In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show, Dr. Linda Marquez returns to chat with Kimberly King about superfoods, why they’re so very good for you and how to work more of them into your diet.
Breaking Down Superfoods
Breaking Down Superfoods
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, Dr. Linda Marquez returns to chat with Kimberly King about superfoods, why they're so very good for you and how to work more of them into your diet.
Breaking Down Superfoods
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, Dr. Linda Marquez returns to chat with Kimberly King about superfoods, why they're so very good for you and how to work more of them into your diet.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio shows, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, looking to get more energy, feel healthier and perhaps even shed a couple of pounds, then get a dose of super foods into your diet, and today will tell you where you can start. It's a show you don't wanna miss, so listen close, plus later will tell you what's going on around town. But first up, we're happy to welcome back Dr. Linda mark, as to the show, Dr. Linda is a chiropractic wellness doctor that has been practicing since 1993, she's also a wellness educator, certified nutritionist, personal fitness trainer and author, and we welcome her to the mother's market radio show, Dr. Linda, how are you?
My great. It's good to be here. It's nice to have you. And for those of you in our audience that may not be familiar with your mission and your work, why don't you fill them in before we get to today's topic?
Absolutely, our mission is to help people get off medication at all possible and help them stay off medication most of all, by using foods and lifestyle changes to empower them so that they can prosper and flourish in every area of their life.
Well, today we are talking about super foods and how they can help us and feel younger, and of course that's everybody's goal isn't it is, especially here in Southern Cal or... Yeah, well, that's why you're gonna become everybody's best friend, so tell us why eating the right foods are so important for beauty, staying slim and ageless... Well, first of all, for beauty, because I believe that most women, this is gonna save them a lot of money listening to this, because we spend so much money on the exterior, on the cosmetics, and the outside of us is actually a reflection of the inside of us, so we need to think about the food that we ate is reflecting, I would say our skin and our waste light and also our emotional well-being, because everything that we eat, think about it as, is this gonna make me look older or is this gonna actually enhance... My body and my overall health, and most of the food that we're also eating, we have to remember, is this promoting inflammation or is it taming inflammation? And that is the key right there. And why we age quickly, why it's hard for us to lose weight and why we are sick, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, those are all the core for all those is our bodies inflamed, our bodies on fire, and of course, the free radical production that has been linked to aging is because of the inflammation that we have in our body, you know what's interesting, I just... We were talking earlier about, we had a program, 31 days of detoxing your body and your mind, your household, and your... Just your beauty regimen. But the beauty industry, people don't realize that's a 90 billion dollar industry, and it's not regulated, and everything that almost every cream that's been tested out there has some sort of hormone disruptor in there, and we're wondering why women are hormones, it's like, well, because look at... Look at the cream that we're putting on our body, and because it's an unregulated industry, they can get away with it because of the trade secrets. They don't really have to tell you what's in there.
As I was researching, and one of the things that I found so interesting was, and this is up until this day, and I'm sure the numbers are bigger now, but this is just the United States alone, they have made over 65 trillion pounds of over 9000 chemicals, and 71 billion of those different chemicals have been dumped into our air and into our water over beauty.
Yeah, oh my gosh.
And that's affecting everything from what we're putting on our skin, what we're consuming on a daily basis, so eating the right food, it really is important, but get this statistic here, women on the average have over 515 chemicals on their body before they even leave their house. That's a scary thought.
As I'm thinking about when I eat, I can absolutely think about that for when I... Before I leave the house, but the make-up and you know everything that we forget what we look at me like...
Yeah, that's true. On going natural and not exactly.
It was interesting, I was at a conference several weeks ago, and the speaker said, Okay, the ladies, I want you all to get out your lipstick, and we're all looking at each other like, well, I don't wear lipstick, I make a lot of my own natural stuff, and they said the average woman will eat 10 pounds of lipstick in her lifetime, and they're all looking at each other like, Oh my gosh, so you could see how that's affecting our health, all of the garbage that we're putting on our skin. So I think the key is really eating the right foods so that you can look good, you can feel good, and said the outside is a reflection, what are you putting on the insight...
I love that line, that's right. There should be the headline of your next book, and that should be the... I like that.
And another thing that's interesting because a lot of our... I have kids and you have kids, and our children, I think right now, everything's kind of against them with the convenience of a fast food, but also all the cleanses that they think that they have to use for their face and all these foaming agents that are in our homes that are in our beauty products, it's the SLS, the sales, and the reason that they're there is so that they can fill up and we think, Well, unless it's so mean then it's not cleaning, so we kind of equate that in our own mind, the more home the better, if it's cleaning a lot more, and then you have to Salat, which are in a lot of the plastics to give it some flexibility, the parabens that we're seeing and even in the cosmetics, and they're used as preservatives, so we're running into those problems and then Triclosan, which is also an anti-bacterial component that says a lot of the women's make up, but this is just women, this is also men in the colons, but we know men don't wear as much as we do, they get away with just some colon and lotion.
And that's amazing because again, that falls under the statistics that you just write about, and that was just a women, what you say when we leave the home, but that doesn't even talk about what men... Again, deodorants and colons and perfumes and make-up and everything... Yes, and it's a huge industry, it's... They know we... Women are vain. Howe are right.
When you were saying that, I was thinking about that, and this really... I just have to say this because we talk about having children, that there's a new Colby Kelly song, try and it also speaks to just being vain, but it's putting on make-up just to think about what we teach our children are young girls. We don't have to try that hard and we shouldn't have... Exactly.
In beauty, I think should radiate from within and when you eat right, when you think right and when you move right, it's just gonna flow out of you effortlessly... Right, but it's getting the No educated, and that's why we're here, we're talking about all this so that we can educate and really empower people with this information and use it for their benefit.
Very good. What role does the liver play... I'm sorry. We're moving around here. A ton. A good job. What role does the liver plan staying slim and looking as and... Beautiful.
Deliver is a power house. It's a little, I would say, what's not that little? It's the size about a football and it's in the right upper quadrant of your abdominal area, and we just had a 31-day detox program running in our office, and people from all over the country were able to do it because it's all web-based, and we talked about the liver as the main detoxifying component, because everything that you eat, everything that you put on your... On your skin, of course, your skin is the largest organ in the body, it has to go through the liver to to be detoxify, and so that it's not toxic for the body as it's eliminating in the liver is also important because that's where your anti-aging and especially your fat-burning hormones are actually made through the liver and delivers also important because a lot of the female hormones, and of course the male hormones as well, like the estrogen, whatever the body doesn't need anymore. It uses up, it has to live... Skincare it out of the body. So that's really important to stay young and stain, we say Slim and just beautiful too, because it is getting rid of a lot of the toxins that we're consuming on a daily basis.
What are your favorite seven beauty foods? And that's... Oh gosh, this was a hard one because my list kept growing and I'm gonna... Atterbury throws some bonus ones in there, but I'll give you the seven and we can chat a little bit about each one and why... You know, some just need a little bit more attention than others, but there's Alvar, there's avocado tree is bone broth, which is one of my favorite proclaimed oil, cucumbers and turmeric, and a couple of worthy mentions are actually spirulina and fermented foods as well, so those are... I love those too as well, that it was hard to choose a... Tati love the number seven because it's the number of completion or the number of perfection for numerology, STS out there, but just in the history, that's what seven is, but I could have gone with easily a top 10 at the top, even ALEA. And it's considerate beauty food and also stay in slim and aelius because for years, they think it gives you that long-lasting youth and quick healing effect, I use Alabama and actually put it in my protein shake and every morning... 'cause it also has anti-inflammatory properties. And as we spoke earlier, inflammation in the body will age somebody, inflammation causes a lot of free radical activity, and we want the anti-oxidative effect, so if... Look at the example as I lived back east for several years, and the car is always rested because of the snow and... What's the cause of it? It's the oxidation process. So if we kind of equate that with our bodies and our skin, it's just like a... A person looks older, it's like, well, they've gone through and innovative process, which is usually because of some inflammation going on in their body, and the inflammation process is a defense mechanism that, Hey, I'm trying to get rid of things that are in my body that I shouldn't have, which includes a lot of the chemicals that we talked about earlier, from all our beauty products and household products, that's another show in itself...
I can't wait so alive, you can put it on your skin as a gel, like I said, I like to put about a quarter of a cup in our protein shakes in the morning, and that's what we have our members do as well, so that's a winner for me, and of course avocados, I love avocados and right now here as well, I think a avocado season year-round, depending on the tree, but avocados are also awesome because of the fatty acids that they have the anti-oxidants. Great for your skin. They taste good, man, and it just keeps your skin I shape plump and smooth, and we all want that juice-ness in our skin, right. But it's also good for the brain, for memory, and some of the easy ways that you can use it is... Well, you can make welcome Molly out of it, right? But I actually made a chocolate pretty out of this, and I had my kids eat it and they had no idea that they were eating avocado, it's loaded with fat, but you need good fat in your body, so you can also throw it in a smoothie, you can believe it or not, and you don't taste it in the smoothie because it really doesn't have a taste, it just gives it a premier, just the mixture is a premier, so throw that in your smoothie. But that's one of my favorites as well. As the avocado, totally loving, you gotta try that putting it in the tattoos, I think we have it on our website, not... I'll make sure that we get that posted 'cause we did share that recipe with our members and they loved it, and we have sample days in our office as well, so we'll make stuff and we'll just say, try this, and they have no idea what's in there on it's kind of the fun part. I'm like, Trust me, it will be good. You'll love it. And they were shocked, woman found out there's avocado in this... I'm like, Yes, number three. Okay, hold on, we're gonna do a you holding right there because if you have to take a quick break, but we're gonna tease you with what number three is when we come to my favorite... You got a avocado.
Yeah, great, interesting information with Dr. Linda and her favorites, beauty foods, there are seven of them, but we had number one and number two, and we'll be right back ahead with more, stay with us, we have to take a quick phrase.
And welcome back to the mother's market radio show.
And we wanna remind you that if you've missed any portion of today's show, you can always find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to past shows. Plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com.
And now, back to our interview with Dr. Linda markets and we're talking about super foods and how they can help us look and feel better and younger, and we were right in the middle of your seven favorite beauty foods. And so far, we've covered Elvira, avocado and Deere. Gonna start with number three. Your favorite? Yes, bone Bradlee are like, What the heck is Ben broad? It's like a bone soup, and think about that, I was say back in the day... Here we go back to back in the day.
My mom, she would not waste anything, we would cook a turkey and she would save the bones and then she would... I'm like, Why are you sticking them in the freezer and then a few days later, she take the bus out, she'd stick them in a pot and just boil them and would cook them for a couple days, and I never understood until years later, of course. And so for all the kids out there, mom is always right.
Okay, but bone broth, it's basically, it's a soup that you just make from bones, and I think a lot of these traditional foods, we're not using them anymore, and they are the super foods, they are the power foods that I think our society is missing out on, the way, you make that as you just throw all these bones, and I would say from grass-fed cows in a pot, you put about a couple, four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to draw all the minerals out of the bone, and you bring it to a boil and you just let it simmer for about two to three days and it's just slowly pulling out all the minerals from the bones, wonderful, wonderful results with that because it's full of minerals, it's enhancing your immune system, your digestion, and it's also nourishing all your body parts that are related to collagen, like your joints, your tendons, our ligaments, your skin, your mucus membrane, and you all remember glucosamine, how expensive that was? I mean, bone broth is pennies, literally pennies, and one of the beauty foods, and you can actually use that for healing the joints 'cause it's like smoothing out the shavings of the joints... Right. And women get this, it's helped for... So you like... You're like What? It's cheaper than any of the creams out there, because cellulitis, usually a lack of connective tissue and collagen, and you're getting that in the bone broth, the wonder What colonise food it is, it's awesome. And we're not done.
So yes, and wait, there's more... It's for the gut, it's awesome for the gut, and 60% to 80% of your immune system is in the gut, and you need that for healing, this is why a lot of people that have autoimmune conditions or cancer do phenomenal with this, and it's healing the gut, and we've heard of leaky gut, right, when your gut basically has like holes in it, and I kind of equate that to having a gas tank and putting fuel in there and it's got holes and there the bodies that cars are not gonna run as long... Same thing with your gut, because it's 60%, 80% of your immune system is in there, you wanna make sure it's patched up and it's running properly, so I think that's one of the foods that we really miss out on a lot, and I've been using it in the practice with our members, and it was phenomenal just to see the results with after two weeks, a bone broth three times a day, credible results along with other... Some of the other super foods that we had talked about, even the Albert anything in the moon breathlessness couple hours, people will put in some other favorite veggies like maybe some cucumbers or salary or carrots. Yeah, we have this great recipe that's on our website how to make the easiest bone broth, and it looks kind of gross at the first couple of hours, 'cause you select this PO means scam, you have to do is just clean it off. But it's really tasty. So going back to the nourishing foods, bores, I wanted to mention this because of the importance of why it's so important for the gut is most people don't realize that... The research is showing that a lot of people that are obese don't have a healthy gut, they don't have a healthy good by on the ecology system and their digestive track is off, so even doing something as simple as this will start healing their digestive track. That's the way to get it back on. tacitly, yes.
Okay, well, that's good news. So it's good to know that's your number three favorite, and how about you Number Four favorite... Seven out of 70. but number four is broccoli, do you remember when the president said, I will not eat my broccoli, one of our former presidents who was that...
I think it was Bush or someone, I will not eat my broccoli, I'm like thinking You... For broccoli is awesome, it has to be one of the super foods because your liver plays an important part in detoxifying the hormones and the excess estrogen and all the toxins that we are getting on a daily basis, So broccoli is rich in vitamins A and seeing your minerals like selenium, it's got the same... Gets a potassium fiber, and of course, even vitamin D, it's got something in there called Notre carbonyl, which is one of the most powerful anti-oxidants that you can get, and free radical activation and free radical activity is what promotes gene and weight gain and a lot of the health issues that we're having today, so we wanna make sure they were eating enough broccoli so I could stimulate all these other pathways for fat-burning, for anti-aging and so forth. So a good way, you can actually throw some broccoli even in protein drinks, believe it or not, so there's always ways to get a little bit of broccoli in there, but raw or Slightly steamed, it's a good way to eat it too.
That's good to know.
How about number five?
Number five. Coconut oil, one of my favorites. coconut oils, high in anti-oxidants. Great for the skin. Great for the liver, great for the thyroid, Scott Lauri, acid, anti-viral anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and kind of the rule of thumb is, if you're gonna put something on your skin, make sure you can eat it, and so I do eat coconut oil as well, I put it on my skin every single day I put it on my hair, I eat it, I cook with it, I put it in my protein drink, so it's really one of the best fats that you can use out there.
I think for those that kind of get a little bit disgusted with the say, Oh, I don't wanna have coconut oil, I'm like, Okay, well, then just put it in your smoothie, disguise it, or they're worried about the fat content. I don't really worry about fat content, and that's something that we don't tell our members to really count if they're eating off of our list of healthy foods, and of course, coconut oil is... It may surprise you though, I probably consume about 60, 50 to 60 grams of fat a day, and it totally goes against what most people think that eating too much fat will cause you to gain weight or have elevated cholesterol levels, just have some blood work done in my cholesterol levels were so too long, I'm trying to get them up, triglycerides were great, but this is one of the super foods to that I think everyone should definitely be on. Okay, let's see. That was coconut oil.
Number five year six cucumbers. And you've been talking a lot about cucumbers... Yes, we remember those some of pictures where a woman has two cucumbers on her, I think of that as a beauty food, but it's because it's one, it's cleansing for the body, but If you juice that or if you just eat it, it's juicy. It's got a lot of a high water content in there, So cucumber is another super food because it has a silicone in it, which you need for healthy skin, for healthy bones and nails, so just throwing your salads or... One of the new things that I'm doing at home, and my kids totally love, and they're getting two super foods and they don't even know, is I just fill up a glass picture, I just like some cucumber, I throw it in there, squeeze some lemon. Put the lemon in there in some Alabama and a dash of some Stevia and some casal, let it sit in the fridge for a couple of hours, and it just draws the flavor out of there, so my son, I made when and he drank the whole darn thing I was like, What about me? I was waiting for my drink 'cause it's really a victim, so I called them the infused are infused waters.
Wow, okay, so it's cucumber.
Lemon, cucumber lemon, you slice up the lemon, the slice up to cucumber, throw in a picture of water, a little bit of stevia, about a half a cup of some leverage, and I like to throw a salt, I throw salt and everything because it's a flavor enhancer, so and the having low blood pressure, I wanna raise my blood pressure, and that's one of the best ways to do it, adding some CSA because it also has minerals in there, Oh, so mixing that all up. Your kids will love it. I promise. Okay, now I'm doing that.
Thank you. Getting all kinds of great information.
So are you an...
Alright, number seven, we've hit that magical number here, the completion, right, teres, turmeric, turmeric, turmeric, and turmeric, actually, that's kind of been on the radar for a little bit because of its natural anti-inflammatory properties and inflammation has been at the core for a lot of our problems and when our body is inflamed when age, your body starts to deteriorate, so you rarely see a lot of people that consume a lot of tycoon have digestive problems because it's also great for digestion as well, and not too long ago, I did a... Had a workshop on just on the brain, and turmeric was one of the favorite foods that we can use, or you can use it as a capsule or food to slow down the aging process and because it's slowing down inflammation in the brain... And that's really what we're seeing a lot, like an Alzheimer, so it has high anti-oxidant properties, anti-cancer properties, antibacterial properties, and it's also known as a blood purifier, which is really essential for keeping our skin clear.
Okay, so that was number seven. Do you have any other couple worthy mentions are spray now, because of its high protein content is great for inflammation, anti-oxidative minerals in it, and fermented foods, your probiotics, because of Rich and probiotics, like your sour crowd, the Abacha and Kim Chi, of course, people love that spicy, spicy food as well, it's wonderful for the digestive track as well, so those are two worthy mentions, but we have additional ones on our website 'cause we can't get them all in... Oh my goodness, so much great information. We've had... This has been a great show, thank you so much for your time, doctor, in, but we look forward to having a lot again and in the meantime, you can learn more about Dr. Linda on her website, it's Dr. Linda Mar dot com and learn about how you can stay healthy and look healthy and be healthy. We look forward to your next visit. Thank you.
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