In this edition of Mother’s Market Radio show we’ll talk about Omega 3s and Omega 6s, including the proper intake and potential benefits of each. With us will be Christopher Speed, MND, APO, a clinical nutritionist, dietitian and health expert.
Omega 3s
Omega 3s
In this edition of Mother's Market Radio show we'll talk about Omega 3s and Omega 6s, including the proper intake and potential benefits of each. With us will be Christopher Speed, MND, APO, a clinical nutritionist, dietitian and health expert.
Omega 3s
In this edition of Mother's Market Radio show we'll talk about Omega 3s and Omega 6s, including the proper intake and potential benefits of each. With us will be Christopher Speed, MND, APO, a clinical nutritionist, dietitian and health expert.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, we look into the benefits of omega-3s, we all wanna get enough and have a balance, learn why it's so important and how to work it into your diet, but first up, Christopher speed is a dietitian who's worked in a variety of clinical and wellness settings where his ultimate goal has been to translate the difficult science of nutrition into the familiar language of food, and we welcome him to the mother's market radio show.
Chris, how are you?
Wonderful, thanks for having me.
Thanks for being here. Why don't you fill our audience a little bit in on your mission and work before we get to the show's topic today, my lifetime, personal and professional mission has been to democratize and make three intake amongst the masses quite simply because we're all deficient to them, and the addition of leased to our diets can have the most proper and effect on humanity and public health.
Excellent. Well, today we are talking about the importance of omega-3 fatty acids and the health benefits that we can get from taking them. So let me start by asking you, what is omega 3? 6-the imbalance... Well, the Omega 3 6 in balance is something that at most Americans suffer from, the problem means they don't feel the imbalance until it's too late, because what legation balance can do is under pine and promote inflammation and information is really at the real... What makes us unwell from a variety of chronic diseases to Psychiatric diseases, we've now actually shown that there's an imbalance, increases the risk of these elements, and what does it affect or who I... Health mega tries that we're talking about the those, the long chain fatty acid, Omega-threes wells that are fine in seafood and legates are the good fats, they're the ones that reduce information, they promote a healthy development of a baby, and they also promote vision and brain health as we age and that your sixes are the activities of the... The ones that promote and increase inflammation, the problem is most Americans are eating foods that are laid in with a minigames and quite simply do not have an adequate amount of those long chain and mega-tries called EPA and DHA.
And what impact is it to have to optimal health?
Well, the great thing about the nutrition sciences, we can start to say with some definitive now not maybe, that if you can improve your omega-36 a balance, you can reduce the risk of a host of Romans.
Now, the thing and the reason why this is the case, is that every single cell in the body has specific biochemical apparatus, their way of metabolizing threes and sixes to either increase information or rectify and reduce information, and what we wanna try and do is change that balance so that the individual can live a long their healthy and life through and reduce information in their system, and that is exactly where we wanna get to. So where do Megas come from?
Well, when you think of mega tries to think of fish, the activities of those are swiping oil, soybean, all is one, has contributed more leases in the American diet than any other food, it's founding foods because it's cheap to put into processed ingredients and sweeteners actually increased the consumption by a thousand fold in the last 75 years, so we're getting the sixes for son and we have to be very careful and try and reduce them.
And why do we have so many omega sixes?
Well, I just eluded to then I... Magics put into foods because of manufacturers wanna be able to bring a product to market and a reduced price, or if that taste great, so they don't really care what fat they're putting in there, so most people are doing it from... For the financial standards, tell me a little bit about your product then, that's wiles. finest product is that right? Antilles finest Wilds or less conical is an amazing omega 3 subtitling that has really extended the negate category and the offerings around this country, and we've been in existence for about 18 months to two years, and the wireless finest legation provides very high levels of a mega 3 in those EPA DHA forms that will allow and assist the average consumer to promote greater balance with what we were talking about that negative and that your six that... And tell me a little bit about what it does to support better balance it quite simply just increases the amount in our data so that we can balance it against the very high levels of six that most Americans are in a bunch of...
Oh, okay, and how do we know if we achieve a better balance, how are we aware of that... Well, if you're taking fish oil supplements, okay, so remember there were three different types of Omega-3s to founding fish, EPA, DHA, and the other one is called Ala, that's fairly in plants.
If you're taking the fish form, you can assume that it's gonna increase the level of the big three in every cell, tissue and organ in your body, but the only definitive way to chase now where you're getting enough 3 and you're successfully reducing six is to get a blood test, and there are a variety of blood tests that physicians can use to determine exactly whether someone's dietary protocol, Dietrich Ange has indeed promoted to Bill balance, and that's the other thing that we've been wondering about too, are the blood test to find out where we stand in here, but also what about dosage? Can we talk a little bit about the dosages?
Yeah, one of the difficult things about recommended dosages in this country, at least, is that we don't have a recommended daily intake, there hasn't been in a accepted consensus approved amount of omega threes, but health experts, the American Heart Association, being one of the most profound groups are recommending that we need to consume at least 500 milligrams are the near tries to really start supporting optimal heart health.
When you talk to other experts that want to truly balance the six with the three, you're probably looking at at least three to four grams, so 3000, 4000 milligrams of the EPA and DHA to promote a 50-50 balance with that excessive man of the Metis in the diet, so we've heard about the imbalance between omega 3s and omega 6s, so how long do we have to take the Omega-3s before a blood test to see if we have achieved that balance?
Well, you should take a baseline test to know where you're at and to actually determine whether it's actually got a problem, and the degree which you've gotta change your diet to rectify that, and we would encourage you to get a re-test about three months later, so let's talk about where these foods are coming from, that we get there, mega, what kinds of foods Yankees come from, the foods that we've been told for a millennia, not too much of a...
Okay, so if we stuck to a diet, there was mostly fruit or vegetables with a moderate amount of meat and other products, then we could... Trillions of Makai now diet.
The other foods that we're getting a Megas from, chicken chicken provides a lot of the mega-6, especially in the breast, and regardless of what your feed a chicken, it tends to want to produce and actually maintain a high level of Maori in tissues, no matter if it's like an organic or what it would do it. It doesn't have to be. Okay, yeah.
Where is beef? If you feed a calf more grass, it's gonna have a lower level of six in its tissues, so grass-fed beef is definitely a better way to go, but at the end of day, if you ate more foods that were less processed, you're not gonna get that sibling along, which is in most processed foods, and by virtue of eliminating those types of foods, you're gonna have the biggest reduction in Lagos.
Okay, and then of course... Well, it sounds like you're talking about protein is what you're talking about, or so not in a UFO and vegetables that's... That's right. Fruits and vegetables, some hours and of course, plenty of sea food are gonna give you the great... The perfect ratio of six to three, okay, but most people don't do that.
And that's the issue that we need to address, because we are really filling out now, and this is really what's actually converting a lot of people to understand more about this 6xtra is it's not just about chronic disease, like heart disease, there is proof that fact, even in the military right now, they're... By virtue of they're very high level of an E6 intake, they have very, very high levels of psychiatric Armen depression, and it even affects how the brain and handles an injury and combat. So we now know that I Ramsey can affect an address a multitude of airmen and diseases, and so maybe with all of what they've been going through with the PTSD or something, that's maybe a stretch, but maybe then in fact, there's been some very small trials done that I've showing it in return service, men and women really focus on increasing their trees and we do see sixes, the score or psychiatric concerns I go through can be managed file adequately in far better.
So it's a very, very serious thing that now psychiatrists are starting to consider and they started to realize that, hey, nutrition can affect the brain as much as it can affect the heart, there is a lot of suggestion now that they'll get the guy, the doctor guidelines that are gonna be released this year for the first time, focus on the shore, the shoulders up, not from the shoulders down, it's not just high disease, it's also Psychiatric diseases and the health of the brain that we need to focus through, but I can chime a good nutrition you know what, this is a theme that I'm hearing running through mostly this year that I've heard that no matter what we're also putting in our bodies were also... It's a mental thing as well... Correct, and so it seems like it's finally time to tackle this... Yeah, there was a lot of questioning because there are some very reputable health care professionals that don't believe in what we've just been talking about for the last 10 minutes, but finally the human intervention-based research has really made them to question their original guidelines. And I predict that in the next five to 10 years, the food industry is gonna start sourcing different types of commoditized divisible oils like soybean and vital oils, and up for the ones that have lower levels of a legend, you're saying it's about time, right?
What other ailments do people have with high levels of omega-6, in particularly recent research suggests that it can increase and worsen chronic migraines, joint pain arthritis, that if you improve your six-round balance, it may well improve your ability to metabolize and manage blood... Blood, blood sugars. So if you're a diabetic, it may be a really good idea for you to start thinking about reducing sixes and increasing your threes.
Wow, this is great. And very interesting information right now, we have to take a quick break, but more with Chris in just a moment, so don't go away. We will be right then.
Welcome back to the mother's market radio show, and we wanna remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now back to our interview with dietitian, Chris speed, and we're talking about the benefits of omega-3s, and this is so interesting, Chris, a couple of questions, of course. Many questions, and you're answering these. So quickly that I'm trying to write everything down. You have a slogan, the tissue is the issue.
Let's talk about... The only way in which you can never determine whether your dietary intake of omega-3 and six is balanced is to have your tissue is measured through your blood and you can actually take samples of blood, and that can be analyzed much the same way as we get our cholesterol levels of triglyceride levels to detect it, so the reason why we wanna know how much a mega trend is in the blood is because that reflects how much omega-3 and six is in every cell, tissue and organ in the body.
Now, it's just really important to realize that if you have a high meat and take a make you six intake, most of your cells, if not all of them are gonna have a lower inflammatory profile, so by having and focusing on the tissue is the issue. You will know, and if you understand that your dietary protocol is indeed reducing the reveal inflammatory status.
Okay, and thank you for saying that, 'cause now we're gonna wander around and say the tissue is the issue, so thank you. If we're putting them in our head, let's talk about ratio and... What is a good balance of it?
If you went to go to Japan and taking the average person's blood test, they would have 50% of their blood and red blood cells in the form of six and 50% in the form of three.
Now, that's optimal, and that's achieved because Japanese, a little bit lower level of league and the seafood suits traditional for them to actually consume a lot of fish. What we would like the most Americans to do is get to 50% a manatee tage in their blood. The problem is, the average American is around 15 to 80%.
So the vast majority of the fats that are resulting in the same membrane where they exert those as proinflammatory effects are the six... Okay, so to the nose, we wanna raise that, so how can we increase our balance... Well, I would suggest that for most Americans, it's not practical to only achieve higher integrity, Amiga tries for our hosted reasons, inability to cook, make you how smells?
Very expensive. Fish isn't an easy thing to add to your diet, we would encourage people to always seek out a Marrero, the approach about the reality is we're all gonna have a short fall, and the best way to do that is to look for a very good quality Omega Trish will supplement.
Okay, so you've talked about increasing our fish intake and those supplements... I wanna ask you before, let me ask you about mercury, because when we talk about eating fish and also taking it in as far as supplements... Can you talk about that?
Yeah, while he's in us, we take great pride in providing consumers with products that are proven by third party analysis to be toxin-free from environmental contaminants, all officials that are on the shows of stores have to be processed to remove those environmental contaminants. And while the first takes great pride in making sure their levels of all heavy mines, including mercury, but also things like PCBS, are also at the very, very, very low level, so that you could assume thousands of these consumers over a lifetime, and it's not gonna put any in toxins into your body, what if you're alerted to fish, if you're allergic to fish, it's really tough. There are some really nice other sources such as algae tends to provide a modest amount of long-chain fatty acids, it's mostly DH, which is okay, but it's really the EPA omega-3 that provides a lot of the anti-inflammatory benefits. So algae could be a source and there are more brands are never able to actually provide that plant-based form for vegetarians and deacons Indians to... Yeah, right.
Okay, and you said after a while, he's fine, you're based out of Ohio, and... So where do you get... Where do your sources... The thing that really differentiates willes finest is our source. We are the only 100% Marine strips or Council certified and meat brand in the world, every product that we put on a shelf is the fish that we're using sustainably harvested, we use a lesson polio that is vastly different to the absolute majority of omega-3 supplements that are using Peruvian Antibes. And the only issue that we are a concern there is the sustainability of those fishery systems by being mastered, you have an absolute Yocum EE that the population of policy that were harvesting is actually flourishing, in fact, over the last decade, the population of power in the Alaskan waters has increased, which is quite simply not the case for the other sources are the mega tries in the supplement industry, so we use a highly sustainable oil, we're also the only 1-00% sourced in the United States by American fishes, and also 100% produced in America, by American workers concentrated for sure in the world.
So that means we are in complete control over how the laws are water made, and we actually make me now three generations family-owned facilities in Coshocton, Ohio.
Wow. Oh, that's nice. That's great. So what should we look for when we shop for the omega 3 EPA, the most important thing is exactly. Those letters that you mentioned, EPA, DHA, it is the most important thing for you to do is turn that product around and don't believe the marketing hype on the front of the product and read the supplement fax panel.
First of all, look to see how many captures are... Are they telling you, provides the following amount of the mega trees and just look at EPA dot, the majority of official supplements on the market place, when you do the math, we'll provide about 300 milligrams of EPA DHA in one single soft Jill. That's a great start. But with the wild less finale, we can give you in a capsule form at least a 1000 milligrams of EPA DHA in a single soft gel in our award technocrats winning products, we can give you up to 2150 milligrams of the pod in a single teaspoon.
It's all about dosage, because we remember the teacher is the issue, you've gotta give it a lot of the Niger trees in the diet to change that imbalance.
Right, right. Okay, that makes sense. And good. Obviously, you've done all the research, what age should people start supplementing with omega-3?
Well, maybe you should start getting supplemental Omega tries through the mom's breast book, and if you're unable to breastfeed or does not want to press Feed, And She should make sure that the formula provides DHA in particular, we were speaking about EPA being a very important anti-inflammatory M3 or dis, actually important for the structural development of a central lever system and brain, so that baby in the womb as well as when the baby's being born, needs a very high amount of DHA, and as soon as that child starts to eat food, you can add liquids, supplements to their yoga, their oatmeal, their food, so that they're always getting very high levels of Lega, the... That leads me to my next question, What countries have been a balance and... Well, the Philippines is great example of a country where, by virtue of the fact that they simply do not consume very much a mega 6, their typical owls are palm oils, that's a traditional source in their diet, and because they can show... Not even 1% of their dietary energy intake, long form of six, they only need about 15 milligrams to get a very high level, that 50% concentration in their tissue in America, at least 80% of our diet comes in the form of the Lai and as a result, we need to consume 3000 plus milligrams or the minar three to get to that same tissue level, 50% are the mega 36.
Can you take too much of an omega-3?
You can, it's a very, very high amount. The Inuit did have reports because they had so much wall and see food in their traditional diets when they consumed in excess of 15 to 20 grams a day, which is a whopping amount, although they did have the lowest levels of heart disease, they did have some ailments including bleeding in the brain membranes, so if you do consumer very high levels, you should be very, very careful and you always need to take a supplement and in the supervision of your physician, because your physician nurse medical history and whether there are any contraindications to taking omega threes or not.
So once we are balanced, what benefits will people get... Anecdotally, the benefits are enormous. They're happier. They sleep better, they have more energy, then Nice. I've Lachey had people say to me, Chris, I feel as I'm a nice person. Not talent by mega 36, it gives them the greatest self-esteem that they are actually achieved something in there, let's face it, many people just try to change our diet and are unsuccessful, but when you see those numbers change, it's empowering and it allows you to... Remember, I'm doing everything I can to support my health and reduce my risk, chronic disease, we do know people from a joint pain down StandPoint, migraine standpoint, have far fewer and less of a ailments, and then obviously the In The penning benefit that you don't necessarily feel is a lower risk of chronic disease, which... And they all have huge success in the future, maybe when you say chronic disease, I always think about cancer patients or something now into the future, not exactly anything that makes this whole topic so extraordinarily serious is the fact that Omega-3s are the most more research of every nutrient, there is literally tens of thousands of research that come to the same conclusion that a, We're not efficient, so much six to destroy that balance, and that the benefits of increasing legacies are the most important nutritional guideline change or Western or societies need to undergo... Well, thank you that you dispelled all of that, are all Omega theory is able to drive greater balance with omega 6. it's really important to remember that there are three predominantly found forms of Omega-3 in food, one comes from things like flax and waits plant-based omega-3 is called a la a LA, that is like all the vile... It's heart neutral. If your elitserien, it's probably gonna be a good idea, but it's not going to exert the same anti-inflammatory benefits that EPA in particular, and also did so focus on the seafood-based sources, EPA, DHA. I do encourage my vegan friends and vegetarian friends to make one exception, and that's to take a process, fishermen that can tantamount of fish-based feed-based pi d and their response and how they feel from their skin health to just the overall wellness. Just is phenomenal.
I've seen some being marketed and it's kalmar, I don't know if... Is that also because it's a FISH-based, those sources of fish and meat are coming out, there's muscle forms of the mega tries and it's great, it gives the consumer the ultimate choice, but at the end of the day... It doesn't matter the source, it's how much is in that product to a single capture or tea spin on the product, don't be dispelled and confused by the marketing, and make sure that you know exactly how much is in that product, and that's actually one thing that makes while the vines really unique, we actually put the amount of omega-3s on the front handle of the product, so you don't even need to read really supplement expel to understand exactly what you're consuming.
Thank you so much for doing that because... Yeah, as we go to Mother's market, we can be a little bit overwhelmed sometimes South.
Yes, thank you so much. Well, great Information, and we really appreciate your time, Chris, some great advice, and we really appreciate your knowledge and look forward to having you on again, and in the meantime, we'll get more information on Chris and his website, which is while finest dot com. We look forward to your next visit. Thanks for having me, thank you.
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Thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show and for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.