to the mother's market radio show, and we wanna remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to our past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com.
And now, back to our interview with Michael's naturopathic programs, President Michael shorts, we're talking about your mind and breaking your thought patterns for better health and the President Michael, Michael Short, this is so interesting. We could talk to you. Thank you for a long time. We have so many questions here, but we just talked about identifying the columns you talked about... And what's the next steps?
Well, I think the next step begins with waking up, and that's actually it's upon, I guess, really waking up, right.
And the first thing in the morning, begin to start analyzing your dreams because your dreams are telling you the energy that is at work that day, it's not about tomorrow, it's not about yesterday, it's about what you're going through today, because in reality, today is all that there is okay, okay, so one of the first things you do is you start writing down your dreams and tearing the dreams apart and looking at each of the elements in there from a symbolic point of view, from an energetic point of view. And again, like I did with the dog, I give the universal interpretation of any given symbol, but what's really more important is your personal emotional association, so when you're looking at a symbol in your dream, you have to ask yourself when... Was this a part of my life?
So are there any specific dreams that would mean... For instance, I remember when I was a little girl and I had a recurring dream that my house was burning down and... It was at a time when my parents were getting a divorce.
Well, absolutely, fire is a destroyer, it's also anger, it's something that consumes the house of security, and so what's happening is that this child is going through this feeling of a loss of security, is fearful and fear always stimulates anger, and they're just burning up with the resentment and everything else, that's what fire is, that's what cancer is, cancer is anger, angry or resentment or guilt or frustration, 'cause those are the four energies that eat you up alive, so the fact that it's recurring tells you that there is a pattern of behavior on one level, so now, it may be when there's elements of disunity beginning to manifest in your life, somebody says something that triggers that memory of disunity, then you may have the burning house fire dream again, even though... Or something comparable, because the energy has changed on one level, but it's truly the same at another level, and that's how your mind works, your mind draws on the past to help you deal with the present and the future, the mind will draw on your past successes, it will draw on your past strengths, it will also draw on your fears, that's why the language that your mind uses is symbology, and if you can begin to discover the language that your mind uses to talk to you, then you begin to have an insight and a handle on everything you're confronting. So you begin your day with dream interpretation, you tear the dream apart, then you re-assemble it to see what it is that it's telling you, you've written a book about this, so that's... Yes, a couple.
Okay, so this is a great... Where can we buy this book?
Well, the Dream Book and the disease symbology handbook, both can be had actually from use in her health books, dot com is one. I do believe that they're both available Barnes and Noble as well as on the Nook, so you can get them electronically, which is less expensive obviously, and I do believe that maybe iTunes... But right now, I know nook and born and noble, and this is good because again, dream interpretation is what you were just explaining, it'll help us get through to interpret what the dreams are on the bad... And some people will tell you that, well, I don't remember my dreams... Well, that's easy enough. You just create a habit. Like every morning, tell yourself before you go to bed, when I brush my teeth, I will remember my dream, when I have my cup of coffee in my cup of tea, I will remember my dream and keep a note pad and a pencil handy so that you can and your mind is always... For you, it is never working against you, unfortunately part of it working for you is to satisfy the ego, but not the spiritual self, and it's really the spiritual self that we wanna reach and have manifest in everything we do in our lives.
Let's also talk about what can we do for our bodies... That's the hard part. You know, really... To me, always the mind stuff is the easier stuff, because the body thing, the dying is where everything begins, and everybody is conscious of the fact that they have comfort foods, what people don't realize is that everything on the plate has an emotional attachment. This is why it's so hard for people to change their diets, and the more ethnic and cultural the diet is, or traditional the diet may be, the harder it is to move away from it, because what you're saying is, I'm moving away from my family traditions, I'm moving away from my authenticity, I'm moving away from my culture, where am I gonna go... What's out there now? So there's this fear of letting go, which is what Caliban is, so there's a fear of letting go... Have to just throw that out there. I don't... Truth and the reality is, look at constipation from a symbolic point of view, if you hold on to the past, if you hold on to fecal matter, you become intoxicated and it will poison you to death, just as the concepts you live by are doing the same. So you need to change your diet, the diet of thought and the diet of food, obviously, the most ideal diet is going to be... And this is practical and possible, 60% raw, and all of your raw food should be organically grown fruits and vegetables, grains also 100% intact as well as organically grown. If you're going to do flesh foods, then you wanna make sure that it's wild critters, even the cows are grass-fed, not grain fed, 'cause the grains will be sprayed.
If you're going to go to Fall, I always recommend Turkey over chicken, it has less fat, because in the human body, and the human body is an animal body, we are spiritual beings in a material world, so our bodies are designed like all other animal bodies to deal with this environment, one of the ways that we protect ourselves... Let me rephrase that.
