Hosted by Kimberly King with guests Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy and Brooke Gilbertsen. Featuring Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy and Brooke Gilbertsen from the Center for New Medicine. Leigh and Brooke are going to talk about better brain health and what you can do to keep a sharp mind.
Better Brain Health
Better Brain Health
Hosted by Kimberly King with guests Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy and Brooke Gilbertsen. Featuring Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy and Brooke Gilbertsen from the Center for New Medicine. Leigh and Brooke are going to talk about better brain health and what you can do to keep a sharp mind.
Better Brain Health
Hosted by Kimberly King with guests Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy and Brooke Gilbertsen. Featuring Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy and Brooke Gilbertsen from the Center for New Medicine. Leigh and Brooke are going to talk about better brain health and what you can do to keep a sharp mind.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, a healthy mind can lead to a healthy body, and today we're going to discuss brain help and explore some of the challenges we all face when it comes to keeping our minds sharp, plus we'll tell you what's happening around town and give you a chance to win a 100 gift card. But first up, we're pleased to welcome back one of the foremost authorities when it comes to a healthy body, the Aaron Canale MD has been practicing medicine for almost 25 years. She's the Founder and Medical Director of the Center for New Medicine located in Irvine, California, as well as the Medical Advisor for perfectly healthy products. And joining Dr. kaali is neurofeedback therapist broke Gilbertson.
Brook has a degree in Psychology and is obtaining her master's in counseling at Argus University, she treats a wide variety of health and mental issues, but at the center for new medicine, and we welcome to both of you to the mother's radio show.
Good morning.
Good morning, him. It's great with you to be back once again.
Absolutely love the energy. Every time I walk in here, we're just... Boom, it's lovely.
Why don't you fill our audience a little bit on your mission and your work here... Yes, our mission here at the center is to educate and empower people to live the most wonderful, productive, optimal levels, feeling great, and just really having a zest for life, and you can feel that zest for life here.
How about you, bro?
My passion is just being able to really help people achieve their potential and through brain health, that's kind of my specialty, and I really love what we embody here at the center for new medicine, so I'm happy to be here. Excited, we did talk a little bit about that. We're talking about brain health and specifically as it relates to dementia and Alzheimer prevention in childhood addiction and childhood addiction.
So, Dr. Canale, let's start by discussing brain health is so important and especially at an early age, Well, brain health, if we don't have the brain and all of its phenomenal circuitry, we basically can't wake up, Can elephant pump, can't breathe. We can't move. We basically are vegetables. And so I think it's interesting him, because I've been practicing medicine about 25 years now, and now that I've gotten older and I've seen the patients that I have with memory challenges, dementia, Alzheimer's, and then we have these children who have focus problems, cognitive problems. I see, Wow, this is such an interfering force for not only the person, but the entire family and all yourloved ones, and I think people just are not really aware of all the things that they can do, all the options that they can embrace, and how we can actually prevent cognitive disorders and dementia and Alzheimer's, I give all my patients a brain audit and have them fill it out, and then I say, Okay, we're gonna prevent and repair and do an enhancement program.
So at what age should we start to think about this, this repair for your brains...
Well, I'm so concerned about our children today, because it starts to me, in utero, in utero, mothers, before they even think about having a baby, need to prepare their body for building something that is the most significant living thing on the planet. Right, and so brain development in utero is very, very important. We have certain things that happen. First trimester, second trimester and third trimester.
And we're living in very different times. Today, I tell people It's not that year so bad, it's that the world around us is unfavorable, and then people don't realize that from birth until about five years of age, your brain grows 96%, 96%, pretty much is done by the time age of five.
So if you haven't done the proper interventions as a mother and a father and a caretaker to that child, then you are creating either the foundation for a wonderful functioning brain or all of these cognitive disorders that people are having, and when their child is 70 and 10 and 12 and 18, and look at our college kids, what percentage of college kids are taking Adderall to get through their college classes... It is astronomical, the amount of kids, so it's something... And we're putting... When we use Adderall or Ritalin or focal in or any of those medications, that's just a bandaid for treating these problems, that is not fixing problem... The things that we're doing at Center for new medicine with the brain paint, that fixes the problem, but it's a monument, people think you take this drug and that's the answer. No, that isn't the answer. If you treat a patient with the mentioned Alzheimer's and they take the medications, they don't get any better, well, what symptoms are we talking about that contribute to poor brain health, what other symptoms?
Well, like I said, going into a room and forgetting why you went there for getting your daily tasks... No, I'm not saying, You know, there's a lot of people that are busy, let's say someone is extremely busy here, there's going to be times when if you've got 10 things to do that day, you may forget things, but also a lot of times, ask your friends, ask your husband, wife, children, whatever they are, great barometer of assessing, like a patient couples will come in and they'll say, I really want you to bring this up to the doctor that you are forgetting things, you can't remember this, you can't... You're not focusing all different symptoms, and I don't... 'cause you a lot of times can't be objective about yourself, and sleep to sleep alone can cause cognitive dysfunction, and I would say 50% of the population doesn't sleep, and then not to mention the drugs that people are taking, just that alone. The medications, for example, all sleeping pills cause respiratory depression, respiratory depression causes oxygen deprivation, oxygen deprivation kills the brain cells, and people are always... There's not very many people who realize that the medication is inducing... Like Ambien is notorious for causing memory prompts, I have people who have taken Ambien, gotten up in the middle of night, went to the store, came back, their stuff was on the car, they wake up and... They didn't even know they went to the store.
Oh my goodness.So it is very, very serious, the medications, and there's 10 prescriptions written for every man, woman, and child on the planet today, and all those medications create nutrient deficiencies and those nutrient deficiencies disturb brain function.
Gosh, wow. And it's a cycle that just continues, so there are all these just little robotic people out there taking these medications and the... Right, 'cause your brain deficiency, just like car disease, diabetes, brain dysfunction, it's not an overnight problem, it's something that took time, if you get cancer, it didn't happen yesterday, it happened in something in the last 10 or 15 years, if you have dementia, it's something that started many years ago. So you've gotta prepare like now... And what is it one and two people at the age of 85 have Alzheimer's dementia, but if you prepared for that, if you prepared when you were 50, 60 years old, I tell people the warranty is over at 60 for sure. Then you need to do all kinds of things to take care of your body, 'cause it doesn't take care of itself anymore, so you have to do it... Oh my goodness. Okay, well, I'm gonna focus this question with you, Brooke, about what... Now that we've been scared about all of this, and I was not scared to be tested in formation at a caring and being precise and proactive about... Absolutely, and Dr. cannula, we know 'cause we've been talking with you about this, let's talk a little bit about the neuro bio feedback and enter you into this comment... Yeah, great. Well, I mean, with societies like increasing dependence on drug prescriptions and let's just write a prescription to basically cover up the problem, like Dr. Canales said it was, what the neuro feedback addresses is the actual problem, your brains, the master regulator rain paint is the newest and most advanced technology in the field of neurofeedback... Neuro feedback, I'm sure most people have heard of biofeedback, and neurofeedback is EEG biofeedback, so it's basically biofeedback for the brain, so what it's able to do is give the patient or the client an enhanced function of their own brain in lifetime.
Okay, so when you implement this treatment, does it actually send signals to the brain... Now what it's doing is a headband is placed on the scalp and we're putting EEG sensors on different locations of the brain, depending on what area we're training, the brain is different than the mind. Our brain is an organ that processes so much more information that the mind can handle, for example, we do physical activity and our blood pumped or our heart feeding, our brain is responsible for all that our mind, on the other hand, wants to participate in the EEG biofeedback but what we're training is unconscious, our brain is actually being the one that's being treated here.
Okay, so you can actually watch your brain wave activity... Yeah, exactly, and you can actually see the improving function or where it needs to have... Exactly, we're just basically finetuning your brain, and I'm showing it a way to perform optimally, I kinda give the analogy to patients, first of all, the first visit, you get a brain map, what is going on in your brain, 'cause all of us are uniquely different, so then that brain map is assessed and we have zip codes in our brain, and the zip codes are maybe working, okay, they're balanced, maybe they're overworking, and so we send signals to the zip codes that aren't working and calm down the areas that are overworking, so it's all about getting brain balancing and all of us need this kind of thing, it's not the kind of thing. Let's look at all of us. All of us need that kind of thing, and now the number one drug that is being prescribed now, Kim, is the mood disorder medication, and that category is Prozac and so loved and anti anxiety medications, I perai... And some of these medicines, they know what they do, and a lot of these medicines, they don't know what they can do, but now, there's been three books just recently published in the last couple of months on brain psychiatry and drugs that are being used and theramification of these drugs, and the most important thing is they're depleting the neurotransmitters of the brain, the neurotransmitters or the camels of the brain, they make you feel good, you find pleasure, your calm, you go with the flow, you have this desire and Jesper live. You wanna get up and go and you have... You don't have brain fog, that's what the neurotransmitters do, and so all of these medications affect those either up or down, and then what happens is the brain can't make up them anymore, and so the patient... Do you know that most ALL patients that come in on medications and under President antianxiety and you have them pull out a mood questionnaire, I'd say 95% still have their problem and they're on medication.
So I'm like, what have you achieved?
Right, you have... It's a base on your brain for number two, you try to get off those drugs and the patients go, it's with withdrawing.
And then the most important thing they have found, and this is just something I have learned recently, is at all of these drugs are shrinking the brain, so we're increasing now dimension Alzheimers due to these medications, and they are the number one drug. And if you look at... And it's not just... And it's not just an old people, This is medication that's being prescribed to threeyear olds and fouryearold, and so the ramifications of a child, because a child from birth and utero till about 21 is developing all different ways... Brainwise? Heartwise, I was kidney, liver, all every organ. So these medications are interfering with the natural progression of their own physical mental, spiritual body, and so it's something I always say and every talk that I always give a go, we're in an emergency, why is it that we are not dealing with the health of our human race, because that's what's gonna make us thrive and grow and be the best... Oh my God. Okay, well, we have so much more to cover and we're on the soapbox here, we still... I do wanna talk about a viable options for parents with children with ADD and also overcoming addictions, we still have a lot more to get through, but still so much information coming through. We'll be right back. We have to take a quick break.
Welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to the past shows. Plus, download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now back to our interview with Dr. Canale, we're talking about our brain emergency and solutions for our kids not to be dependent on drugs, and that we do wanna open up that conversation once again and bringing in Dr. kaali, and of course book, I wanna open this back up again, Dr. Kcan this be a viable option for parents with children with ADD and ADHD? Yes, Brain pain is a phenomenal program for ADT in conjunction with several other things, and we'll go back to brain paint.
The most important thing is a children's diet.
Yes, and so that your diet is the most critical factor in any disease process, we could be talking about Alzheimer's, to heart disease, to diabetes, your diet and what you put in your mouth is the most significant thing that you will be doing... Yes, we need to breathe and we need to drink water, and I don't want to minimize the importance of good breathing and good oxygen levels, because ourbrain uses 20% more oxygen than any other part of our body, so that's number one. Number two, that you are what you eat and drink, and we are just putting food and different liquids in our body without really thinking of the productive nature of those foods, but are the food we eat is absolutely important, and you cannot eat dead revitalized food because it will not allow your body and mind to work. Right.
Let's talk about those... We do this when we talk with you, but let's remind... Brain foods are what... Brain foods are proteins, you've gotta get protein in your body, so what does protein meets grass fed beef? Chicken hormonefree, antibioticfree. And the best chicken I think I've ever bought. Is that mothers? The chicken, if you buy it at other sort is not near as good as mother's mother's Chicken is, when you'd look at is the texture, everything is very different, and they pride themselves on the foods that they deliver, I must say, and so then we have eggs organic eggs, which is also available at mothers, good cheeses by cheeses, though that organic dairy absorbs all the chemicals and toxins in the environment, so you've gotta get organic dairy and a lot of it wrong. A lot of the wrong dairy is very, very good and available at mothers, and then another great source of protein that people don't like eating meat and chicken is way protein way protein is wonderful now, and some people are large to weigh, I tell them to get rice and if they're allergic to rise, then I get them, they have wonderful vegetable proteins now that tastes good, are wonderful, but every person, not just children, but adults, need 30% of every meal they eat as protein, and then fish... The unfortunate thing about fish today, it has a lot of mercury in it, so we have to be... I used to love fish, but the fish with the radiation and the Mercury, it's something I'm not a big, big proponent, unless you're properly detoxing. Can you eat fish?
And we'll get into it in a second.
Okay, then fats, that's all... Your brain is fat. People don't realize that if you look at... If you took it out of the school and you looked at an exam and it... Anatomically, it's all fat.
So what kind of fats though, you can have larger... In fact, you can have Pringles back, you can't have free to fat, you can't have large that you have to have good fats, so what are good fits? You have what we call the essential fatty assets, they're called essential because you have to have them, your body does not make them, so you have to get them... The only way you're gonna get them is through your diet, so I tell people, if there is nothing, nothing that you do not take, go get a push oil at the store, go to the health food store, go to mothers and... Good help. Essential fatty aside 3. Why are these fats so important, you know, we hear this all the time over and over, you know there's over 3000 research articles written about essential fatty acids and the functions... Every cell in our body is made... They're membrane, the protective membrane that protects the inside functioning of a sale where everything happened is made up of essential fatty acids.
How do you get them through your diet?
Well, fish is a great source, but as I told you, the fish has the mercury and the Radiation, so I'm not as a big proponent of the fish now because of the problems we have with that.
So what other ways? Well, seeds all seeds, lots of seeds, unplaced pumpkinseed, black seeds were all the nuts, raw walnuts, cons, academia, a Brazil nut case, all of those. But they have to be wrong.If you do roasted whatever else that they do to these things to process food, it basically takes away a lot of the nutritional value of those essential fatty acids, so you can get them in your debut, don't count on that because it's hard to be mindful and conscientious of getting all those kinds of foods, unless you're really, really working with a nutritionist or really, really being mindful of you... Everybody's very busy today, people don't have time, so I'm saying, go get your facials, take about two or three a day and you will be providing some of the most important valuable... Fundamental nutrition to your body.
Okay, good. Key advice, and again, these are talking about brain foods and making sure that we're starting early and for kids... Right, one of the really important things we need to bring up, Kim, is the value of the food. Again, the Nutritional value, sugar, sugar is what I call a poison to the body, it... It is. There's no way of getting around it. Do we need sugar to survive... No. Do we need favorable good carbohydrates that have good sugars? Yes, we do. Where do we get those? We give those from plants the intelligence and the phytochemicals and the pioneering from plants are the most amazing new dry you can't comprehend the value of a bell pepper or broccoli or a kale or spend... It's not just you can't just take vitamins today, but you have to have the plant intelligence of all those nutrients to feed your body and help protect your brain, so sugar, people don't realize the sugars in their food, they really don't understand that, they think that if they do valor if they rise or the pasta that... That is good. No, those are basically really empty colors, there's really not any great nutritional value and bread rise postulate now there are some good Reds. Ezekiel bread is probably okay if you're gonna eat bread, because mommies need to make sandwiches for their children, so they have to have something that has nutritional value, but those are great options for good breads that have... That are nutrient dense, but carbohydrates, the carb had you wanna be feeding your kids are vegetables and fruit vegetables for first and fruit second, fruit has a lot of sugar, and so you wanna focus most of the dietary nutritional content in vegetables... Let's just hypothetically say that your kid, I cannot get my kids see vegetables. How did you do that? Dr. Canale.
So there is a great raw product you can do... Like my kids, sometimes I give a mega greens, it's the 34 of organic greens. Okay, it's in capsules. It's in powder, they can pop those, especially if they can follow, they can pump those capsules or the powder and mix it with the little juice, makes it with little Jews makes it with a little emergency spaces packets. It tastes good. I personally juice regularly, juice greens because you can put a little apple and your kids love it, so if the man wants to be really diligent, she can get a bunch of grains, put an apple and give them six, eight ounces. It tastes good. It tastes very, very good. It tastes like a good green... A good juice.
What are the things that you can do? You have to give your children a multivitamin today, but they must take the liquid essential fatty acids with it.
Now, once a child learns how to take a pill, they can get a good multivitamin with the oils, it is just... There is no other way of getting around it.
Now, with children with ADD, you may need what we call... Remember I talked about the brain neurotransmitters, dopamine, nor Benevento in... There are amino acid powders that children can eat, and even in the way protein powders that I talked about, the vegetable protein powders that I talked about, the rice protein, have the building blocks for making that, and then there's things that you can add to it to provide those functioning neurotransmitters, so that the brain works, that'swhat add... Does add... Excuse me, not add adroit. And what do they do? They increase nor an EHR, NEON EHR. But if you take the amino acids that do that same thing, you achieve the same results, and then I'm gonna let Brook talk about how the brain biofeedback can tremendously help balance the brain, especially in an ADD child.
So in the case of ADHD or ADD, it's just a terminology for a whole bunch of different symptoms, and so in the case of ADHD, they're hyperaroused as far as their tension and their focus and their inability to really just perform optimally like a normal child without the diagnosis... Well, what the brain paint is able to do is train your brain how to just work at its peak performance, and so what we're able to do is really trained that brain and finetune it to be able to reach that without the use of medication and with societies, increasing dependence on prescription drugs, there's such longterm side effects and early onset Alzheimer's like Dr. Camille was saying, so if we can find an alternative that's healthier, longer lasting and actually fixing the problem rather than just masking it with a bandaid, it's really important, and many people who carried the diagnosis of ADHD after they completed their neurofeedback sessions and their brain training, they were actually no longer diagnosable, so it's really phenomenal results from the brain paint and broken going on that because we just kind of touched on that, the most popular form of dementia affecting over five million Americans, we just talked about that can neurofeedback help with the patients diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer's and how so?
Yes, absolutely. Basically, brain paint, it's training your brain. So it's kind of like I tell my clients, your brain's hitting the gym for each neuro feedback session that you have, it's like your brain is being exercised and challenged to really perform at its peak potential, and so through that we're able to form new neural pathways, strengthening the brain slowing down dementia and degenerative disorders, so it's really phenomenal benefits as far as the dementia goes and degenerative diseases, and are the effects longlasting... Yes, that's the great benefit about this, the benefits of brain paint and the neurofeedback training is that it's permanent longlasting results. It's like learning how to write a bike. Once you learn how a lesson, you're basically gonna keep that because you're training your brain how to reach homeostasis on its own without the use of medication is... Answer my questions. So this replaces medication. Yes, while under the advice of a medical doctor, quite often, patients are able to significantly reduce or sometimes even completely cut out the use of their medication, which is really great. Well, this is great. And this is information that a lot of people don't necessarily know about. Thank you for your time, Dr. community, we look forward to having you on again. But in the mean time, you can catch more of Dr. Canaan he? Radio Show, healthy wealthy and wise, and that is available satellite radio channel 131 or visitor her online at perfectly healthy dot com. The book is Be perfectly healthy, it's available at mother's market, and we look forward to our next visit. Thank you, thank you.
So thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show. And for shopping at mother's market,