This edition of the Mother’s Market Radio will talk about colon cleansing. Colon cleansing is a way that you can gain more energy and get rid of the toxins that have built up inside your body.
Colon Cleanse
Colon Cleanse
This edition of the Mother's Market Radio will talk about colon cleansing. Colon cleansing is a way that you can gain more energy and get rid of the toxins that have built up inside your body.
Colon Cleanse
This edition of the Mother's Market Radio will talk about colon cleansing. Colon cleansing is a way that you can gain more energy and get rid of the toxins that have built up inside your body.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's Market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, we're going to discuss a way you can gain more energy and rid yourself of the toxins that are built up inside your body.
Yep, it's time to talk about calling cleansing, and you'll be amazed at what there is to know, plus later we'll find out what's happening around town and what's new with mother's market, first up, it's time to get rid of that toxic stuff inside our body, because today we're talking about colon health, Dr. Susan with Jones is an educator. Extraordinary. Susan is one of the worlds and foremost experts on using natural remedies, living a balanced life, looking years younger, setting extra weight and creating high level success and happiness, and author of over 25 books and 2000 magazine articles on these topics. Her latest best-selling e-books include walking on air your 30-day inside and out, rejuvenation makeover, and the joy factor, 10 sacred practices for radiant health and a full color recipe book. Recipes were helpless. And it's my pleasure to welcome her back to the mother's market radio show. Susan, how are you? Ho-Kim is a PSU. Could be back with you again.
Well, thank you. Why don't you fill our audience a little bit on your mission and your work before we get to the show's topic.
Yeah, I spend lots of time traveling the country in the world, giving workshops and leading retreats on how to be vibrant, ly healthy and body, mind and spirit, and my mission is to teach people how to heal their bodies, and doing it by living as close to nature as possible, what you know from knowing me off the air is that I've never taken medication in my life, I have an editor of flu and almost 26 years, and I learned as a teenager for my grandmother how to live close to nature and heal my body using different kinds of foods, and herbs and spices, and even supplements, and this topic today, I love to discuss because you can keep your body vibrant, ly healthy, and when you keep it detoxify, well, I think it's fascinating, and you really are a true testament to your health and thanks to your grandmother. Thanks for sharing this.
Today we're talking about cleansing, and if you haven't done this in the last month, you'll wanna listen to this program today, Susan, and we'll talk about the importance of keeping your body clean and healthy, including the best foods and herbs for detoxification, how to have the healthiest and the easiest Bell movements ever, and also how to prevent or heal constipation, heroics and other colon diseases, we can't wait for you to help get us back into the flow, so please give us your overview of the need for detoxification, so yeah, we'll get everyone back in the flow with healthy boom of that, and then I clean...
I love talking about this and a brief back story for centuries and ancient medical traditions, the world over, healing practitioners have known the importance of detoxification, which is drawing out neutralizing and eliminating accumulated toxins for maintaining optimum health.
Now, if you've studied any of the aerobatic practices in India, the definition of health is a state in which the body is free of toxins, the organs are functioning optimally and waste is eliminated efficiently, and similarly in the Chinese medicine, the body's ability to detoxify, to expunged both toxic waste and negative emotions is considered the root of both physical and mental well-being, and in Chinese medicine, they often give teas and tonics and other treatments as part of their art arsenal to keep the body clean. And you know, Native American Indians are known for living close to nature and fasting and using sweat lodges to purify the body in a comparable way, but you see him today, we have even more of a need for detoxification than the ancients, because every minute our body cells produce the energy needed to sustain life, and in the process produced wastes that must be eliminated such as carbon dioxide, uric acid, and then of course, those free radicals, and under ideal conditions, and most of us don't live under ideal conditions, but the body's expertly designed detoxification system expels these toxins through the four organs of elimination, the lungs, skin, kidneys, and the intestines, but in modern life, you see, we've come to over our systems a great deal, and due to the stresses of our fast-paced society, we're often sleep-deprived, fraught with anxiety and over full of nutritionally void fast foods, so our bodies are unable to perform the deeper levels of detoxification that's necessary to avert the accumulation of ordinary toxins, and then you add to this toxins that we've introduced into our world over the past 50 years, including synthetic chemicals, air and water pollutants, heavy metals, prescription drugs, trans fatty acids, on and on and on, I could talk about that, and it's clear that we're piling on much more than our natural detoxification systems were designed to handle.
Wow, and you have a way of just talking about this like... Well, you just explain it so well, of course, that's why you are Dr. Susan Smith-Jones. So thank you.
Let's talk a little bit about the ways that a toxic body affects our quality of life and our everyday living experiences... Yeah, that's perfect to mention here, because allopathic medicine or our Western medicine is here are finally to turn its attention to ways in which a detox debt is contributing to widespread ailments like headaches, barrel, Artis allergies, weight gain, and even depression, as well as the epidemic levels of diseases of civilization such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and modern practitioners have begun to investigate the efficacy of ancient healing practices to bolster the bodies detox mechanisms, and there's a growing consensus that when used properly, different herbs and nutritional supplements and nutritionally rich foods can help coax the body and to a deeper level of detoxification than its normal baseline, and there by quell many conditions associated with toxicity, so completing a beneficial detoxification program is like working with a clean slate, because not only will you be helping to prevent the onslaught of disease in the long-term, but you will also notice beneficial changes in the short-term, including weight loss, clear skin, renewed energy, and on and on and on. Not only that, but you'll sleep better too.
Well, that got my attention right away. When you said that, so this is all brand information, when you hear the words toxic waste clean up, they might call the Columbine to man-made disaster like an oil spill or unintended Le from a chemical or nuclear plant, but in such instances, the waste created as a by product of an energy manufacturing or poison is to the environment and devastating to the humans and wildlife that are exposed to them, talk about the toxic waste in our own bodies.
Yeah, we definitely have lots of toxic things going on, you see, we'd like to think that toxic wastes are only the creation of modern science, but the truth is that our own bodies manufacture waste, they are toxic to them, and must be constantly engaged in a toxic waste clean up in order to sustain life. And not unlike that nuclear power plant, each of our trillions of cells is in the business of manufacturing energy, and these manufactures are powered by sugars from the foods, heat and oxygen from the air we breathe, and as a result of normal metabolism, our cells generate waste, known as endo toxins, which include carbon dioxide, uric acid, ammonia, lactic acid and homocysteine, and luckily, our bodies were designed to do their own endotoxin clean up.
Under normal conditions, the waste is released into the circulatory system, neutralized in the blood and then safely passed out of the body through the skin as sweat through the lungs, as carbon dioxide through the kidneys, as Rand through the intestines as the fecal matter. And this process is continuous and it's happening right now as you're talking to me and listening to this and as you're breathing, so creating energy is what drives our existence, but expanding those waste products is just as crucial to sustaining life, and if anything goes wrong with our detoxification systems along the way, then Toxins build up and can cause disease and even death... Let me give you three quick examples, if carbon dioxide builds up in the body, you can expect... If you're a acid builds up, you develop kidney failure, and if homocysteine levels build up, you can develop Alzheimer's and heart disease, so detoxification is the process by which the body engages in the release, the neutralization and the elimination of its own toxic wastes.
Wow, when you put it that way, we realize that we do need to detoxify... This is a great information.
Now, when our bodies are loaded with many toxins, as you just mentioned, you really just kinda went through all of this, what else happens, this is all loaded like this with our bodies... Well, let's say that we're experiencing a toxic overload and we're eating way too much food, which causes toxic residue in your body, what happens is our bodies can't keep up with that toxic residue, so the toxins are transported to and remain in the tissues in your body, where they can impede all the cell functioning, and you have over about 70-70 trillion cells in your body, and all of those cells can be impeded in their high-level functioning if you have too much toxic residue, and over time, you see Kim is... Causes an irritation and inflammation, and on a previous show, we talked about this, so you see too much toxic residue in your body also causes increased levels of inflammation, and the state of chronic inflammation is thought to underlie many modern diseases, like you and I've talked about before, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes and auto-immune disorders.
Now, at first, the body may show mild or signs of toxicity that are more common place, such as getting a headache or ball or regularities allergies and even depression, you see if you're too toxic, it can cause depression, and unfortunately, and this is really sad to have to admit, instead of treating the underlying cause of these early symptoms, many Western practitioners suppress those symptoms with drugs like antidepressants and corticosteroids, not only leaving that toxic problem unresolved, but also contributing to the body's toxic load, so you see over time, these more minor symptoms may lead to chronic diseases that are them very difficult to reverse, so they give the drugs on top of the symptom, which doesn't do anything at all, instead of... It's just like putting a band-aid over this... That's exactly what it's like.
Give us your definition of the proper detox program.
Alright, well, first of all, remember that our bodies are already equipped to carry out a deep detoxification for us, however, we need to give our body a helping hand by providing it with the essential nutrients and modifying our behavior to trigger deep clean the mode. That's what I call it, a deep clean mode all the while minimizing our exposure to exo toxins as much as we can, remember the endotoxin are toxins that are created in the body, exotics are created outside of the body, so a detox program is... Any program that's designed to assist our bodies and drying out, neutralizing and eliminate and accumulated toxins that have been stored up in the body, and it typically involves dietary and lifestyle changes aimed at reducing the toxin intake, minimizing the workload of the digestive track and elimination. And this may include the avoidance of chemicals from foods and other sources, like refined foods, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drugs whenever possible, and then that Arabic, Chinese and other traditionally-based programs, detoxifying herbs also play a crucial role, so there's a wealth of detox programs available to choose from, and I want to encourage everyone to go to my website, Susan Smith, Johns dot com, 'cause right on the home page, you'll see the cover of a book called an ebook called detoxify and rejuvenate, and you just can click a button and you can get that free. So that's available to everybody listening.
So the most beneficial programs are those that provide nutritional balance, and they often include fresh juices and emphasis on plant-based foods and raw foods, some special nutritional and herbal supplements, and sometimes maybe cook food or making like a potassium broth, these are all part of the detox program.
Well, this is excellent information and again, very interesting, and you just mentioned your website, we're gonna have more on this in just a moment, please stay with us, we have more in just a moment, we have to take a quick break here with Dr. Susan Smith Jones, don't go away. Well, we be right back in or... Welcome back to the mother's market radio show. Mean remind you, if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mothers market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now back to our interview with Dr. Susan Smith-Jones and we're talking about cleansing. What are some of the benefits of sound Detoxification programs?
Yeah, well, the benefits of detoxification are numerous and sometimes can be precisely difficult to quantify, but in the short term, people often report improved energy, weight loss, clear skin, more regular bowel movements, improved digestion and increased concentration and clarity after making detox efforts. And in the long-term, allowing our bodies to periodically enter their natural deep cleanse mode may offer several benefits like improved immune function, reject reduction of chronic inflammation and elimination of free radicals, and this leaves us less vulnerable to the onset of onslaught of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. Well, that's a good thing. All together.
Now, Dr. Susan, what's that? Let's get specific about some familiar foods and how they support the process of detoxification... Yes, definitely, and before I even mention those, let me say that I recommend, don't wait till January 1st to do a detox, to a detox four times a year with each change of season to keep your body as healthy as possible. Here are some great detoxifying foods, artichokes, they contain the substance that helps the liver break down fats in the body, blue berries, they help block toxins from crossing the blood-brain barrier, and the fatty tissues of the brain, great fruit has packed it in it, and the pectin binds to heavy metals, helping to neutralize them for safe elimination, se weed, that's always good to eat seaweed, maybe you have it in the form of help, and that binds to radioactive waste and heavy metals in the body, helping to eliminate them safely.
Watermelon is a great source of the liver cleansing antioxidant glutathione, so any time you can eat watermelon, and of course they're two supplements I would never be without... They're both made by the new train company on the Kona Coast of Hawaii. One is called Hawaiian spare, Lina Pacifica, and the other is called Stamen or bio-Astin estimate. Those are two that help overall health in the body and also help to detoxify and cleanse the body, there are two supplements I would not be without, and then in terms of herbs, don't forget, milk thistle that helps to cleanse your live liver. Brock root is a great detoxifying Erb, and so is red clover, you could get red clover to... And I know mothers has all of these... Well, that sounds wonderful. And again, we're talking about detoxification and that whole process, you explained it so well, let's focus on how the body eliminate toxins and what are the organs of elimination? And how does this work? Alright, so the bell is the body's main eliminate of organ, and yet sadly among most Americans, the central elimination system is often compromised as evidenced by the high rates of constipation... According to the National Institutes of Health Kim, they say that more than 4 million Americans have constipation and it's defined as having a bowel movement less than three times a week, and yet any Moody in the now in terms of health knows you need to have bouvet every day and hopefully after each meal, maybe three times a day, if you're really healthy, so it's important to have good bowel movements, and it's important to keep the toxins out of your body, they'll first be released into the blood and then neutralized by the liver, and then they'll be eliminated safely from the body, otherwise they'll be reabsorbed, this is why I recommend you do a cleansing program four times a year with each change of season. Great advice, Sean. What causes the constipation? Well, there are many different causes of constipation, one would be diets, low and fiber, because the bulk and soft texture of fiber helps to prevent hard dry stools that are difficult to pass. You see the average American diet Cam has only about 5 to 14 grams of fiber a day. That's far short of the 20-35 grams. We need a day. So get more fiber in your diet. diets high in dairy, wheat, refined sugars and excessive red meat promote the formation of a sticky mucus in your colon that causes constipation irritation and inflammation, so you might wanna avoid those foods whenever possible, if you don't drink enough liquids liquid add fluid to the colon and bulk to your stools, making bowel movement softer and easier to pass, most Americans don't drink eight ounce glasses of water a day, instead they consume lots of soda and other... Right, other caffeinated drinks as well as alcoholic beverages, these all exacerbate dehydration and lack of physical activity can cause constipation, so... Can prescription medications?
Very true. Why is chronic constipation the cause of so many problems, and I guess to put it in terms that everyone can understand and hopefully then prevent it. Yeah, alright, I'll talk about this as delicately as I can, but you see, chronic constipation can cause all sorts of health complications from hemorrhoids to fecal inaction, and many people also experience related symptoms such as headaches and back pain, which often accompany constipation.
Now, I know none of this is really pleasant, but from the standpoint of detoxification, constipation is one of the largest barriers to the efficient elimination of accumulated toxins, because if stool, if the stool sits inside the colon for too long without being eliminated, the Metaxas contained... Then those toxins you see that are contained within may be circulated back into the blood, and then furthermore, stools that are held up from being eliminated may generate even more toxins, and the bacteria is implicated that you have more bacteria constipation emit their own waste Kim, which must be eliminated.
So with chronic constipation, good bacteria may die off as the harmful bacteria flourishes and their toxins may damage the colon causing further stagnant, so you wanna keep your colon clean, you wanna avoid constipation, and one of my favorite tools to keep in the bathroom is a toilet stool, because the proper way to have a bowel movement is to squat, the toilet wasn't invented until 1850 in England. Because they had indoor plumbing.
And yet on the planet, three-quarters of the people on the planet still squat to have ball movement, because when you squat, it puts that angle of the anal rectal area at the end of the colon and the right shape sort of like... Un-kink in the hose and makes things flow out easily, so check out Susan Smith, Johns dot com and click on colon health, and you'll learn more about the proper use of a stool, and in fact, there's one that I've used for years called the Squatty Potty dot com, and you can learn about this on my website, Susan Smith-Jones, dot com, the Squatty Potty in the bathroom. I love that. And so I've been waiting to say this the whole time with you, that's your number one favorite natural remedy to prevent constipation... The Squatty Potty. Yeah, you can check out Squatty Potty dot com. It is the easiest way to heal hemorrhoids and constipation and prevent all kinds of colon issues, my grandmother once again, taught me about this as a teenager, she built me a little wood stool, but nowadays we have wonderful products like the Squatty Potty duck... Squatty potty at squatty dot com, it's really inexpensive, and it will save your colon and help detoxify your body and absolutely. Prevent and eliminate constipation.
Well, it's really, it's really important. And you have been so great about talking about very important information about cleansing, so thank you for keeping this all together, Dr. Susan, thank you for being here again today, we look forward to having you on once again and in the meantime, great information today, Susan Smith Jones dot com to learn more about her book, her information. Go to the website and we look forward to your next visit.
Thank you, man.
Thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show. And for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition,