In this edition of Mother’s Market Radio show, Allan E. Sosin, M.D., talks with Kimberly King about hormone health and what you can do to manage them better.
Hormone Health
Hormone Health
In this edition of Mother's Market Radio show, Allan E. Sosin, M.D., talks with Kimberly King about hormone health and what you can do to manage them better.
Hormone Health
In this edition of Mother's Market Radio show, Allan E. Sosin, M.D., talks with Kimberly King about hormone health and what you can do to manage them better.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, we take a journey into the world of hormones and get some great info on how they can change throughout your life and how you can strike that ever important balance, plus later will tell you what's going on around town and tell you what's new at mother's market.
But first up, we're joined today by two prominent physicians. Dr. Allan sasson is the founder and medical director of the institute for progressive medicine. He's been practicing medicine for over 40 years, and as an associate clinical professor at UC Irvine Medical Center, plus a certified defeat autism now physician, and Dr. is a certified position specializing in internal and Family Medicine and anti-aging, and he's also trying to nutrition detoxification and hormone replacement, and we welcome both of you to the mother's market radio show. How are you confine? Thank you.
Great. Today we're talking about hormones. So Dr. doctors are may now, What are hormones? Hormones are an amazing part of our body, he said, I love talking about hormones because I think that... It makes such a difference in your life.
Hormones are basically the ups, the feelers of our body, like a... You know, the brain and the nerves are the Internet, the computer and the internet, but the hormones are the UPS ropes, they take the message, they get it from the rain, they get it from some places, special organs, and they go and travel to the hood and they're going to bring the message to whatever I need to go, it could be female hormones, he could be male hormones, it could be thyroid, could be insulin, he could be growth hormone, so they're the messengers of the body, they're producing on organ, and they go to another organ, or through many calls to many parts of the body, whatever they have receptors to affect and create a function, so they're delivered the message and the sell produce, they take the orders. And then to the function...
I love it, I love that. The way you described that drama, what is a common misconception of hormones by the public, unfortunately, and very sadly, that people have very, very sad misconception apartment.
When you hear harmonized at Le think cancer, people unfortunately, how this misconception or hormonal cancer, and it is sad because it's not true, so a lot of people are basically walking around with our hormones and suffering because of the fear of getting treatment with hormones.
Now, why is this misconception? Why? People think about cancer.
Well, because for many years, and I was doing it myself too, I was prescribing these drugs that are not hormones, there are synthetic homes, they're not hormones, the mpla to you. If I decided to do a study or research with cars, I just gonna give you a little sample and then I wanna see if the gasoline is bad for your car, the support to how gasoline... Okay, you car was created to use gasoline, but I'm going to do this study and then I'm gonna say that I wanna see if the engine is gonna get damaged by the gasoline.
And at the end of the study, I publish the study and I conclude that the gasoline is very bad for your car, honey Daisy engine.
Okay, so everybody's gonna panic and not gonna put gasoline in their car... Okay, that's fine. What's wrong, what's going on? Okay, but see the problem is a lie to you, and I never told you that a nice study... I used delicately.
Is soon the same? Is common gasoline. So why should I call it... This is Catholic. So I do the research, I tell you that the gasoline is not for you, but I never used gasoline... I use this in the study.
So the cars are damaged, well, this is exactly what happened with the hormones we were using synthetic hormones, which are the DL instead of the gasoline we use in this interior years. They're not hormones. Those are chemicals.
Now, our body doesn't know what to do with it, so we start developing cancer, Hardtack as drugs and all these complications, and now we just jump and get care and then say No more hormones for women, more homes for anybody, because the case content headroom, using harmless and I wasn't there when I was practicing, they told us No more harm, so why do we do we stop all the women from using hormones, and then what do they do now? They suffer, they develop the stay, they develop their fatigue, their depression, and what are we doing? Are we treating them only with medication, they had nothing to with hormones, so assorted to that because we are afraid of using hormones, now what we're doing, we use an anti-depressant.
Okay, let's do something that gave you an anti-the person and they give you something to block the hostages, but we're not putting those homes back into your system because we created that fear and that lie that the hormones are not for you. We've been having hormones since we reach puberty, our hormones are natural, they're there.
Now, this is again very common sense, now let's say hormones are so bad for you, okay, well, you 25 years old, male or female, you home or khai, your homes on high and you function Him great, and you rarely get sick at that age, you don't get tick.
Okay, and that will happen. Why I homes are so bad for you when you're 25 and your hormones or is Kai, we don't see so many patients with breast cancer or prostate cancer is when we see more cancer and complications and Herat and strokes and... Won't you think when you reach menopause or men after the age of 50, when the disaster under ops, then we can see that cancer of the prostate coming, we can see that the incidents of cancer goes high, so if the home as a band, why don't we see young people with cancer. So we are with blaming the homes and everything, the holes are there for a reason.
Okay, now, the problem is that many patients say, Well, I just wanna grow all naturally because God intended that way, we supposed to not use any harness because if God has a stable hormone age of 50, why are we putting hormones in our body?
Well, when you look at the evolution, many, many years ago, people didn't leave more than 60 years old, the date as of 40 or 50, when you look at that in the story, a lot of people die early... We didn't lie to the 9000 that are not leaving.
A lot of people in the 80s, a lot of people in the needs... And they're healthy.
But we say, okay, let it go natural. What's gonna happen when you're letting go natural, you are gonna have 40 or 50 years with our hormones, you're going to develop your osteoporosis and get a lot of fractures, Sambora, your skin is gonna... Rincon gonna lose your hair, you're gonna have problems sleeping and you can have fatigue and you're gonna feel miserable, do you really wanna leave four years that you have left miserable because you wanna as naturally, or you're gonna try to use your hormones, natural homes... I'm not talking about synthetic homes that are gonna give you a very nice life for the next 45 years.
Well, food for thought, and that is definitely... I know it was such a misconception, and of course it was out there when just a few years ago with those synthetic hormones and we all thought we were doing the wrong thing, what is the conventional approach regarding hormones, you know, sadly, is that we were taught many years not to use any hormones, and I see that every day my patients come on where they see their primary care doctor, they're all sad because they're doctors don't wanna give them medication and they cannot commence their doctors to give the medication of hormones in hormones. Because unfortunately, the majority of the doctors are not aware of the hormones, so they still have that mentality and the conception that the homes are... But for you, because all they know are the synthetic hormones, they're not familiar with bio-identical hormones or natural homes, they only know synthetic, and they are going to say no, and I'm glad they say no, because then they would treat the patient with interior, a toxic for you... And then that's when we see all the complications, doctor, what's the difference between identical and synthetic?
Well... Let's talk about man versus nature. Okay, okay.
Who's gonna do best? Man created the entity. Hormones, they manipulate formula, seletar, harness are there, they already were created by God. They're natural, they're there, but you cannot patent what already exist, that cost property. It's not our property. So you cannot sell... Stop that already there.
So what do you do? You get a harmony manipulation, change the formula, now you call it proved instead of progesterone, and then you sell that as a hormone, the same then with the primary, you get a horse you're in and then you say, Oh, this is... Extra were no horses. Again, we're humans. Okay, you don't use horse hormone to use in human... So now you use this interneurons now, is that natural... Is that what we intended to here?
No, but now you have the natural hormones, the plans make hormones for us, a soy, all the plants, they make hormone identical to the structure of a harmon, we call in buyout Hormones, that's what you meant by a ten to a homeless... Now, are you gonna get toxic from us in something natural, like a Hayden Tiamat, the body to the harm or to the structure of a human hormone, so that's where my identical hormones come from versus a synthetic or now the other proof hormones that they've been used the wrong way, they are given on the way that it's supposed to... The Strand should not be taken by mouth, and they constantly prescribe as an oral hormone. Think about it, you are... Doesn't release your estrogen, send it to your stomach, go through your intestine and go through your liver, and then go through your body, he goes directly in through your block, so why don't we just put a pill in there that's supposed to be a hormone that's gonna have to go through uglier, change the structure, and at the end, you have Sundays, not even what you intended to put in there, it's a completely different structure, so now you have the complications, now you have something that you waiting to get rid of. Any cutting problems, so strain should not be taken by mouth, he has to be given the cream, a pellet Injection, whatever, but not going through your stomach. Well, this is very interesting information, and there's plenty more to learn from Dr. sasson, so please stay with us, we'll be right back.
And welcome back to the mother's market radio show, and we wanna take the time to remind you, if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download from our website, mother's market dot com. Put the link for radio and listen to past shows, plus download healthy recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com, and now back to our interview with Dr. sasson and doctors or Mayo.
We're talking about hormones.
So Dr. Who needs her bones?
Lots of people benefit from hormones, normally, we think about hormones as replacement for menopausal women, we're having hot flashes and night sweats and that kind of a thing, but hormones can be beneficial for women beyond menopausal age as well, so it's effective in treating osteoporosis. It gives women more energy, makes them feel better, makes them look younger, they've done studies on that reduces the ranking in the face, that reduces urinary tract infections and maintains vaginal tissues.
So there are many benefits for women, we don't tend to use hormone replacement and women prior to menopause isn't really as useful for that, although sometimes when women have trouble with menses that they're having pain or irregularity, sometimes we'll use hormones to help regulate that, but the vast majority of women that we treat have received hormones, either menopausal or post-menopausal, we have women who are getting hormones in their 70s and 80s because they feel better with it, and I don't have one lady, we're actually using hormone pellets, which you insert under the skin, and they give you a stable level for three to four months, the level doesn't change, and it gives you a much more powerful effect, and she does sporting things, I forget whether it's dancing or running or what it is, which is around 80, and she loves the hormones, she feels totally different, her libido has changed substantially such that her husband kinda has to keep up with her, and she's really happy with it, but men benefit from hormones too, it's interesting what goes on with men, because testosterone deficiency is not always obvious in women, the men stop things are changing, it's very obvious, but in men, hormone levels tend to decline slowly as they get older, and in men who are 60, 70 and 80, if you measure testosterone levels, they may be extremely low, and the guys may be complaining of reduced libido, reduced energy, depression, which is a very common symptom of testosterone deficiency and weight gain, especially abdominal weight may all be signs of testosterone deficiency, and we see it also in men or 30, 40 and 50 years old. Why is that going on? Why is there so much hormone deficiency in males these days, and I don't know whether it was going on in the past, and nobody looked at it, Well, whether there's things happening in our society that are putting guys at risk for more problems, I do know that substance abuse from recreational drugs to alcohol, especially alcohol can not... Testosterone way, way down, and I've seen fellows pretty young with testosterone levels in the 200 range or even the 100 range related to substance abuse, whether it's narcotics or cocaine or alcohol, they all can do that kind of thing, there's a lot of medical drugs that will also knock down hormone levels, particularly the anti-depressant medications and the anti-psychotic medications. There's other drugs as well. That will do that.Stress does it.
So a guy who loses his job or gets in a car accident, there was a wife yells at him too much or something like that, they can also have hormone deficiency because the regulation of testosterone production is in the brain.
The hypothalamus is right next to the pituitary, and the hypothalamus is next to the rest of the brain, so upsets that occur things that our stressors can have the effect of turning off the hypothalamus, which turns off to pituitary and the testicles don't get the message that they need to make testosterone. And this is a very common phenomenon, and sometimes it takes a long time to reverse, so testosterone can be very useful in those guys, our hormones administered in both men and women, in women, we usually use him as transdermal creams, which you get from a compounding pharmacy, we use compounding pharmacies basically because they'll give us whatever dose we ask for, whereas the commercial brands, many of which are also bio-identical, you wanna get certain dosages, so you can't regulate it very well, and those are generally used as patches, which don't always stay on the skin or are they cause itching? So we use the creams and the gels mostly, which women can put on their arms and legs, I mentioned pallets that can be placed under the skin, which we have a lot of women who are getting it that way, you make a very tiny incision on the upper part of the body, not where she sits, but above that, where there's not pressure, and you can insert those pellets, which are the size of a grain of rice right under the skin, they don't need a stitch that you just put a Band-Aid over and that's the end of it. But they get a constant level of estrogen and we usually will put in testosterone as well for three to four months, I've seen them last as long as six to nine months, but the average is about three to four months. And those are highly effective. You can give hormones as little pellets under the tongue or as drops under the tongue, we don't do that very often, and I try to avoid hormones given if something you take by mouth and swallow, because when you swallow hormones, they'll be absorbed and goes through the liver first, which increases clotting factors, the other means of Administration won't do that, but the oral hormones will increase the risk of forming blood clots, meaning things like thrombosis and strokes and heart attacks, which is why people are worried about birth control pills, 'cause that's what they do, but those are not bio-identical hormones, also they're not given the way we like to give them, the way we get hormones as much safer, and men, you can give testosterone also as a cream or a gel, which we do probably most often. We have guys who are getting test Astros, those pallets that you put in the skin of the buttocks, and they'll last about four months, sometimes five months, and guys, you can give it to them as pallets that they put under the tongue as well, men can take testosterone as an injection that they would give themselves or someone else gives to them once a week or so, usually about 100 milligrams, and that's quite effective as well, but all of these ways of giving testosterone, and for women also, they're all quite effective.
And you've mentioned a little bit about the bio-identical hormones in here, so I guess what are the complications of using it... Identical hormones. bio-identical hormones are, again, usually very safe in women who have not had a hysterectomy, the uterus is still there, and estrogen stimulation sometimes will cause vaginal bleeding, this is not damaging, it's very safe, but we are sometimes bothered by this because they've finished to have in their period, they don't wanna have any more bleeding, so that's something we have to deal with, and oftentimes, we'll get an ultrasound study to verify that the lining of the uterus doesn't have something bad going on there, you wanna measure the thickness of the lining of the uterus and if that's in the right dimensions, things are safe, then we have to work with the dosages to regulate the bleeding to something they can tolerate, or sometimes we actually have to stop the hormones because they don't like that to occur most of the time. We can greatly reduce or eliminate the bleeding just by adjusting dosages, and men... There is very little in the way of problems. But you have to look at two things, one is the PSA, which is a measure of prostate gland size and activity, and if the PSA starts to rise beyond half a point or point, then we have to be worried about prostate cancer, testator does not cause prostate cancer that's been shown in a very large study that was done last year, so it doesn't cause prostate cancer, but it can make it grow, and it does raise the PSA and most guys in a little bit, but if it raises it more than a point, as I mentioned, then we have to look into it either we study the prostate, get ultrasound studies, some guys get biopsies done, all your reduce or stop the testosterone to see what's going on with the PSA if it goes down, and you can assume that the testosterone was doing it, and you can start it up again in a lower dose, if it doesn't go down and is going up, then the rise is not connected with testosterone, something else is going on, and they need further evaluation. You also have to check the blood count and guys getting testosterone because it always raises blood count and you don't want it to go up too high because that would increase clotting risks, so we're always careful about that, but we basically don't see it, except in men who are getting the injections or the pellets, which are the stronger ways of taking it, the transdermal gels, the sublingual preparations really don't raise blood count very much, and then the benefits of hormones, then we're talking a little bit about... To wrap things up, the benefits of hormones, now the benefits are a sense of well-being, what kind of energy do you have, you wanna get up and spend the whole day doing things, you wanna sit in a chair and be depressed, but I've seen depression go away many times I see a lot of people say, I feel better. And with the pallets that you have to replace every three or four months, the women know, and the men now also because things start to flag... The libido goes down, the energy goes down. They may start to get the press, they have this malaise and they say, Oh yeah, I haven't had pellets in three months, they call us up, they come in and they get them again, but there's a very substantial difference, my wife's been getting hormones of different kinds for years, and now she's on the pallets and I put them in, and she loves him, she says, I would not live without my pellets. The main concern probably with hormones in women is breast cancer, that's by far the thing I get questioned about the most, and it is a concern to... You wanna make sure that she doesn't have breast cancer going on, they should have breast examinations, maybe mammograms, maybe Thermos, things should be clear before you get started on them, and they should have periodic evaluations, either manual or the doctor does it, or sometimes the person does it at home, or they should get mammograms or Thermo grams... Whatever feels right to them. Generally, the hormones we use do not increase breast cancer risk, but again, they can make breast cancer evolve and grow, in my opinion, some people would disagree with the SAN Summers has put out in a lot of her own opinion about female hormones and she was taking them right after her breast cancer was handled and she feels great with them and she's not stopping, and she hasn't had any more breast cancer, but you wanna be secure about this, and women who have a family history of breast cancer or themselves, a prior history of breast cancer, we're very careful about that. I do have some women who are getting hormones even after they've been treated for breast cancer, I usually like to wait three or five years afterwards, strong family history will use it, but we'll watch them carefully. I know that breast cancer is not just connected to hormone situations, but also lifestyle situations, what are they eating, how much do they weigh, are they drinking alcohol, how much exercise do they get... You want the lifestyle to be in the right place, because if it isn't, the risks go up, Well, this is very interesting information and thorough as well, doctor, we appreciate your time and we look forward to having you on again.
In the mean time, you can catch more of doctors, sand doctors amino on their website or I progressive men dot com and learn more about their passion for alternative medicine and the other great things are involved with... We look forward to our next visit. Thank you.
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