Hosted by Kimberly King with guest Valerie Hall, Nutritional Consultant. Nutritionalist Valerie Hall talks with Kimberly King about proper thyroid health and the factors that can impact it.
Thyroid Health
Thyroid Health
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest Valerie Hall, Nutritional Consultant. Nutritionalist Valerie Hall talks with Kimberly King about proper thyroid health and the factors that can impact it.
Thyroid Health
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest Valerie Hall, Nutritional Consultant. Nutritionalist Valerie Hall talks with Kimberly King about proper thyroid health and the factors that can impact it.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, it's one of the most important glands in your body, the thyroid gland, and we're going to find out what we need to do to keep it functioning and what to avoid, plus, we'll tell you what's going on around town and give you a chance to win a 100 gift card.
But first up, we're going to discuss the thyroid, and joining us today is nutritional consultant and certified natural health professional, Valerie Hall.
Valerie appears in front of thousands of people each year and speaks on a variety of topics, even hosts her own radio show, and she's such a wealth of health and nutrition and knowledge, we wanna get right to her. Welcome back, Valerie Hall. How are you?
I'm doing well, Kimberly, thank you so much for having me back.
For those of you that don't know about Valerie, well, let's have you respond to tell the audience all about you... Well, I do all kinds of nutrition education, I have my own radio show, which broadcast out of San Diego, gateway to Vibrant Health, which is available on Gateway to vibrant dot com, and then I also do seminars all across the country, I'm a very frequent speakers at the mother's market stores, particularly the coast Amasa store, the Santa Ana store, and the Anaheim Hills store, and they do a different subject every month, and I'm there most months of the year, then I also speak all across the country this month, for example. I'm headed off to New York City and Oklahoma City and Colorado in the Denver area. So I love to talk about educational things that we can do, different nutrition and natural health things that we can do to support the body, and I've got papers on a bunch of different things, anybody could email me for one of my papers on natural health subjects through Valerie Hall nutrition dot com.
I was just gonna ask you what your email was And you beat the punch... Let's just like you to do that too.
Isn't it wonderful? Well, we're gonna give you that at the beginning and at the end of this podcast, so... Thank you. Well, today, let's started right away, we're talking about the thyroid, such an important area of our body, it's located at the base of our neck, and let's hormones regulate rates of the metabolism, growth and development. It is really important, isn't it?
It really is... Think of the thyroid gland is the master general of the hormone system, and it tells everything how fast to go when it should be performing what it should be doing, so it's like the orchestra conductor of this whole hormone system telling everything what to do. There are a couple of different issues going on with the thyroid, and in fact, when it starts to become less healthy, it actually changes different shape and size and texture if it becomes less healthy, one of the signs that people have some thyroid issues, if it is struggling too hard to get the job done. It becomes enlarged, and an enlarged thyroid is called The Order, and it makes a little bump there at the base of the neck, almost like an Adam's apple, but a little bit bigger there, and so that can vary in size depending on how... The severity of the problem is, and one of the signs that there are some thyroid problems is when we develop horizontal lines that go across the neck, those don't develop unless you have some thyroid issues going on, so that's one of the visual signs that we can tell we may have some thyroid things developing, and I certainly have two of those, I had some thyroid issues go on when I was younger, I developed Graves disease when I was in my 20s, which is an autoimmune condition, which is an over-active dived gland. And wanna talk a little bit about those in just a moment.
Okay, so you actually can see them is noticeable as you can... I know you can't see me on the radio, but Kimberly, you can see these lines that go a little horizontally right there, that that's the kind of issue that people get, so they're not necessarily read or anything, but you just see... They're just a Eastern. Okay, we just think we're getting older, but it's really okay, but that would be a sign of what your course is happening, you see...
Okay, I've got those a lot, but we have... Okay, but it would be like I noticed a crease and that would be an over-active hybrid.
That's right, that's right. Okay, so that would be... And that's considered an auto... Okay, well, that immune condition, that's correct. And another autoimmune condition that's affecting the thyroid right now and is probably even more prevalent, it's called Hashimoto's disease, and Hashimoto is the under-active thyroid gland, so these two things mean that the immune system is attacking various things in the body, everybody with autoimmune conditions needs to pay good attention to their intestinal tract, he left the lining with some L-Glutamine is a great thing, and also using the probiotics, a good bacteria for the digestive tract and also digestive enzymes at the beginning of the meal to break down your food. Those are some things that really help anybody with autoimmune conditions because they get the digestive track back on the right track.
A quick word about autoimmune conditions because for a long time, we've thought that it's the immune system kind of going awry and not doing what it's supposed to do.
I don't think that's true. I actually think it's doing exactly what it was designed to do, the problem is there are foreign proteins in the blood stream that are making it go crazy, so it's doing what it was supposed to do, is just that those particles in the blood aren't supposed to be there, and they arise largely because of leaky gut problems, which are holes and cracks and a lining of the digestive track that undigested food into the bloodstream, so that's why you wanna build up that digestive tract and help prevent the flood of toxins into the bloodstream, which drives the immune system crazy, you know, and I wanna back up and I'm gonna ask you something about that Hashimoto that. That one is, are there any symptoms, the visible... That you can see from that not visible, you may also see the lines on the neck, but that's more involved with something that is enlarging the thyroid, so if the thyroid is trying to work too hard, you may see those lines across the neck that way also, but the other thing is, with the Hashimoto's, the thing that the thyroid problems really start to effect, which is probably the next question you were gonna ask me is, wait, if your thyroid is under active, you have a hard time losing weight and you start gaining weight very easily, so weight is involved in that thyroid gland, whereas if your thyroid is overactive, you might start to get too thin because your metabolism is burning too fast, so this is affecting metabolism as well, how fast... That's burning fuel. And then the girder, which I talked about before, which is that bump on the neck, energy levels are also very much affected, so probably one of the things people notice first is extreme fatigue, so fatigue caused by a number of issues, but sometimes it is the thyroid gland slowing down and that makes us very tired, and then also our body temperature, so there are some of the tests for thyroid that the doctor will have you do is take your body temperature in the morning with a thermometer under your arm pit before you get out of bed, so as soon as you wake up, you have a thermometer next to your bed, you put it into your armpit, and if that's low on a pretty consistent basis, under under 98, if it's in the 97 range or something like that, then that may indicate that you've got some thyroid issues as well, there are various blood tests that doctors can do to find out what the thyroid hormone production is in the body, and that gives them a clue as to what's going on with the Tiberias... There we go, there ateliers, many things that they're saying that your body... And this is all about you, but your thoughts... Okay, let's specify foods, because you said a couple of things back again, and this was this... I don't know why, but you said probiotics, and it led me to believe something about... I keep hearing about the Greek yogurt. Yes, and Greek yogurt is good. It's got good amounts of probiotics are real sweet yogurts on the market that are more like a desert are not gonna be a good source of probiotics, you get a lot more probiotics from a supplement than you do from yogurt, but things like yogurt and Keefer and sour crowd all the fermented foods, combat, those are all good for maintaining good probiotics, but if you ever have a real need for them, like after taking antibiotics or cortisone drugs or birth control pills, then I highly recommend the supplement form of probiotics.
They have some great ones at mother's market, I use the one called Ultimate probiotic 1212 formula by natural factors, it's a great high potency one, and it's very reasonably priced. So I really like that one.
Okay, so let's talk more about the food now too, because the supplements, we do know that those are great, and obviously this is directly for the thyroid, but... What are some good foods? And let's talk about bad bad ones as well.
Well, the number one problem food for the thyroid gland is soy, which is really a surprise to many people, because for a long time, so I was taught, we were told he's a great health food, we got all that information from the orient where all of their sole is organic and fermented, and that's not the way that we get so here in this country, for the most part, the number one thing that I wanna see in a sod product is that it is organic, because 90% of the so grown in the United States is genetically modified, and that's not what we wanna be eating, so unless it says Organic, it is most certainly genetically modified a GMO product, and the other thing is when it's not fermented, it blocks the absorption of certain nutrients, especially some of those that are necessary for the thyroid gland.
So the fermented soy that is... Okay, would be Mesa and Tempe and tofu is semi-fermented. So that's okay. The ones I don't recommend if you have any kind of a thyroid issue, and in fact, I don't recommend in general anyway, would be soy protein isolates, like you find in the said protein powders use a different kind of protein powder, and soy milk is not fermented, soy. sauce is not fermented. So the soy protein bars are not fermented, so I'm not wild about any of those.
I do like Tammy, if it's organic or me. So Tempe or tofu, if they're organic, those are your better forms of... So certainly, if you have a problem with the tire, you want to avoid all that other stuff... Well, that's a lot. Okay, and that makes a big difference as well. Let's talk a little bit because I might have you recap a lot of this because this is a lot of information that we're not in A... And let me go over one other food that's negative for the thyroid, and it seems very strange to me that this might be so... But everything I read says that some of the raw cruciform vegetables end up also being problematic for the thyroid, so they're okay if they're lightly steamed, cooked a little bit, but they're not so good in their raw state for the thyroid, and they include kale, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel, sprouts and cabbage. So when their role, they might suppress the thyroid function a little bit, so STEAM those lightly or cooked them a little bit would be better... It seems odd to me, 'cause those are all extremely healthy foods, but that's what that... That's what everybody says.
And it kind of goes against the grain.
Right, exactly.
Okay, what about fruits? How does that work in here... Well, you know, fruit in its form of one piece of fruit is fine for us, but when they concentrate fruit sugars, then it becomes difficult, so concentrated fruit... Does they call it... So I'm not wild about a big glass of fruit juice, I'd rather put an ounce for juice in a glass of water would be a better choice or have one piece of fruit, and same with something called a gave Nectar, which is a popular natural sweetener, but it's all fruit dose and the bottle of agave nectar as ideal for diabetics, I don't think it is ideal for diabetics because it turns into a lot of blood sugar, it doesn't more slowly, but you deal with it in an hour and a half instead of a half an hour, you still have to deal with it.
By far, my favorite natural sweetener, Stevia, and they have some wonderful Stevia available, I love the flavored drops of stevia available at mothers.
Okay, great, well, this is a lot of information and it's great information. Again, we're gonna recap some of this, but... Goodness. Good, good, good. This is all again about the thyroid, so we're gonna get back to this in just a minute, we're gonna need take a break, so we'll come back to this. Valerie, thank you very much. Stay with us. We will be right back.
Welcome back to the mother's market radio show, and we wanna take the time to remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market, or you can download the podcast from our website, mother's market dot com, click on the link for radio and listen to our past shows.
Plus, you can always download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com, and now back to our interview with nutritional consultant, Valerie Hall, and we're talking about taking care of our thyroid so important, and we're talking about taking care of our thyroid so important, and you talked about the bad foods, anything else you wanna talk about that taking care of our thyroid... That's negative.
Yes, there are a couple of chemicals we get exposed to on a regular basis that end up being very negative for the thyroid, particularly chlorine and fluoride, so I recommend staying away from drinking tap water, which is just a good recommendation for everybody anyway. Get some sort of a filtration system or by a nice spring water, if you're buying one in a store, and then a shower filter is a great idea too, those are available at mother's market and also all of the different home improvement stores have shower filters, they're inexpensive they last a year and then you buy a little cartridge and add a new one, so protect yourself from chlorine as far as drinking and in the shower, and if you have a hot tub or a pool at home, there are even enzyme systems you can use instead of chlorine, I use one called Bawa that you can find at any pool supply store for my hot tub, so you can avoid chlorine there as well.
As far as fluoride goes, our main exposure to that... Well, now we're getting it in water here in California, they started Florida Ting, our water not so good, but we get it most often from tooth pastes, and there are plenty of fluoride-free toothpaste available at your health food stores, at mothers and so forth.
So this would be an excellent idea to avoid fluoride and chlorine in terms of taking care of your thyroid... We didn't even think about that before. I did wait, that was why we have you here to pointed out... Okay, and again, we discussed a little bit about the bad foods, what about good foods, you know, the main mineral that the thyroid needs is Aidan and Adonis the thyroid, so think of that as food for the thyroid, it's not a stimulant. It's just food.
So it's excellent for products that come from the sea are most often are sources of iodine, so when you buy your sea salt, get it is salt, or if you're buying something like a pink Himalayan salt that's already gonna have a certain amount of aiding in it, you can also get iodine out of many of our different Sea Foods, particularly things like shellfish and fish and seaweed products, see vegetables, those will all contain iodine. That's the number one thing that you can do. Norrie are really good, they're like a big sea weed leaf, and you can throw that in your soup or your Crock Pot as you're cooking it, and if you like the taste, you can cut it up and eat it in there, or if you don't like the taste you can just take it out when you're done cooking it, you still will have given a lot of great iodine into the broad... Oh, that's good news too.
Okay, I had done... So that's good. Good for that, absolutely.
Okay, so what can we do to balance the immune system... You know, there are a variety of things, some of my favorite things for the immune system, there is a class of nutrients called beta glue cans, which helped the immune system operate properly. I would highly recommend that people, especially people with any kind of an immune challenge, takes some beta-Lucas, and there's a wonderful one called immune health basics that's available at mother's market, which is the new generation of beta-Lohan, which make the immune system work at its optimal level 500 milligrams once a day would be an excellent amount of the immune health basics to help balance out that immune system.
The next thing is vitamin D3. We need so much more vitamin D-3 than we have been told for teens and adults, I like about 5000 units a day, up to 10000 units a day, if there's a big challenge that is not enough to make us toxic, the old toxicity studies on D3 came of the 1930s when people were using half a million to a million units a day, so don't do that. That's too much.
But 500 to 10000 is wonderful. Most Americans have very low levels of D3 in their blood. Plasma, we desperately need this, we're not absorbing it from the sun as well as we used to, and another excellent thing to take is fish oil, the wonderful... Or make it trees from fish oil, help every single cell, they help our immune system communicate better, so those are gonna be excellent things, and also your probiotics, which are also in our digestive support category for here, so those things are gonna be excellent.
My favorite fish oil that's available at mother's market is the Nordic Naturals brand, they clean it up more than any other, and the ultimate Omega has a very concentrated amount of the DHA and EPA, and I like two to four of those daily as a great amount of fish oil.
My goodness. Well, this is all great, and again, you are... I like the way you describe what it does for us and beyond beyond just for the thyroid, you know how it really enhances for our brains and our thyroid, what about filling us in for the thyroid gland, I guess how it expands for the thyroid... Yeah, there are some specific nutrients that are great for the thyroid I, and number one is iodine, you can get aid either in individual drops or you can get it in Help, which is a sea weed, which they sell as a supplement as well, so if you wanted to supplement that was helpful for your thyroid, then Aidan or help would be a really good one.
They have a lovely one at mothers by ion liquid minerals, and it's just two drops a day, so the body lasts about a year and a half, so it's a really good value and an excellent quality of Aidan, so those would be my... That would be one of my top things for thyroid support, and then for those who have an under-active thyroid, I would recommend the homeopathic, and they have a homeopathic, which is thyroid indium... Wow, that's quite a name as an issue, and that's a little under the homeopathic pallets, three pellets, three times a day under the tongue would be great for that.
Are there any other supplements that support thyroid... Well, I would really recommend the digestive supports, and so many of the thyroid problems have to do with autoimmune conditions, and that has so much to do with the digestive system, so using your digestive enzymes with every meal, which is always one of my top recommendations for everybody it gives us energy, it helps us absorb our food so much better, we've lost our enzymes out of the food supply and we desperately need to replace those for good health, so a good digestive enzyme with each meal is excellent. There are some excellent ones on the market, I use the one by doctor's best vitamins one with every meal is outstanding, it's called best digestive enzymes, and then the probiotics that we mentioned briefly earlier are outstanding for that digestive support. Ultimate 1212 probiotic by natural factors is a great one. That's a reasonable price, and I like that one very much. That has a really good amount of different probiotics, probiotics are mostly known as a Edulis ambitious, but there are really hundreds of them in our digestive tract, and they are so instrumental not only for digestion itself, but immunity, skin problems, and how well the brain is able to work, those are some of the main things that are impacted by these probiotics, so they're beneficial for everybody, and then the last thing is the nutrient that helps heal of the lining of the digestive tract albumin, a glutamine is an amino acid and it starts to heal up the lining, I'd recommend a 1000 milligrams every morning and night would be a great amount, and for the first month that would be excellent for anybody to do, and if someone has an auto-immune condition, I'd recommend that ongoing. So I take a glutamine every day, even though you can't get rid of an auto-immune condition, I think you can minimize the problems it causes by healing of the gut so that you prevent the flooding of the body with the toxins that are getting in there, so you can... And if it's a painful auto-immune condition, you can really minimize the pain just by limiting the toxins that are getting into the bloodstream.
Wow, wow. You make it sound so easy and simple, but I guess when you're taking the right, the supplements and everything, you... Vicki, you're doing the right thing.
That's right, that's right.
Some people have have had their thyroid removed, what do you suggest about that... What are your thoughts on that?
Well, if people have had their thyroid removed and they do that in a variety of different ways, this actually happened to me in my 20s, I developed two autoimmune conditions, first I developed Hyundai bees, and then second of that, I developed this over-active thyroid called Graves disease. And at the time, I was pregnant, they didn't wanna give me medication, but my heart was racing all the time, and I was sweating all the time, and it was summer time already, and I was pregnant... Oh my gosh, I ran around in a t-shirt that he ran... They eventually did have to give me something, and then as soon as the baby was born, they wanted to... I radiate my thyroid gland, the thyroid collects all of the ID in your body, and so when they wanna kill it off, they can either do a surgery to remove it, or they can give you radioactive iodine, which gets collected by the thyroid gland and kills it off so they gave me two pills of radioactive iodine, unfortunately, I couldn't breastfeed my second child because I was radiate, could kiss him on the lips for six months, there were various things I had to be very careful if I couldn't hold them up at my neck for a while as well, so I rocked them down low, my God, they still got plenty of affection. It was fine.
So here's what I recommend, everybody's had their thought would remove, definitely needs some sort of replacement.
The most common one is the medication called Synthroid, synthetic died, and then there is the more natural form called Armor Thyroid, and then there are also thyroid glandular thyroid granules are from an animal, so usually a cow source and they'll get the thyroid gland extract from a bovine source, and they can put that in a capsule as a supplement, if you don't have a thyroid, that's great to get. So you need some sort of a substitute. But for people who already have a thyroid, sometimes the glandular are good for them and sometimes not, I would definitely consult a nutritionally-informed physician about that because they can actually make the thyroid gland a little more lazy because it doesn't need to work 'cause it's getting the hormones given to it already, so it depends on what's going on there in the body, and so I would definitely recommend consulting with a nutritionally-informed physician for that kind of an issue.
Wow. Oh my goodness.
Well, they can do everything, can't think, and you can answer just about anything, well, we appreciate your time and you are a wealth of information, we do really appreciate your knowledge and we look forward to having you on again in the meantime, you could get more information on Valerie and her website, Valerie Hall nutrition dot com, and learn more about her natural approach to making us all healthier. We look forward to our next visit. Thank you so much.
Thank you, can Elias, a pleasure.
We're moving through this week's mother's market radio show with stay with us, because next step. We'll find out what's going on around town. And give you a chance to win that 100 gift card.
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Thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show, and for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition,