Hosted by Kimberly King. Nutritionalist Valerie Hall talks with Kimberly King about blood sugar. During the show, Hall covers blood sugar and its role when it comes appetite control.
Blood Sugar’s Key Role in Your Health
Blood Sugar's Key Role in Your Health
Hosted by Kimberly King. Nutritionalist Valerie Hall talks with Kimberly King about blood sugar. During the show, Hall covers blood sugar and its role when it comes appetite control.
Blood Sugar's Key Role in Your Health
Hosted by Kimberly King. Nutritionalist Valerie Hall talks with Kimberly King about blood sugar. During the show, Hall covers blood sugar and its role when it comes appetite control.
0:00:00.0 S1: The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition. Halim Kimberly King and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, we welcome back nutritional expert, Valerie call to talk about blood. She has some great tips on how to get control of your appetite and feed your body some healthy alternatives. Plus later will give you a chance to win a 100 gift card and a way to save some money at mother's market. But first, so you know what I'm feeling you get after eating that donut, then the eventual crash and burn, as they say, Well, that's that blood sugar level in your body on that roller coaster ride, we call a diet. So today, we've invited back nutritionist Valerie Hall, Valerie appears in front of thousands of people each year and speaks on a variety of topics, and this week she's gonna tell us what we can do to regulate our blood sugar and get control of our diet, and we welcome her back to the mother's market radio show.
0:01:05.0 S2: Valerie, how are you? Can't really... I'm great. So nice to be back. Thank you very much. Well, it's great to see you, and thanks again for being here and tell us a little bit about your work all before we get to our fabulous topic and blood sugar. Well, I do seminars all across the country on a variety of different health subjects, and blood sugar is one of my absolute favorites, because I am a type 1 diabetic myself.
0:01:25.3 S1: I have decades of experience in what foods do to my blood sugar, what different supplements have done, so I'm gonna share with you today all of the super things that I've learned over the last 20 years about how to better control blood sugar.
0:01:38.5 S2: Well, of course, we were all looking at the word blood sugar, and it is that one scary topic, sugar because it's in everything, and so I am so interested myself, so let's get right started into this and talk a little bit about a lot about blood sugar and the worst and the best of how it works in our body.
0:01:56.1 S1: Well, when we eat food, there are sensors in the mouth that start to send signals down to the rest of our body and tell it what to get ready for, it tells us what kind of enzymes we're gonna need to break down that meal, but also it tells us how much insulin that we're gonna require to manage that meal, the amount of insulin that any meal requires can vary from a tiny bit to a huge amount, depending on what kinds of foods are being eating the foods that drive the most blood sugar are not only the sugary sweet things, but also starches, and this is where I think people are really confused about blood sugar.
0:02:27.8 S2: So the more this blood sugar that we create from our diet, blood
0:02:31.0 S1: Sugar for sky rockets up and then our body releases a bunch of insulin and blood sugar plummets down again, when we get to this downward cycle on the roller coaster is when we get cravings for more carbohydrates and more sweets, so... And more starches.
0:02:45.2 S2: So this unbalanced, very big highs and lows in the blood sugar really influences our cravings, are appetite, and that blood sugar balance itself.
0:02:55.9 S1: Blood sugar is not only important in terms of avoiding diabetes and other complications, but it's also extremely important for heart health and for weight and a variety of other things in the body. I think it's one of the best things we can do to keep good control of our health is to keep that on a more even keel and avoid the severe highs and lows, low blood sugars are also brought on by these same starchy and sweet foods. So I think that's really one of the big keys out there, I really eat a diet that has a lot of vegetables, some good quality protein and fat, those foods tend not to drive blood sugar so much, so that's really my basic take on what's going on there, in our bodies
0:03:35.2 S2: Is because it's in everything, is it hard? How do you... Just tick it. You know.
0:03:40.4 S1: It's interesting because if you get off of sugar and starch, your cravings go away within five days, for me, one day, 24 hours and those cravings are gone, but it takes eliminating all of them for the cravings to go away, you've gotta get the blood sugar balance, and that's one of the ways you'll know that you're getting better balanced is when the cravings disappear. So that's really one of the big keys. And the other thing that falls our body is the artificial sweeteners, like the aspiration, the super lows and the sacra, those things trick our body in a certain way, and they create a lot of inflammation and they create cravings for other sweets, so they don't really work well as diet products or blood sugar balancing products, because you might have your diet soda and then you wanna do UT 20 minutes later because you just have activated your sweet
0:04:27.5 S2: To a treaty, just activated everything to want more sweets, so it causes the same kind of cravings that way sometimes as well. And I can't imagine every time you were talking about the heir on the highs and the lows, it also kind is at... To your moods too. Oh my gosh, it has such a big effect, and I know this from decades of being a diabetic myself, when my blood sugar gets high, I feel very... The first thing I feel is very tired and lethargic, I don't wanna do anything, and it can even bring on a little bit of depression, really Damas my mood, which is usually very sunny, so I don't like it, but I do attain... I don't like it when my mood goes down, and then when my blood sugar gets low, it really brings on a lot of tension, anxiety and stress, in fact, a lot of panic attacks are brought on by low blood sugar, people don't put it together that it's the blood sugar bringing on that extreme anxiety, but
0:05:12.4 S1: Then if I can't concentrate or even add simple numbers, your concentration goes out the window when blood sugar gets low, you might... If it goes on for a while, start to shake a little bit, a little trembling, develop a headache, break out in a sweat, all of those are more severe low blood sugar symptoms, but it definitely is a big impact on the mood, if we can keep our blood sugar more in line. Our mood is gonna be much more stable in general.
0:05:36.8 S2: But you talked a little bit about where it's hidden, this blood sugar, where it ended flowers and the Spartan and the kind of the... So else Is it hidden that we wouldn't build... Let
0:05:51.9 S1: Me tell you what I think the absolute worse things are for our blood sugar, worst thing number one, so to pop, even if it's a diet, it's creating cravings and when it's not a diet, it's just raising blood sugar to a huge degree, you know, 100 years ago, the average American was eating five pounds of trigger a year, today the average American eats 50 pounds of sugar a year, which is about a third of a pound a day.
0:06:14.4 S2: And we got most of that from sweet beverages, so if we can do away with our sweet beverages, we are miles ahead of the game, and
0:06:20.6 S1: It's one of the biggest health robbers in all areas of the body, it generates joint pain, it makes our bones fall apart, it's just a disaster for blood sugar and weight, so soda is not our friend at all, when it comes to blood sugar balance.
0:06:33.7 S2: Next thing is, and this one everybody knows is sugar, and that includes corn syrup, fructose corn serve, it also includes honey, raw sugar, things like that, that we've been taught are better for us. One of the ones I used to recommend is called a Goffin nectar, but I don't recommend that one anymore, it's a high concentration of fruit dose, it turns into blood sugar more slowly, but it still turns in a blood sugar and we still have to deal with it later, so my favorite natural sweetener is Stevia, and they have some excellent flavored Stevia drops that you can find at mother's market, and they taste great, and they're much sweeter than sugar, so start with just two or three drops at a time and then add one drop until you get to the desired sweetness, you can use that in your plane yogurt with fresh berries and make a much healthier yogurt, you could use it to sweeten your oatmeal, although I'm gonna recommend less oatmeal rather than more, and then you could also use it in a bubbly mineral water to make a healthy soda, so there a variety of ways you could use this natural sweetener, and the one thing I love about this one, not only does it not have any calories or carbohydrates or blood sugar impact, but it also doesn't drive your sweet tooth so it doesn't create cravings for other suites, which is I think why it's the most beneficial sweetener or for all of us, and especially for those who want to maintain the blood sugar, and then the high fructose corn syrup they found now never activates that chemical in the brain, that tells us we're full.
0:07:55.0 S1: So you can eat things sweeten with high fruit to his cancer all day long and never get the message that you've had enough to eat... Right, so that's a big problem and that's what's in most of the soda pops, is this high fruit, does corn there.
0:08:04.8 S2: So I think that's a very negative one. The other thing that really raise his blood sugar are the grains, and this is the area where I think most Americans are extremely confused because they think blood sugar and sugar, they don't necessarily think blood sugar and grain. So here's the deal with the Greens, there are whole grains which are complex carbohydrates, and then there are ground up flower products which are simple carbohydrates, those words simple and complex are talking about how many molecules are stuck together in a chain, so simple carbs like sugar corn syrup, high fruit does conserve and flower just have one or two molecules stuck together and it doesn't take the body any time or effort to break that apart and moving into blood sugar, so those are called high glycemic foods, they turn into blood sugar very, very quickly, like 15 minutes fast, very, very fast. Our own body is not time to work that way at all, our body is time to work with natural carbohydrates that are more complex, the complex things like vegetables, fruits and whole grains are gonna have a longer chain of molecules taking the body more time and more effort to turn it in a blood sugar, that effort it requires is also important because it metabolism, the simpler our food is to break down, the more it slows metabolism down, the more complex our food, the more it speeds metabolism up, just 'cause our body has to work harder to break the food down.
0:09:21.3 S2: So the things that were so confused about or green, and we hear commercials that say things like grain gives you energy, well.
0:09:28.3 S1: If you're gonna run a marathon or if you're dancing with the stars, then yes. Grain gives you energy, and our old food pyramid with its 60 to 11 servings of grain on the bottom probably helped us a lot when we were all working on the farm, and we needed a lot of energy that shuffle that dirt and plow that field and all that stuff, but today, many of us sit at a desk and we don't need all that green, we can do two things with starch and sugar, we either use them as physical energy of activity or we store the mistakes... The only two things that we can do with start and sugar, so if we don't leave a very active lifestyle, the more starch and sugar we eat, the more we gain weight and the more it un-balances our blood sugar, so grains unbalanced blood sugar. In fact, a piece of bread is just like a chocolate chip cookie to my blood sugar, which is a shocking statement.
0:10:14.7 S2: So what they tell people with blood sugar issues is to switch from flower products to whole grains, but I'm here to tell you that whole grains are still not your friend, when it comes to blood sugar balance, they turn into blood trigger more slowly, they do have some more nutrients, but they have a lot of starts involved, and you're just gonna have to deal with that blood sugar later rather than sooner, but you still have to deal with it. Every gram of carbohydrate raises blood sugar by about five points, you can subtract your fiber gram, so look at your total carbs minus fiber to give you an idea of what's really happening to your blood sugar on that, and then your final number, you multiply that by five and that's how much it's raising blood sugar, so a typical big plate of pasta that might have four or five cups of cooked pasta at 40 grams a cup is raising blood sugar by a thousand points, and then we have to... You have to create all this insulin and you're not even counting your garlic bread and your sweet drink and your desert to go along with that poses.
0:11:11.0 S1: We've been taught to over-consume grain and over-consume carbohydrates. I recommend one to two small servings of grain a day for people and switch all those grain carbs over to vegetable carbs, your body will be so much happier, your blood sugar will be happier, the non-starchy vegetables, like your greens, your spinach, and let us... And things like that are great. Broccoli and cauliflower are great for blood, are tomatoes, cucumbers, anything that's not start your sweet on the tongue is great for blood sugar in terms of vegetables, the ones I'm a little more moderate with our potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, corn peas, beans like black beans, pinto beans, lima beans, any of the starchy beans, but green beans are great, so I just really am more moderate with that, I recommend people aim for if they have weight to lose and blood sugar to balance, if you keep your carb intake to 10 to 15 grams of carbs per meal, you're gonna balance your blood sugar and you're gonna start to drop white, it's gonna be a great strategy, you
0:12:12.5 S2: Can have all of the vegetables you want, you can have protein, you can have good fat, it's not a matter of even limiting the portions of those... It's choosing the right food groups is because those things don't drive much blood sugar at all, so you choose the right food groups and the weight starts to fall off for many, many years... I wait about 50 pounds more now, 50 times that God is but 50 pounds for. And I do right now, and really changing away from grains and over to vegetables was a huge strategy there have a lot more energy, I feel great because vegetables have all those nutrients that our bodies desperately need
0:12:47.5 S1: If you are already to wait that you want, but still wanna balance blood sugar, then aiming for 20 to 30 grams of carb per meal is what I would recommend. Now, the numbers I'm counting in that number, I'm not even counting on starchy vegetables, don't even count your tomatoes and your broccoli and all that good stuff... I have as much of that as you want. Don't worry about that. What
0:13:07.5 S2: I am counting in that 10 to 15 gram range is if I'm having any whole grain or if I'm having any fruit, or if I'm having any of... This starts your vegetables. So what I recommend is choose one of those to include with every meal, either you're gonna have a little bit of corn or start-y means on your plate, or you're gonna have a little bit of fruit for dessert, or you're gonna have one slice of whole grain very high fiber bread or some high fiber crackers, something like that.
0:13:33.3 S1: So choose one of those things, and the rest of the meal looks like a couple of servings of organic vegetables, some sort of good quality protein and good quality fat. And then everything balances out. And you feel spectacularly better is a great recipe for everybody to feel better, but if you have blood sugar issues, it is the absolute key to getting everything under control...
0:13:53.1 S2: Oh my gosh, you have some great information in there and I would suggest rewind and listen to that in some motion. Information overload. That was fabulous, thank you. Delaware, gonna need to take a quick break. A quick time out. We will be right back with more. From Valerie, stay with us.
0:14:10.4 S1: Wanna spice up your next meal, try disdain recipe, here's a recipe for a wall door salad that is non-dairy, start with seasonal apples, about two pounds, you wanna mix those green and red for color, you're going to dice them and soak them in one cup of lemon chose for 20 minutes to that you'll add two cups, salary dice one quarter cup, sunflower seeds, Rosenstein, one half cup, peanuts roasted and insulted one half-cup races and the sauce contains two tablespoons of honey type taste Benicia man, one teaspoon vanilla, eight ounces of the soft skin too and a half a cup of SO email combined the sauce ingredients in a blender, drain the excess lemons from the apples and place all the remaining ingredients in the large ball, you pour the sauce over in those ingredients slowly and stir until mine served. Chilled is a sides and it will serve about eight to 10 people non... Very well or slower. Come back to the mother's market radio show, and now you wanna take the time to remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can download the podcast from our website, mother's market dot com, clung on the link for radio podcasts, and listen to our past shows, plus you can always download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com.
0:15:31.1 S1: And now, back to our interview with nutritional consultant Valerie Hall, we're
0:15:35.5 S2: Talking about blood sugar and what we can do to control it better in our diets, and Valerie, of course, has been telling us what we shouldn't be eating, and now I wanna find out what we can be eating, how can we get to the day without our sugar and it's in everything Valerie. I know, I know we have to be label readers and we have to be shopping in health food stores because I think regular commercial grocery stores do not provide us with food that supports our help... He hid it and everything... Oh yeah. Oh yeah, and all that process stuff and package is just not so good for us, most of the things I buy on... Even in packages. Now, I'm buying organic eggs, I'm buying some nice fish or chicken or turkey, I'm buying organic vegetables, organic is more than just a word. It's important, whenever possible, I'm buying a little bit of whole grain and my favorite... Let me tell you what my favorite lower carb grain products are, there are a couple of wonderful crackers, and I think you can find most of these at mothers, one is called thin crisp Finn and it's got...
0:16:33.6 S2: It's a rachis crack... Or very high in fiber. And then there's Mary's Gone Crackers. I love her name. She's losing her mind. Mary's Gone Crackers and she makes lacked satomi seed Kina crackers.
0:16:46.2 S1: So very nice, yes, Kenmare, it's a high protein, lower carb grain, so very nice though, those are very crunchy and good, and then Dr. Cracker makes some good ones, and a lot of those are weak free, and my favorite bread that they carry there is by Julian bakery, and they have as much as 12 grams of fiber per slice.
0:17:05.2 S2: So they're all whole organic sprouted grains. One piece has 15 grams of carb minus the 12 grams of fiber means only three grams of impact.
0:17:14.0 S1: Very different than a big piece of bread that has 20 grams of car with no fiber. So the first bread, I think, is a really weight loss, blood sugar balancing breath.
0:17:22.3 S2: So when I... When I am preparing food at home, I'm often preparing, I'll make a Crock Pot, sometimes chicken and veggies, and then get a box of the organic Supermax things like imagine and things that you can find at mother's and just to that all in and... And it's ready, some herbs and spices, and it's ready for you when you come home, or I'll cook some chicken or fish and serve some vegetables, I often serve raw vegetables, not only is it faster and easier, but better for you, you get more of those great enzymes and then, so that's kind of the way I do. I make a nice sauce to go on that chicken or fish where I start with olive oil and you can put a little bit of butter in there to give it some more flavor and do your favorite herbs like tarragon Basal or dill, something like that, or you can do your mushroom scallions onions in there. So there are lots of ways you get or you could squeeze like orange and put some orange-flavored Stevia in there for an orange sauce, so you could do a lot of different things that way as a sweet substitute.
