Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Jay Levy, from Kyolic (Wakunaga of America). In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show, Kimberly King sits down with Jay to talk about the company’s mission, garlic, its health benefits and how to easily get more in to your diet.
Garlic’s Many Benefits
Garlic's Many Benefits
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Jay Levy, from Kyolic (Wakunaga of America). In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, Kimberly King sits down with Jay to talk about the company's mission, garlic, its health benefits and how to easily get more in to your diet.
Garlic's Many Benefits
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Jay Levy, from Kyolic (Wakunaga of America). In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, Kimberly King sits down with Jay to talk about the company's mission, garlic, its health benefits and how to easily get more in to your diet.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, we dive into another fantastic herb and find out some hidden benefits, journey with us and find out how garlic can help your body be the best it can be, plus later. We'll tell you what's going on around town.
But first step, J. Levi is the director of sales at kaolin mission VA-ho, California. And he's highly educated in the nutritional arena, has been in the industry for more than 26 years, Jay has written articles for many different health food publications, and we welcome him to the mother's market radio show.
Jay, how are you?
I'm doing well, Cam, thanks for having me.
Thanks for being here, and why don't you fill our audience in a little bit on your mission and your work before we get to today's show topic.
Well, of course, the philosophy of the founder of Kylo was that if we put money into research that long-term, that the truth will set us all free, so we are one company in the industry and maybe the only company industry that our R and D budget is larger than our marketing budget, which... And most companies, it's quite the opposite stand in our industry, unfortunately, most companies aren't putting money into research, but we're a science-based company, and we'll talk about it of course later in the interview, but we now have 750 clinical papers on the efficacy of Kyle published clinical papers on FC of Kayla, and there's not a single branded ingredient at the Natural Products Expo trade show that even comes close to comparing to the breadth of research that we have on our age garlic extract. Wow, yeah, yeah. It's really something that really is... And the beauty of that is, garlic is the oldest medicinal reviews by man, so there's thousands of years of empirical evidence and truth, and unfortunately, in our modern society, empirical evidence is not always good enough, and nowadays people want clinical evidence, so we're fortunate and lucky to have an R and D budget and a research budget that kind of separates us from all the other manufacturers in the industry.
Great, well, we'll be interested in hearing more about the benefits of eating garlic, and that's what we're gonna be talking to you about today, so let's talk... Also, first of all, the history of garlic usage.
Well, like I said, garlic is one of the oldest medicines used by man, and it was actually... In the first Olympics, it was actually used as a performance enhancing drug, it was the first one, and it was that if you've ever read any history of the ancient Egyptians, when the slaves were building the pyramids, at one point there was a large protest because the pharaohs... Stopped the workers from getting their daily garlic intake, so that was one of the first union organized protest because the slaves didn't get their garlic.
So once again, it's something that man's known about a long time and used a long time, and I always like to say when you attend a trade show or even when you go into a store like Mother's, everybody wants to know what's new, that's kinda what seems to get everybody excited and drive the industry, but what I'd like to tell people is, We're not here because of new things, we're here because of staples like garlic that have been around for thousands of years, so really, we need to look at things that got us here, not the things that we don't even know about at this point and we're looking for in the future, which I think kinda makes common sense, right. Like the latest trends, it's the things that are just continuing on that.
Yeah, let's talk about the history of the makers of Hilo.
Well, we're actually a holy on Cedar of a Japanese company, and it was, I think around 1955, Mangano, the founder of the company was actually a banker and a German doctor by the name of Eugene Schnell was actually... It was part of the Marshall Plan after World War II was put into place by the US government. This German doctor to kind of like the head of the FDA, it wasn't called the FDA in Japan, but he was in charge of getting the country healthy, fixing the groundwater, fixing the food supply, fixing everything, so he worked as part of the Marshall Plan. This doctor you change now for probably 10 years in Japan, and the banker, many Walker, the found of the company, developed a relationship with his German Dr. Jane chained to... He was tired of banking and decided he wanted to help people. I wanted to get people healthy and Dr. Eugene Shanahan, historically, a lot of cultures and even Westernized cultures, garlic, believe it or not, is really a very polarizing little plant... Either you love it or you hate it. I'm from the midwest, and we never had fresh colic in the house growing up, and my mom didn't use fresh color if you go to the East Coast, to the West Coast, where there's more of an immigrant population, garlic more popular, but in the Midwest, nobody used car look that I knew, and it's just... I don't know why, but I do know why there's a social stigma with garlic, people don't wanna smell like it, and if you stink, it's kinda like... You're not educated if you stink, which there's some... You can't walk around smelling like a garlic clove all day long, people won't wanna work with your people to wanna be with you. And in Japanese culture at the time, smelling like garlic was associated with a lower class people, but they also knew Japanese medicine and traditional Comp Japanese medicine is based on Chinese herbal medication. Almost our whole industry is really the basis is Chinese medicine, herbs and those kind of things.
So anyway, they knew that garlic was very medicinal, but they knew that the Japanese population wouldn't stand for smelling like garlic, so they looked back at history and the Chinese many thousands of years ago, found that by putting garlic in vinegar or putting garlic and wine, you could get the medicinal properties without getting that offensive odor.
So what you change now and menacing did, they discovered this aging process, so they took organically grown garlic wash, cashed it, crushed it and sliced it and put it in these two ton stainless steel aging tanks, and in these two-time stainless still aging tanks is raw fish garlic, water and ethanol alcohol, and to extract out active ingredients, usually ethanol alcohol is what's used it, it's been used for thousands of years and is the main solvent used to extract out active ingredients.
So anyway, in this aging process, it's a natural aging process, but process takes about 20 months, and in this aging process, bio-conversion happens where all the harsh chemical compounds in garlic, and they are essentially oil-soluble software compounds that are responsible for the odor of garlic, all these harsh oils, sister compounds in this aging process are converted to safe and stable water cycle compounds, and kind of the difference between oil, soulmate, sorry, all compounds of Carla, the oil-soluble compounds are the compounds that store in your fat sales has arable compound. Your body stores. So when you sweat, when you breathe, if you've eaten a lot of raw fresh garlic, you'll smell it on yourself, you'll smell it on your breath, you'll smell it exiting from your poor... You'll smell in your sweat, but anyway, in his aging process, all those harsh as-able compounds, like I said, are converted safe and stable water sugar content, and the beauty of water-soluble compounds is When you intake them, the body doesn't store them.
You use what you need, and then the rest you just excrete. So you don't get that offensive garlic breath, you don't get the garlic, you don't get lost, and interestingly enough, when you age the garlic and turn it into these water-soluble sulfur compounds, essentially, there are compounds formed that you cannot get from raw fresh garlic from Galle powder garlic, you can only get from a garlic extract, which is an interning concept, and just to kind of create a mental picture, and I may have said this before, if you age grapes, you get wine, if you age milk, you get cheese, if you age... So you get tofu miso, kind of understand where I'm going with this. Kinda when you age things, they become a bit more medicinal, is something that man's done for thousands of years, but in the modern society, and this was like I said, around 1955 when they decide this... And typically, when man messes with nature, usually bad things happen, but this is one instance where where modern modern science has actually improved on nature, because the problem with raw fresh garlic, if you eat too much of it, and I'm not telling anybody not to eat raw fresh colic, 'cause of course, it's tuitions and make your food delicious, but it's difficult to eat a therapeutic dose, and if you eat too much of it, you actually can do damage to the body. You've heard garlic is nature's antibiotic. Everybody, everybody knows that. So most people think that garlic is for the immune system, but the problem with nature's antibiotic anti-means against... Biotic means life is Latin for against life, and you don't wanna consume anything on a daily basis that's against life, just kind of in lay terms, how an work... They oxidize the body, they take oxygen how the body... We were trying to get oxygen into the body, so through this natural aging process, we take this harsh unstable oxidizing Herb, garlic and change it into a product that you can take, and efficacious does get by available actives and just easier on the body.
Wow, well that... I love that you have really explained that well in the history, and you know what, can you also go back and just in layman's terms, you just even talked about what the koeman to... Okay, yeah, yeah, sure, sure. While the word Kyle is actually a made up, made up name, made up word, and the prefix Kyoko and Japanese is actually pronounced KEO, and KEO means powerful in Japanese, and then the last three letters of KYC, which are just the last three letters of garlic, so it's a completely made up name, made up word, and you could say It means powerful garlic, which it actually gives a lot credit to how you just explain the power of garlic to your credit and to the credit of how powerful it is. Let's talk about the aging process and... Well, you did actually talk a little bit about, but why is it so important that aging process or... Well, once again, the aging process, really, most importantly, two things... Well, maybe three things I should say. It means you can take an efficacious dose of garlic, which is most important, and like I said, there are compounds that are formed in this aging process that you cannot get from any other form of garlic, and there's happenings... Their Slater are car Balinese, there are a lot of compounds in garlic, and interestingly enough, garlic and natural substance, and there's not one ingredient, and we're the world's garlic experts, and even we don't know all the active ingredients in Gore haven't even isolated all the compounds in Carla what we do know, it's basically software compounds that are responsible for the benefits of garlic and... Sulfur is a mineral that is essential for life. It's in every structure and function in the body, you have to have solar in your body or you buy, and software is also really key in liver, health and detoxification, part of the salvation process, which once again, it's essential for life, and it's something you know once again, people don't like broccoli, they don't like onions, they don't like garlic, and those are kind of some of the main foods that you get solved for from... Wow, well, this is very interesting information, and right now we have to take a quick break, but more with Jay in just a moment, don't go away. We will be right back.
And welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you've missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to the past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com.
And back to our interview with Jay Levy of Kyle, and we're talking about the benefits of eating garlic and Dave, first of all, I wanted to talk to you about this... Your particular car. It's odorless.
It's odorless. Yeah, and earlier in the interview, we got into the aging process, and one by product of the aging process that they really didn't know about in the beginning was I said that these harsh oil-soluble compounds are converted to safe and stable water, silicon pounds, so you can take an efficacious dose, and then I said that there are compounds formed in the aging process that you can't get from raw, fresh garlic, regal Roderic, and you can only get from agrarian, but interestingly enough, probably probably besides the compounds that you can't get from other products, the best part about the aging process is the product becomes odorless, now, when I say odorless, only fresh water or pure water and fresh air, really the only two things that are really overseen... You open a bottle of kilo, there's a slight sulfur odor, but it is nothing like raw fresh garlic or nothing like that, and then once you take the product, like I said, the body doesn't... Doesn't hold on to the oil cable compound, so you don't exude the garlic, the breath, the odor from your poor, so that's really... When we say order local, that's what we're talking about, but when you open a bottle of Kylie rack there is a slight hand of sulfur.
Okay, well, thank you for clarifying that.
How does age garlic extra compared to other... Great, Pelota.
Great question, thank you for asking. Well, what most people know about is besides Raw fresh garlic course is garlic powder because people use it as seasoning for their food, and it's McCormick or the shift Carle powder that you can buy at the grocery store or even a healthy stores. You can go to the bulk band and by garlic powder, and with God Pater, what they do is, and I've seen the process and it's really interesting, they heat dehydrate the garlic bulb, so when you dehydrate something, you remove all the water... Well, when you remove all the water from garlic, you remove water soluble, so far compounds, which we've talked about that are so healthy and beneficial, you remove water salamina acids that you're not gonna get... You're still gonna get the oil-soluble compounds, but what I've said earlier is the oil-soluble compounds are the ones you really don't wanna get... Now, with that said, like I said, I'm not telling anybody not to eat raw fresh garlic and oil-soluble compounds do have some health benefits, but if you get too much and too many oocyte content, that's when you start oxidizing the body and start causing damage to the body, you damage the mucosa, the linings, Ronstadt, and you damage your intestinal, so you don't wanna eat too much raw fresh. gotland. I have people once again say every day or like... And then when I really question them about how much they eat, even when you cook with Carla, I'm sure you take a clover to... And when you cook it, you change the chemical constitute completely, so when you cook it, you basically denied the garlic and you're not really getting any medicinal benefits, you are getting the flavor and that's what you're cooking it for, but if you row fresh garlic, you chop up a little bit, and you put it in all vets, you can dip your bread and or you put a little bit on your soul, but it's really a small amount... Clovers really not very much. It is when you're eating it, but as far as the medicinal benefits you would get from it are really very small, and then once again, I talk to people every day that swallow a clove garlic every day or whatever, and... So yeah, you can do it, it's just not that good for you to do that, so anyway, there are guarantees, like I said, which are dehydrated, and once again with those products, you get Oisin, but you don't get the water sidecarcross and they're available in the health food store shelf, and then there are garlic oil products, and you're probably seeing them there, the little soft gel kind of pearls, and a garlic oil itself, if you pick up a label and really look at it, and it's a similar process to the heat dehydration process, but they use a steam distillation process, once again, removing all the water, so all you get our destiny oil cycle coupons, but if you look at the label of a garlic oil product, it's really very little Galil, it's like two minutes, it's not even a milligram of garlic 'cause garlic oil itself is really pungent, really strong, really, really stinky, it makes you cry. Make sure notes run, it's rap staff and so really eats a lot of garlic oil, so on the health food store shelf there, garlic oil, garlic powder and age garlic extract, and those are the three forms of garlic that you can get in the alienate again. What separates us, like I said earlier, is not only all the research we've done, but just this natural aging process that makes age garlic extract different than all the other forms of garlic out on the market.
Why should we take Kyle?
