In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show, we will discuss thyroid health. More specifically we will talk about how to keep it functioning at a high level.
The Secrets of Vitamin Makers
Thyroid Health
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, we will discuss thyroid health. More specifically we will talk about how to keep it functioning at a high level.
Thyroid Health
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, we will discuss thyroid health. More specifically we will talk about how to keep it functioning at a high level.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On Today Show, it's one of the most important plans in your body, the thyroid, and we're going to find out ways to keep it functioning at a high level, plus later we'll find out what's happening around town and what's new at mother's market, but first up on today's show, we are discussing thyroid health and joining us today's nutritional consultant and certified natural health professional, Valerie Hall, Valerie appears in front of thousands of people each year and speaks on a variety of topics, even host your own radio show, and we welcome back Valley.
How are you? I'm doing well, thank you.
Happy you could join us again, and before we get to our topic, tell us the scope and focus of your work.
I've been studying nutrition for over 15 years, and I just love to share the things I've learned with people because there are so many ways we can support our hole through choosing the healthy foods, through some supplements that can really add to our health as well, so I'd love to share that kind of information via consumer seminars, radio show us to do staff education for people who work in health food stores and for doctors and nurses, so I find a variety of ways to share all this knowledge... Well, excellent. Today we are talking about thyroid health, and I have a few friends that have developed thyroid problems actually through the years, and I wanted to know, are these issues on the rise here in the United States?
Absolutely, a lot of them are auto-immune issues, things like Hashimoto's, which is an autoimmune that's associated with what they call hypothyroid or low thyroid function, and Graves disease, which is associated with hyper-thyroid or high... Too much thyroid hormone.
So those are very prevalent, and they look for antibodies that kind of clue them in that that's what's going on, but even just a variety of things in the food supplies stress out the thyroid, and there's a long lead up to developing that kind of a problem where the there just isn't operating the way it should.
Well, thank you for pointing out the differences, and this will be really interesting, what is the thyroid gland and what does it do?
Well, it's actually located in the neck region, it can change size, shape and texture as it becomes less healthy, and the appearance of horizontal lines across the neck sometimes is a clue, I have those... I have a thyroid disease, so I have these horizontal lines that go right right across my neck, and that kind of signals that the thyroid is changing shape and it can be an early warning sign.
In the old days, girders were very popular, especially in the middle of the country, they had a whole section called the goiter belt because there wasn't enough iodine, I Haddon his food for the thyroid, and so this whole Midwest, the middle part of the country where they didn't have access to sea food, they would develop orders, and it was a lack of iodine problem that caused that, so that's almost like a big lump on the thyroid, the thyroid can really be considered the master general of the hormone and endocrine system, it tells everything how fast to go, including heartbeat and metabolism, it tells your glands what to do, when to do it, and how to do it, so it's coordinating, it's a conductor of this whole endocrine system, so there are a variety of issues that might affect us because of how this thyroid is working too much of the thyroid hormone can really have a negative effect on bone density, it can make your heart beat race, it can make you feel warm all the time, and too little of the thyroid hormone can cause thinning of the hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, energy levels and body temperature can also be affected, as can wait, because if this thyroid slows down, then our metabolism also slows down and we're not burning our fuel very efficiently, and we can start to gain weight because of a low thyroid function as well.
Wow, I love the way you describe that because that's the conductor in our body, it's really fascinating that there is a whole region in the United States though, without the fish that is right there, but...
I absolutely do. And that's not so much anymore, because they started putting iodine in salt, II-C salt became very popular, and then with refrigeration and shipping, eventually the middle of the country got access to see food, but back before all that was happening, girders were very prevalent there... Oh, it's fascinating. And that you could look at somebody and really tell, but the way to could see a big lump in the throat, and that was a garter lump.
What are some of the symptoms of thyroid problems?
Well, there are all kinds of issues that Gordo, we talk about weight, energy levels, body temperature, and it really can affect the whole way that Your body operates, really either speeding it up too much or slowing it down too much, depending on what's going on there with that thyroid and their variety of different issues with... We talked a little bit about food. And some other issues as well.
Okay, so let's talk a little bit about... I know you did say that there's the hyper and the hypo thyroid, but... Yeah, let's talk a little bit... Let's break that down.
Absolutely. Now, the foods that are really negative for the thyroid in general, let's talk first about say for a long time, so we were told it's like the end all and be all of healthy food, and that has really shifted another one of those big paradigm shifts we've seen in nutrition, so is only healthy if it's organic and if it's fermented and then it's fine, but when it's not organic or fermented, which so much of the soil were offered here as Americans or not, then it can be a real problem, it starts to block the absorption of certain nutrients that are essential for the thyroid, so soy is thought to be a big depressor of thyroid function now, so even if someone already has a thyroid problem, I would say maybe not even do very much of the fermented organic sort, but certainly that's one of the things that's leading us down that problem Road for thyroid function, and is there a trigger word in here when we're shopping for our foods that are like the thyroid words that we're looking for, the soy is one of them. There are a couple of different vegetables, which ironically are not good for the thyroid when they're served raw, they should be slightly steamed, and those include a lot of the Crucis vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale and cabbage, when those are raw, they can suppress thyroid function a little bit. So they should be lightly steamed, they don't need to be... You don't need to cook up so long that they're dead, but you could definitely lightly steam those and that makes it a little bit easier on us as well, so there are a variety of other very destructive foods in our food supply.
One of the things that I'm reading more about is dairy, and there's a wonderful book by Dr. Daniel T. good two, good. called chronic pain gone 90 days. And he's been a speaker at mothers, and I think his book might be available there, it's also available at Borders and Amazon, so that's a great book for finding out the link between foods and pain, but he also links these same foods to autoimmune conditions. And number one, he says is dairy, because we were not intended to eat an Terry, no other animal eats dairy after their weed, no other animal eats another animals, dairy, and every dairy is very different as far as it's Caine and lactose and the different components of each mammals milk.
So human milk is different from cow's milk is different from kangaroo milk is different from ice milk, so they're not interchangeable, they're not the same thing. And so the body responds to this as a foreign invader because it's not what we were intended to eat, so that's why milk and dairy products can become a problem for autoimmune, and since so much of the thyroid issue is auto-immune... I definitely thought I should mention that, but other destructive foods, like your high sugary foods and your hydrogenated oils, which are bad guys in every health thing going on, but even things like chlorine and fluoride that we get exposed to, those block the major food for your thyroid which is iodine, so chlorine and florid attached to these receptor sites where Iain is supposed to attach, they take up room and they crowd it out, so now the Iden can't get in, and iodine is food for the thyroid. It makes it nourishes, it makes it healthy, It makes it do what it's supposed to do, whether your thyroid function is too high or too low... Iodine is a great food.
So avoiding chlorine in our water, you can get a shower filter at mother's market there, knew the checkout stand, so that you are filtering that chlorine out of your shower water, if we take a shower and chlorinated water, it's about the same as drinking eight glasses a tap water as far as our chlorine exposure... Wow.
Swimming in pools, if you have your own pool or spot, you can instead of doing chlorine in the water, you can do an enzyme cleaning system called Baca, B-A-Q-U-A that you can find at any swim... Swimming pool, supply store, and I do that in our hot tub in the backyard, so that we don't get exposed to chlorine therefore... Exactly, and of course, we don't wanna drink tap water, if you can get some sort of a filtration system or by bottled water of all the bottled waters, I prefer spring water over distilled and over-purified, purified just means tap air that's been filtered. You can do that less expensively at home than buying that bottled water, but spring water has some good benefits, some excellent minerals and things like that. So if I'm gonna buy a bottle, I go with Spring.
Okay, but you can get some nice filtration systems, even a Brita filter is better than nothing, so if you don't have much money to at least use that to get that chlorine out of your drinking water... Wow. Oh, this is great information. But to clarify, and the thyroid is considered an auto-immune, most thyroid problems are considered autoimmune, Hashimoto's is probably the most prevalent, which is a low thyroid function, so a lot of hypothyroid gets classified as Hashimoto's too much thyroid hormone being produced or over-active thyroid is called Graves disease, and that's the one I was diagnosed with in my early 30s, so I had a couple of things go wrong, and one of the things I think is going on with the autoimmune conditions of all kinds, whether it's one of these thyroid problems, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1-diabetes, scleroderma, lupus, there's a bunch of them, and they're labeling more all the time, is that they think that they're somehow foreign proteins are getting into the body and either it's through the foreign proteins of dairy, like we talked about earlier, or it's leaky gut, which means they're a little holes and cracks in the lining of the digestive tract that semi-digested food particles that should be contained in the digestive track, instead they're getting out into the blood stream and the body sees them as foreign invaders, and there are also some foreign poaching particles in our vaccine, so that might be another way that these autoimmune diseases are getting stimulated, so something is landing in a part of the body that the immune system sees as a foreign invader, and that's where the attack occurs, so depending on what the weak link is in any person's body. That's where the attack Hammons.
Wow, very interesting and informative. This information, we will be right back, but stay with us, we're gonna take a quick break, so I... With this, we'll talk more about the thyroid C, And now back to our interview with nutritional consultant Valerie Hall and Valerie, we've been talking about Terry hell, it's so interesting, but you were just saying there's a new food that's a problem for thyroid... Every time, every year that I'm involved in nutrition, there's some big shift that occurs year after year, and the longer I'm involved, the more I realized that so much of what we've been told is wrong, and a lot of the information we've been given about nutrition over the years has been self-serving information for food manufacturers, so they're putting this information out to increase their sales, and they give it to us under the guise of health, and it's not... And the new one this year that I find as such a shocker is that the polyunsaturated fats, the things that we were told to avoid saturated fat get polyunsaturated fats from from seed oils turn out to be some of the worst things that we are doing. We were better off with Lord tallow and butter than we are with Cornel canola oil.
Oh my goodness, we shearwater.
So one of my favorite magazines that's available in a variety of different health food stores is called The Well-Being journal, and I'm going to quote a little bit of an article out of the November December issue 2012 of the Well-Being journal.
The title of the article is our polyunsaturated oils really healthy by CJ put win, and this has some interesting information, it says that so much of the assertions that we've had about these oils are wrong, and these polyunsaturated oils are really a problem for us. So there are a lot of... And this guy is not alone, I'm reading this in other places, a lot of researchers, medical doctors, nutritionists and healthcare practitioners are telling the same thing now, so what's wrong with these vegetable oils?
The main problem is that polyunsaturated oils contain long-chain fatty acids which are extremely fragile and unstable, so they... In cooked foods, they become rancid in just a few hours, even when refrigerated, and that's responsible for the stale taste and a lot of leftover foods, so even if they're eating when fresh, these oils oxidized at a much higher rate once they're in the body, so as soon as a polyunsaturated vegetable oil enters the body is exposed to the high temperatures that are high enough to cause its toxic decomposition, so this ends up incorporating into all of those areas of the body that use fats are muscles in our heart, our cardiovascular system, our brain, our eyes, our skin, oh my goodness, we don't wanna be building these out of bad building blocks, so it says here that although a polyunsaturated fatty acids damage every part of the body, the endocrine system, especially the thyroid, is particularly vulnerable, a slow metabolism, low energy and sluggish thyroid, often accompany the consumption of vegetable oils, so here in this article, it says that cattle ranchers discovered the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats way back in the 1940s when they fed their livestock inexpensive coconut oil, which is a saturated fat to try to fatten them up for market, but the cattle didn't gain weight on coconut oil instead it made them lean and active.
Wow, so coconut is, I always say The best thing for weight loss, and it's great for immune and great for everything else, I highly recommend everyone incorporate coconut oil in your diet.
So next, the ranchers, they discovered that soy beans and corn could cause the same anti-thyroid effect as the thyroid suppressing drugs that they had tried, and that allowed the animal to gain more weight unless food, since then, corn and so have been the staples of feedlot cattle.
So these things slow down our whole metabolism and the thyroid, then it goes on to say that a later Experiment, fed animals pure unsaturated vegetable oil, pure saturated coconut oil or various mixtures of the two, the animals Obesity increased in proportion to the ratio of unsaturated fat in their diet, regardless of how much fat or calories they were consuming, so the more vegetable oils they ate, the fatter they became, so animals that were given even small amounts of the unsaturated oils were fat, and those at a large amounts of the coconut oil were thin.
So by 1950, these unsaturated fats were clearly shown to metabolic rate, apparently by creating hypothyroid is in that low thyroid. In the following years, scientists look for a mechanism that caused this effect effect, and they found that unsaturated fats damage the mitochondria through oxidation and enzyme suppression, so the more unsaturated vegetable oil is, the more specifically it suppresses tissue response to thyroid hormones.
Unsaturated fats are derived from the seeds of plants, and seeds contain toxins and enzyme suppressors that block protein, digestive enzymes in the stomach of mammals, and that's so the seed can be carried into different places and it will still germinate and sprout.
So it has a resistance to this, so the chemicals evolved to protect seeds from predators and prevent germination until conditions are perfect for sprouting, and it's probably no coincidence that millions of people who eat the wood damaging toxins and enzyme suppressors have an epidemic of obesity. Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, immune system disorders. arthritis and other chronic diseases.
This article just made me say, Wow, that is so opposite of everything we have heard going back to the 1970s, going back to when they told us Get away from butter and a margarine instead... Oops, don't do it.
Go back, go back to natural factual and it's kind of... It is kind of true, what they say natural is always the best we... You put in the invitation and anything, even with even sugar, I mean even Sugar is bad, but when they try to put the the... The artificial... Or even worse.
Exactly, right.
So this is a real issue, these foods between the, say, the hydrogenated as the vegetable oils, these polyunsaturated oils, the high sugar exposure to chlorine and fluoride, there are plenty of truth pace available at mothers that don't contain fluoride, and that's another one that blocks that in an absorption at third, and you send it in the very beginning, it's really probably these companies that are coming in and it's really what is these companies that want the money for the advertising and... Exactly, right. There are a lot of food companies and they advertise, and keep in mind when you see commercials that they are sales and marketing, they love to portray themselves as health information, but they are absolutely not health information in very tolerant... And then a lot of times, we get mass brainwashed as a society, doctors fall in line, they get pressured, people at the top of the FDA get pressured from these food companies, and then they put out this company line, and once a company line gets really firmly in place like this whole unsaturated fat thing did, it's hard to shift people's minds, it's hard for them to make that change and you know the government and things like that, they never put out something contradictory to what they said before, it's propaganda.
Right to Food, Romano.
Well, good for you. For staying on top of the batteries. We love you for that.
Let's tack a little bit again, we're talking about thyroid, this is what we're talking about today, and we talked a little bit about earlier about your specific foods that are good and bad for our thyroid, so we mentioned about steaming our vegetables and then not over-steaming in kii, thank you in those vegetables. But can you expand on that a little bit?
Absolutely, it's particularly those Crucis vegetables, the broccoli, the cauliflower, The brussel sprouts scale, those are the ones that should be lightly steamed and cabbage as well, and so those are the things we really wanna make sure that we're likely steam the rest of the vegetables don't have those blocking kind of enzymes. So those are the ones we wanna lightly steam.
Okay, what age groups and who's affected... You know, this can really happen at any age, but most often it's happening in the middle of life, and it's often associated for women, and that menopausal time, you know the thyroid gland is making DeBord hormones, hormones never are stand-alone things in the body, they're all interconnected so for women, as our menopausal time sets in and our estrogen and progesterone going down, that can also affect thyroid, hormone levels, insulin hormone levels, so all these things is a cascade of events that happens, it's so much fun to be a woman or... One more thing to... Right.Calibrate, you know? No, it's all good, but we just have to be aware of that, and so maintaining things as we go through life, maintaining the immune system is a huge key, and so many of these things end up being autoimmune when it comes to thyroid. I think that's a big key. At the car.
Yes, Epicor, that's exactly right. There are variety of good nutrients that we can use to balance the immune system, we talked a little bit about vitamin D3, getting those levels up. Very, very helpful.
The Epicor really helps to balance the immune system and then taking care of our digestive tract so that we're not developing that leaky gut problem, L-glutamine is an amino acid that really helps to heal the lining of the digestive tract, very helpful, the probiotics, those good bacteria that we need down there. Very helpful at keeping our immune system strong and our gut lining strong, and even taking digestive enzymes with meals can also be extremely helpful in keeping our immune system healthy and functioning well, so these are some of the supplements I think are really important. They have wonderful products at mother's market available that you can get all of these things, you could also contact me if you wanted my digestive care paper, my thyroid paper, I have papers on 20 different subjects, and those of you who have seen me speak at Monday's market I'm a regular speaker there at all of their stores, or a number of their stores, so please feel free to contact me at Valerie at Valerie Hall nutrition dot com, and I can send you written information on a lot of different health conditions. I have them written on many different things, so please feel free to contact me, Valerie, at Valerie Hall nutrition dot com, you are vast knowledge of information, love it because valar... You always get back to people. You're great about that.
So if you had to list the most important thing about your thyroid... How would you list that? What would you say?
I would say number one is iodine, and Iain, you can get through some foods, particularly fish, sea weeds, sea vegetables, things like that, very good. All of those are excellent, of iodine, Aidan can also be purchased as a supplement, or you can get seaweed or kelp as a supplement, I use one by a company called IDO, liquid minerals that you can find there at mothers. And it's just a couple of drops a day, so the bottle that they sell for around 17 ends up lasting about a year and a half, so it's a very good value as far as that in fact, iodine, one of the top deficiencies in our country, along with helping the thyroid iodine is also very important for breast tissue in women and prostate health in men, so there's a really important one, some Studies even show it can really help women who have thyroid breast disease, so very helpful for a variety of issues with breast, prostate and thyroid.
So I... Adan, we wanna get our... At least our RDA of that.
Another way to get more iodine, they sell seaweed leaves called Nari leaves, Nori in a variety of health food stores, you could add a no relief into a soup or broth or a crock pot, and if you like the taste of it, cut it up and use it in the food, if you don't, you can take it out and throw it away, but it will still leave all that wonderful iodine in the broad... So that's good.
We should always get iodine salt, but not regular seal. So if you're getting salt in general is gonna have a little bit of iodine in it, they also sell some that are yazd Casals, and if you're getting a salt that doesn't have extra iodine added, then I would highly recommend either using those Nori leaves on a regular basis or getting some little iodine drops... Things like that, I think would be extremely helpful.
Well, that is excellent information and a vast knowledge you always have, and you always come so prepared. Valerie, thank you so much for your time once again. We truly appreciate your knowledge, and we look forward to having you on again, Valerie, in the meantime, you heard her say, and you talk about her website Valerie, you can get more information, it's Valerie Hollerith on dot com, and we learn natural health approach to making us all healthier, and we look forward to our next visit. Thank you so much.
Thank you, Kamran, for listening to the mother's market radio show. And for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen.
Mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition,