In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show we’ll chat with Orgain’s own Casey Rovetti, MS, RDN, RYT. Not only is she an authority on the science of nutrition, but she also has the personality and real life experience to translate that science into simple, practical health solutions. During the show she and Kimberly King will talk about the broad subject of protein, including the key reasons to add more to your diet and how to go about doing that. There is much to learn from this show so don’t miss it!
All About Protein
All About Protein
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show we'll chat with Orgain's own Casey Rovetti, MS, RDN, RYT. Not only is she an authority on the science of nutrition, but she also has the personality and real life experience to translate that science into simple, practical health solutions. During the show she and Kimberly King will talk about the broad subject of protein, including the key reasons to add more to your diet and how to go about doing that. There is much to learn from this show so don't miss it!
All About Protein
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show we'll chat with Orgain's own Casey Rovetti, MS, RDN, RYT. Not only is she an authority on the science of nutrition, but she also has the personality and real life experience to translate that science into simple, practical health solutions. During the show she and Kimberly King will talk about the broad subject of protein, including the key reasons to add more to your diet and how to go about doing that. There is much to learn from this show so don't miss it!
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition he... No, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, our body needs protein to keep it performing at its best, so listen close and find out ways you can get the right amount to maximize your lifestyle. Later will tell you what's new at mother's market and what's going on around town. But first up, Casey Raven is a registered dietician with an emphasis on Integrative and Functional nutrition.
She has a BA degree in Sociology from the University of California, Irvine, and received her MS and nutrition science from Cal State University Los Angeles.
She has had a diverse array of experience in the field of nutrition, from working at a level one trauma center in LA to one-on-one Nutrition Counseling and is even helping physicians to implement lifestyle medicine programs into their practices.
She is currently the in-house registered dietitian for organ, a company dedicated to inspiring healthy vibrant lives by providing the cleanest nutritional products possible. And we welcome her to the mother's market radio show. How are you, Casey? I'm excellent, thanks for asking. It's great to have you here, and why don't you fill our audience in a little bit on your mission and work before we get to today's show topic... Yeah, of course. So organ is a really wonderful company, it was founded by Dr. Dr. injury. braham through his own struggle with cancer, he found that there was very little for him to feel his body with something that was clean, something that was devoid of any ingredients that were not recommended for patients, specifically cancer patients to have during their treatment. So he started making his own shakes at home, and he ended up going on to become a doctor, and he realized that he would have a much greater reach if he could make a product that would be able to help millions of people versus only being able to see 10 to 30 patients max a day, so that's really where the mission of our company comes from, it's where the heart and soul lives every day, it's what fuels each and every organ employee, and it's what drives us not only to help individuals that have... Are on a medical journey or medical path, but just to provide good, wholesome, clean organic nutrition to anyone who would benefit from it, which is pretty much everyone I know. I love that, I love that story. And the fact that you can see 30 patients or you can really touch and really make a difference, so... That's great.
Today we're talking about protein, and so case there seems to be protein in everything and starting with the basics, and really the question is, Why is protein important? Yes, to protein is just so important in so many ways, structurally and functionally, it plays a big role in our bodies, so structurally, it makes up our tissues, our skin, our heart, our vascular system, but internally, it plays a big role in our hormones and our enzymes or DNA, and then it has a ton of different health benefits, so it helps us maintain our muscle mass, which helps us to be stronger, of course, and not just strong in the muscle-building way, but in just to stand up straight. Have good posture, stay stable standing kind of way as well.
It helps to maintain blood sugar levels, it helps to maintain our mood, it can help us even maintain good weight status as well, are a good healthy weight... So weight management, weight loss. implications as well, how much protein should people be consuming on a daily basis, so it varies quite a bit, but in general, most adults do... Well, I had to give a number, but 08 grams per kilogram per day. So it's a little bit of a mathematical figure, and that's the RDA, so that's the recommended dietary allowance, but I say that as a baseline, and then on top of that, if you have any special conditions, so if you're very active, if you're an athlete, if you're elderly, if you're pregnant or lactating, there's gonna be additional needs beyond that, so that's kind of the bare minimum, and then there's certain instances where you would wanna consume a lot more than that, and so that leads me to my next question on about how protein intake can vary between people, especially based on their gender, the age and how active they are.
Yeah, so generally mean you require more protein than women, young kids actually require more moderate protein levels, but as we get older, into middle age and beyond, the amount of protein that we require is actually much greater because we wanna maintain as much muscle mass as possible, especially because with aging comes a decline in appetite, which tends to lead to a decline in muscle mass, so that's why elderly people tend to become more frail, and then I think... Did you ask about... One other condition... Yeah, I was just asking you how the difference between... Okay, so men require protein, you mentioned age, and then you mentioned a little bit... Yeah, athletes also Okamoto.
So athletes specifically are gonna require even greater amounts than most typical individuals, and the word athlete is... It's kind of a loaded, a loaded word because there's people... Plenty of people who aren't pro athletes, but they still work out five days a week, and they're really athletes in and of their own right, so those people definitely require more... Even your weekend warrior, so the people who maybe they're kind of busy Monday through Friday, but they work out on the weekends, they go hiking and they play basketball with your friends or anything like that, those people are also gonna be requiring more protein than the baseline.
It does protein help with weight loss, I know that the answer I think, but how can it... Yeah, definitely, so I can expand on that more.
So protein helps actually in a number of ways, so it does help you feel fuller, so by making a person feel fuller, it prevents over-eating and it prevents snacking in between meals as well, so if you're not snacking, if you're not feeling quickly feeling overly hungry, then you're less likely to reach for that cookie or that candy bar or that bag of chips, it's gonna help you feel satiated longer, so it has more downstream effects in weight loss in one way, in another way, if it helps you maintain a higher muscle mass, more muscle mass means you have a faster metabolism, which means that you expend more calories all the time, so whether you're resting or whether you're being active, your body is just kind of constantly burning a little furnace.
Okay, yeah.
Let's talk about the different types of protein sources, I know typically people to think of meat, but there are lots of other different sources, aren't there?
There are... Yeah, so protein is in a lot of different foods, so meets as you mentioned, as well as things like eggs and dairy products, and then a little known to a lot of people is that there's a lot of plant-based sources of protein, so things like peanuts for example, booms, beans, those are all protein-containing foods as well, so even if you're not a meat eater, there's plenty of really great ways to get a lot of protein in your diet.
Yeah, let's talk a little bit about that when you say... Yeah, so the legumes, those would be the plant proteins that you're talking about and the beans... Yeah, because I think that when people think about a vegetarian, they kind of think, Well, you're not getting enough protein in your diet, but... Right, let's talk a little bit about the difference and then I know you gave out the 08 grams, but yeah, how can... Let's talk a little bit about that. Yeah, so the point of crime is just a starting point, like I mentioned, so if, for example, you take a 150 pound individual, whether it's a man or a woman... You just use it as a starting point. So 150 pounds is roughly 70 kilos or kilograms. So you'd multiply that times 08, which is gonna be like 55 grams of protein. That's very baseline.
So that's where you would start and then you would go up from there, so someone, for example, who wants to be really active or is really active, they wouldn't take that number and they would possibly, instead of multiplying by 08, they would multiply by two.
So then you would be having 100 grams of protein a day instead, which is significantly more... And the great thing is, is that it's actually unless you have any kind of medical issue that recommends that you not consume a lot of protein, it's actually really difficult to over-consume protein in terms of... From a health standpoint.
So when you think about someone going to a restaurant and ordering, for example, a 16-ounce Porter House steak or something like that, it has a huge amount of protein, probably enough protein for one person to eat in a day, and they eat it in one meal, and their body absorbs what it can, and the rest is excreted, and it's no big deal, and you go on with the rest of your life because your body sort of naturally now that in... And so the best thing really to think about is that to make sure that you're getting enough protein rather than worrying about getting too much... Okay, that's a good way to think about that.
There are a lot of diets right now that they're really... Protein-focused aren't there?
Yes, there are, and for good reason, because there's a lot of really great benefits to including protein, but really at the same time, it's important to have a balance, and carbohydrates have their place in a diet as well as you... Good healthy fats. So it is good to have balance, but proteins, the reason they're just so popular right now is because they do have a whole host of health benefits as we discuss, are you seeing in your industry any trends research, like what are the top... What you would recommend if you can... Yeah, any source of protein is good, it just depends on a lot of other little factors, like if you have allergies, so if you can't consume dairy, for example, then plant-based is an excellent alternative, but if you are a meat eater... And let's say you just have been overdoing it and you go to your cardiologists and your cardiologist says, Hey, you need to cut back on the red meat, then you don't have to give it up entirely, but you could cut back and then you can supplement with some plant-based protein as an alternative to help balance things out a little bit better, and then of course, putting the nuts and the seeds in there along with that... Yes, of course, yeah, yeah. This is great information. Right now, we need to take a quick break. But more in just a moment with Casey. So don't go away, we'll be right back.
And welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you've missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to the past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now back to our interview with Casey rebate from organ and we're talking about protein and all of those wonderful benefits, so Casey border plant proteins, I know we talked about this a little bit, but what are they really made up of... So plan proteins come from so many different sources, so soy is considered a plant protein, rice is a plant protein, beans, lentils nuts, all of those things are plant proteins, and when it comes to purchasing a product, for example, a plant protein product, companies can use any number of those products, and sometimes they'll be single ingredient, so they'll be just so... Or just rice. At our game, we do use a mix of plant protein sources always just to provide a full amino acid profile, so for example, we use a Pea Protein, P rice in Shia blend. So you're not just getting one source of plan poaching, you're getting a whole variety, regardless of which product are drinking, Athena note, can you also... There seems to be a real trend maybe... Or college in protein. Can you talk a little bit about college? Of course, So collagen is really popular. Well, it's like up and coming, I guess you would say. And it provides a whole host of other health benefits aside from the ones that we already talked about, so it has applications in making your hair thicker and stronger, your nails, the same, thicker, stronger or less likely to break. It helps to reduce wrinkles... All about that.
Yeah, so it's been shown to increase in electricity elasticity... Pardon me. In studies, and then on top of that, so just those are all the beauty benefits, but then internally, it also helps with Joint Health, vascular health helps in muscle repair and recovery, so there's just so many applications that you can use college and protein in addition to using other protein sources, whether they're from powders or from my whole food sources like dairy eggs or meat... Meat. Proteins, yeah.
Are the... How would you attain college and protein in a supplement form or... There's a couple of ways. Yeah, so collagen supplements are really popular, they're a nice easy way to get a good amount of collagen, so you can easily mix them into solution and you can mix them in there, many them are flavor-less and odorless. organs is flavor-less and odorless, you can mix it in anything, you can mix it in water, and it makes us completely into a solution and you can just drink it right down and it's no problem at all. If you want to mix it into like a smoothie or you want to make popsicles and mix it into like a fruit puree and throw in the freezer, you can totally do that as well, or put it in baked goods, even in terms of acquiring collagen from food sources, it's a little bit more challenging, so you can make a bone broth, so that would require that you take bones and you boil them and then that extracts all of the collagen from that protein source. So collagen found in things, they're only found exclusively in animal proteins, so whether it's bovine or porcine from work or even from fish bones, but... So it's a little bit more of a process. And then getting the amount that you would get from a supplement is a lot more challenging through foods alone.
Okay, yeah.
What protein sources will provide us with a complete amino acid profile... And this is important.
Yeah, it is actually really important.
So I'll just provide some definition to all... That makes a little bit of sense. So a complete amino acid profile means that it contains all of the essential amino acids, and the ones that are naturally complete proteins are gonna be your animal proteins, dairy proteins, as well as soy is the only true full amino acid profile that's a plant protein.
Otherwise, what you would do is you would take two incomplete proteins or those that don't have online essential amino acids, and you would combine them, and combining them is called... It's called Complementary proteins, and then so you would get the full essential amino acid profile.
Yeah, and it is important because you can't manufacture those amino acids in the body, so the essential immuno-aces are ones that must be consumed through the Diet, in that... So when you combine that, that's the commentary protein sets out a... That's correct.
So if you take two plant proteins that are incomplete and you put them together, then you'll have a complete protein, so this is something that we've been doing throughout history, it's part of indigenous diets, so the concept of combining rice and beans, while it's great that they taste wonderful together, they also happen to complement each other and provide a full amino acid profile.
Okay, yeah, thank you. What are essential amino acids? And how does protein to help get us through the right amount... That's always the tricky part, like the balancing of the right amount and how do we know how much we need... Like you said, the essential unifies are the ones that you have to consume through the diet, so you can't... The other 11, your body can manufacture, so it'll take the structure or the chemical structure of the others, and it'll... Your body will modify them in order to manufacture the ones, the other ones that you're not consuming enough of, so it's no big deal, but with the nine essential, you actually have to consume them through foods and... Proteins can help you get the right amount because they're often quite high in essential amino acid, so whenever you're shopping for a protein, you always wanna look for something that has all the essential amino accents as well. Okay, yeah.
Is it important when protein is consumed even at certain times of the day or... So yeah, do we need to do that in the morning? Do we need to do it in the afternoon? Is that an important factor?
So it's kind of a little bit of both. I really do think it's important to spread out your protein consumption throughout the day, so you wouldn't wanna have a super high carb breakfast, 'cause then you're just gonna go on a sugar spike and then you're gonna crash, and so that's where the protein comes in handy, is just to help fuel that a little bit further, and then same goes with lunch and dinner, and the exception to when timing is important really is especially during active times, so if you're being active, if you're intentionally going and working out, whether it's cardiovascular activity or whether it's weight-bearing activities like weight lifting or I'm hit training, anything like that, consuming protein within 30 to 60 minutes or so after you work out is crucial, because what you're doing is you're providing fuel for your muscles to recover. And if you don't do that, what happens is your body will use your own proteins, your own muscles, and it'll break those down to fuel itself, so you're kinda doing yourself a disservice if you're not timing your protein intake correctly after workouts, especially... Okay, that's good.
Yeah, I've always read that and they've always... So yeah, try to get that early in the morning or throughout the day, and that's definitely where protein shakes and powders can come in really handy, is because most people don't carry a chicken breast in their pocket and E, it's a lot easier to have a bar in your purse or in your club box or in your gym bag, than it is to carry around an actual... Can even be like a cup of cottage cheese, chicken, like I said, or an egg, just because it's required refrigeration and they're just not as convenient, so there's definitely a benefit to being able to have something compact and ready to go and ready to get... How much protein should Children beginning each day?
So kids are such a special case, they are even more... Their needs vary so much more even than adults do, so what I like to focus on personally as a dietitian for children is making sure that they're getting good quality protein... So what I mean when I say good quality protein is that it's preferably organic, which comes along with the fact that it's free from pesticides, antibiotics, added hormones, steroids, things like that, just because kids are gonna be... They're gonna be the ones that you need to look out for, so they can't look out for themselves, there are gonna always be the ones that wanna go for the kind of junk food snacks first, and while there's room for a little bit of everything, sometimes in the diet, making sure that they're getting good quality, clean protein, so quality over quantity is really what's super important for kids.
Right, yeah. How does the protein intake help as we grow older and also as we have ailments?
Yeah, the elderly individuals are actually probably some of the people who need more protein more than anyone, maybe even more so than athletes when you really think about it, so a lot of changes take places we get older, there's a lot of taste changes, a lot of appetite changes, even like Our salivary glands change over time, so elderly individuals tend to eat less, and by eating less, they're not just getting less calories, are also getting less protein, less protein means that they're more prone to things like muscle wasting, which is the loss of muscle over time, which slows down their metabolism, which is why sometimes you see elderly individuals, they're getting skinnier, but they're also gaining in their mid-section 'cause their metabolism slowing down a little bit, so having additional protein in the diet of an elderly person is really key to maintain that muscle mass help maintain metabolism, and it also helps them to stay stronger, so elderly individuals who are able to get more protein in are less likely for risk of falls, fractures, things like that, which can be actually really serious medical conditions or can result in serious medical conditions.
And so if in an instance where an elderly individual work to get into some kind of accident, let's say, and end up in the hospital, I've seen this a million times where you have an older person in the hospital and now their protein status is compromise their immune system is also compromised, and now they're in a hospital filled with germs and bacteria, and they're at greater risk for hospital-acquired infections and sicknesses, so it's really just important to try to prevent that cascade of events that can sometimes occur for our elderly loved ones, and for ourselves as well.
Wow, this is great information, and thank you so much for your time, some great advice, and we really appreciate your knowledge and look forward to having you on again, but in the meantime, you can get more information on key... And your website is organ dot com. We look forward to our next visit. Thank you, thank you. Thanks so much for having me. Thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show, and for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition...