In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show, Dr. Linda Marquez returns to chat with Kimberly King about andropause, sometimes called male menopause, its effect on aging men, and what can be done to reduce negative aspects of the condition.
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, Dr. Linda Marquez returns to chat with Kimberly King about andropause, sometimes called male menopause, its effect on aging men, and what can be done to reduce negative aspects of the condition.
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, Dr. Linda Marquez returns to chat with Kimberly King about andropause, sometimes called male menopause, its effect on aging men, and what can be done to reduce negative aspects of the condition.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, it's football season, and there may be some rising testosterone levels this time of year, and it's time we tackle the subject of Andros plus later will tell you what's new at mother's market and what's going on around town.
But first up, we're happy to welcome back, Dr. Linda mares to the show. Dr. Linda is a chiropractic wellness doctor that has been practicing since 1993. she's licensed in several states, including Pennsylvania, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, and of course, right here in California, she's also a wellness educator, certified nutritionist and personal fitness trainer, and we welcome her to the mother's market radio show, Dr. Linda, how are you?
I'm doing great, thanks so much for having me.
Absolutely, it's great to have you back. And for those of you in our audience that may not be familiar with your mission and your work, why don't you fill them in before we get to today's topic? Well, my mission statement is to bring an awareness to the rise in disease in our country, and to educate them on relevant health issues and to provide solutions to build a strong and healthy Foundation for their lives, but most of all, for people to take action. That's the big one. They need to take action. We can talk and talk and talk about without the action, we don't have anything.
Absolutely, I tell, it's great to have you here, and today we're talking about Andrew Paus and most men will start the field effects of Andreas after the age of 40.
Dr. Linda, what is Andreas? antrobus is like menopause for women, and in men, testosterone levels start to decline and they start to lose androgen dominance, and most of the time men will not talk about this, and it actually affects over 45 million men across the country.
I always think it's funny that it should mean... I should say that the other way around... Menopause, Andersson name it the other way around.
Well, it is called menopause at time, and so... Yes. menopause or that it should be menopause, right?
Exactly, yes.
You should switch it. But yeah, this is something that... So there really is this... So yeah, after the age of 40 and the age group, then 42 as... It can be anywhere from 40 to 50, but actually some youngsters, as young as 20 in our 20s and 30s are beginning to experience it because of the toxic environment that we live in, and it's the... What's called... What's their bio-available? Testosterone, 'cause that's one of the reasons that men are going through on deposits such a young age, and what are the signs of the symptoms... There are so many signs and symptoms from low energy on, weight gain, their disaster life is just gone, they start losing their hair, they start gaining weight, but I think the hallmark sign for most men when they start to feel that something is just not right in their bodies, when they lose their morning erections, that's a big sign, and it's a wake-up call with, what's wrong with me?
So the common that's really... That you say the wake up call, it's the wake-up call and they... They try to talk themselves up, something is... Something is just missing in my life, and so we see a lot of men go through mid-life crisis and they go out and buy the sports car, they go out and get the new girlfriend, and they're trying to prove their manhood because their testosterone levels are dropping, and so what... That's when we call the doctor, or besides that, going through them in life crisis, what do you... As the doctor recommend.
Well, you have to look at the entire picture. It's not about... I think the biggest challenge is when people are going through some sort of health, some health crisis, they try to categorize everything, so you really have to be a detective and look at why is this happening? What could be the driving force behind it? And there's usually various driving forces behind, and it really takes a lot of detective work, asking the right questions, what has worked in the past, what hasn't worked, so it's really looking at it, looking at it from different angles, because for women with menopause, the similarities and the differences here, getting a good exercise program, for instance, or getting on estrogen are getting on... As women, we always hear about women and menopause, but we just don't often hear about men and enterprise, we don't... Men don't talk about it. Women, we go to the bathroom together. Right. And we're at a restaurant. It's like, Does anyone wanna go? I have to go to the bathroom and powder my nose, women go together and they talk about their problems, men don't... It's more of sports.
Not about the ball game. Right, exactly. But they don't talk about their health problems, I think it makes them feel like they're less than... And women, if we have a problem just like, Hey, this is... I have this new spot on my skin, what do you think... And they show all the girlfriends, but men, they don't talk about their problems, they only talk about yet, you said sports and what's coming up in the next week at work. And so I think a lot of it is just one, bringing the awareness of what is going on with my life too, is seeking a solution because less than 5% of the men that are going through Andrew pause actually do anything about it.
The kids growing up now, I think it's okay to talk about this now in here, and as a doctor too, I think with the men going to the doctors now, it's okay to talk about that, and here you are talking about it, but with the percentages of Antipas and you're saying that was really shocking to me to hear the younger 20 years old yet, there's a young percentage it is, but if you look at the lifestyle that we're living now compared to 20, 30 years ago, we have more to... A lot of toxicity in our country, especially here in the United States, if you think about it, the perfumes, the deodorant, what we're using on our skin, what we're working with the materials around us, everybody likes that new car smell. Right, it's just that's chemicals and toxins that are bombarding our bodies and the food, the food there is a lot of estrogenic foods that we are consuming and even the young kids, and we're seeing this is just... It's a big issue here in the United States, and they don't have a lot of these problems in other countries, it's really here in the United States, that's a huge issue. Again, about what things, what we're putting in our bodies, the role of hormones and testosterone that we're putting in, and what causes Andreas and menopause, that's been a huge issue that would have been coming into... To play with menopause. Now, I know that's a trigger button that we've been talking about for menopause, but also with men and Andrus with low testosterone levels, and it's really what type of... How much of it is available, and it's really important because the hormone testosterone, it's made in women and men, men make it in their testes, women making in their ovaries, but they both making in the adrenal glands and the adrenal glands are what... Combat stress, and all the added stress, whether it's physical stress, chemical stress, emotional stress is contributing to how their body responds to the effects of, like I said, all the toxicity in that we're experiencing on a daily basis and coming in contact with on a daily basis. And testosterone has actually found in every single tissue in your body, and most people don't know that it promotes tissue building, it promotes muscle growth and promote strength, it helps regulate cholesterol levels, it helps provide a healthy immune system, and it also plays an important role in motivation and that's why men, when they lose their zest for life, that's a signal that... No, it's not because I'm getting older, a lot of them are losing their testosterone, the testosterone levels in their body, and so that hormone, that testosterone, the best way for men to get that Esper life back is exercise, diet, lifestyle changes, there's a lot of things that men can do, but they need to be in tune with their body. And most men, like we said, they're not in tune with their body, they don't listen... Most of the men that come to my office to seek for help because their spouse or partner has sent them here... They come in kicking and screaming, nothing is wrong with me. It's like, Why are you here?
Your energy is low. You've gained weight, your blood pressure's elevated. Your cholesterol elevated. You're irritable. You're not sleeping well. So you say that you're, okay, your life is perfect. There's a problem and it needs to be addressed, and it's not. The solution is not just kind of sweeping it under the carpet, we say avoidance is not resolution, and when there's a pink elephant in the room, we're gonna talk about the pink elephant, right. Most people kind of tip-toe around that, and when it comes to Andre pause, it's a very sensitive topic because it affects the wife and it also affects the kids, so there's a little bit of an emotional part of it in that too, and you have to realize that yes, there is a... Well, this is very, very interesting and there's so much more to come here to learning about what Enterprise is and what the effects are. Stay with us, we'll be right back with more with Dr.
Linda, and welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click on the link for radio and listen to past shows. To us, download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now back to our interview with Dr. Linda markets and we're talking about Andreas, and so Linda, I wanted to ask you once again about the common cause of the Andreas of Andre pause are diet and lifestyle, and when we talk about diet and lifestyle, that seems like it's very generic, but to be really specific, it's one, not getting enough to get too much sugar in the body, which creates something called insulin resistance, which really is the driving force behind testosterone, last Rogen dominance, and there's of course, the lack of exercise, most men and even young kids, as we were talking about earlier, aren't getting enough exercise because exercise actually boost up your testosterone levels, and stress is also one of the driving forces as we talked about, chemical stress, emotional stress, physical stress, and the big chemical stress is the Zeno estrogens, which is anything that Maestro Gen... And estrogen dominance is caused by, once again, chronic stress, as a phenomenon called pregnant and steel in which the body starts to make more cortisol and less of... Estes Ostrom. There's other causes like the BPA in cans and bottles and plastics that most of us are consuming or softer-ings are water, the hygiene products that we use, let's look at the deodorant that we're using, the skin creams that we're using, the water is not as clean. Soy and estrogen is estrogen dominance, and diets that are high in refined carbohydrates, and what about the men that are rubbing against their spouses or hugging them, and they have these perfumes and there's a lot of toxins in there and their estrogen dominant... So men are getting it even from their spouses, but the number one factor is the processed foods, and so what happens is the body's hormone pathways are... To just try to explain that in a sense that people can understand, but just think about it as a disharmony. I always like to use the analogy of music, you can have the same instruments being played by two different groups of people, one will make it sound like a garage rock band, and the other one will use the instruments to make it sound like an orchestra symphony, some beautiful, and that's what happens with hormones, so estrogen dominance usually is cause... I said also by the just what we're putting in our body, but also the stress and not having a healthy liver, having a fatty liver, poor protein intake, and just toxic overload, and just from the very beginning, centers that you said too much sugar, not enough sleep with all of the toxicities, that sounds like everybody today, unfortunately, the... And what happens also is that with all of this going on, there's something that occurs in the body and it's called aromatic, and we were, as we mentioned earlier before, sometimes men will say, How I need a little boost, a little zest to just... I'm not recovering from my workouts as well, I'm not building muscle, and I have this extra fat that I just can't get off it, just belly fat, so they start taking over the counter natural products, but the problem is they are consuming something that's supposed to promise more testosterone production, but what happens is testosterone will convert an estrogen by a process called aromatic-ing, and that's one of the most calming causes, so when I have men that come into the office and they have... They've been like on Andrade and they've been on some testosterone products, we get their horn on testing, and I'm like, Well, everything that your doctor is giving you as to is turning into estrogen, and they think that the solution is increasing their testosterone levels. I said, If we increase your testosterone levels, you're just gonna be making more estrogen, so we have to stop what's causing my testosterone to change into estrogen, and that's driven by insulin resistance, how the body handles sugar, that's kind of really gonna lead me to the next question that is Why is it mismanaged by mainstream medicine. So this is really what you're today, exactly, but also think about it when we have a problem in most men, because I see this all the time in my practice, they'll go to their doctor and they're saying, I'm tired. Okay, so what would give medication for that... They check their cholesterol are elevated, and that's the worst thing that they can do is that they will give him a statin and that will further depress the production of hormones, and then the doc, I'm still not feeling any difference and I'm not sleeping well.
Okay, so now we give them lines and give a prescription for them to help them sleep, and then they don't come back and dock is just, I'm not getting any better, I'm just depressed.
So then they give a man anti-depressant, so they're looking at... They're not looking at the entire picture. They're kind of categorizing everything and you really have to be a detective and look at the entire picture, not just little sections of it, and I think that's the reason it's misdiagnosed, it's missed in mainstream medicine is because you have to look at everything and then they're not running the proper test, they're not running enough hormone test, aliasing test, so there's a lot of driving factors, and it's something that takes time and you really have to ask the right questions, so some of those testosterone boosters and the... How about the long-term complications from those, and tell me a little bit about that.
There's a lot of them, there's not enough studies to see what the long-term positive benefits are from them, and the body was created to make so much testosterone a day, and if something is interfering with the process of how much testosterone needs to be made today, we have to look at what's interfering with the process, not just give them a hormone to replace what their body does because then their body is gonna entirely shut down, but I think like we mentioned before, the key is their testosterone is aromatic NG into estrogen until we stop the driving force behind the states or turning into estrogen, that's when we're gonna start seeing some progress, but it's not an overnight solution.
We were talking about that, it sounds like it's such a great idea on all of these commercials in her area and all these four stations like, Oh boom, it's such an easy fix right now, just take it and it'll help us, but you just said it turns into estrogen, and when that happens, that's just not good for our bodies.
Exactly, so you have to look at... We need to remove some of the stressors in our life, we need to see if what's going on physically, emotionally, there can be allergies or could be sleep issues, there could be sugar and balance, which we talked about. That's the number one cause, that's the driving force behind it. And also the Zeno estrogen, so you have to balance the blood sugar issues by replacing the unhealthy foods with the healthy food, so we say, Whatever you're doing now, and if it's not working, do the opposite. So if you're not drinking enough water, drink more water, if you're not eating enough vegetables, drink, eat more vegetables, if you're not eating enough clean protein, okay, you need to purchase more of the hormone-free and Titi-free protein sources out there, and you have to restore function and rebuild the body. If you start doing all these, then you're gonna get somewhere, can a man combat tester on loss at a sales... Yes, with some of the recommendations I made one, they have to remove the stressors in their life, we can't do it all, and women and men, I think we try to be stoic and we wanna do everything, we can't say no, but there comes a point in your life or a saying, You know, it's first about me, because if I'm not healthy enough, how can I take care of my family? And I think men just want to do it all, and as a female, I can relate to that because I've always been... Growing up with five brothers, I always say, I think I kind of have a little bit extra to post your own from just being around five men, but I'm driven like a man, so I know it's just like, no, nothing's wrong with me and I'm just gonna get this down and I'm gonna do what I need, I need to get done. But a lot of times, that additional stress leads to less sleep, eating the wrong foods, drinking coffee, all the sugary stuff, which once again, it's the sweet, is the sugar that creates the insulin resistance that drives the testosterone to be converted to estrogen.
How about, are there any diagnostic tests for screening for Andreas... The best tests that are out there are saliva test, I'm not a proponent of getting blood tests down, Serum testing done for hormone testing for men, and I'd like to use the analogy because a lot of people will go and they'll get blood tests them by their doctors, I was like, Well, they don't give me a lot of valuable information because when you test for hormones for men and women via blood tests, it's like having six vehicles in your garage and you have a house full of guests that... We wanna go to the beach.
Okay, out of the six vehicles, only one has gas and is ready to go, and it happens to be the two cedar comparable, how Mary supposed to take these people to the beach... Well, you have all these cars, but you don't have a car that is available, and that's the same thing with hormone testing, hormone testing is gonna check what testosterone is available, or as blood test will say, Well, you have all this testosterone, but it's not showing you what's available for use. That's one of the biggest things that I see, that's a challenge with people that... I like that analogy. What would daily plan look like for a man to combat Andreas?
Well, the first step is if they are having a challenge, you have to address your doctor, you have to talk to him, say, Hey, I have a problem, this is going on and based on my research, I think possibly can I be going to testosterone and I'm having some of these symptoms that are very common with the fatigue, with the weight gain, I'm not recovering from workouts, I've lost my morning erections as that's like the number one symptom, they will go to the doctor and ask for help, and... Doctor, help me with this. Please run some blood test, please run or saliva testing, like we mentioned right now, that's gonna be the driving decision as to what the problem is and what do we need to do to address it.
We talked about exercise, exercise is very important to build muscle strength, to build testosterone, but you have to change your diet because if you don't change your diet, you're just gonna continue to convert that testosterone to estrogen, remove all the foods that have hormones in them, remove anything that has Zeno estrogen. And when I teach men and women that come to my class or command as clients, I teach them how to look for the fruits and vegetables and have the label number nine to show that it's organic. I teach them how to read labels. I said, get back to the basics of eating the food, and it's in its original state, fresh apple, not apple juice, not apple sauce, same thing with vegetables, eat em in the raw state. Any of the chicken and the turkey. You don't want them loaded with hormones, you want them race in their natural state.
I kinda have a rule that if you are gonna be eating animal products, and I'm not a proponent of for you to go 100% vegan, but when you do eat animal products, make sure that they were raised in the main way and that they weren't fed by products were injected with hormones, so if you look at it, and if you look at all those factors, those are some changes that men can start making right away, and exercise does play a role and just reducing their levels of stress. I said they can't do it all. And like I said, I know because growing up with five brothers and thinking sometimes like a man in not getting enough sleep, you have to think about yourself and be selfish for a little while to take care of yourself, otherwise it's just gonna continue to progress, and it's a vicious cycle, and I've seen it. And it's very, very frustrating.
That's a really good advice. And as growing up with those five boys, to be selfish a little bit too... And that's not a bad thing.
Well, thank you so very much for your time, Dr. Linda, we look forward to having you on again in the mean time, you can learn more about Linda... Dr. Linda, on her website, Dr. Linda Markaz dot com, and learn more about how you can stay healthy, and we look forward to your next visit.
We also look forward to her book, juicing the secret to anti-aging vitality and weight boss. Have a great day.
Thank you.
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