0:18:24.9 S2: The Stevia is my favorite, and again, I like the flavor drops, I think they taste the best, and for when I'm out in a restaurant, a big deep breath in
0:18:35.4 S1: Aotearoa
0:18:36.4 S2: Rant. What do I do there? The first thing I do is have them not bring their bread to the table, I know my weakness, I don't need to be spelling that delicious area, next thing is, if there is like a sandwich I like, I'll have them wrap it and let us... And so we just leave the bread of... Is a really easy way to do that. Everything tastes good that way, if it is, instead of potatoes or rice on the plate, I'll have them do slice tomatoes or an extra serving of veggies or have a salad or something like that, and so then the other things I'll do, like if I'm going to a Mexican restaurant, I'll often have the health and just ignore the tote, so you can have the chicken in the sutta veggies, you can even have the sour cream in the avocado because that doesn't turn in a much blood sugar and it's actually a balancer... The foods that really balanced blood sugar are proteins, good fats and fiber, those are all very good balance.
0:19:24.8 S1: So I try to make sure I'm getting that in at every meal.
0:19:26.9 S2: And then if I'm in an Italian place, I order my atoms, but instead of with a pasta on the bottom, I'll have them put the pasta sauce over SOTA spinach or satsuki, it's delicious that way without all the big carb impact, so very good there, and I've really largely killed my sweet tooth for desserts because they just don't benefit me in any way, so I like being 50 pounds lighter than I used to be. I wanna get to that point where it is a Killaloe, the expression that says, Being thin is better than that taste to... I wanna get to that point too. Noli, wanna be you. So those are some of my strategies. I just try to avoid all that grain and sugar substitute vegetables in instead of them, and it's fairly easy and it's really very satisfying because you can still enjoy a nice sauce on various things. I had a chicken PIAA last night with the lemon and capers and butter. Saw it was wonderful. I think I'm hungry or I Amaury. It hardly drove my blood sugar at all, so... Wow, that sounds fabulous. I had veggies on the side, it was wonderful.
0:20:35.0 S2: Well, you know what, so... Okay, stop talking about food for... No, no, we could go into other things... It is lunch time, I think. Anyway, no, I wanna do... Now, I talk about some supplements for glucose balance, and in mother's market, which ones have you found that are most effective... Well, there are some fantastic supplements for blood sugar and they all work in slightly different ways, so I'm gonna tell you what my top ones are, number one, Alpha Polak acid, alpha Napoli acid is a spectacular antioxidant. Dr. Parco talked about it a few years ago, is preserving the skin, it really helps to prevent wrinkles on the skin, so that's a nice interface. I love the side benefits of the interns, you might be taking it for one thing, but you get other benefits elsewhere in the body, so alpha, the POC acid works right on the insulin receptor sites, helping them to be more sensitive to our insulin so that they can connect properly and bring blood sugar down properly, so that helps to prevent this overproduction of insulin, what people are doing now, and the reason that people gain weight is that they produce too much insulin, either through choosing the starchy and sweet foods or through insulin resistance where their insulin receptor sites aren't working very well, then the body has to keep releasing more and more insulin to try to get the blood sugar down, and insulin is the fat-building hormone, so the more insulin we require our bodies to make, the more we store weight and the place that insulin tells us to gain weight is right in the middle, so that's certainly where I carried all of my weight when I waited more was right in that mid-section, and that's what insulin tells us to do.
0:22:05.2 S2: So
0:22:05.4 S1: We wanna get a better blood sugar balance, and affair has been the best thing for me in that regard, within three days of taking a significant quantity of Alpha, a POI acid, I was able to cut my insulin dose by 25%... That's a shockingly large number. So because over the years, I had developed insulin resistance, even though I don't make insulin, I was injecting it, but I had developed insulin resistance too.
0:22:29.6 S2: So if you're injecting insulin and you start on your Alcala police, monitor yourself carefully, always work with your physician if you're on a medication and tell them you're making changes in your diet or changes in supplements, because a lot of times these medications can be decreased, which is a very advantageous thing for the body, so Apalachee acid also has some great benefits for the liver and helps the liver regenerate new cells for the eyes, it's very protective of the eyes from damage and also very good for nerves, numbness, tingling, pain, burning sensations in the nerves.
0:23:01.5 S1: People with high blood sugars are very prone to these, and I saw a tremendous benefits even in the first month. I used to have nonstop in a couple of places on my feet and my big toes were completely numb within a month of using a lot of alpha... Pleased, that went away. And it's never come back. That was 10 years ago, and I don't intend for it to come back. So I take that very religiously. Take my alpha-a-POC asset every day. So there are a couple of them that I wanna tell you about there at mother's market by doctor's best vitamins who is sponsoring our show today, and they're one of my favorite supplement companies, very high quality, excellent price points on their things, and they're very cutting edge and science and research-driven, it's a family-owned company and they're completely focused on quality, so I really love educating for them, so the Alpha, a poet that they have in mother's market is a big potent dose at 600 milligrams per pill, and the price point is great, so you can get your month supply of 60 of those, I'm gonna recommend one with breakfast and moment dinner, and not only do they help our blood sugar, but they help protect our body from blood sugar damage as well, so very, very helpful in a variety of ways.
0:24:07.6 S1: So I'd recommend one with breakfast, one with dinner, they also have an even better form, a brand new form of alpha LA police acid called Best stabilized ripe acid or my POC is nature identical and it couldn't stabilize it for a long time, and it stays in the blood stream much longer and it's much more potent, so blood plasma levels stay in up to 12 hours when you take the RI poet and each 100 milligram is gonna be about the equivalent of that 600 milligram of the afloat, so it's gonna be a great... Either or, you don't have to take both, if you... The ripe is slightly more expensive, if you have enough money to be able to afford that, I would recommend doing the RI POC one with breakfast Ramadi ner, if you want a great value and you don't have as much to spend, then the alpha of poma by doctors best one with breakfast and one with dinner, so those are my top recommendations for blood sugar, the next thing I would recommend is cinnamon, and you increase cinnamon in your food, there are about 40 herbs that have insulin-like activity and cinnamon is top of that list, and those results in the studies, by the way, it didn't happen on the first day, it took about two weeks of taking that cinnamon, the singular PF by doctor's best to really see good blood shirt lower, so be patient, takes about two weeks for it to get rolling in the system and really bring that blood sugar down.
0:25:22.3 S2: And then the next thing I'd recommend is digestive enzymes.
0:25:25.7 S1: You know the pancreas has a couple of big jobs to do, it's making all of our digestive enzymes and it's making all of our insulin and our bodies are struggling with those two big, big jobs because our food supply doesn't have enzymes anymore, so we're required to do a lot more with that pancreas, so taking digestive enzymes with our meals really is going to help us to break our food down better and also kind of ease the strain on the pancreas, so now I can have more energy to focus on the insulin and blood sugar part of its jobs. So that's another one. It's also the top thing that we can do if we have heartburn, gas bloating, any kind of lower digestive problems, and it's also one of the big keys for energy and metabolism or digestive enzymes. In fact, when I talk just to the general public and they don't have any health conditions, the number one thing I recommend that they take every day is a digestive enzyme at the beginning of every meal. It's one of the best things we can do. So those are my top things, I think even if you just incorporate the alpha poor RI police and the cinnamon, you're gonna be doing much, much better with your blood sugar balance, follow those dietary recommendations I made of decreasing the starches in your diet, decreasing the sugars, your cravings will even out, it's much easier to keep everything balanced out when we switch over to vegetables as a better choice there and a little bit of fruit for desert...
0:26:39.3 S2: Oh, fabulous, I love it. You just wrapped it up with a nice clean boat and as always, just a wealth of information, and thanks for your time, it's always so interesting when we all get together, we really appreciate your knowledge and we look forward to having you on again and in the meantime you can get more information on Valerie and on her website, Valerie Hall, nutrition dot com, and learn more about their her natural approach to making us all healthier. We look forward to our next visit. Thank you.
0:27:05.3 S1: Thank you. So now it's time to give our loyal listeners a chance to win a 100 Gift Card, and for some in-store savings... All you have to do is go to our website, click on the mother's radio showing and enter this week's code word, and you'll get a special coupon for savings inside the store, plus be entered to win that gift card. This week's word is Spirit, Enter the word spirit on the website for your special savings. Thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show. And for shopping at mother's
0:27:38.2 S2: Market E-