Great question too, like we talked about earlier, from historical data, it keeps vampires away, and of course, that's very important in modern society, maybe... What's the popular thing? Nowell, vampires are pretty popular in too, right now, but what are those guys that zombie... It keeps on Visa too, so I don't know... No, no, just kidding about that. But once again, garlic has really reputed to help with the immune system Colin place, and that's what most people think of, and there's a course on immune component to almost everything in the body, every organ, everything has an immune component, but really the target of most of our research has been cardiovascular health and age garlic extract. It's interesting, it's one product that has a positive impact on every single cardiovascular risk factor, so it has a positive impact on LDL cholesterol, which is the bad cholesterol, it has a positive impact on blood pressure health, it has a positive impact on anti-platelet aggregation, and I platted heian for metabolic syndrome, which is multiple cardiovascular respects, it has a positive impact on... And I think probably one of the most interesting parts of what age grading extra does, age garlic extract actually, and we don't know the mechanism of how it works exactly, but it increases your HDL, your high density lipoproteins, the good collectors, which is... There's not many things out there if they could admit a drug that increase your good cholesterol, they really have something and they don't have that, and once again, garlic and natural product. So like I said, Are there are so many different natural compounds in it that we're not sure... There's not one compound, it works, we standardize a derelict extract with a compound called SC and Salinas, a water Salesforce pound.
We don't really talk a lot about that just because it's... Chemistry is a little bit complicated, and once again, there are so many chemical compounds in garlic that are responsible for the benefits, but that we know their water-soluble software compounds.
Is there any information about... Is there any new information about Kyle?
Yeah, yeah, thank you. Well, in 2014, down in Dana Point, California, we hosted international garlic symposium, and we had scientists coming from all over the world, and he were studies presented on agaric extract, and there were studies presented on on garlic pattern. Galicia wasn't just a garlic extract, but that was done in 2014, and then in January of 2016 this year, the Journal of Nutrition published 16 of the 24 papers that were presented at the International garlic symposium, so there's lots of new data on garlic and... We're a bit restricted by law about what we can say about health products, you know the FDA doesn't allow you to make health claims about food or nutritional supplements, you can make structure function claims, but you can't make health claims, but if anybody's interested in looking at the real garlic research, they can go to PubMed or... Probably the best way to do it, probably one of the biggest papers that was pretended was a study that was done at UCLA Harbor, the hospital, part of the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. But a doctor by the name of Matthew, but off, and he's a professor and a cardiologist at UCLA and works at Harbor View, and he's now done for research studies for us, and are those four research studies, there's probably been probably 15 papers published on it, but he's showing that a garlic extract slows plaque formation in the body or athletes, which what happens is our training, the indole sales get damaged and they get damaged by too much animal protein we eat, and homocysteine, which is a compound, is formed by eating too much animal proteins, damages the arterial lining, and what happens is cholesterol is actually a repair Lippi, repair at Is... Cholesterol is essential for life.
People think cholesterol is bad enemy, you have to have cholesterol, your brains made of cholesterol, your testes are made of cholesterol, it's a repair lipid, and what happens is when homocysteine dam damages the arterial lining, cholesterol sent there to repair it, but what happens is cholesterol also blocks the arteries, so age garlic extract is slowing and even reversing plat formation, the arteries, which is just huge, huge news, and you can Google booed off, it's bud off and garlic, and it's just amazing what you'll see once again, we can't post it on our website, mothers can't have that kind of information in the store, it's not legal, it's... Yeah, health. Yeah, yeah, exactly, but the information is out there and I implore all the listeners to please go and check it out, 'cause I think you'd really be surprised what should I expect after taking that again, extract.
Yeah, yeah, well, once again, the beauty of age Eric extract, like I said, if you go to mothers, there's probably 14 different formulations of a garlic extract and we combine it with other nutrients, we have a new blood pressure formula and it's a rarer Lane and NATO kanaan they're all known to help improve vascular function and help with hypertension or blood pressure, but what I like to tell people is the main ingredient in all the formulas is age garlic track regardless of what else is in there, and the age garlic extract, we know has a positive impact on immune health, and then like I said, has a positive impact on every single cardiovascular risk factor, so if you think... If your doctor told you you have moderately high cholesterol and you don't wanna take a baby aspirin or... Which I wouldn't want to anyway. Or cholesterol medication, you can take a product like Age garlic extract, but what's interesting, you won't just get the cholesterol benefits, you'll also get all the benefits that Carla does, but garlic is also an adaptor, gen kind of a modulator, meaning if your blood pressure is already low, taking age garlic extract will not lower it more, it will regulate it, it'll bring it up as a matter of fact, to a normal level, and you're trying to normalize functions in the body, and that's what adapted... An age Gardiner Act is an adaptor.
En, that's amazing. Well, I think this has been very, very informative, and I thank you so much for your time. Some great advice, and I really appreciate your knowledge and I look forward to having you on again. In the meantime, you can get great information on your website and it's Caitlin dot com, and we look forward to your next visit make.
Thank you. Thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show, and for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition,