In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show, Jim Caras, of Health Direct chats with Kimberly King about aging, weight loss, collagen and overall health. Jim authored How to Completely Reshape Your Body!, a holistic healthy eating, exercise, and supplementation program. For years, Jim struggled with his weight and used countless diets, supplements and exercise program with very little success. After much frustration, he finally did his own research and developed a unique, easy-to-follow program.
Collagen’s Role in Your Health
Collagen's Role in Your Health
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, Jim Caras, of Health Direct chats with Kimberly King about aging, weight loss, collagen and overall health. Jim authored How to Completely Reshape Your Body!, a holistic healthy eating, exercise, and supplementation program. For years, Jim struggled with his weight and used countless diets, supplements and exercise program with very little success. After much frustration, he finally did his own research and developed a unique, easy-to-follow program.
Collagen's Role in Your Health
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, Jim Caras, of Health Direct chats with Kimberly King about aging, weight loss, collagen and overall health. Jim authored How to Completely Reshape Your Body!, a holistic healthy eating, exercise, and supplementation program. For years, Jim struggled with his weight and used countless diets, supplements and exercise program with very little success. After much frustration, he finally did his own research and developed a unique, easy-to-follow program.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, collagen is an important part of the healing process in your body. And we can all benefit from a little extra boost, learn all about college and how it can help you, plus later will tell you what's going on around town and what's new at mother's market, but first step Health Direct, Founder and CEO, Jim Harris has consulted in the health and nutrition industry for nearly 20 years, and his best-selling weight loss book How to completely reshape your body is on its sixth publication, and his articles on anti-aging weight loss, pain relief and achieving optimal health have been published in numerous health magazines.
Jim's nutrition company has benefited over a million users worldwide with his innovative anti-aging solutions, and we welcome him to the mother's market radio show. Jim, how are you?
I'm doing great, Kim, thanks for having me on today. Absolutely.
Why didn't you fill our audience a little bit on your mission work, and before we get to the show's topic, okay. My mission out there to empower people to embrace and take their health as a responsibility to improve their health.
I did that years ago. I was overweight, had trouble losing weight, had a lot of nagging health problems, which we can talk about as we go, and basically, after searching around for different solutions out there, which I didn't find, I ended up creating my own and completely correcting my health, losing close to 30 pounds, six inches for my waste, and so that inspired me to inspire other people that if you really want to have optimal health, you can't rely on anyone else, you gotta rely on yourself, you get to go out and search for the best research, the best products the breast foods that work for you, the best exercise that works for you, look at changes in your lifestyle, so it really comes down to us, we get to be accountable for our own health, and when people do that, their life will completely change, and I'd like to share that message. And show people how to do it.
Today we're talking about anti-aging, collagen and weight loss and what they have in common, and so Jim, let's talk talking about how you got involved with weight loss and anti-aging and of course, you have a personal story.
Yeah, thanks, Kim. So what happened is, as I alluded to a few minutes ago, years ago, I found myself... This was in my 30s, I found myself overweight and having trouble losing weight, and I was trying all the different diets out there, I was trying a high car blow carb, high fat, high protein fiber, this gummy bear that... Whatever was out there, I was trying and it wasn't working, and what would happen is I torture myself with a lot of dieting and exercise for about two, three months, and then I'm great. I go to a Greek wedding, we seem to have those and it's usually... Besides a Greek Wedding, usually a Greek food org too.
All you do is eat for three days, and what would happen is in those three days, I would end up gaining more weight in three days, and I lost in three months, and... It was really discouraging, and I started to sort of say, Well, maybe this whole thing about your metabolism changes and you can't lose weight when you get older is true, and I said, No, it's not, and I'm stubborn, and I just sort of worked my way through it, and through trial and error, I put my own system together, and that's what I mentioned a few minutes ago, and almost overnight, I lost about 30 pounds, close to six inches of my ways my health improved my home or how I looked, my face, my skin, I looked younger, that's sort of the tie to the antigen part as we'll talk about, and then when I went to another Greek wedding a year later... If we recognize you.
Yeah, actually, actually, what happened was, yeah, I forgot to tailor my clothes, I just lost the weight, I showed up there, all my clothes were loose on me, and I didn't think about it until I put the suit on a go. And my family was like, What'd you do? You lost all this way... And I said, Well, I did this thing, I made up, I hate this. I took this product I found and they go, We wanna do it.
So I said, Well, eat this, don't eat this, here's where you can, I'll get you these products 'cause they're not available in stores, there are couple of supplements that I found out there that weren't available to the public, and they all started losing weight. Their friends started calling me and there was no business, there was no health direct company, there was no book that I wrote or anything like that, but it turned into me writing a book because there were so many people that wanted to know what to do and everything just took off from there.
And so, I'm just kinda curious because of your passion and you're just... So you read through all of this and you found all of the supplements, so that's a really... I put my own research and it was actually, I spent and wasted a lot of money trying different supplements, I took stuff, they raised my heart where I felt like I was just awful, I took stuff where it just didn't do anything. And when I see, I still see a lot of that out there. It's really discouraging too, and that's why I like to share with people that there are good supplements or all are good ways to lose weight out there that people can do, that'll work for him, and it's just completely... It's not always the same as just cutting calories and exercising for most people, that doesn't work.
And the other question I have just for men and women, so that's a straits for both most of my clients, about 80% of them are women, and the other 20% men, it works for both. It works for people of all ages. Doesn't matter your age. I have people that are younger teenagers that just wanna lose that extra... A few extra pounds, and I was an overweight when I was younger too, so I'm really sensitive to that part, what that can do to your team and how you feel about yourself. I have younger people, I have them, most of them are in their 40s, 50s, and then I have people that are 60-70. they just wanna get an optimal health shape and feel great.
Wow, so what makes your approach different than other weight loss programs?
Well, the first thing is, I don't talk about calories and exercise, I incorporate exercises in my program if someone wants to do it, but what really sort of nauseated me, to be honest with you, all the experts out there say All you gotta do is cut calories and exercise... Well, if it was so easy and that worked well, most people wouldn't be overweight, and that's what I was doing before, when I was having trouble dished, I was cutting calories and I was exercising, I was doing 2 million crunches or whatever it was a week and I was going to gym six days, and it just cut my diet down, and what I found is through my research is that there are certain reasons why we don't lose weight, and so what I talk about in my book on my approach is why people don't lose weight because once you correct those, the weight comes off quickly and it has... You need to watch what you eat. You can't over eat, you can't eat everything, but you don't have to starve, and you don't have to diet that strictly, you just gotta eat certain foods... That's what I talk about in my book, exercise. I cut my exercise down to three days a week for about 30 to 40 minutes when I lost all that weight, I wasn't doing much exercise at all. And I had hurt my back at the time, so I wasn't really able to do a lot of really heavy type of stuff either, so it really takes just correct. In your body, and your body will do the work for you, and that's what upsets me when I hear the other thing is other programs out there, when they say Cut calories and exercise, it's just that there's underlying reasons in our body why we don't lose weight and you gotta correct those first, tell us about your book. Okay, so I know the title How to completely reshape your body, so the reason for the titles, that's what happened if you saw my before and after picture, it was pretty startling and people thought I had worked out a lot and I didn't... Like I said, it was three days a week, about 30 minutes, and the rest was just correcting what I was eating and my waistline shrunk, my shoulders got more broad, now for women, you're not... Shoulders aren't gonna get broad, I was lifting some light weights at the time, but for most women, they're just gonna get firm and tone, like when they were younger, if men can broaden out if they want, but they'll get nice and lean like when they were younger as well, so the first part of the book, I talk about why we don't lose weight, and I talk about There's digestive reasons or probably one of the biggest reasons, toxins in our body, or another reason why people don't lose weight. Hormones change over time, that's another reason why we don't let them is Wait, muscle mass changes that affects our metals, and that's another thing, and that's what most diets I've found, don't do well, the average person who diets, one out of every four pounds they lose is muscle, that is a prescription for gaining weight back and slowing your metabolism, your muscle controls your metabolism, so even if you're a woman, you want to have more muscle mass on your body because we just lose it as we age, that's why people are firmer and toner when they're younger, and that's why they're softer and flair when they get older, because they lost the muscle now women won't get big bulging biceps, they'll just get nice, firm tone, lean looking. And that's what I mean by muscle.
So I focus on not only preserving but gaining muscle back as well, and then we correct a few other things, there could be some hormone problems, like adrenal issues, neurotransmitter problems that affect people to eat more, and so we focus on those, and then when those are all corrected people, the weight comes off pretty quick.
Wow, that's... I mean, is everybody... I would be, I'm gonna be lining up. Do you have a copy? Or you don't have a copy. I wanna see that before I actually, I do, I do. I oestrogen put it up on our way, you can see it right there.