It is the body trying to protect you from yourself, is it will take toxins and store them in the fat as a way of protecting, so you don't wanna bring in the fat of other animals because their bodies are working on the same and they're given more toxins than you are, and what people don't realize from a toxic point of view is that they're eating at least nine pounds of chemical additives a year, nine with my lifestyle, I'd say I'm probably because I travel as much as I do, I probably am consuming two pounds, so there's another seven pounds of my stuff that people are eating, so the reality is, I think people are probably getting around 10 to 12 pounds of chemicals in their system a year, your body has to deal with that what it can't render harmless and have eliminated it will store in the fat.
So when it comes to animals, you wanna do those animals that are lean, which is why Turkey is better than chicken, when it comes to fish, go back to Leviticus, deep sea fish with scales, no farm raised fish. They're more toxic, and I don't recommend fresh water fish because I don't even think the water is safe to drink in this country. In fact, about two years ago, maybe two and a half years ago, Associated Press or United Press to the survey of water quality in major cities and what they found, they're all contaminated with drugs because people don't want... They feel they're better, they're done with their prescription down the commode... Well, all those chemicals are in the water, so I'm a distilled water advocate. I think that when it comes to dairy, Less is best.
I know they have these great, wonderful commercials, if you need calcium, drink milk, truth of the matter is countries that consume dairy have the highest osteoporosis, the highest bone breakage and the highest... If I remember correctly, colon cancer. So my advice is always, less is best. In fact, there are two universal teachings that I like to share in my lectures, and that is, excess leads to rejection and everything in moderation. And if somebody once said, Even moderation needs to be moderate, so those are some of the things that you can do, and obviously high potency supplements, I know that in the health food industry these days, there's a big push for food-bound food, grown food, this food that the reality is from a healing perspective, and that's the only place that I come from, for me, it's all about healing it... I'm not a commercial company, I guess the term would be, I provide more therapeutic nutrients, and that means high potency nutrients because it takes a lot to fix the body, low dose supplements are just that low dose, and because I have a guarantee in the sense that you will feel better and within a short period of time, and you can only accomplish that with adequate amounts of supplementation and with the supplements, are there any specific kind of supplements that you're talking about as far as feeling better and that you would recommend? Yeah, actually, and one of them, it's like so many people, at least when I talk to health food store staff, I'll say How many times a day do you hear somebody come in who says, I sleep 8, 10, 12 hours a day. I get up, I was tired as when I went to bed.
And what that condition is? His hypoglycemia.
And with hypoglycemia, one of the side effects is besides the anger, because if you live with a hypoglycemic, you know you don't look at them or talk to them in the morning till they've had milk juice, coffee, sugar, something to get them to be more hospitable before they're more hostile and low blood sugar is actually an issue of adrenal exhaustion, when I hear somebody's hypoglycemic, I know they're under a lot of stress, I know the adrenal glands are taxed, and so Pantheism C, and these are in a product that I do for the adrenal glands adrenal extras, the name of product called Energy factors, but by fixing nourishing the adrenals, it is the adrenal glands that monitor the sugar in the blood stream, which people in the health food industry... A lot of people think it's chromium. You take chrome, you're gonna fix the problem.
Now, you take chromium, You're liberating glycogen from muscle tissue and maybe from the liver, but you're not fixing the problem, the problem is you're stressed out, your adrenal glands are exhausted, they can't tell the pancreas when to stop insulin production or went to start insulin production, and when your sugar levels are really low, they can't talk to the liver to tell it to release glucose or glycogen back into the blood stream, so by fixing the adrenal glands, you can end up eliminating depression as a side example, plus also when there's under stress and the adrenals are faltering, that's when the blood pressure goes up, herpes shingles, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, all of that begins to manifest, so wrapping things up, if we could do one thing for our mind in our bodies and our health, what would your recommendation be...
Can I take that one thing and make it three, so can do it here first and foremost, begin to change the diet, what you eat, we are what we think, and we are what we eat, so you actually wanna change your diet and bring in healthier things from a thought process you really want to bring in and surround yourself with healthier thoughts, you need to question within, why is this taking place in my life, what is going on, create a symbol dictionary and get on a high potency products, get some target... If you're dealing with any particular issue anywhere in your body, because all diseases are a reflection of your personality, learn about your disease, so you'll have some insight to yourself, get to understand the symbology of the disease where it affects your body, that's another source of guidance. Take a look at the symptoms, that's another form of guidance. Questioning, that's the most important thing that you can do. Ask and you shall receive.
Oh, I like that.
Wow, well, this has been fascinating. Thank you so much for your time and some great advice, we really appreciate your knowledge and we look forward to having you on again, but in the mean time, we want you to get some more information on Michael and his website, Michael's health dot-com, learn more about his approach and perhaps pick up a few products in books, we also look forward to... Next visit its inner health books dot com. Am I right?
Absolutely, thank you so much for having me as a guest. It's been an absolute pleasure. Yeah, thank you. The pleasure has been hosting a thanks for listening to mother's market radio show and for shopping at mother's market.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition,