Join host Kimberly King as she discusses Good and Bad Fats with Dr. Jeffrey Burke from Barlean’s! It’s important to know the type of fat that you need and which kinds you want to avoid. Dr. Burke has been in the health and nutrition field for four decades, and he currently works as the Global Sales Education Manager for Barlean’s. Tune in!
Good and Bad Fats
Good and Bad Fats
Join host Kimberly King as she discusses Good and Bad Fats with Dr. Jeffrey Burke from Barlean's! It's important to know the type of fat that you need and which kinds you want to avoid. Dr. Burke has been in the health and nutrition field for four decades, and he currently works as the Global Sales Education Manager for Barlean's. Tune in!
Good and Bad Fats
Join host Kimberly King as she discusses Good and Bad Fats with Dr. Jeffrey Burke from Barlean's! It's important to know the type of fat that you need and which kinds you want to avoid. Dr. Burke has been in the health and nutrition field for four decades, and he currently works as the Global Sales Education Manager for Barlean's. Tune in!
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And welcome to the mother's market podcast, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, there's a lot of information regarding good and bad fats out there, and it's important to know the type of fat that you need and the kind that you want to avoid, so find out how to get the fat you want and feel better about your diet plus later, we'll tell you what's going on around town, but first up, Dr. Jeffrey Berk has been in the health and nutrition field for four decades, you don't look at like it, by the way, he's a naturopathic physician and a master herbalist. Dr. Berg is now the Global Sales education manager for barley, been doing radio shows with him for 25 years. In August of 2012, Jeffrey was inducted into the Nevada broadcasting hall of fame, being recognized for decades of radio show visibility. During his long career, Jeffrey has also worked at every level of retail health food stores, including opening stores, training, marketing, advertising, traveling and educating and overseeing large retail natural product chains, and we welcome him to the mother's market podcast. Dr. Berg, how are you?
I'm wonderful, how are you?
I'm great, thank you. Why did you fill our audience in a little bit on your mission and your work before we get to today's show topic?
Well, I think it just comes down to education, I think that we have the chance and the luxury in this industry to not only educate, but to provide the information that also leads to compliments and alternatives and gives people the choice. I'd like to teach dialogue, because if someone feels more comfortable with a subject, a topic, their health problems, their concerns or their health conditions, and they have a better understanding and maybe they've been informed on the alternatives, they're gonna have a better dialogue with their medical practitioners and that's really important.
A lot of people don't say anything, they don't ask anything, they just kind of abide by the rules of what is dictated to them, and they never question, and sometimes by questioning and you can actually take yourself down a healthier Road and maybe give yourself in a better alternative at a better... Healthier, longer quality of life.
I like that, I like that you teach people, it's almost advocating and by teaching the dialogue and asking those questions, so today we're talking about good and bad fats, and so Dr. Berg, can you define omega 3?
I think the easiest way to define omega-3 would be to put it into the category of why we need it, why it's important, why we need to start focusing on these amazing oils. And I think the wonderful thing about omega-3 fatty acids is the point that we need it in our body and we are extremely deficient in them.
You know, a lot of people hear about omega 3 and omega 6, they hear these profiles, you should have a better ratio, they say that Americans now have anywhere from 10, 20 and 30 to 10 of the inflammatory omega 6 to maybe one or two points of the Omega-3 leading us down a heavier rod of inflammatory response, so when I think about Omega 3s, I think about it automatically something that needs to be brought into your body through food and through supplement, what is the difference between fish and flax omega 3?
Well, fish oil provides the omega-3 fats, the EPA and the DHA that you hear about so frequently, where flax seed oil provides the ALA or Polina lytic acid. Extremely important on both sides of the fence, both of them bring a lot to the table, omega-3 fatty acids, of course, bring a lot more EPA and DHA from fish oil, where the ALA is more on the vegetarian food-based side. Both important. I personally use both because I figured they both bring something to the table, and I don't like to have to choose between them, and so you have the best of both worlds. So why is covenant oil okay to use? Even though it's saturated... Well, you know, for years, and I come up through the field for a very, very long time, we came from a point where saturated fat was looked down on, and it was the thing that they thought caused all disease, and today we're learning that some saturated fats are a friend, not our foe, and we're learning that coconut oil is an amazing product, you study some of the Polynesian islands where they have a big staple of their diet was his coconut and coconut oil and coconut meat and fiber. They have one of the lowest risk of cardiovascular disease, so coconut oil today is important, and not all bad fats come from saturated fats, they come from other things as well, but coconut Al brings good saturated back to the body and it brings those medium chain triglycerides that we actually burn for fuel and for energy, plus it's delicious and it's great for your skin is gonna say that I know, and hair and everything else that has a lot of great entries, which fats are good to use for the keto diet?
Well, the keto diet is exploding today, for many years, we have the doctor Atkins diet, which was mostly high protein and low carbohydrate, and the keto diet is kind of an off stand of that, but with a lot more good fat in the diet, so things like coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil and grass-fed butter, avocado, Sam and MCT oils, and even e-butter, very, very effective, and it really does make that diet work more effectively, people have a hard time wrapping their mind around eating a diet with that... With a large portion of that, that makes them burn that at the same time, but we're learning... We're still a work in progress, and that's true, and that it is exploding that keto diet... What exactly are bad fats?
Well, if I have to put them into category, the worst type of dietary fat is trans Pat, trans fat is a by-product of a process called hydrogenation that actually is used in term to make healthy oils into solids and prevent them from becoming Rand. Trans-Mats have no little benefits to the body at all... Absolutely nothing good. There is no safe level of consumption, therefore it has been officially banned in the United States, we're gonna start seeing... They gave them a date and a deadline, and we will start seeing no trans pats in our food any longer, so that's really important.
Yeah, I was just gonna say, I've been hearing about and reading about all of this new legislation in the United States, so our food's gonna be making a major change or...
I think so, and I just hope that they make healthy choices.
Yeah, if you go back far enough, you go back to the time when we have a low fat to no fat died in this country, and all the doctors wrapped their mind around and everybody was eating no fat, and all they were doing is they do all the foods I've had a lot of fat and they replaced it with sugar, and I kid you not, I was at a grocery store and there was a line of cookies and candy stuff called Snack wells, and it said right on the label, no fat. So people were eating three, four or five boxes a day because it said No fat, and we were actually doing our grocery shopping and they were unloading a semi-truck, and people who are filling their baskets with it and going right and just checking out, they were buying 30, 40, 50 boxes. And what happened, everybody got faster, got sluggish, everybody got tired, we created a lot of diabetes, and they finally started thinking that maybe that is more important than we thought, Oh my gosh, but now what about these fast food restaurants that probably use all these trans-fats... Yes, they do then, yeah.
This is gonna be... Well, the thing is, you can make healthier choices at home, you have no control over the way people make their food in a restaurant, some of your best restaurants out there may be using a lot of oils that are hydrogenated and you just don't know... Yeah, yeah, it's gonna be an interesting change.
And hopefully for the better, does cooking damage the state of healthy fats?
I think it can change and alter it, I think that we have to remember that there are some oils that do better in high heat, as much as I love olive oil, halevi is a probably low heat to using it with no head at all, like a salad dressing and insults and things like that, because when you do heat a very good quality oil, you can make it an unhealthy oil by saturating it and burning it to a scorching point.
Now that being said, virgin coconut oil, extraversion coconut oil, things like grape seed oil, awesome because they have a high heat index, so you can use them for cooking and high heat, and if you are gonna be cooking in your best choice would be coconut and grape seed oil, and because we do use things that we have to have a higher heat to be able to get the boo cook correctly. Just choose your oil. Right.
Do you know anything about sesame oil and the meals got a low burn point.
Okay, okay. How do a chia and flax rank as a good source of omega 3?
Well, we know that our diet in America is definitely lacking in fiber, and we know that people that take the time to get enough fiber in their diet have radically better digestive systems, better elimination, they can form a stool better, that it can actually help to make a dramatic difference in their bowel habits, they say that if you go back 100 years, people are eating anywhere from 50, 80 to 00 grams of fiber a day, and the average American needs 10 to 12 now, and we wonder why laxatives are so big and we wonder why people have such terrible problems with their bottles and they're going to the gastroenterologist with stomach problems and gastrointestinal problems, that being said, she sees an amazing source of omega-3 fatty acids, and they don't have to be grounded, you can actually mix them in any kind of food they will form a gelatin, this mixture, if you mix them in any kind of a water and you can use them as a fiber, you can use them as an omega-3 source, black seeds are different kind of... See, they have to be grounded because the hole is very, very hard and our body won't digest it, but you can actually get your Flatiron did like a grown meal one that I use all the time. I put it in my smoothie and I sprinkle it on my foods, and I love to recommend these because you're getting a combination of things like lignin and the flags, which is a beneficial immune builder, but you also get Omega 3s and fiber. So it's very rare to have a fiber that gives you nutrition at the same time, most people think of fiber is like cardboard, so the old days, if you know, have a cardboard diet, a lot of fiber, but these are nutritional fibers.
And so you are saying that you put them on your foods, like a salad or you can put them in a super something as well, but he insults and things like that as well, and you can really dress up the food... You can turn yogurt into something amazing by adding chess and ground flags.
Oh, thank you for those examples. And I was trying to figure out what else do you put them on, but that's good. And taste... Does it change the taste of it?
It's actually quite delicious. She really doesn't have much of a taste to it, the nice thing about Che is if you mix it with little water and you keep it in the refrigerator, if you have a three egg recipe, you can actually use CEO with a couple of tablespoons and replace one of the eggs with gases, so you can actually lower the egg consumption and you can use them for baking and they really handle the heat quite well.
Oh, that's good information.
So why is the topic of fats so confusing, I know for a while ago it was always good, fast, bad fat, but it seems to be to changing and it's confusing.
I think it just goes back to the time when I first started in this industry. Nobody talked about that, when all of a sudden they... Everything was saturated, that was bad for you, and then it was any kind of... That was bad for you.
And then for a while, nothing could have any fat, and then your doctors told you he know that, and then they found out they started thinking about our brains is 65% more fat and our body needs that we need that for our heart.
And then before you know it, they started eating, we'll put more of that into the diet, and now we have diets like the high protein, low carb diet and the Keto diet, they're saying a tons of that.
So it is very, very confusing.
I think if people could just distinguish between bad fats and good fats, I think that would make a big difference, and then they would find their niche on which way of eating would be good.
I recommend the Mediterranean diet a lot. Because the Mediterranean diet is an anti-inflammatory diet.
A Mediterranean diet gives you foods that are good for you, but there's nothing in there that has any inflammatory nature, its fish and vegetables and nuts and seeds, and light grains and beautiful oils, things like Black Sea oil and olive oil and fish oil and cover oil, and drilling it on your food and really preparing your food in a very healthy manner, most of the foods have no labels because it's just food, so there's not a lot of additives, it's great for anyone that has high levels of inflammation... For people that are trying to reduce their cardiovascular problems and the people that are actually trying to eat a healthier way of eating hot today they call this syndrome X when you've got blood pressure and cholesterol and diabetes, and they're all connected, one of the best diets that the doctors are recommending, especially things like a male clinic, and some of the good cardiovascular physicians will say, enamel, terrane, a diet, it's safe, it's anti-inflammatory, and it's not gonna agitate or make your problem and he works... I can only make it better.
So if you just realize which path to eat, that takes the confusion away... That's a good point. Can you clarify just also on their avocados. Good, good.
Okay, awesome, alright. And I like when you throw things out there and it put that into the good bad category.
Yes, so Mediterranean, high protein, low carb, keto, I'll go against the mentality of dietary fats, and you mentioned that earlier with the keto, with adding that fat on.
So can you talk about that a little bit?
Yeah, I think that most people are using these kind of programs because they're trying to get obesity or weight under control, we know that if you eat the standard American diet today, that is mostly really good tasting bad for you food, you're going to be overweight. And if you are eating foods that are advertised on TV and things that are coming through the window of your car and they're pre-made in the store, if you shop the middle of your grocery store, your eating processed foods, if you shop the outside of the store, you're eating vegetables and fruits and protein and healthy grains and dairy, and you can get out of the store with good food.
But today, people are in a hurry. They want something easy, they want those box mix of races and noodles and things where you had a little butter, little milk, a little water, and it's done in five minutes because of necessity and because of just their jobs in life. But with a little bit more preparation on your side, you can make twice the amount of food cheap, cheaply, and actually do something better and have enough of it left over to take it the next day to work. The problem is we've become very lazy destination, we become very comfortable in our comfort zones, and comfort zones are just that... They're comfortable, they're familiar. They feel good when our rear-end hits that dent in the couch and the remote is in her hand, and we're in our comfort zone, you'd kick your shoes off and you're ready for the day, but comfort zones are really good. They're rarely healthy. And I think the hard part is bucking the system, one of our biggest downfalls is our palette, our palas become very strong, and if you do not feed the palette and give it the taste of the sensations that it wants, it's very, very hard to move forward because you can't start thinking about the foods that we become addicted to, that we want so badly, people tell me, they'll say, You know, I can't stop craving these foods, and I just keep giving into him, and I said, because you haven't pushed back hard enough, it takes a couple of weeks, be able to get those sensations out of there and then your pallet will start saying, Oh, this food tastes good, and they can handle this school, this isn't bad, but we've become very weak and it's just easy, say, just order pizza. Go to the store and grab something, get a number two special, your favorite fasting restaurant.
So we like things that taste amazing, and we like things that make us feel really, really good, but the problem is... They're really good, right. But you're also talking about that meal prep though, and having that left over for the next day, but in just making that time to do that, and if you have kids, it's a great thing to be able to teach your kids out of Cook... We were raised in our kitchen, and we went to my grandparents house and the family's house... Everything was in the kitchen.
I mean, you got put to work doing something, cutting, cooking, chopping, clearing, setting, washing something, you are part of the family. And today, we don't even have that kitchen setting anymore. Most people are on different schedules. Most have lock key houses and lackey refrigerators mean that there's just food there, help yourself and do what you want, and a lot of people have to make it as easy as possible. I have a lot of single households with single parents, where their thing is just, I just need to have food in the house, and I'm working three jobs, I rarely sit in my kids unless it's a holiday, so healthy food doesn't always make the cut and it makes it difficult.
Well, great information. We have to take a quick break more in just a moment, don't quite... Away, we'll be right that.
Welcome back to the mother's market podcast. And we wanna remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for podcast and listen to be passive shows. Plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now, back to our interview with Dr. Jeffrey Berg, and we're talking about good and bad fats, and so many things to dispel... Right, so many rumors. Dr. Berg, is there a preference to using fish versus FLEX...
I guess it depends on who you talk to. I think there is. I think that eating a variety of omega-3 food sources, including flax seeds and fish oil is a key part to a healthy diet diet, a healthy heart diet, a good foundational diet, they both bring both a mild nutty flavor, flaccid also can be delicious, and nutrition addition to foods, I don't like to choose. So when you were in my kitchen in the morning and I'm making my smoothie, I add flail or I had fish in, or I add ground flax seeds, and then I had chose... I'm putting most of everything that I can get my hands on because of the amazing benefits in the anti-inflammatory world, but also for the benefits that they're finding every day by us helping to increase a better balance of Omega-3s.
I love smoothies, and the reason I like them is because you can get a lot of things out of the way first thing in the morning and not have to remember him the rest of the day.
I like that, right?
So when you leave your house, you've had your omega-3s for the day, I take my fish oil, my glacially put my Ford oflag, I put my cheeses in there and I throw my protein powder, my fruit, some yogurt, all that stuff, and I know that when I leave, I'm foam, but I also know that I've filled up the areas that were vacant, so... Is that breakfast?
That's breakfast.
Okay, that sounds good.
And you were just talking about what you had for a male white put in your own Naomi love adding ground flax 'cause it's really, really nutty and Al-throw to see sometimes when that's in raspberries or blueberries.
That sounds good.
You don't really need anything else.
I'm gonna go to breakfast. stator house routinely a funny thing, and you have to be surprising to children because children don't want oils, and we've been talking a lot on the show, the company that were here with Arlene has found a way to a multi-FY flax seed oil and fish oil and they call it seriously delicious, but what they've done is they did it for the value of the taste, but what we've learned is... And this was quite interesting. I was talking with a position that was 96 years old, came from China, and I was talking about the show yesterday, and he said to me, You know when people are over 50, the reason a lot of people get fish Burks and why they don't handle fish oils and things... Well, is because their digestive systems don't work well.
He said this thing that they've done here, this multiplying makes it easy to digest, that you don't need the stomach to be as big a part of the role, and how that made... It really reminded me on how weak our digestive systems are, 'cause somebody... I can tell you to use a fish oil, I can tell you to use black side, I can tell you how good it is, and you can try it one or two times, take it on an empty stomach, drank a cup of coffee with it, not feel good and taste it all day, and you're thinking, I'm not doing that, even though it's really, really important.
So you have to find something that works for you, but it's really, really important, so when it comes to fish or flat, if I can have people do both, I like that better or... Okay, well, that's good. You're covering all your bases there, do we all really need fat, that is what our brain is made out of, that helps us make hormones, that helps our skin stay supple, that helps our metabolism. You need that to burn. That most people that are dying today avoid that, they always choose things like low fat dairy and they click little or no oil at all. Never would touch things like butter or walnuts or GE or other fat foods. It's true, if you eat a lot of the bad unhealthy saturated, hydrogenated saturated oils and trans-pass, we're gonna have a problem, but the healthy fats need to be incorporated in because today it's actually the missing part of our diet, and so when you say missing that convene make us healthy. You've talked a little bit about this. So just kind of expand on that.
Yes, people get lots of energy when they eat good quality fats, they think clearer, their skin looks better, their risk for many cardiovascular diseases go down when you supplement the good fats, when you eat unhealthy fats, you're tired, you're sluggish, you're bloated. They say that some of the bad fats have like a 51-day half life, which means for 102 days, all those unhealthy fats that you're eating, it can take you three months to really start feeling good again, so when people start a healthy way of eating, it may take a little while because you're cleaning house, but... Can it make you feel better? Yes, Can it make you healthier to eat the the right fats? Absolutely.
Okay, that makes sense. Or saturated fats, worse than trans-fat, hydrogen.
Saturated fats are terrible for you, for many people, they don't process them very well, but honestly, my biggest... The fact that I think is the worst is transcripts is the type of fat that occurs naturally in some foods and small amounts, but most trans fats are made from oils through a food processing method called partial hydrogenation. These partially hydrogenated trans fats increase total blood cholesterol, your LDL, which is your low density, lousy cholesterol gets high, you're happy, HDL, cholesterol goes low, and we need that one to be high, and it increases your risk of cardiovascular disease. That's a fact.
So once again, the LDL is the lousy one, the HDL is the high one. That's the report.
Have lousy.
That was a con.
Okay, great, thank you. I member that too. Difference between partially and fully hydrogenated oils, hydrogenation is a chemical process by which liquid vegetable oil is turned into a semi-solid that kind of in an effort to cost-effectively change its physical properties for food production by breaking down a food's natural properties. It makes it unrecognizable to our body, ultimately causing harm.
In this case, with partially hydrogenated oils which contain trans-fats, they're the worst on the body, these translates not only tweak cholesterol levels in the body, but they're also linked to a myriad of diseases, even including things like strokes and diabetes, fully hydrogenated fats processed in the same chemical way contain virtually no trans-fat, but the resulting process is firmer than a partially hydrogenated counterpart and has a hard wax consistency. Fully hydrogenated products do contain saturated fat in the form of steric acid, a mono-unsaturated fat that doesn't RAID levels of bad cholesterol, this makes fully hydrogenated fats a little less harmful than partially hydrogenated, but are they good for you?
Not really.
Okay, 'cause that explanation.
What effect does dietary cholesterol have on the diet?
Well, when your doctor takes your blood test, you measure your cholesterol level, the doctor is actually measuring the amount of circulating cholesterol in the blood or blood cholesterol level, about 85% of our blood cholesterol level is endogenous, which means it's produced on the inside of the body, the other 15% or so comes from an external source, which is our diet, your dietary cholesterol originates from meat, poultry, fish, seafood and dairy products, it's possible for some people to eat foods high in cholesterol and still have low blood cholesterol, likewise, it's possible to eat foods low in cholesterol and have high cholesterol levels, so the thing about it is, is can it affect your every day routine, can it affect your levels? Yes, there are people out there that have some genetic lines where they can eat anything they want and never have high cholesterol, but I've seen some of those people with low Celeste roll drop yet of a heart attack.
So the American Heart Association recommends that we limit our average daily cholesterol to less than 300 milligrams, obviously with high levels of cholesterol in the blood should take even less and eat good fats and don't eat bad fats, and thank you for putting out 300 milligrams too. Sometimes we just need to know what those numbers look like. What is consumed more in the diet, is it saturated or transverse.
Eating a diet, dietary pattern that emphasizes fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy, poultry, fish and nuts is really important, limiting red meat and sugary foods and beverages, of course. Very, very good. Today, we probably see more trans fats in the diet because they're in the foods that people eat the most of donuts, cookies, crackers, muffins, pies, cakes, the things that the palate loves, and in many forms of fast food that are processed... Yeah, I thought you were gonna say.
Now, if you're following a Mediterranean diet, can you use omega-3?
Absolutely, I have people that are on Mediterranean diets and I still recommend it, they take their fish oils, they're flat seed oils, if they wanted a multiple that seriously delicious. I haven't just put it on their toast in the morning, you put it over their yogurt, it's delicious and it tastes good, and there's no burin, which is amazing, but also along with it, with the Mediterranean diet, you may be eating things like salmon, macro halibut or deans, and jobs to bring those other Omega tries in, they just work together on everything together, delicious Dorsalis, what are omega 7? Palmeiras little known fatty acid does a lot of wonders for our health, found in the pulp of Seabury, rare in the plant gene, even scarcer in the animal world, it's gained a lot of popularity primarily for things like the skin, it does have some cardiovascular benefits, it does have digestive health benefits. inflammatory or anti-inflammatory response? I think most people use it mostly with women more than men, hair, skinny males, and it's like a supplement... Okay, sure is, How do I know what that's to remove? In which to add, I think the easiest way to do that is anything that says hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated, stay away from and eat plenty of the other good fats, and just make sure that you're saturated fats are coming from the healthy list. It's pretty easy.
Okay, and what is the philosophy today about... No fat diet.
Don't do it.
Okay, the fastest way to get cloudy, foggy, confused, lazy over weight and unhealthy is to take that out of the diet.
Okay, that makes me want it.
All of the above. So I will listen to that, and as we all should, this has been some really interesting information, but also kind of following along that Mediterranean diet, following those rules, because it has a little bit of a mixture of both. Right, it really does. And you know, people today are in a state of ill health, most people are in a state of inflammation, most people are actually putting themselves into an unhealthy situation just by the foods that we choose, if you would choose a little wiser, take a little bit more time on your food choices, maybe drive an extra half of a mile to a restaurant if you're going, that could have you a better choice of food.
Never hesitate to ask how foods are prepared in a restaurant, and maybe we need to back up a little bit, 20, 30, 40 years of mentality and started actually eating more food at home.
When you eat at home, you can control the Spice, you can control the fat, you can enter all the quantities, and I think the biggest problem today is just people are so confused, but we're also really stressed and life does have a tendency to get in our way but ask questions, find a great health food store, pick products in the health food industry that are quality from companies that have been around a long time. Choose your medical practitioners. If you have a doctor that does not give you any good nutritional advice or feels that supplementation is not the way for you to go find another doctor, do it like you would find a gardener that didn't do the job, or if you had a plumber, they couldn't fix the league, get a new one because you know they can't stand up and work with you and have a dialogue and respect your values, that it's time for you to fire your doctor and get a doctor that you can work with.
I think it's really important.
It, great advice. Thank you so much for your time, Dr. began some really great advice, and I love the way that you advocate and teach people in the dialogue, we really appreciate your knowledge and we look forward to having you on again, but in the meantime, you can also get more information on Dr. Burk, and the website is Baran dot com, it's B-E-R-L-E-A-N-S, by the way. And learn more about healthy living tips. We look forward to your next visit.
It would be a pleasure. Thank you so much, thank you.
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