Oh my gosh, yeah. So that's what happened in 64 days.
Wow, and then you can see women here too, or a Peter... A woman. Okay, so I wanna put a picture of it on our website.
So in your book, you talk about not only being overly being concerned about a person's scale of weight, but you kind of touched on that a little bit about just like when you stand on the scale, so why... And this is because of the muscle too, I would have to... Yeah, exactly, so what happens when people first start losing weight properly and how I instruct them and using a collage and using collage and in their diet to help them lose weight, which we'll talk about later, is that people will gain muscle, so the correct way to lose weight is, if you change your diet, you'll start gaining muscle to start, and you'll start losing fat, but the net weight that you'll see on the scale is it won't change or it could go up... It could go up a few pounds, so people say, Oh my God, it's not working, Jim, I'm gaining weight in them. I'm like, how do your clothes fit? They go their loser. I go, So your pants are looser in your dresses to say... Yeah, I'm like the Warrior.
That's good.
So what will happen is, if you look at a graph, a picture a graph out there that the weight will go up, you scale wait will go up, but your fats going down, your muscles going up is What's happening, then you'll reach a point where it just starts you fall over the edge and the scale, weight starts going down, then it starts going down quickly, because muscle controls... The metabolism is one of the factors that controls it, the more muscle on your body, the quicker, faster, better your metabolism, so as you're gaining that muscle, you're burning more calories, more colors, and every day it increases, then you reach the point where you're about done gaining muscle, and then your body is gonna burn off the fat and real quickly, muscle is just not our bulging biceps and our thighs, muscle, Your Heart is a Muscle, your organs are muscle. That's why you don't wanna lose muscle mass in your body, bones or type of... Everything's formed, protein and muscles in your body.
So that's what we're just talking about, gaining, fulfilling, not filling out your entire body that has sort of shrunk and declined over over time because of age, and while you're talking about all of this... I see that you have a lot of energy. So I would imagine with the weight loss of the fat and gaining the muscle, you also gain energy... Yeah, you'll feel a lot better too, when I was overweight, I was feeling sluggish, tired, wake up in the morning. It's hard to get out of bed, and now I just feel better. It's almost like you have a new set of eyes to it, things look clearer to you, it's almost like you have a film that's taken off your eyes.
Our listeners might recognize College and as an ingredient in their favorite body lotion, or perhaps they've noticed supplements in the vitamin aisle that feature it, but what is college and then... Exactly. Why is it important?
Okay, So collagen, and this is what I mentioned a moment ago, using collage, and so most people think of it as a beauty aid, but a lot of people don't know that you can take it internally and what college is is... Let's just take a look at a body, our bodies as a whole, so to start with, most of our bodies are water, that's a predominant structure of our bodies next to water, the most abundant nutrient or substance is protein of that protein. 25% to 30% of the protein is collagen, so Collagen makes up, it's 90% of our hair, skin and nails, it's 90% of our brain matter, it wraps around every cell in our body, it's the tissue or a structure that holds are... But it's literally the glue between everything that holds our bid together, if you didn't have a college in your body, we'd pop on the ground, it's a constituents, it's a major constituent of our joints, our eyes, our lungs, everything that's sort of a functioning level of our body and so, by the way, so what happens with that is that what most people don't know is their college and deficient, and here's why, Because past the age, right around the age of 25, 30, this thing happens where we start losing our college and then we lose it about 1% a year. So if someone, let's say someone's 45, they've lost about 20% of their college and in their body, and that's why the hair... The hair starts falling out more, it's dull, it's lifeless, the nails get brutal, our skin gets more dry and wrinkly, our joints hurt were a little stiffer when we wake up in the morning. Muscle Mass, collagen is protein. It affects your muscle mass, our bodies are more flabby and software, not as firm and tone as we were as were younger, so that's what college and does in the body, so if most people are deficient when you add it to the body, then you will get the opposite result. And so you would take it as a form of a supplement... Yeah, you would take it on that... Yes.
Okay, I'm taking it.
But this is interesting information, and you're gonna wanna stay with us, so we have to take a break right now, but we will be right back... Don't go away. Stay with us.
And welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you've missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to the past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now, back to our interview with Health Direct, Founder and CEO Jim Harris, and we're talking about what college in weight loss and anti-aging have in common, and I'm so intrigued, and so we left off talking about collagen and a college in different from taking other proteins like way vegetable and soy protein supplements and... What do most people use?
Yeah, Kim, that's a great question because a lot of people ask that. They say, Well, of Colleges of protein, can I get the same benefits by taking other proteins? And the answer is no.
Okay, and there's a specific reason why. So proteins, what makes up proteins, the structure of proteins are made up of amino acids, and what makes every protein different is the type and combination of amino-acids they have, so it so happens that collagen has two amino acids, hydroxy, proline and hydroxy line. These do not occur in any other protein, the only existing college... And so if you eat chicken, fish, beef, they don't occur in those... If you eat eggs, they don't occur in those, they occur in not one vegetable protein, those amino acids do not exist in the vegetable kingdom, so if you're a vegan vegetarian, you're absolutely missing out on those two amino acids, those amino acids are what helped build the body they help build lean muscle, they help strengthen and repair muscle tissue and skin, they're crucial, the other side of it is so of the other remaining amino acids that college and shares with the other proteins, College and happens to be higher in what we call high nitrogen amino acids, those amino acids are what build the body, so for instance, College and way protein is probably one of the most potent proteins as far as taking it to build muscle to heal the body, they use it in hospitals, etcetera, which they use college and as well by the way, but college contains 450% more glycine, then way protein, 333% more Arginine than way protein, 162% more proline than way protein. And those three amino acids are what really build muscle tissue, they heal the body, they're used... Like I said, they're using the hospitals, it has been shown that college and protein that we're talking about has actually been used in hospitals to repair tissue to repair, to repair skin, to help patients heal after surgery, that's a common use, and it's shown that college and protein actually heals the body five times here than what protein published. Clinical studies.
Okay, well, that's interesting. What about... What do most people know what that collagen is used for? Beauty benefits and how does college... And how people lose weight, so what it does is because we're... It's building muscle mass, ecology in itself doesn't make you lose weight, it transforms your body so your body becomes more efficient at losing weight because of these high donor nitrogen amino acids, College and builds muscle in the body.
So going back to the scale way, when I have people take college and they're dying, they're gonna gain muscle, that muscle helps to burn fat because it's increasing the metabolism, more muscle, higher metal-ism. He'll burn fat.
So what I instruct people to do a tip for best weight losses when you take it at bedtime, when your body is in the state of repair, your body at night time repairs itself, that's the process of... That's the purpose of what sleep does, and during that process, instead of tearing down your body to get protein and amino acids to build itself up, when you take college in before bed time, it uses the collagen to do that, you spare your muscle mass while you sleep, you actually get stronger or retain the muscle share, metalist increases, so in that since you're sort of burning in fat while you sleep and then through the next day, and day and day after as your muscle mass builds... Oh, that's really interesting. What kind of, I guess, what's the best form of... College and what do you use?
There's all different types out there, I use the liquid, the liquid has the most documented scientific and medical use college now day comes in different forms, There's pills, there's powders, there's shoes, but the liquid, the liquid source has been the most studied and medically used out there. It's been around for 35 years, like I said, by over 4700 hospitals clinics, there's three published double-blind placebo-controlled trials on liquid Colgan that are the gold standard of proteins for healing the body, it's been used for weight loss in clinics for 30 years. A lot of people just don't know about it. So the liquid form is best, and by way, it's the most concentrated, so you only need one ounce, like one ounce of it is 16 grams of protein or collagen, where you'd need a couple of scoops of powder, you'd have to stir it or you need pills. You need about 15 to 20 pills. No one wants to take 15-20 pills and two or three pills of college and aren't gonna give you the benefits, you need a high dose, you need like you need 80 to 16 grams to make a difference and that's gonna be best taken in a shot or announce and it's just... You just take it down state really mango or cherry. tastes really good.
I was just gonna ask you, you put it in water or something, or you put it in a shake... Okay, yeah, and the type we're talking about is called the mino scope College and protein, so amino sculpt brand, which they have at mothers and out there is the original... It's the only source and is the original medically used collage and anything else that sold in the store out there is not the one I'm talking about. The pills are... The powders aren't... They do not have the back or the medical use that the liquid has, this is the original patented form.
Excellent. How about the people who just wanna take it for beauty benefits, how does it work? And what will it do for them?
Okay, so what happens when you take collagen is it does two things, you're adding additional college into your body, the amino acids that help your body supply itself with collagen, and it also helps your body to rebuild collagen, so on the college and hits your bloodstream, it creates a signal in your body, those amino acids do for your body to produce more, so you're adding College and do the body and you're helping your body produce more... So hair, skin and nails, because our hair, skin and nails are 90% collagen, they're usually one of the first to benefit from it, and people will notice that their skin becomes more supple, less dry, less wrinkled, it'll feel softer, it will repair itself quicker if they cut themselves or do something, do it.
And what types of people can use college and... And how would someone know if they needed it, so everyone can pretty much use college, and I would say Everyone over the age of 25 is college and deficient, so they're all gonna notice something from it, so usually the older someone is that bigger, more quicker benefit they see from it. And by the way, when you take college and protein, it's working right away, but because we're talking about altering your body fat, your skin, everything... That takes a little while, I'll do. So when you use college and you wanna give it... You wanna give it two, three months minimum, all the clinical trials are usually based on eight to 12 weeks, which is two to three months, that's when you're gonna maximize your benefits, you could see some other benefits of the liquid right away, sometimes with the liquid people will notice not the others, but the liquid form 'cause it's so concentrated when it's taken at bedtime, some people knows that they sleep better, and that's because Colin is high in glycine, and the amount of glycine that you're getting in one ounce of liquid College and produces an effect where it's clinically shown to help the body get a more restful, deep sleep, so a lot of people, when they take college as a side benefit, they start saying, Hey, I'm waking up more refreshed, I feel better, that's when you notice right away, the others take a little time, but once you know something like your nails will start growing quick, you'll be cutting and filing your nails quicker. I have a lot of women that say the acrylics under nails or nails are soft, they don't need them anymore, and there's... Nails grow in hardwoods are great benefit. So I've also heard some certain doctors and hospitals that use liquid... Yeah, okay, we actually... We talked a little bit about that and how you've had the backing of those hospitals... I've is impressed to learn that... You know, scope does not contain sodium benzoate.
Let's talk a little bit about that.
Okay, so most liquid, especially proteins are... They need to be preserved or also they have bacterial issues, so the most common way to do that is with the potassium surveyed and sodium benzos, that's been the standard for years, the only thing that's been available, so we've been the first company that's been able to take collagen, and we're the only company that has a liquid protein that does not use either of those, we were able to naturally preserve him, keep him for a Shell-drive life of two to three years and actually have them the same safety is the original medical grade products or, this is the medical grade formula, so without those two preservatives, were we able to preserve the nationally, so we're the only company out there that has a liquid that doesn't have those preservatives.
So one of the final questions, what else I should... Someone else look for when buying collagen, so what they wanna look for is you want a pure source of college, and there's a lot of gelatin products out there, there's a lot of hydrolyzed collagen out there, those are different. If A is gelatin doesn't break down and absorbable in your body, so you don't want regular gelatin, you don't want regular college, and you want enzymatic, ally, hydrolyzed College, and you also want college and from a grass-fed source, that's non-GMO and that's what's in the minuscule amino-scope is the only product that I know that is actually kosher certified certified grass-fed collagen, non-GMO, and with no sodium Ben's order potassium surveys, it's the cleanest product out there and the most pharmaceutical elegant product out there.
And then do you need to change your diet? When you're taking college, no, you can... It depends on the benefits you want, if you just want hair, skin and nails, you want anything else, you just add it to your diet and do what you do, just a shot at bed time, it's really easy to take a shot at bed time and you can take it during the day, you can take it with meals, but if I say it works better at that time, if you wanna lose weight, then you wanna take it at bedtime, watch what you eat and throw in a little exercise... Bonus points.
Excellent, it sounds intriguing. And thank you so much. What is... This has been an interesting show and great information, reshape your body in 10 days, that's the name of your book, and your before and after pictures are amazing just by looking at that.
Well, thanks for having me on camera, and by the way, when I wrote the book and everything, I lived down the street from mother's original location on 17th Street. And I bought all my food there 'cause I had it... When I tell people what to eat, I have them go on a clean diet, and basically mothers was the only store at that time, and I still should shop at mothers to buy all my food because I get clean natural products that are not adulterated, and that's where when I wrote the book and you see the pictures, all that food going to meet was from others.
Excellent, well, thank you. Some great advice, and we really appreciate your knowledge, and you can get more information on Jim and his website on Health direct usa dot com. We look forward to your next visit.
Thank you.
Thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show, and for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition,