In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show we’ll chat with David Winston, RH (AHG). An internationally respected herbalist, Winston is the dean and primary instructor for David Winston’s Center For Herbal Studies. Winston teaches throughout the US, Canada, and the UK. He’ll share about the history and benefits of herbs, as well as the specific role of adaptogenes.
Adaptogens (Part 2)
Adaptogens (Part 2)
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show we'll chat with David Winston, RH (AHG). An internationally respected herbalist, Winston is the dean and primary instructor for David Winston’s Center For Herbal Studies. Winston teaches throughout the US, Canada, and the UK. He'll share about the history and benefits of herbs, as well as the specific role of adaptogenes.
Adaptogens (Part 2)
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show we'll chat with David Winston, RH (AHG). An internationally respected herbalist, Winston is the dean and primary instructor for David Winston’s Center For Herbal Studies. Winston teaches throughout the US, Canada, and the UK. He'll share about the history and benefits of herbs, as well as the specific role of adaptogenes.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, it's the second half of our two-part series on adapted, so listen, close and find out how these herbal remedies can help you, plus later will tell you what's going on around town and what's new at mother's market.
But first step, David Winston is an herbalist and ethno botanist with 47 years of training in Cherokee, Chinese and Western herbal traditions, has been in clinical practice for 40 years and is an herbal consultant to physicians... Herbalist and researchers throughout the USA and Canada. In 2013, David was presented with the natural products dissociation clinicians Award and awarded a fellowship by the Irish register of herbalist. David is the Founder and Director of the herbal therapeutics Research Library, and the Dean of David Winston Center for herbal studies, a two-year training program in clinical herbal medicine, he is the President of herbalist and Alchemist incorporated, a manufacturer that produces herbal products that blend the art and science of the world's herbal traditions and used by many practitioners, is also the author of several books including adapt-gens herbs for strength, stamina and stress relief. And we welcome him to the mother's market radio show.
David, how are you?
I'm wonderful, and thank you for having me.
Let's talk a little bit about adaptions helping with auto-immune conditions.
Well, adaptions also affect the immune system, as we said, the ADAPT ages helped to re-regulate the body, and most adaptors would say... I would say All Adapters have some effect on the immune system, and we said before, they help to re-regulate the HPA axis, which has an effect on significant amount of immune function in the body, but many adaptions, not all, but many adaptions are also fit into a category of water called immune Amphotericin. Amphotericin is something that normalizes function, your, regardless of whether it is hyperactive, so it's overactive either, or whether it is hypo active... Under active or both. So therefore, somebody who has immune hyper activity, that would be something like an allergy, and so for an Adapted in something like recur and Rishi mushroom or something like Asian ginseng or American ginseng, Shand, these are all of UNAM voters as well as being adaptive. And so what they do is they help to re-regulate a disordered immune system, a... Somebody ask me one time is, well, How do sleeve know what to do?
He doesn't know what to do.
The way they work is by nourishing and strengthening the immune system, and the immune system is innately self-regulating, but when under stress, under various types of deficiencies, our immune system can lose its ability to regulate itself or to regulate itself, and so adaptions can help that process so we can use adaptive, especially is a munnetra for people who are allergies to reduce allergic response, we can use them for people who have hypo-active immune systems, whether it be somebody with cancer, whether it be somebody with chronic Lyme disease, with immune suppression, whether it be somebody who constantly is getting colds and flu and things like that, and it strengthens and nourishes the immune system, we can also use them for people who have both hypo and hyper-active immune systems, and that describes auto immune disease. Most auto-immune disease, not all, but most autoimmune diseases, it's research has shown people have prematurely aged immune systems and it loses regulatory control, and then for an aspect of the immune system starts attacking self-tissue, self-antigen tissue, and that creates the destructive destruction of tissue.
Well, there's nothing better in my mind without virtually any adverse effects than a munnetra were helping to re-regulate that disordered system, and so as the immune system gets nourished and strengthened, it sells to regain its ability to regulate itself, so these ADAPT ogee herbs can be used for a wide variety of immune issues... Well, that's good. How about adaptions? Are they the same?
Well, not, as I had mentioned earlier, we have a lot of different kinds of adaption, so we have stimulating adapted, so some of our stimulating adapting, our most stimulating adapt gens would be reining and our second most stimulating adaption would be a ercole rodeo.
So for somebody who has insomnia, for somebody who is agitated, irritable, type A personality, I'm generally not gonna give them Regina or rodeo, 'cause it can make those things worse, but where somebody is really deficient, depleted and tired, then then I might be using something like red ginseng or Rodeo, then we have our calming adaptions, and some of our coming adage include like ashokan, which I've already mentioned, another coming adaptor is an interesting one called Hazara, the Chinese name is what, which means five flavor fruit, and Shaina does something very unusual, it leaves you feeling very alert, very focused and calm, 'cause mostly when we think of things that leave you feeling alert and focused, We're talkin about stimulants, but for most people, Hazara is not stimulating at all, it's actually quite calming, and it was traditionally drunk in monasteries before meditation, in prayer, 'cause it got you in this mind frame where you're really focused, concentrate at the same time, calm, and then we have other herbs like cortices, which is the caterpillar fungus, which is a calming adaption, and so for somebody who is anxious and irritable, I would be using things like Reishi or shahada or Chandra cortices to calm them down.
Then we also have adaptive that are heating, so somebody who feels cold all the time, we might use an adapter is warming, red ginseng, as I already mentioned, is not a more stimulating adaptions. Also the most ceding adaption have adapt gens that are calling for people who have lots of inflammation, we have adapt OGS that are moistened for people who have problems with dry skin, dry eyes, dry cough, vaginal dryness, lack of synovial fluid in the joints, and so they're... Something like Hatay, which I mentioned before, which is a Masonic adaptive or liquorice, and then we have adaptive that are drying and one I'd already mentioned is roda and rodeo, you have to actually be a little careful about in that context because it's very drawings for somebody who already has a dry mouth, dry cough, something like that, rodeo might not be appropriate for that person.
On the other hand, somebody who has constant excess secretions, excessive drainage from the sinuses, diarrhea, things like that, where there's a lot of fluid, rodeo might be perfect. And so we're looking at the different characteristics or the temperament of eater, or what I like to call the personality feature and saying, Okay, what does it do? And one of the reasons that I wrote my book on adaptions was because people... First off, one of the things that was happening as people were starting to say, Oh, this herbs and adapted at herbs, and many of the herbs, they were claiming our adaptations are most definitely not adapted. And so I wanted to clarify what is it is not an adaption based on the current research? And then number two, people were kind of getting this idea that an ADAPT is this category of herbs, and so you just pick one from the category... Just pick one from column. A, well, no, because again, stimulating adapters not gonna be appropriate for somebody who's already over-stimulated a drawing adapt and is not gonna be appropriate for somebody who already has a lot of the issues with dryness, and so we choose not only an adaptive, but to quote a commercial, which adaption is right for you, or which adapt agents are right for you.
Right, and so that's really interesting, and thank you for breaking that down. Thinking or austere, gonna have to take another quick break. Great information. Stay with us. We will be right back with David Winston.
And welcome back to the mother's market radio show.
And we wanna remind you that if you've missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to the past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now back to our interview with herbalist David Winston, and we've been talking about adaptions and David adaptions are often recommended and dealing with stress, and we talked a little bit about that, but... How do they help?
Well, ADAPT ogee, as I said, help in several ways, Number one, When more under stress, we increase secretion of stress hormones, especially cortisol, and I mentioned how elevated levels of cortisol have a very significant effect on the body, they interfere with immune function, they interfere with digestion, the interview with circulation, they interfere with blood sugar regulation, and the more cortisol you have, it becomes sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy, and that is the more cortisol you have, the less well you sleep, the less well you sleep. Your blood pressure goes up, your stress level goes up, so elevated cortisol is also related to elevated levels of anxiety, so what adaptions are doing is helping to, number one, inhibit the elevated cortisol-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in the body, it's re-regulating that HPA axis and the HP Access, as I said before, has significant effects on all nervous system function in the body, and so what it's really helping the organism to do is to re-regulate itself, so what we're really looking at is adapt OGs are herbs that help normalize overall function.
Now, it doesn't mean every single system in the body or every single thing, but especially as we say, nervous system function and immune function and androgen function, so adaptions can be appropriate in dealing with chronic anxiety, adaptions can be appropriate for dealing with conditions like depression, adaptions can be useful. And again, are they cures?
No, but they can be useful... Part of our protocol, they can be a useful part of a protocol for dealing with issues dealing with aging, which we can talk more about, they can be appropriate for dealing with people with conditions such as OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, they can be even of benefit for dealing with things like autism, again, autism is a complicated multi-systemic condition, and it's not a cure, but they still can offer some benefits, and so these are herbs that want a wide level are helping to basically recreate what we'll call the emotional foundation, and I already mentioned it we talked about herbs, adaptions can be used with, especially when they are paired with these nerve herbs, they can be great, so for instance, one of my favorite nerves is fresh out, and this is an extract made from the fresh milky oats. This is the same OT that you oatmeal cookies, except that that's made from the mature out during the growth cycle of the OT, it goes through a one-week period what's called the milk stage, and before that and after that, this one week period, the chemistry is different. During the milk phase, the chemistry of the oat changes and at this point it develops these incredible ervine effects, so you have to actually... The oat has to be harvested at that stage, then it has to be processed and made into the medicine, literally pretty much the day it's harvested cannot be dried, loses most of its activity if it is... When you do this fresh out, I think of it as the queen of the nerves, it is a... Restorative to the nervous system. I like to tell people, it's for people who burn the candle at both ends, in the middle of the top, the back and the sides, inside and out, these people are so fried, they are crisp.
This is for people who have lost their emotional foundation and they are having number 10 reactions to number one problems all the time, this is for people who have become emotionally labile, so we use this type of verb and fresh out homesite. One of my favorite ones, it's a slow acting or you take it over a significant periods of time, months, but you slowly see people rebuild their emotional foundation, and so the combination of something like fresh out with a calming adaption recur for instance, can be wonderful in helping to deal with people who have issues such as chronic anxiety, we then, of course, might also look at something like somebody with depression and there we might consider, depending on the type of depression and the person who actually has the depression, again adding in adaptions and we see multiple adapt-IgE, which men showed and studies to enhance the efficacy of even pharmaceutical anti-depressants in some cases, so adaptions can have a huge effect on stress. And for most of us, we look at the average American. And while I hope most of you are not living that crazy stressed out lifestyle, so many of us are here, we're working longer, we're working harder than they let go of a bunch of people, and now you're doing two people's jobs, and we have our cell phones and so we're taking our work home with us, we have our computers, most people just stay an age, seem like they don't know how to relax again, they're not getting enough sleep, so... Yes, start enhancing your lifestyle choices, start eating better, try to get more sleep, do all that, but adaptions can be one of the things that really helps make a difference in helping us to sort of get beyond the fact that maybe we can't make every single healthy choice that we should... And you were kind of leading right into my next question, what is that lifestyle choice with the lack of sleep, the exercise, and how can those APOGEE kind of help enhance what our average American lifestyle is kind of leading us into these days... That treadmill that we're on.
Well, as I said, Ultimately, it doesn't really matter if you have occasional stress or chronic stress, it matters to you for sure, but either way, adapt OGS can be of significant benefit, so in either situation, but I especially find as I travel around the US a lot, I teach in the US, in Canada, in Europe and Central America.
And what I find is, is that in the middle of the country, people may be less stressed out in the middle of the US, and Canadians definitely seemed to be a little bit commentaries, but especially coastal people, east coast, west coast, people are doing that and burning the candle at both ends, thing that I've already talked about, and so choosing the appropriate adapt gens, and again, this goes back to choosing the right one, so if you are highly stressed out and you're agitated but you have trouble sleeping at night... Yes, you want adoptees. Yes, you probably want nerves, but you for instance, we really probably wouldn't want rodeo or re-ginseng because they're gonna be over-stimulating for you, and so getting to know your adaptions, getting to know which ones again are right for your specific situation are incredibly important, but use adaptive within the context of the best healthy lifestyle that you can, that's gonna give you certainly the best results, and again, it's not so much... Should I do this one? Adaption, try to find adapt to genes, I say had paired with nerves are paired with nootropics or paired with the nutrition ICs that are going to, again, benefit you. And I think when you look at the best products out in the marketplace, it's not a one-size-fits-all phenomenon, and that's one of the problems with a lot of... In the American Herbal marketplace, a lot of times it's just one size-fits-all and try going into a clothing store where one size-fits all... You're gonna look great. Yeah, good luck with that, right?
Let's talk about adaptions for ADAPT-Gens make incredible sense. We have an aging population, I guess I'm part of that teaching population as a baby boomer, and here we have a group of people who are probably more health-conscious than any group of people before them, for sure, I think some younger people are also very health-conscious but we have a group of people, and there's an irony here because the irony is, is a lot of the people I meet who are my age or older... Everybody wants to live to be 85 or 90, but nobody wants to be 85 or 90. what they want is they wanna be 35 till they're 85 or 90. well, I have bad news for you that it doesn't work, that's not possible. And everybody says, Oh yeah, 60s, the new 40.No, 60 is 60, but we can live healthier lives, and of course, a lot of that has to do with times past... What do I mean by that? I mean, hopefully, when you were younger, you made good choices, but the reality is, is that some of us made some pretty silly choices, so we're working with what we have, so again, you're making those healthy lifestyle choices, but as we age, our bodies are our immune systems start to not be quite as strong as they used to. And maybe you stress affects us more deeply, a major issue that occurs with aging, I sleep a lot of people who as they get older have more and more trouble sleeping, so adaptions can add significant benefits, there are adaptions that I would give to people with Alzheimer's now is it gonna cure Alzheimer's? Absolutely not, but hopefully it can slow the progression in some cases, certainly improved quality of life, reduce some of the anxiety associated with Alzheimer's adaptions also can enhance function of other organs and other tissues in the body that also are affected by aging. So the reality is, is that I believe... And the research on this, there's not very good research, there's some test to research on this, so I can't say that this is true, but there's a little bit of, as I said, very preliminary research that suggests that some adapt ages... Maybe all adapt OGS may also increase the length of the telomeres, which is the caps on the DNA, and as we age, our telomeres shorten, people who have longer telomeres live longer lives and stay healthier longer, so this is theoretical at this point, but I wouldn't be very surprised if they actually had some benefit for doing that, why? Because what are they doing? They're helping us on all these other levels, and we know that they even work on a cellular level, so perhaps they even work on a DNA level. But that again, is speculative.
That's really interesting, we were talking about that. Is there a specific time when kids should begin taking the antigens?
Well, when we look at herbs, there are certain herbs I consider kids serves, and what makes something a kid here, in my mind is that it is really safe, it tastes good and it's really gentle, basically, for kids, most kids, I don't necessarily use a lot of adaptions for kids, because most kids are pretty healthy and strong, but we are starting to see more and more children who are having issues, so I would be using our food herbs, a lot of those nourishing tonics I talked about before, and I would only use an adapter in it was really appropriate, and then some of the adaptive, there was a probable adapted, it's called Duncan and... And it's used in Chinese medicine. The Latin name is codenames, also known as poor man's ginseng. And again, it's cooked in food, and so in my book, I have a recipe for basically making a sort of a little bit like a rice pudding, and the rice pudding is made with codenames and go-givers and things like that. And this goes back to the adage of let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food, so how can people get started... Well, again, I think the first thing to do, you wanna educate yourself, you wanna figure out, as I said earlier, what ADAPT-Gen is the right... Or adaptions would be the best ones for you is just... A lot of times he would say, Well, I just want a adapters, some that may not be appropriate for you. And even though they are non-toxic and normal therapeutic doses, the reality is there are adaptions that if they're stimulating and you're over-stimulated, they may make your insomnia worse, they might make your blood pressure go up if you already have dry constipation, they might make your constipation worse, so number one, get the right one, then you wanna figure out what form is best for you, so adapters are available in a lot of different formats, so we have adaptions, you can buy as Bulgars and make teas out of them, most of them. You have to do what's called a decoction, which means you kind of cook it, a lightly cooked for a period of time, because most adapters are seeds, barks or roots, although there are a few that are leaves like Holy Bao or another Chinese herb called Go Golan.
So that's one form now for a nice tasting herb, like codenames or jalgaon, which is not bad tasting, it would be fine, but some of our adapters are not exactly what I would call beverage teams.
So if you're talking about rodeo, nobody's gonna wanna drink rodeos a T, it is not pleasant, or Rushmore is unbelievably better, I mean, it will curl your toe nails better, so nobody's gonna wanna drink those as teas, so another form of herbs would be capsules.
Now, you have different things in capsule, some capsules are just herbs ground up and put into a capsule, and for many of our adapt-IgE, that's not gonna be the most effective way of taking them because with a capsule, even though the herb is powdered and crowned up, you still have to digest it, and I would say of my patient is probably 60%, 65% of them have serious digestive issues, so I'm not... Capsules can work for some things, but in this case, not so much now, other capsules or what are called spray dried extracts and capsules, and that's a decent form because they've extracted the constituents, so you don't really need to do a lot of digesting to get those sorts of things.
So in addition to that, we have another form was called a tincture, tinctures are probably my favorite form of taking herbs, now, a tincture is an alcohol and water extract of a plan, and so there are some drawbacks.
One of the drawbacks is somebody who has alcohol abuse issues as a recovering alcoholic should not take a tincture, a woman who's pregnant should not take a tincture, and somebody who has a serious liver disease should not be taking a tincture, some parents are not thrilled about giving teachers to their kids. But personally, I don't have an issue, the amount of the tincture given to a child is very small, the amount of alcohol is relatively very small, that to me is not an issue, but that's a parental choice, but the beauty of alcohol is it's an incredibly good extracting agent, it's a wonderful preservative and alcohol increases absorption dramatically, some of the alcohol is absorbed sublingual-y right under the tongue when you take it, and the rest of it is absorbed right through the stomach lining. Most things are not absorbed through the stomach, they have to be absorbed in the small intestine, alcohol and whatever is in it is one of the very few things that observed directly into the stomach, into the blood stream, and I think a lot of our listeners have experience with that, exactly, they know how quickly it works, and so there is a real benefit because you get increased efficacy because of that, and for people with digestive issues, that's not an issue because you're incensed... Bypassing impaired digestive function.
So tinctures can be really useful as well. And then there are other types of products in the marketplace, but those are probably the ones that I use the most, and I think are the most effective. Right, well, this has been a wonderful information and some great advice, and we appreciate you having you on... Some information you can get on David's website is called herbal studies dot net, and we look forward to your next visit.
Thank you very much, it's been a pleasure.
Thank you.
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