In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show we’ll talk with Michael Mooney about cardio health, what you may be doing to jeopardize it, and what you can to do improve it.
Cardio Health
Cardio Health
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show we'll talk with Michael Mooney about cardio health, what you may be doing to jeopardize it, and what you can to do improve it.
Cardio Health
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show we'll talk with Michael Mooney about cardio health, what you may be doing to jeopardize it, and what you can to do improve it.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, the show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, we discuss cardiovascular health, there are many ways to make sure you keep your cardiovascular system in tip-top shape, so listen close, plus later, we'll tell you what's going on around town and tell you what's new at mother's market. But first up, Michael Moody is the Director of Science and Education and the co-founder of super nutrition. His family business, Michael is the also the formulation of super nutrition products. His work has been published in hundreds of magazines and newspaper articles, and he has been interviewed for numerous radio and television shows and magazines, including ABC, TV, NBC, TV, Fox TV, Sports Illustrated and the Discovery Channel, and we welcome him to the mother's market radio show.
Michael, how are you?
I'm great.
First, I wanna thank you for having me on your show, sharing health information is when my life's great, pleasures.
Well, you're welcome and thank you for being here.
Why don't you fill our audience in a little bit on your mission and your work before we get to today's show topic, the reason that I got into health was because I was a help problems as a kid, and I got my bio-chem... His father involved in, at one point, I said, Why don't we start our own vitamin company because products we wanted didn't exist, and that's how the consumer interest started in 1977.Well, thank you very much for sharing. And today we're talking about cardiovascular health, so let me start by asking you, how did this become your focus?
As our interest in cardiovascular health, cardiovascular health is the number one health concern of Americans, including myself, and many family members, loved ones and friends, we all have a mother, father, relative or friend or ourselves that have gone from simple nutrient deficiencies which compromises basic art health to having a diagnosis of having cardiovascular disease or maybe Sunday having a bad surprise, a heart attack, and then a ride to the hospital and emergency vehicle and staying in the hospital bed after having bypass surgery, none of us wants to experience this tragedy, but the current state of America's Heart help predicts that we will all experience that sadness, that poor heart pills causes either two people we love or to ourselves, I saw that addressing three nutrient deficiencies that are silently rampant in the United States could improve heart health so that whether one is taking doctor prescribed medications or not, we could help to support her help by providing a balanced combination of the three nutrients that millions of Americans are deficient in, and if one starts at a young enough age, they will healthier bones and teeth as they grow, which will cover that later.
They will also preserve the health, their cardiovascular systems over the long-term, studies show that boys and girls age 8 experienced arterial health as they grow to adulthood at age 21, so this trend of declining cardiovascular health doesn't just affect older people, it starts happening when we are very young, young old cardiovascular health is dependent on three nutrients that a majority of Americans are deficient, and that's very interesting, what do these nutrients do for heart health, what they do specifically is to support the healthy flexibility of our arteries, which is the core to cardiovascular health, bottom line, this supports healthy blood pressure that's already within the normal range, and that's the health of our entire cardiovascular system so that our cardiovascular systems have more potential to stay healthy because these nutrients work best when properly combined together like a well-held machine, these oil-soluble nutrients are literally among the most important oils that the cardiovascular system requires, and what are these three nutrients and how many people are deficient in them, the three essential nutrients are one misunderstood vitamin that people take for granted. One that's a rising star that's getting lots of press and attention by the medical community, and the third nutrient is just in the beginning stages of people and even doctors knowing much about it, the first neutrinos vitamin A, there are several misunderstandings about vitamin A, the first misunderstanding is that people get enough Vitamin A from their diet or their multi-vitamin... This is not true for more than half of Americans, a large United States Department of Agriculture surveys show that about 54% of Americans do not get enough real retinol vitamin A. the second misunderstanding about vitamin A, which the FDA has contributed to, is that beta-carotene is not vitamin A.A number of studies that show that over half of us cannot adequately absorb or convert Medicare into vitamin A, this includes a genetic study that showed that a significant number of people have defects in one or two genes that make them unable to convert vicar in divide in adequately, so this is written in the genes of millions of Americans, this is why vicariate is not an essential nutrient, while Vitamin A as retinal is essential means that our bodies require the nutrient for good health and even for life itself, further, we have to get essentially nutrients from outside sources, foods or vitamins, because our bodies don't make them... Vitamin A as retina is an essential nutrient.
So we can't count on karate to give us in vitamin A. is that what you're saying?
Yeah, unfortunately, it's counted for people who think they get enough vitamin from carriage use or some other source of beta-carotene, however, depending upon betar team to give us a vitamin causes a risk of having a serious vitamin deficiency. This is extremely important for heart health, but also for pregnant women, because one large study show that invited and a deficiency in pregnancy is associated with a 74% increased chance of preterm delivery and an 82% increased chance of anemia.
Vitamin is also important for I, skin Hill, healthy lungs, a strong immune system, bone health and... Or topic, cardiovascular health. I know someone that is a vegan who was convinced that a brand and multi-vitamins that only contain Bitcoin as a source of idea were the best, so she took them throughout her pregnancy, she had a baby that was delivered months preterm, pre-term delivery is the leading cause of infant ads, that's how important real retinal vitamin A is, so this should be underline, although Medicare tine is a valuable anti-accident, people need a source of real retaining a.Vitamin A retinol is the cornerstone of cardiovascular health, over half of Americans being deficient invited may be another reason that so many Americans have declining cardiovascular health, doesn't vitamin A come from animal fats and so vegans can't take it.
Another misunderstanding is that all retinol vitamin E in dietary supplements comes from ANOVA or fish oils, and so vegans and some vegetarians don't wanna take retinal vitae, so they look for products that only contain betray, the retina we put in our porno is converted from molecule naturally found in rose oil called beta-Io, which is also a contributor to the aroma of roses, beta-in on is also contained in lemon grass and a number of other plants pure be in one, smells like lavender.
So vegans can be secure that the vitamin A and all of our formulas is vegan friendly... What is the second nutrient? Second nutrient is a rising star right now. It's vitamin D.Doctors all over the country are learning at about 77% of Americans are deficient in vitamin D, and so they've been testing us provide medevac Inc much more than they did a few years ago. And then prescribing vitamin D. unfortunately, the prescription form of vitamin D is Vitamin D2, brand named Drysdale studies show that Vitamin D2 is less than one-third is useful to the body is vitamin D3, and where studies have found that having an optimal vitamin D blood level is associated with a 70% increased potential lifespan. Vitamin D2 doesn't do this.
Something that most people don't know is that vitamin D requires partnership with the vitamin A to get all the benefits of vitamin D, while even reducing the potential toxicity of ultra Hi dose vitamin D, vitamin A and D are such important partners that for studies say that taking them together can protect us from the toxic that might happen when a high dose of only one of them is taken it in and say, And you have several roles in the body as partners, one critical role of their partnership is there mutual requirement for a healthy cardiovascular system, and that's very interesting. What is the third nutrient, the third critically important nutrient is vitamin K2 MK7, which is just coming on the world, read our screen and coming fast because studies are showing that it has tremendous value for cardiovascular health.
One problem is, most doctors and most people only think of vitamin K is vitamin K1, which is already found in most multi-VLANS and in many vegetables.
Vitamin K deficiency is rare.Mk1 is necessary for blood to clot, so if people are deficient in vitamin K1, they bruise easily, cuts won't heal, and a person could even bleed to death, this is very rare because vitamin K1 is available in so many common vegetables.
We also think of vitamin K1 for its effect on blood clotting as it relates to people that are on the blood-thinning medication called Warfarin or Coumadin, who must be careful of consuming vitamin K1 while vitamin K also affects blood clotting, there's so many differences between vitamin K2 inviting K1, that vitamin K2 should almost be named as a different vitamin, vitamin K2 MK-7 is three times more effective than vitamin K1 at building bone strength by feeling a protein messenger called Osteo cousin that pulls calcium into bones.
Well, that's very interesting that especially it's brand new on the market place, so you're leaking out some new information, so how many people are deficient in vitamin K-2... Well, the data on K2 is so new that we don't really have solid data, but looking at the American diet, we can assume that somewhere in the 90% range... Wow.
What do vitamin D and this new Vitamin K2? MK-7, due for arterial Health and arterial flexibility, I'll get a little further into the biochemistry of the three nutrients, vitamin A inhibits the action of a hormone called angiotensin-2, which yoshitsune, like angiotensin tense it constrict arteries, so via helps to reduce arterial Teton, which supports arterial flexibility, if blood pressure is already within the normal range, vitamin E helps support that too.
Well, this is very interesting information, but right now we need to take a quick break, but more with Michael in just a moment. Don't go away. We will be right back.
Welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can always find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click on the link for radio and listen to past shows. Plus, download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now back to our interview with the super nutrition co-founder, Michael Mooney, and we're talking about cardiovascular health, so does vitamin A do anything else to improve cardiovascular health?
Yes, Vitamin E also works with vitamin D and vitamin K2-MK-7 to support the regeneration of the end of the cells and the smooth muscle cells that line the arteries and that relaxed and contract arteries as the flex in coordination with the beating of the heart.
So all three nutrients combined optimally help the body regenerate these healthy arterial tissues in the natural turnover of cells, which helps to support their youthful arterial flexibility. This is basically what could be described as slowing or perhaps even reversing some of the effects of aging on these arterial tissues.
Vitamin D-like vitamin A also inhibits the angiotensin effect that causes arterial constriction, this also supports arterial flexibility and healthy blood pressure resort within their own range.
So again, we see vitamins A and D working as partners.
I also wanna talk to you a little bit, we discuss this earlier, and this is this new important nutrient which is coming up on the world's radar screen, this K-2-m-7. can you talk to me a little bit about the difference between K1 and K2? vitamin K2 MK-7 is three times more effective than vitamin K1 at building bone strength by fueling a protein messenger called Osteo-Colson that pulls calcium and to bones and were moderate vitamin K2 supplementation was proven to improve arterial flexibility in a three-year placebo control study that was published in February just a little while ago. Vitamin K1 has little effect on supporting arterial Health at anywhere near a nutritional dose, further, while the vitamin K-2 works in the body for about three days, the blood love lover in K1 declines of about 50% in two hours, and it's undetectable in the blood stream in about eight hours. And another issue about it, K2 MK-7 that should be clarified is that there are two forms of vitamin K-2 that are available as dietary supplant, the less effective MK-4 form and the more effective MK-7 form.
The MK-7 form is about 250 times more potent than the MK-4 form. So one has to take a very high dose of mk4 or produce benefits further, the MQ-4 form, like vitamin K1 only last in the blood stream for a few hours, so you have to take it three times a day to underline it in a different way, Vitamin A D and K2 MK7 function together like a three-legged stool where all three legs are required for each of them to give us their optimal effects, and in fact, nutritionist Kerem blew, the author of vitamin K2 and the calcium paradox basically sat on page 182 without adequate amounts of vitamins, A and K2 is useless.
Once again, to emphasize his point, we must have all three legs of the stool to experience all of their cardiovascular benefits.
Wow. Well, let's talk a little bit about exercise. How important is exercise in the equation, better cardiovascular health?
Regular exercise is extremely important. One of the benefits of exercise, that exercise increases nitric acid, which is produced in the end of the allele cells that line the arteries, that and create when you've gotten up a good sweat and your arteries are dilated, nitric oxide production is increased.Metric oxide, dilate arteries. So blood flow is better, another reason to be sure to have Tim intakes of vitamins A-D and K2 MK7, exercise also increases the slippery-ness, if you will, of red blood cells, so they don't clump the tiny Indians of the cardiovascular is the capillaries only accept red blood cells in single file, so we want slippery red blood so that aren't clumped together to feed the cells.
I've never heard it quite put that way, but... That's very interesting. Your literature also mentions this nutrient combines, the combination supports bone strength, and that's important as well, What is bone strength and how does this nutrient combination support on string... This nitrate helps to guide the majority of calcium we consume into bones and teeth, and then properly incorporate calcium and a bounce that they're strong and less likely to fracture.
Okay, thank you. And how do these three nutrients do this, vitamin A and D work together to create messenger proteins, matrix GLA protein called MGP and osteo Colson, which direct calcium placement in the body, MGP tells unnecessary calcium to stay away from soft tissues.
Meanwhile, osteo cousin pulls calcium into bones and teeth, so they worked together to place the great majority of calcium where it belongs in the bones, however, MGP and osteo-Colson cannot function without being activated, it's like they need to be energized to do their jobs. quake patently activates MGP in a second, the activating effect of vitamin K2 MK-7 is called carbocation. We wanna have as much fully carboxylate, MGP and osteo Colson as possible for best heart and bone health without enough vitamin K2 MK7 to opt in. Le-car box late, MGP and SoCal. Calcium isn't properly guided. So again, vitamins A-D and K2 MK7, function like a three-legged stool, is calcium supposed to only be found in bones and tepals is actually present throughout the body as the most plentiful mineral and normally healthy individuals. Calcium was present in a healthy balance, were about 99% of the bodies, calcium folios and teeth, the other 1% is distributed throughout the body, performing a variety of important functions, calcium ion activities and soft tissues constantly change depending upon need with local calcium ion concentration. Sometimes increasing Hurd from their electoral signaling role and music interaction is what happens when you flex your bicep, take off running or just stand up, their role in singling the smooth muscle that surrounds arteries to contract or relax and stabilize blood pressure to nerve transmission and even a hormonal secretion, this three-legged stool of vitamins, A D and K2 MK7 supports optimal calcium balance in the body by directing the great majority of calcium into bones, that's why the combination of these vitamins supports healthy bond strength, what age groups is this nutrient combination beneficial for?
All these groups... That's a surprise. All age groups can benefit tremendously from children to seniors, one city found that eight-year-old boys and girls experience the climbing arterial flexibility, the precursor of cardiovascular problems as they grew to adulthood at age 21, declining arterioles by sets the stage for poor cardiovascular health in those 13 years between 18 and 21, girls are genial flexibility decreased by 16%. While boys are trifle XIII decrease by 22%.
These seemingly large increases in arterial flexibility, decreases in arterial flexibility keep decreasing over the years as the health of the cardiovascular system declines unless something intervenes, the goal of creating a formula with vitamins A, D and K2-MK-7 is to inhibit the decline in arterial flexibility. Actually, to support healthy arterial flexibility, which also supports healthy blood pressure that's already within the normal range, so starting early predicts better long-term heart and bone.
How do you know that this nutritional combination is safe, our vitamins, A, D and K2, MK-7 or balance, so that they harmonize with the insured ICES recommendations for safety. The Intuit of Edison says that their nutrient potency we feature are safe for eight-year-olds, and I noticed that you're using drives and that's the COL tablet sweetener, and I haven't seen it used this way before, I've heard that it's a heart healthy sugar, which seems unusual for a sugar. Can you talk about this D-ribose?
We use 300 milligrams of dust rivals to sweeten the bar flavors in the formula, because of our standards, we won't use any sugar in our products, but drives is different than other sugars, and that is so hard healthy that it is used in very high doses like 6 grams, 6000 milligrams for recovery after congestive heart failure, but we're just using 300 milligrams as a sweetener, but it's a hard, healthy sweetener. And how can listeners learn more about which you've covered, Michael?
We have two fully referenced papers on the website of our cardiovascular health product that provides easy-to-understand expansions on what I've covered today and multiple links to other sources of information, the website is we simply... Opel done. Heart Smart, dark dot com, that's www, dot. Simply one, harmar dot com in K2 MK7, potential benefits for heart health, babies, bones and teeth, and a healthy pregnancy are also detailed well in the book, vitamin K2 in the calcium paradox, which is highly recommended, the book also contains valuable information about how vitamins A and D worked with the vitamin K2, we've been focusing on reducing unnecessary premature or accelerated aging caused by nutritional deficiencies and other life stresses for 38 years now, this discovery called simply one HeartMath may be the biggest antigen break through in our long history.
Well, this is all very interesting information, and we thank you very much for your time and some great advice, and we really appreciate your knowledge and look forward to having you on again in the meantime, get more information on Michael and his website, super nutrition dot com. We look forward to our next visit. Thank you, thank you.
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